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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 44 KB, 400x400, Guénon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13715208 No.13715208 [Reply] [Original]

Can any modern philosopher be taken seriously if they haven't read Guénon?

>> No.13715220

literally who? oh a non-entity reactionary who larped as a muslim who you are memeing instead of reading actual thinkers who have discernible talent because you are a contrarian.

>> No.13715221

> Modern philosopher
> Read Guénon
> Modern
> Guénon
> Mod
> G

>> No.13715244

have sex

>> No.13715277

>AHEM, UUUUGHHH, akthual thinkers
shut the fuck up cocksucker, slurping academic man milk doesn't make you anything special you dumbass fucking nigger

>> No.13715296
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>Can any philosopher be taken seriously

>> No.13715308

Here’s your (you)

>> No.13715546

>tfw i was really into geunon’s philosophy for a while
>reading about heidegger now and realizing he eternally btfo’d guenon

>> No.13715556

Eat shit

>> No.13715557

good post. Have a (You)

>> No.13715562


>> No.13715565

Unironically the best post today. Fuck the haters

>> No.13715569

lol scholars really are cucks

>> No.13715576
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>> No.13715583
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>> No.13715584
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perennial philosophy is non-sense

>> No.13715598

What book is this from?

>> No.13715603

Prometheus and Atlas

>> No.13715609
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>> No.13716021
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>learned Egyptian Arabic and moved to Egypt to be Muslim

>> No.13716026

the most dedicated larpers are also the most cringe

>> No.13716038

how does this ''eternally btfo'' guenon?

>> No.13716039

Not as cringe as using the word LARP

>> No.13716043

So how would he not be a larper then
Be born Muslim?

>> No.13716052

>So how would he not be a larper then

>> No.13716063

anons hate him because he speaks the truth

>> No.13716097

Everything is a larp to cultural marxists. It's not worth trying to argue with them.

>> No.13716213

>actual thinkers who have discernible talent
/lit/ doesn't loose its shine, uh?

>> No.13716267

This picture is distasteful according to my aesthetic sense, therefore it is bad

>> No.13716408

Heiddegar 'Being and Time' plagiarized a bunch of german translations of a bunch of Zen and Taoist texts, he has nothing on Guenon who actually deeply understood eastern thought, could speak the languages and was initiated into several eastern school.

>> No.13716413

There is nothing wrong with plagiarizing. It's a meme. Even Guenon would admit that.

>> No.13717457

low fwhr

>> No.13717463
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>tfw i google this acronym

>> No.13717624
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>> No.13718548
File: 158 KB, 1027x1500, Georges_Bataille_vers_1943 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>René Guénon's theories appear to me to be stamped with simplification. Guénon is pretentious, rash; and if he knew as little about traditional thought as he knows about modern thought, which he criticizes wretchedly (everything he says about it - and he uses everything he says as a reason for outright condemnations - would fall down if he had so much as heard of Hegel or Nietzsche, let alone Heidegger), he would only merit a shrug. At all events, one would need a facile mind to read with any confidence an author whose haughtiness is so unwarranted. (Georges Bataille, The Accursed Share, Vol. 2)

>> No.13718584

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.13718655
File: 238 KB, 1280x825, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"there's no meaning in the world, you just have to make your own!"

>> No.13718657

Guenon cult is as bad as g/acc

>> No.13718714

As if the LARPer Bataille knows anything.
Take any 15 year old metalhead satanist and gift them 30 iq points and you'll get bataille

>> No.13718736

its starting to seem like not

>> No.13718786
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>> No.13718879
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First of all, who are you quoting?
Second, no, this is not the case based on your excerpts here:
I'll be referring mainly to the arguments provided in Guenon's short chapter "Sanatana Dharma" in Studies in Hinduism but this is by far no the only part of his work where he adresses these points (espescially 2).

Adressing the points "Heidegger appropriates" from Nietzsche in order:
1: The horizon as mentioned here can beunderstood by a religious doctrine in this matter. Guenon points out that following a dogma and performing its rites (whetever that be a holy mass or yoga) is essential to pointing one to the higher order, the capital t Truth which Guenon seeks and finds in all belief systems. He never insists that one dogma is preferable over other but points out that by being selective, one does more harm than good (see: western interpretations of hinduism and occult schools). So yes, a horizon is necessary but in no way is it exclusive or correct.

2: Here is the only point that resambles an argument against Guenon but it is a very weak one. It boils down to "Truth doesn't exist outside of your dogma" but Traditionalism isn't concerned with "everything true wrested from out of the necessary concealment of the aforementioned horizon" but of wresting total Truth shared and common to all "horizons".
I can't argue whetever such Truth exists or not, read Guenon and see his arguments for yourself.

3: Whetever history is factual or subjective is irrelevant to Traditionalism because it's concerned with what was before history.

>> No.13718887

>Converting to islam
>deep thinker
choose one

>> No.13718891

It's Islam for high IQ people.

>> No.13718907

he has a point about guenon being extremely haughty

>> No.13719064

Personally I never found it to be even slightly excessive and also permissible considering his views.

>> No.13719112
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>>"there's no meaning in the world
>you just have to make your own!"
Why do people always assume there's any potential of creating worthwhile meaning?
Why do they have such a vague notion that, with the death of transcendental "meaning", that there's anything worthwhile to be created outside of it, that it won't just be ground to dust as all things will?
I can give my "meaning" to my life, but that's merely a method of keeping one sane and avoidance of true Nihilism.
What's the point of creating and investing in a "lesser" meaning if there is ultimately no point to it?

>> No.13719142

>>>"there's no meaning in the world
You mean there's no meaning in the world because God transcends it? And so meaning is found beyond the world.... or do you mean there's no meaning to anything ?

>> No.13719182

Don't hate on others because you don't manage to make your life meaningful.

>> No.13719212
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>You mean there's no meaning in the world because God transcends it? And so meaning is found beyond the world.... or do you mean there's no meaning to anything ?
Both, really.

If there is such a higher power that enables man to simply "ascend" to its realm when they pass away, then the material world is ultimately pointless, nothing more than a testing ground for those who wish to escape it.

If there is no thing that gives meaning outside of the material world, then all any creature has to look forward to is their oblivion through death, the death of their families, the death of their nation, and so on, with the ultimate "point" being "what's the longest amount of time any form of creature can survive till the death of the universe".

That's the point, I can easily give "meaning" to my life, but I can't formulate any meaning to this world outside my contextual situations.
I don't hate them, I pity them, but also envy them, that they can subsist on that alone, that they will only subsist on that alone.

>> No.13719325

You sound super shaded and like someone who simply can't believe in Religion even if he tried to. Go read Nietzsch, he talks about this at length.

Thinking about it, go read yourself into Gnosticism too. It might be exactly what you're looking for and it's a lot more useful than collecting meme images on your harddrive.

>> No.13719339

t. enraged seething whitehead shill

>> No.13719358

Is there a comparative religion/anthropology chart?

>> No.13719402

Heidegger and Derrida can't touch Vedanta, which is why Guenon's project is so interesting. He's not modernist and is immune to the post-modern critics.

>> No.13719406

Bataille jerked off on his mom's dead corpse.

>> No.13719447

do you think he squeezed her dead boob when he did?

>> No.13719449
File: 89 KB, 700x525, 1484282411887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish there was.

>immune to the post-modern critics.
No one is immune to the claws of postmodernity

>> No.13719459

Anyone can be immune to post-modernity in the imagination land of their own minds, not that special of an achievement

>> No.13719472

Guenon has his merits

>> No.13719779

>No one is immune to the claws of postmodernity

citation needed

There's a reason why Heidegger couldn't answer Ernst Nolte's questions about Plotinus. Heidegger is terrible overrated in western academia.

>> No.13720069

>No one is immune to the claws of postmodernity
if nobody is immune than explain how it is at all relevant to Guenon

>> No.13720084

>There's a reason why Heidegger couldn't answer Ernst Nolte's questions about Plotinus.

What are you referring to here? What did Nolte ask him and what did he fail to answer?

>> No.13720090

I dislike both Bataille and Guenon.

>> No.13720099

what did he actually believe? I've heard of him. I know he converted to Islam.

>> No.13720104 [DELETED] 

What's funny about Bataille is he respected pretty much every tradition, including Pisslam, except for my own country's ancestral religion. I'm pretty sure the Guenon-fag will now what I am referring to. I wouldn't be surprised if he had the backing of some black nobility like Palavicinis, who had a hand in promoting Islamism but also occasionally relaxing it.

>> No.13720108

>not larping as muslim to trigger everyone around you

>> No.13720111

>Hegel, Nietzsche, and Heidegger ever saying or doing anything that can be meaningful, educational, or worthwhile for a non-philosopher
Philosophers are truly delusional

>> No.13720112

What's funny about Guenon is he respected pretty much every tradition, including Pisslam, except for my own country's ancestral religion. I'm pretty sure the Guenon-fag will now what I am referring to. I wouldn't be surprised if Guenon had the backing of some black nobility like Palavicinis, who had a hand in promoting Islamism but also occasionally relaxing it.

>> No.13720114

>except for my own country's ancestral religion
which would be? what are you, Zoroastrian or something?

>> No.13720119

Fuck off back to r*ddit with your retarded +1 you retarded imbecile

>> No.13720125

I am an unabashed dualist, and you Satanic antinomian monists won't convert me to your devilish ways. I WILL destroy your ideological project of blurring good with evil. I know what you transgressive people are up to, and it won't work. Guenon can choke on a dick in hell. Good and evil are absolute and have no unity whatsoever in higher-levels of realization. The light and darkness are absolute and possess a rigid and impregnable border.

>> No.13720131

Are you also the same guy that hates Jorjani or is that a different poster? I would just like some clarity on this question

>> No.13720142

yes it is, the shizo megalomaniac neozurvan retard has many gimmicks, but hating Jorjani is one of them, he is easily detected by his writing style

>> No.13720152

BASED dualistposter btfo'ing /lit/ monist cucks

non-dualism is a joke

>> No.13720155

I have written the most sinful story in all of existence, which was published in a reputable literary journal. I write both extreme happy and horror stories. I immerse my mind into the fundamental duality of this world. Those who try to blur the light with the darkness are the ones who will truly go to hell. The story I wrote was so evil that it was beyond this world, like a lie that becomes transcendent. Moreover, the picture books I write are like a transcendent truth and goodness beyond this world, though I am still trying to publish them. If you can give me a referral to any literary agent, it would be appreciated...

Dualism is absolute, and I will destroy your ideological project of delegitimizing all duality. There is absolutely no truth in monist rhetoric. Dualism was what made the West great in the past.

>> No.13720173

I am no retard, especially compared to the likes of Jorjani. I've actually had one story published in a literary journal. All you people want is self-aggrandizement rather than finding the Truth.

>> No.13720175

post some samples of your picture books here

>> No.13720204

That would pretty much ruin all of my chances of getting published. I'm not stupid. If you want, I can give you my special email address whereby you give me a referral to a literary agent. I can then query them that way. However, you will not be able to dox me, so I am just warning you in that regard. Some idiot from Estonia underestimated me and thought he could dox me. I am a very paranoid individual due to many painful life experiences, and you will not be able to dox me.

>> No.13720211

lmao jesus christ dude

>> No.13720392

>What's funny about Guenon is he respected pretty much every tradition, including Pisslam, except for my own country's ancestral religion.
Are you gunna be okay? do you need a shoulder to cry on? :^(

>> No.13720427

Does it sound like I want to cry? I don't care about the opinion of some retarded Pisslamic faggot who had a fetishistic interest in monism.

>> No.13720477

He finished in the other room while thinking about an orgy he had once had in his mother's bed. Meanwhile, in another room, his pregnant wife lay sleeping.

>> No.13721128

>not a retard

>> No.13721144

Go kek in the grave, you dumb faggot.

>> No.13721186

K pseud

>> No.13721194

The only pseud here is you. You are a haughty bastard who thinks your dismissive tone is sufficient in repudiating me. The only people who'll like you are other pseuds. Now do the right thing and kys.

>> No.13721208

Lmao no self awareness

>> No.13721218

Nice remark on yourself. You lack introspective depth because you probably get little to no solitude and contemplation. You are a dumb memelord, edgelord cunt who is probably saturated in entertainment rather than anything truly contemplative and enriching.

>> No.13721276

Philosophy without religion is just a mind masturbation. Just by understanding it Guenon is totally superior to modern "philosophers".

>> No.13721981
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>You sound super shaded and like someone who simply can't believe in Religion even if he tried to.
It's like trying to put yourself back into the shackles within the cave.

>Go read Nietzsch, he talks about this at length.
I am, I'm going through Zarathustra currently

> It might be exactly what you're looking for and it's a lot more useful than collecting meme images on your harddrive.
It's a hobby to while away the moments that make up the dull days

>> No.13722046

>Implying Technoscience isn’t the religion of the future

>> No.13722054

>Ever lasting

>> No.13722064

I hate Science and how it has uprooted world culture, but it’s inevitable. I’d rather accept reality than live in traditionalist imagination land

>> No.13722074 [DELETED] 

Moominvalley is real, you god-forsaken bitch. I'd rip you apart for saying otherwise.

>> No.13722080

Moomins are pretty based, I won’t deny my own childhood

>> No.13722089 [DELETED] 


>> No.13722174


>> No.13722190

wat is dis

>> No.13722547

Larp? He learned the language, the religion, and the pussy of muslims, anon. He was the real deal.

>> No.13722567
