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/lit/ - Literature

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1367088 No.1367088 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1367096

The joke is that Ulysses and Pride and Prejudice are on the same tier.

>> No.1367097

Isn't the real joke is that this is a very subtle ayn rand troll thread?

>> No.1367098

did you even change stags list at all?

>> No.1367114
File: 23 KB, 260x325, atticus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alexander Dumbass
Way too high. Mid Tier at best.

>Picture of Dorian Gray
boring trash. The Importance of Being Earnest is much better Wilde

>The Trial
repetitive, obvious trash. "HURRR INJUSTICE" - yeah, we got it the first time; The Metamorphosis is superior

>To Kill a Mockingbird
>Shit Tier
Myeah, that's why you can't analyze them for college level literature courses. Oh wait.

You're just a mad, uneducated pedestrian with poor taste.

>> No.1367121
File: 3 KB, 105x126, in2deep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"HURRR INJUSTICE" - yeah, we got it the first time

>> No.1367247

to kill a mockingbird is one of the best pieces of american literature and no phony op faggot will change that. ever.

>> No.1367256

The Great Gatsby sucked.

>> No.1367274

What's odd is how everyone's seen this already and yet for some reason they still want to express opinions on it?? wtf

>> No.1367282
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I thought the same thing, then I read it again after I was old enough to vote.

>> No.1367358

why are you so mad i mean seriously

>> No.1367360

Well, I've read The Great Gatsby, and that book is shit tier, and The Stranger is great, but I don't believe it's Camus' best work.

>> No.1367364

I've read none of these and have no intention of doing so.

>> No.1367369

Rand should be in shit teir. Brave new world should be higher then 1984. Everything else is more or less okay.

>> No.1367377

lay off my lolita bro

>> No.1367385

>Notes From the Underground Low-Tier

I will kill you and fuck the corpse.

You...you...you cretin!

>> No.1368696


>> No.1368718

im ok with this except
>dostoevsky in low tier

>> No.1368735

put atlas in god tier
put gatsby in shit tier

swap 1984 and brave new world

everything else is not to bad i guess

>> No.1368737


We all agree The Metamorphosis is better then The trial, right?


>> No.1368745

fuck you asshole

>> No.1368767

>Notes from Underground on low tier
>Lolita on shit tier
>Atlas Shrugged on the fucking list at all

babby's first troll

>> No.1368775

What's the matter, too long for you?

>> No.1368787

>serious responses

My god, /lit/, what have you become?