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/lit/ - Literature

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13670791 No.13670791 [Reply] [Original]

>Read this book, I have no actual argument but read this entire book
>Define "proof", Define "argument", Define "true", Define "define"
>Faith is equally as valid as logic and reason

>> No.13670859

>Make brainlet-tier thread
>Lose argument in a spectacular fashion
>Create another thread for the sole purpose of coping
Just go back, you aren't welcome on this board.

>> No.13670878

Jesus man, unironically seek help

>> No.13670912

>lose argument
There's that delusion again. There's no argument when one side has no proof of something they claim exists.

>> No.13671029

unironically based, don't listen to the retarded christcucks, you being here single-handedly raises the average IQ of /lit/ by like 5 points

>> No.13671702

What's this thread about then? You going to define those words for me, or what?

>> No.13671737

Now the question is are they being consciously disingenuous or do they sincerely think is a valid form of argument

>> No.13672124

>it's an naive empiricist get destroyed episode
Yea it's just how it is brainlet, even your pillars of philosophy take their starting points on faith.

>> No.13672131
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>> No.13672172
File: 201 KB, 500x634, everything-that-we-know-and-love-is-reducible-to-the-19936933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Faith is equally as valid as logic and reason
you cant prove axioms by definition ,you have to have faith in them