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13714258 No.13714258 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on the game of thrones?
I thought it was great.

>> No.13714292
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>I thought it was great.

>> No.13714315

Are you a timetraveller?

>> No.13714317

Yeah, pretty good series so far. I thought the show was a superior medium, but it missed a lot of the details George has been building up, and of course the ending was lackluster/confusing.

>> No.13714501

Its kinda retarded how the Fat Fuck thought he wrote a realistic story by making it all grim dark. Its glorified Harry Potter but with more rape and a little less magic

>> No.13714512

Stopped halfway through book three.
It was so bland and awful compared to Malazan, which I craved. I just couldn't put up with it anymore.

>> No.13714518

>more rape than harry potter
This is a strange phrasing.

>> No.13714644

Needs to be finished before he croaks.

>> No.13714657

This poster hasn't read a book in years.

>> No.13714664

He is and he's from the past.

>> No.13714811

I enjoyed the ones i read around a decade ago. Not sure if I would enjoy them as much now and have no interest revisiting considering there is a good chance the series won't be finished >>13714258

>> No.13715298

All the hype for the books has disappeared after the disappointed end of the show.

>> No.13715640

it's not even done, how can you even be sure

>> No.13715649


>> No.13715737

Definitely baiting

>> No.13716961

It is unironically good genre fiction. Don't listen to anyone on this board about it they are snobby and contrarian.

>> No.13717125

A spy dude who really wants to be king poisons the king's right hand man, which causes the king to go north to his old friend named eddard and bring him south to be the new hand, but the king dies and gets replaced with another king, who cuts off eddard's head for figuring out that the new king actually should be the old king's brother, because the current king is the product of the queen's incest with her twin brother. This starts a big war, but wait, there's a son and daughter of the old old king over eastwards, but she gets sold to a dothraki warlord, but he dies, and she goes into the fire to die in a ritualistic fashion while holding three stones, but it turns out the stones are dragon eggs, but back to the west there is still a war, and the old king's friend eddard's son robb is really mad that his dad got killed, so he starts a war and becomes king of the north, but he needs to cross a river so he promises to marry one of the daughters of the guy who owns the river's bridge, but he falls in love with a nurse and gets her preggers, which leads to the owner of the bridge to make a deal with the new king who killed the northern king's dad, and the owner of the bridge kills the king of the north along with a guy named bolton, who becomes the warden of the north, but the new king dies because he is poisoned by his wife's mother, because the new king was mad crazy, so the king's uncle, who is short, is accused. He escapes after killing his dad to go help the old old king's daughter daenerys, who now owns a bunch of shit by swindling the owners of a eunuch slave battalion, and is now gearing up to sail west, but there's a huge riot, and so she is dropped off by her biggest dragon in the middle of nowhere, and is found by a new dothraki horde who first wants to bang her, but decides to take her to the place for dothraki widows instead. That's as close to a tldr of the first set of books that I can give you, leaving out a lot of detail, including but not limited to: the wall, the massive undead army north of the wall, the three eyed raven, the lord of light, all of the pretenders to the throne, the lannisters in depth, the greyjoys, jon snow, etc.

>> No.13718111


Some pretty good books. The series will never get finished cause the Old Man will die soon. The only conclusion will be the disaster of the show. The writers for the show fucked up his legacy along with his laziness.

It’s pointless reading them. The series will never get finished unless he really rushes the last book.

>> No.13718368


I was in a book store today marvelling at all the other books he's written since the TV show aired. I think at this point it's not laziness but cowardice that keeps him from finishing ASOIAF.

>> No.13718506

It's a mediocre, unfinished series. Within it's genre it is "okay", but it has suffered enormously from the author being unable to actually write.

Martin's style of writing is highly unsuitable for the medium, he tried to write a triology and 5 books in nothing of the story even begins to tie together.
It won't be two books to finish it and I sincerely believe that Martin knows he has written himself into a bad situation.

Someone else will take over, this isn't unprecedented within genre fiction.

The publisher will try to find a somewhat suitable replacement to finish it.
There is too much money in it to keep everyone hanging.