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1369069 No.1369069 [Reply] [Original]

-The Silmarillion
-Children of Hurin
-The Bible

-The Anatomy of Melancholy
-The Lord of the Rings
-The Count of Monte Cristo (took me years but made it through)

-The Hobbit (4+ times)
-Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (4+ times)
-The Neverending Story (2 or 3 times)

>> No.1369078
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>> No.1369085

>3 books you've been trying to get through for years but can't
Pride and Prejudice

>3 longest books you've plowed through
Atlas Shrugged
Infinite Jest
The Lord of the Rings

>3 books you've reread the most
I've read The Lord of the Rings 4 or 5 times, The Autobiography of Malcolm X 3 times, and several other books twice.

>> No.1369089

- 100 Years of Solitude
- My Name is Red
- Where Nests the Water Hen

- Lord of the Rings
- The Divine Comedy
- Ulysses

- The Lord of the Rings (reread parts; probably 5-10 times total)
- Guns, Germs and Steel (3 or 4 times)
- Watchmen (5 or 6 times)

>> No.1369092

- bible
- bleak house
- cryptonomicon (fuck you neal stephenson)

- Ada or Ador
- Brothers Karamazov

I don't re-read since that doesn't help bragging rights for the long-coming day when it will be useful.

>> No.1369099

fucking don quixote

>> No.1369100

Gravity's Rainbow
Only Revolutions

East of Eden
House of Leaves
The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide

American Psycho
The Stranger
House of Leaves

>> No.1369105


Me too had to read it for Lit class at UCSC

>> No.1369108

between the library and the Gutenberg project how are you not able to get your hands on some of these

>> No.1369109

There haven't been any I couldn't get through.

My 3 longest have been Fathers and Crows, Don Quixote and Against the Day

I don't reread either. I can't be bothered when there's so much more out there to get through.

>> No.1369111

I can't think of any for first 3.

1.Don Quixote
2. The Origin of the Species
3. The Shape of Things to Come/

1. Heart of a Dog
2. Iain Banks Culture series
3. Don Quixote

>> No.1369116

-Children Of dune
-The Amber Spyglass

-Pillars Of The Earth
-Ultimate HGTTG(all the books in one)
-House Of Leaves

-Redwall (read that shit obsessively when I was younger)
-Calvin And Hobbes collections

>> No.1369127

Pick up and put back down:
Bleak House
Moby Dick
World Without End

War And Peace
Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid

Most read:
The Silver Chair
The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
Nineteen Eighty-Four

>> No.1369124

why do you dummies keep listing HoL as a long book? If it had traditional layout it would clock in at about 400 pgs

>> No.1369123

For which category?

If it's the first one you aren't missing much.
He builds up all this tension and then at the end explains almost nothing.

>> No.1369131

HOL is pretty densely packed, actually.
Most of the pages are giant walls of text.

It's only about 40 pages out of the whole book that have truly weird text.

>> No.1369132

wrong thread or poor reading comprehension?

>> No.1369134


they are posting it as the longest book THEY'VE read, not as THE longest book.

>> No.1369135
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- Interview w/ a Vampire
- some book on mythology

- Battlefield Earth
- The Stand
- It

- Jurassic Park
- Pet Sematary
- My First Counting Book (I read it nearly every day for years, then I read it multiple times to each of my three siblings when they got old enough too)

>> No.1369136


I've read it, I'd call it 400 pages

>> No.1369140


yeah, I get that, my point is that they're some entry-level short book reading faggots

>> No.1369141
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>Gave up on
1) Harry potter 5
2) Dragonquest series by Anne McCaffery
Can't think of a third, sorry!

>Longest books
1) Les Miserables
2) Atlas Shrugged
3) Count of Monte Cristo

>Most reread
1) Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide
2) Dune
3) Three Musketeers

>> No.1369144 [DELETED] 
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Time for a good 'ol fashioned wishlist thread! first 3 responses get an xmas book from brownbear!

>> No.1369146

- One Hundred Years of Solitude
- Dead Souls
- As I Lay Dying

- The Count of Monte Cristo
- Sentimental Education
- The fourth Hairy Pooter book

- Hunger
- Growth of the Soil
- The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.1369150

-The Chronicles Of Narnia. (The whole of it is so goddamned dry.)
-The Darkness That Comes Before. (I've seen it get praise here, but it's been sitting on my shelf since high school. I'll pick it up every couple years, try, and then get distracted by something else not even halfway through.)
-(Can't think of a third book.)

(In recent memory:)
-The Forever War
-White Tiger
-A Separate Peace

-The Stand
-Any of The Harry Potter books

>> No.1369152

everybody's gotta start somewhere, it's not uncommon for 20 or 25yr olds to finally decide to pick up a book

>> No.1369156


forever war is short as shit. what are you, a retread?

>> No.1369167

maybe s/he's counting the sequels too

>> No.1369171

>I don't re-read since that doesn't help bragging rights for the long-coming day when it will be useful.
You are reading for all the wrong reasons.

>> No.1369192

The only reason to read things is to brag about things you've read.
That's why I read the Cliff Notes instead. Allows me to brag that I've read it and takes up less of my valuable leisure time.

>> No.1369201

Oh, thanks for clearing up your troll status. I almost took you seriously there for a minute.

>> No.1369209

cliff notes isnt enjoyable though. i want enjoyable & bragg.

jus want 2 b luved

>> No.1369238

>3 books you've been trying to get through

Tale of Two Cities
The Mayor of Casterbridge

3 Longest books you've plowed through

World Without End (I know it's shit, I was young and naive! honest!)
LOTR (Took me months when I was 11 and I never fully understood it)
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

3 Books re-read the most

The Great Gatsby
Harry Potter series
A Clockwork Orange

>> No.1369263

>World Without End
My "matching" copies of this and POTE are the same physical size, but WWE definitely has massive margins/whitespace generally. Pretty sure POTE is longer - assuming that you've read it and that's the one reason for anyone touching WWE?

>> No.1369292


Never read POTE. Got halfway through but realised it wasn't - just like its sequel - very good. Sure it was better than that contrived shit that followed (lolol I'm a feminist, independent businesswoman AND a sexy nun in medieval England) but I found it bland, uneventful and forced. It was a very unique idea though: just a shame he had to write it.

>> No.1369309

-several investment books
-Crime and Punishment (haven't tried lately)

-A Tale of Two Cities
-gonna finsh Justine by Marquis de Sade in a few days
-can't remember much of the HS classics. I read for enjoyment now.

-Harry Potter HBP x4
-Harry Potter Prisoner x4
-other HPs x3

>> No.1369313
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Fair enough! Couldn't have said it better myself.

>> No.1369319

Ah, I guess insert any Shakespeare in that second category. Taming of the Shrew, Midsummer Night's Dream

>> No.1369347

-Pedro Paramo
-Don Quixote

-Anna Karenina
-Crime and Punishment

-The entire Harry Potter series; about three times each.

>> No.1369350

haha, I found Cayce from Pattern Recognition fascinating and breezed through the book. Bought Spook Country pretty much reflexively and have tried many times to get past the initial chapters. For the list:

The Blind Assassin
Spook Country
Infinite Jest (hoping it will coalesce eventually and then I'll breeze through it, as has happened before)

The Quincunx

Little, Big
American Gods
Celestial Matters

>> No.1369359

Still can't get through
-Infinite Jest (to be fair, only tried once)
-LOTR trilogy
-Some random book by Chomsky

Longest books read:
-Genji Monogatari
-Les Miserables

Books I've reread the most
-Phantom of the Opera
-Language in Thought and Action.

I don't usually reread books.

>> No.1369369

Dante Inferno
War and Peace
A Pirate Looks at Forty

>> No.1369384

*fifty, sorry I was listening to THE MAN as I was typing

>> No.1369386

Trying to get through but can't:
Vanity Fair (Thackeray)
Infinite Jest (Wallace)
Against the Day (Pynchon)

Longest I've read:
In Search of Lost Time (Proust)
Earthly Powers (Anthony Burgess)

Re-read the most:
Chronicles of Prydain (Lloyd Alexander)
Miss Lonelyhearts (Nathanael West)
Pictures from an Institution (Randall Jarrell)

>> No.1369469
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I like this thread

Atlas Shrugged (obligatory, got halfway through this summer and couldn't go on)
Moby Dick

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (800+ pages, read through in one day)
Lord of the Rings
The Chronicles of Narnia (counting as one book, read them all in less than a month)

The Phantom Tollbooth
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Artemis Fowl (first book, haters gonna hate it's an excellent book. Series went downhill from there though)

>> No.1369484


OP here. Personally I think every book in the Artemis Fowl series was awesome. The Opal Deception kind of bored me but through and through one of the best fantasy series I've read.

>> No.1369500

>Haven't been able to get through:
An Anthropologist on Mars by Oliver Sacks
Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey

>Longest Books:
A World Without End & Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet
Lord of the Rings trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Autobiography of Henry VIII by Margaret George

>Most read:
Harry Potter series (I read through the series every summer)
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

>> No.1369506


2. Three Kingdoms, unabridged Moss Roberts edition

3. Wuthering Heights. It's like the Smash Bros. of novels

>> No.1369738

>Trying to get through
Marquez - Strange Pilgrims (but they're short stories, so I have an excuse)
Pynchon - The Crying of Lot 49 (I'm sure this will be awesome, things have just come up and stopped me from getting past the first few pages so far)
Stephen King - It (fuckin' boring. I'll never finish this one)

>Longest books
Dumas - The Count of Monte Cristo
Dostoevsky - Crime & Punishment
Homer - The Iliad

Twain - Huck Finn
Verne - A Journey to the Center of the Earth
Dumas - The Count of Monte Cristo

All of my re-reads happened when I was younger. I have since decided never to re-read anything again until I feel like I've read everything I've ever wanted to read.

>> No.1369753

Can't finish:
-Mobey Dick - self explanatory
-100 years of solitude - was too confusing and didnt seem to have any meaning
-the sound and the fury
I actually quite enjoyed Don Quixote

Plowed through
Shogun - fucking massive book, really had me, used to rush back from school just to read it, skipping dinner and going until i passed out. Dan Browns novels used to capture my attention like this as well, but those I read within 1 or 2 days. Shogun still took me a few weeks.
-Aztec by Gary Jennings
-Harry Potter

Most reread:
-Catcher in the Rye, like 100 fucking times
-Blood Meridian, which was actually a struggle the first time
-almost any bukowski novel

>> No.1369768

-The Bible
-The first book of The Wheel of Time
-This huge biography of Caesar I have. I met the author because he came to talk to my latin class, and I've been trying to read it, but Biographies just aren't my thing.

-The Stand
-Duma Key
-The Silmarillion

-All the Dresden Files (Lost count of how many)
-Dune (No idea, but a lot)
-Most of the Harry Potter books

I reread books frequently, because I go through them so fucking fast.

>> No.1369769

Tried to get through, but can't:
Gravity's Rainbow
Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man
Gödel, Escher, Bach

Atlas Shrugged
Some gigantic university collection of folklore I got from a professor

Most read:
En komikers uppväxt
This Immortal/...And Call Me Conrad
Peer Gynt

>> No.1369776

-The Silmarillion
-The Game of Logic - Lewis Carroll
-The New Testament

-The Lord of the rings: the fellowship of the ring
-Harry Potter and the deathly hollows

-Around the World in Eighty Days (2 times)
-Las Aventuras del Capitan alatriste (2 times)

and that's about it

>> No.1369807

-Moby Dick
-Lord of the Rings
-Complete Stories of Sherlock Holmes

-Count of Monte Cristo
-War and Peace

-The Hobbit
-Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
-Romeo & Juliet

>> No.1369813

KJV of the Bible
The Bhagavad Gita
The Quran

Infinite Jest
Les Miserables
The Count of Monte Cristo

Crime and Punishment
The Stranger

>> No.1369827

-Complete works of O. Henry
-Shadow and Claw (gene wolfe)

-Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrel
-Arabian Nights
-wheel of time series

-Huckleberry Finn
-Ender's Game
-Name of the Wind

>> No.1369841

High school detected

>> No.1369842

Can't finish:
Jude the Obscure- Hardy (keep forgetting about it)
Gone with the Wind? (got bored)
Shogun- Hated with a strong passion

Longest read:
It- King
Pillars of the Earth- Follett
The Stand- King and Straub

Most read (read each 4-5 times as a teenager)
Dark is Rising Sequence- Susan Cooper
Siddhartha- Hesse
It- King

>> No.1369850

Trying to get through but ca't

1. A stranger in a strange land
2. Don Quixote


1. The Bonehunters
2. Storm of swords
3. Life of Pi (it was short, but it sucked so it took me forever)


1. Catcher in the Rye (What a faggot)
2. The Sound and the Fury
3. Harry Potters

>> No.1370823

- Wuthering Heights
- A Tale of Two Cities
- Gravity's Rainbow

- Atlas Shrugged
- IT
- The Count of Monte Cristo

- Foundation series
- Franny and Zooey
- The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao

>> No.1372745

Midnight's children
A Clockwork Orange

War and Peace
Atlas Shrugged (what a fucking waste)
There's a lot that are in the 800 page range, maybe Anna Karenina?

The Choirboys (Joseph Wambaugh) - fell in love with this book when I was like 15/16. I would highly recommend it though.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - read this a million times as a kid. Besides who gets the time for lots of re-reads these days?
In terms of classics, maybe Jane Eyre. I read it when I was like 14, again at 18 then had to read it recently for university.

>> No.1372749
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>struggling to get through Wuthering Heights, Gravity's Rainbow & Dickens
>finished Atlas Shrugged

>> No.1372761

>Can't finish:
Fear & Loating on the Campaign Trail '72
The Zombie Survival Guide
Dharma Bums

>Longest Reads (idk the longest by page turns but sheer length of time inbetween starting the book and finishing it)
The Rule of Four
The Shining
House of Leaves
>Most Reread (ie, books I have read twice)
Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azakaban

>> No.1372798

>can't get through
-Madness and Civilization by Foucault
-Kapital by Marx

>longest books
-les miserables
-crime and punishment

>re-read the most
-Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas
-Acts of Worship by Yukio Mishima
-A Season in Hell by Rimbaud

>> No.1372821

Harry Potter 1
The Dictionary
Stormin Normans

Happyslapped By A Jellyfish


>> No.1372851

- The Hobbit
- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
- Moby Dick

- Atlas Shrugged
- The Bible
- Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72 (sure felt like the longest)

- The Catcher in the Rye
- Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
- A Clockwork Orange

>> No.1372890

100 Years Of Solitude
War and Peace
The Silmarillion

Anna Karenina
The Brothers Karamazov
The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest

The Rum Diary x3
Slaughterhouse 5 x4
Lolita x3

>> No.1372905
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The Odyssey
Gravity's Rainbow

Moby Dick
Crime and Punishment
Gulliver's Travels

Cat's Cradle
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Lake Wobegon Days

>> No.1372909

Trying to get through
- Arabian Nights
- Iliad
- Gullivers Travels

- King Arthur
- Lord of the Rings
- Bible

- Alice in Wonderland
- Brothers Karomazov
- Simarillion

>> No.1372920

- The Critique of Pure Reason (never gone beyond page 45)
- the return of Don Quijote
- ....

- Don Quijote
- PotE + WWE
- some Crusades book

- Silmarillion (8 times), The Hobit, LotR (~7 times each)
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (+ 10 times. read it every weekend when I was 13)
- The Drought by J.G. Ballard (5 times)

>> No.1372926

-Dune. Herbert
-The Angel of Darkness. Carr
-By the Light of the Moon. Koontz

-Pedagogical Poem. Makarenko
-The Stand. King
-The Brothers Karamazov. Dostoevsky

-Harry Potter Series
-The Running Man. King
-So Long and Thanks for all the Fish. Adams

>> No.1372935
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Moby Dick
Infinite Jest
Atlas Shrugged (not trolling)

The Stand
Lord of the Rings

Slaughterhouse Five
To Kill a Mockingbird
Dark Tower series

>> No.1372940

love me some motherfucking olivia wilde

>> No.1372950

The Stand
The King James Bible
Les Miserables

The Lord of the Rings
Battlefield: Earth
The 'Dune' sextilogy

Battlefield: Earth (10+ times - Eat me, it's a fun book)
World War Z (6+ times - Again, eat me, it's a fun book)
Dune sextilogy (5+ times, from 'Dune' to 'Chapterhouse', always in order, always finish)

>> No.1372994

-Gravity's Rainbow..more an issue of just finding time between other books for school and other quick reads over the past year.
-Atlas Shrugged..a good deal of my family loves this book, but I'm generally pretty skeptical until I read it myself so that's been holding me back I guess.
- Three Novels: Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable...I just always seem to get sidetracked and pick up something else.

- Infinite Jest
- The Count of Monte Cristo
- Ivanhoe

- As I Lay Dying
- Post Office
- The Stranger

>> No.1373070

-The Caves of Steel
-Dune - I put struggled with it for like a month, walked away for a year, came back and read it cover to cover in two days.

Not sure, I don't pay attention to these kinds of things
-The Stand was pretty long
-Individually The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series was kind of long, and I read all 3 back to back to back, so it was like one long meta novel

I don't reread books but the closest I have come is with the work of H.P. Lovecraft, I refer to specific passages alot and go back to find specific pages regularly. I'm kind of obsessed

>> No.1373117
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-The Bible (TL;DR, the only way to understand it is reading the bottom page notes, etc)
-The Divine Comedy (Same)
-Lord of The Rings (It's boring)

-Harry Potter 7
-The Name of The Wind
-Harry Potter 6

-Matilda (4 or 5 times)
-Artemis Fowl (3 or 4 times)

>> No.1373166

The Bourne trilogy
Le Morte D'Arthur
Black House

Lord of the Rings
The Dark Tower
The Stand

The Hunger Games
Harry Potter
Catcher in the Rye

>> No.1373171
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i'm in love.....


>> No.1373179

- The Fellowship of the Ring
- The Two Towers
- The Return of the King

- War and Peace
- Infinite Jest
- Ulysses

- Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

>> No.1373190

-Atlas Shrugged
-Mein Kampf
-The Gay Science
(This is because my academic readings keep getting in the way and I like to take my time with these kinds of books)

-Lord of the Rings series
-Harry Potter series
-His Dark Materials series
(I haven't really read a long standalone book)

-Nineteen Eighty-Four
-Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
-Catcher in the Rye

>> No.1373203

Lord of the Rings
Pygmalion (boring)
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (and whatever else C.S. Lewis writes)

The Count of Monte Christo

Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
Ender's game (series)
Harry Potter