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/lit/ - Literature

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13671672 No.13671672 [Reply] [Original]

Has esoteric/occult literature helped you? Or has it only made life more difficult?
I used to big into occult stuff in my early adolescence, but It drove me mad. Now I'm just a minimum wage college dropout.

>> No.13671710
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I guess Christianity can be esoteric. It helps me relate to what is essential and meaningful in life, and purify my weaknesses.

> Or has it only made life more difficult?
Yes, when I want to sin it's not so trivial anymore.

Like magical powers, summoning spirits n' shit? nah, that's gay and blue pilled

>> No.13671757
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I used to be into that crap between 12 and 14, but that was in the 80s. Almost ruined me. Thanks to shitty SciFi I turned to technology and actually made a living. However, said shitty SciFi seriously slowed down the development of my /lit side.

>> No.13671788
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The most I got out of it is a general understanding on how the mind works. How reality can be perceived in many different ways, and how we confuse our perception of reality with reality itself which can lead us to problems. This way I learned to question my motivations, feelings and perceptions at times where I was doing nothing but errors after errors and nothing seemed to go right and used it in meditation whenever I've been through a rough patch in my life to force myself to change my perspective to one that was more likely to solve my problems. It may seem trivial, but many people are absolutely unable to stop themselves, think about what they're doing and reconsider their life choices. Then decades and decades pass and they're dead.

Some call it reality selection. It's useful stuff.

>> No.13671800

I figured out the meaning of my life. I would tell it to you but it's just love and you probably wouldn't believe me unless you had the same experience.

>> No.13671829

It helped me in the sense that it accelerated my seeking to the point of exhaustion.