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13673949 No.13673949 [Reply] [Original]

In light of recent events, I've updated the Buddhism chart.
I've replaced an old book with a new one which emphasizes metta, a part of practice that is oddly relegated to the back of the book that was previously in its place, as some sort of "complementary" practice.

>> No.13673998

Also, as the one who originally made the chart, I had initially felt that I was pushing it by including The Mind Illuminated, which was so out of place in relation to all the other Orthodox/Traditional Buddhist books. I had included it because I was aware that it was very popular with Westerners, and (considering that this is a very Western board) that it might serve to win over some people who otherwise would dismiss these kinds of things. With The Mind Illuminated's compatibility with secularism, it seemed like a decent entry point from those types.
Now it is clear that that was a mistake. Tradition is tried and true for a reason.

>> No.13674002

>he only included the first two turnings of the wheel of Dharma and not the third

>> No.13674008

>from those types.
*for those types (secularists/skeptics)

>> No.13674019

wat mean

>> No.13674036

he's implying that there should be Vajrayana material included.
True Vajrayana is esoteric though and requires initiation into a lineage

>> No.13674038



>> No.13674045

That's incorrect, the third turning is not exclusively Vajrayana-material

>> No.13674106

>he put a book that has the word "science" on the cover into a Buddhism chart

Who let you make this again?

>> No.13674134

After you're done with all those you read the Quran and convert to Islam

>> No.13674138

Again, that was my mistake, and I was already uneasy including that book (I ran it by a couple friends who completely disgreed with the inclusion of that book, but I stubbornly kept it anyways).

>> No.13674145

is manual of insight good or am i about to get scammed again

>> No.13674166

Thank you, OP. I’ve been looking for something like this for some time

>> No.13674170

It is written by Mahasi Sayadaw, probably one of the most revered monastics in Orthodox Theravada Buddhism in the last few centuries.
It is good, but dense, and the practice (dry Vipassana) can be less pleasant than Samatha.
Practical Insight Meditation is another work by Mahasi Sayadaw which essentially condenses the main practice described in Manual of Insight into a much shorter book.

>> No.13674179
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Will the fourth turning of the Dhamma be a European Buddhism based on Buddhist metaphysics such as the four noble truths and emptiness but with an authentic European ethos that forgoes such obvious Indian vegetarian and Ahimsa cultural influences that are nestled in Right Action for example? A European Buddhism that is depended on whether you can go buy bananas and avocados at the supermarket shan't make a western Dhamma.

>> No.13674195


>> No.13674217

Also I don't know how to add/update charts on the wiki, so if someone more capable can do that it would be much appreciated.

>> No.13674353

Mahasi Sayadaw is a recent non-traditional innovation though, tread with care

>> No.13674372

His work is based in the Visuddhimagga, though. It is definitely Orthodox Theravada. You could make an argument that the Visuddhimagga deviates from the Pali Suttas, but that's a whole other issue. You can always take meditation instructions from the suttas, anyways.

>> No.13674433

the Visuddhimagga is a compilation of autism and concentration, the innovation in the Mahasi Sayadaw method is disregarding the concentration part of the Visuddhimagga and centering on pure uncentered insight, not the stages of insight

>> No.13674444

Just give it up, you belong to a corrupt and phony spiritual tradition that does more harm than good. Admit it and move on.

>> No.13675237

I'm interested only in Zen, what can I read besides Suzuki

>> No.13675314

>those quads of truth

thats it im a Hindu now!

>> No.13675340

Diamond Sutra, Platform Sutra, the works of Linji

>> No.13675346

I think Western Hindu teachers have quite the reputation for sexual misconduct as well

>> No.13675655

That's only when they're fringe people outside of any tradition like Osho who promoted things at odds with Hindu teachings or when they make up their own 'Yoga system' that has no real history to it. Western Hindu teachers who belong to or have some connection/initiation to some traditional school such as the various Vedanta orders have been comparatively free of sexual misconduct controversies, even the neoadvaitins like Mooji and Tony Parsons havnt gotten in trouble for that kind of stuff.

>> No.13675864
File: 26 KB, 640x360, waffle-DMID1-5d8l3edil-640x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoreau for western pov

>> No.13676504
