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/lit/ - Literature

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1367381 No.1367381 [Reply] [Original]

1. You read in public? You are a faggot and no one likes you.
2. No one gives a shit about what you're reading. Don't bring it up at random in a conversation.
3. Your bookshelves are a joke. No one cares about your stupid bookshelves. Do you think anyone in the world would even so much as glance at your bookshelf if they entered your room or house?

Any others I can't think of?

>> No.1367386

1. No, I don't read in public.
2. I never talk to anyone about what I'm reading.
3. No one has ever visited me, so they haven't seen my bookshelves.

>> No.1367391

If I invite someone over and they /don't/ look through my bookshelves, they probably aren't my friend. I associate with some very bookish people who could hardly resist to look through them.

>> No.1367394

You seem to be really angry that some people enjoy reading. Why is this, OP?

>> No.1367395

aka you're a supernerd and all your friends are virgins.

>> No.1367397

enjoying reading does not include being a pretentious jackhole.

>> No.1367400

Most of us are married, some have kids, so I'm assuming they've had sex at some point.

>> No.1367402

It's pretentious to own bookshelves? To talk about what you're reading? To read at all? Well damn.

>> No.1367404

the ammount of misanthropic bullshit ITT is ridiculous! hurp derp reading is a solitary pursuit.

last week I got a blow job from some girls at a party because we both liked doesteovsky.
I shot my load on her Decemberist t-shirt.
Shit was so cash.
I don't like doesteovsky

>> No.1367407

Lies and more lies.

>> No.1367409

It sooo wasn't.
seriously. If any of you people actually go to parties mention the deep books you've been reading and you WILL get laid. Especially if you're not an aesthetic mess.

>> No.1367414

This one time I was at a party and started shooting the shit with some girl abou DFW. she gave me a hand-job and I jizzed all over her M.I.A. t-shirt WHAM!!

I dislike DFW

>> No.1367415


>> No.1367420


1. I read in public.
2. People ask me what I'm reading.
3. I don't give a fuck about bookshelves either.

>> No.1367423

lying about no.2.

>> No.1367429

You're right. they just pretend to be into the books which i'm pretending to be into because i'm extraordinarily good looking. Then bOOF! all over their arcade fire t-shirt.
this might only work with hipster girls

>> No.1367435

Wow. Sure is junior high in here.

>> No.1367458


At first glance I would be inclined to agree with you but...

1. I don't read in public. I don't see the point unless I'm waiting for something. And usually I just have some audio-book in my iPod.

2. You're probably right but I don't know how else to answer when they ask me...

3. Again, I would like to agree with you except I've gotten comments about books on my bookshelf. In college I had a book of Latin Prose and Poetry and my roommate was a linguistics major and I had a crude understanding of Latin and it struck a few hours of very engaging conversation.

>> No.1367468

I read on public transportation. The only people that ask what I'm reading are usually crazy.

>> No.1367483

oh my god use the hate as fuel
read read read borrow the structures
listen learn love the insightful not the dominant
for the love of life please do it

>> No.1367491

Read in public? /lit/ doesn't leave its house, you silly goat.

>> No.1367518
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>> No.1367529

I have to leave my house for work and school. I read on my lunch breaks at both. I don't like my coworkers and I go to an urban community college. Sports are a big topic in Texas but I don't watch them. I joined the "Aspiring Authors Club" at school; it turns out most of them don't read, or they enjoy things like Nicholas Sparks or Dan Brown. One guy who writes creative nonfiction essays and tutors English came and gave a lecture, but he had jack shit to say about fiction and when I mentioned poetry he just went, "Uhh... yeahhh." in the same inflection as the boss from Office Space and turned to talk to somebody else. Plus my schedule conflicted with the group somewhat, so I stopped going instead of working it out with the professor of the class that had me 30 minutes late every meeting.
I read a lot because books are cheap and when I'm really broke, the library's free.
I try to be more intellectually composed and say more on the internet but it usually fails because it's a badly-composed mask like a 10 year old girl learning the feminine art of make-up, the foundation's tone doesn't match my neck and my rouge is a whore's ruby gleam. I'm great at socializing but instinctively avoid any sort of plans for intensifying or integrating communicative relationships.
The lady who cuts my hair loves Toni Morrison though and suggested I read Beloved. We had a nice discussion about places she's travelled and the few places outside of Texas I've been. Florida, with the exception of a few very nice places (and of course the beaches) looks like God took a jungle and pissed on it til it all wilted. The smells of Jacksonville and Tampa Bay makes this theory seem plausible.
She does a great job on my bangs and knows how to make it so my cowlick doesn't stand up.

>> No.1367591

I read at the restraunt near my work. I live in China though, and it helps me ignore that im being stared at

>> No.1367611


>> No.1367639


Can I pay you to ghost write posts for me?

>> No.1367643

SA what city you from boi?

>> No.1367654

1. I read in public. Generally, I read the newspaper when I'm on a bus or a train. So do millions of other people in my country.

2. People are interested in what I'm reading. I never bring it up at random in a conversation. Usually, people ask me about this because I review books professionally for newspapers and magazines. They want to know what forthcoming books are like.

3. My bookshelves are a mess. People who visit my home are fascinated by my bookshelves because the advance reading copies are stacked high.

Your move, Mr Troll.