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13660267 No.13660267 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind

>> No.13660285

What would be the correct way to construct this smarmy phrase.
Grammar (Persons name) Grammar.
Would it be comma then period?

>> No.13660287

I am hungover. I wish I wasn't.

>> No.13660297

"Grammar, Anon, grammar!"

>> No.13660300

Sweet tree

>> No.13660316

I'm so hungry. I'm so tired. I'm so drained.

>> No.13660325
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I love trees. Unfortunately there aren't many good books on bonsai

>> No.13660328

I was hungover too. In the morning my father and I visited my dying grandmother in the nursing home. He bought her a breakfast from McDonald's: I watched her eat her breakfast and watched as she in fits of loud groaning choking coughed back up the bits of food she was eating. I simply sat there and stared, and stared simply at all of the other dying shuffling old people dying and shuffling.

It makes you wonder after you've left of the stirrings in your own soul, how cruel and audacious all ambition is when right before you in the midst of it all is your own dying grandmother.

>> No.13660338

That feels wrong, but I might also be wrong

>> No.13660363

A girl that has recently rejected me whom I love and hate at the same time.

>> No.13660368
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>“The frightening demon Alavaka was informed by a servant that Buddha had dared it to sit down on his throne. The demon became greatly enraged and asked: “Who is this Buddha that has dared to enter my dwelling?” But before this question could be answered, two other demons (friends of Alavaka), came passing through the sky to give him the inquired information. “Know you not Buddha, the lord of the world?” “Whoever he might be,” shouted Alavaka “I will drive him from my dwelling!” – They said with pity: “You are like a calf, just born, near a mighty bull; like a tiny elephant, near the king of the tribe; like an old jackal, near a strong lion; what can you do?”
>The demon Alavaka rose from his seat and raged: “Now we shall see whose power is the greater.” He struck with his foot upon the mountain, which sent forth sparks like a red hot iron bar struck by the sledge hammer of a smith. “I am the demon Alavaka,” he called out again and again “I am I!” Without delay the demon went to his dwelling and endeavored to drive Buddha away by a violent storm, but Buddha calmly remained sitting on the throne. After this, showers were poured down of glowing sand, weapons, charcoal and rocks; but Buddha remained unmoved. He then assumed a fearful form, but Buddha kept a straight face. He then threw his giant spear, but it was equally impotent. The demon was surprised, and looked to see what was the cause;
>'it was the kindness of Buddha, and kindness must be overcome by kindness, and not by anger.'
>So he quietly asked the sage to retire from his dwelling; and immediately Buddha arose and departed from the place. Seeing this, the demon thought, “I have been contending with Buddha a whole night without producing any effect, and now at a single word he retires.” By this his heart was softened. But he again thought it would be better to see whether he went away from anger or from a spirit of disobedience, and called him back. Buddha came. Thrice this was repeated, the sage returning when called after he had been allowed so many times to depart, as he knew the intention of Alavaka. When a child cries its mother gives what it cries for in order to pacify it; and as Buddha knew that if the demon were angry he would not have a heart to hear truth, he yielded to his command, that he might become tranquillised by obedience and kindness.
>Alavaka was conquered. He asked Buddha to open the treasure of his wisdom; and when he heard him speak, he adopted his teaching, and from that time he would go from city to city and from house to house, proclaiming everywhere the kindness of Buddha and the truth of the teaching.”
Isn't this story charming?

>> No.13660380

I'm going for a walk
I'm bringing my umbrella.

>> No.13660381

These political protests like the recent one in Portland are a hoot. It really says something about how unintelligent and unproductive political consciousness is these days. If you go to one of these protests, it is a predictor of low IQ. It's full of idiots howling and chittering like monkeys.

Compare this to the protests in Hong Kong, which are principled, purposeful, organized and results-driven. My country is an embarrassment.

>> No.13660386

Tell me about her. Did her black hair curl in long ringlets round her eyes? Did her eyes give off the sense of a coy mistress? Did she coyly and with palpable sexuosity lure you into her Circean grove? Did she, like Circe, woo you with ambrosia and nectar and nepenthe like that bitch Mexican queen did to me? Did she with dissembling beauty and woven charms weave ringlets of beauty and sex and allurement round your innocent naive heart? Did she with fastidious punctilious meticulous coquettish simpers string you along until you were throbbing right beside her paleoak goldenwaved Cytherean body?

>> No.13660389
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>good books on bonsai
Artbooks, works of aesthetic philosophy, or how-to books? If it's the latter, I used to have a copy of pic related and it seemed pretty comprehensive, although I don't know how well the techniques he talks about would work in practice. You might have to learn Japanese.
It's a verbal turn of phrase, I don't think there's any way of writing it down that doesn't look a little awkward.

>> No.13660394

I shouldn't date a 'whore' just because I find her attractive, right?

>> No.13660451

This is the most laughable and pretentious post I've seen in a long time. Anon here is some advice, you shouldn't care about whether people think you're smart or not. Instead of reading books because you so desperately want to impress others with your probable lacking intellect just read books you actually enjoy. This way you'll read way more too as you'll want to pick up the book instead of forcing yourself to do it because some other phony told you it was good.
on my mind: gg i deserve challenjour

>> No.13660472

The more I think about it the more I'm convinced antifa are the bad guys. Because they aren't even attacking genuine fascists, a group that barely exists in any authentic form. I sincerely hope they get classified as a terrorist organization and clamped down on.

>> No.13660475

Now, realize that there are no good guys, they're all retards on both sides, or however many sides there are.

>> No.13660487

Yep, I'm a loser.

>> No.13660496

No I understand that. It's all grey. But antifa is making the situation drastically worse with their unhinged overgeneralization of the term fascist. They live in a panicked fantasy world where America is on the verge of national socialism. All they are doing is creating more enemies for themselves through their ignorant tactics.

>> No.13660502

This is the advice that I needed to hear, and perhaps the best advice I've received this year.

Thank you, Anon: I humbly disavow and disown my previous post, and I will from this day forth read only those books which satisfy a craving within me--no, too mawkish and pretentious. I will only read those books which fulfill a kind of absence within the very--no, no, again--that's too fastidious and punctilious, he'll grab at your hairs for that one, he will. We'll try it once more: I will--now don't get fatigued with anxiety--I will only read those books which get to the heart of the--no, he'll pin you to the wall for using an age-old cliche that's been processed through hundreds of languages: Fair enough. I will only read those books which come to me from the perspective of a lifelong arduous quest: oh again, you're careering toward Odyssean epithets with your heigh-ho there and your double-worded compound supercalafragile adjectives. Just say it in easiness. Just give it to us in words.


Yes, simply scream. You simply must scream until the heights of the houses can hear you. Don't you think Samuel Pepys from a century ago can hear you? Keep screaming, yes?

>> No.13660587
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Years pass and yet it feels like you could reach back through the decades to live your childhood yet again. Frozen memories like a sea of glass that fragments the more y,ou concentrate. Adulthood is not what they promised -- your peers are either still children, blind to the realities of the world; or soulless automatons with all the joy sapped from their gaze.

You gaze into the stars and feel time slipping away from you. Sizable portions of your life sunk into meaningless minutia; you wonder when your peak years are going to come... They promised that being a young adult would be full of fun and experiences, but it just feels empty and without sincerity. It's as if the magic the world held as a child died; taken away to some distant farm and put down for it's capital crime of naivete.

You've forgiven your parents. Eyes open to the realities of the world you see them for the fallible beings they are; triumphs and failures blending to create a sort of admiration. Is being an adult realizing how much of society is playacting and niceties? You don't know, but you do know that those warm, glowing emotions you see people laugh with; glowing embers enjoying eachother's warmth; you know they don't exist for you. You've been doomed since your formative years to be different from them. By genetics or will of god you don't know, but the end result is redundant.

You will always be apart from the masses and it terrifies you. 'What if I wanted normalcy?' you wonder. What if I wouldn't have chosen this?

As has become a recurring lesson, nothing answers.

>> No.13660704

Too purple, 4/10

>> No.13660724

I am unbelievably in love with my wife and incredibly attracted to her but I can’t stop thinking about random pussy.

>> No.13660734

That's just how life is.
Your ability to reject all pussy except for hers is the test of your love. Don't fuck it up, anon. There's no coming back from it.

>> No.13660743

We'll have another go at it then.

From the vacant depths of my soul I will wander toward the harbor or was it the shore I should say does anyone here have the time it looks like the night is coming what with le soleil yes that's right in France you know I was in Paris the other day and funny thing they call their breakfast a little lunch and I nearly spit out mon cafe when I heard it did you know that oh and some gentleman called it his postprandial he was asking for lait chaud that was Axle it was (and don't mind me of his wheeling parts, he's got a career of it) his name was Axle and he ordered a lait chaud (certainly it wouldn't have been a boisson froide in that weather, dans le temps, oui ?) and he goes to me, he goes

--I think now I'll have my postprandial.

And up and at them I simply guffawed thinly through the misty afternoon air I tell you the French are exquisite in their phraseology and delicacies my God it's like watching them shuffle around in loose frilly dresses the way they construe those phrases and I tell you it will be I'll have the pate-de-fois-gras if you don't mind and I told Kevin Egan that if he wanted to he could have la vielle ogreisse avec les dents jaunes but no he wouldn't have

>> No.13660775
File: 418 KB, 1920x1200, 1540468625067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck use punctuation; my god..

>> No.13660818

I love trees too. I wish I was one. I wish I was a beautiful wispy birch in the early summer.

>> No.13660820

Yes but what do you rate it, what do you rate it, what do you rate it: my good God, it's like wrenching out water from a cloacal obsession. Just tell me how it is, how it is, how it is: I was in love, I was in love, I was in love as I moved in and out!

>> No.13660826

no answer

>> No.13660838

what if I peed on you? lol

>> No.13660855
File: 158 KB, 645x756, 1551931775895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am drunk, I drank to much and hate myself for it.
every early morning after binging my boils out I tell myself never again. And here I am, drunk, plastered. How our impulses have control over our fragile minds. the wants that we don't want. the wants we follow without hesitastion.

>> No.13660888

>wrenching out water from a cloacal obsession.
That hardly needs help. See >>13660838

>> No.13660930

I hate the internet. I would quit but I'm afraid of what I'd become if I did.

>> No.13660932
File: 1.57 MB, 2317x2317, IMG_20190810_141544_726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything passes. People, objects, values... There is nothing in our common lives that means anything at all, just dust to dust. I want more. I will follow the way to truth, to god or whatever those perennial bois were talking about, the being...
The only thing that counts. All my time, all my energies: anything else is simply irrelevant.

>> No.13660939

Self-important sanctimonious sacrosanct drivel. 3/10

>> No.13660980

>tfw failed to start a stem career even after half a decade
should i sodoku?

>> No.13661076

5 years is nothing compared to 50.
Do you enjoy STEM? What's the problem?

>> No.13661078

Something has changed in me recently. Kind of like the premise of the movie Falling Down but less edgy and overtly violent. A twist in my persona, a turn towards a chippy, antagonistic mindset. I want to be provoked, I want to be contested. I'm tired of turning the other cheek, of letting people get away with small things because I told myself "it's not worth it" to engage in such pettiness.

I've always had a combative streak, especially as a teenager. I let it slip, because it wasn't solving any problems. Now however, living in a city of assholes, in this time of dire need, I need to summon forth the powers of dickheadishness.

>> No.13661112

Do it, just for a week or even a day. I bet you will like what you become.

>> No.13661195

I made the wrong decision 20 years ago and it has made my life spiral out of control. I wish I could turn back time and take a different path.

>> No.13661298

>choose a family job, assuming ill find a great wife to raise wonderful children with.
>the job wont be as engaging and meaningful but will have more time off to raise children

>choose a more fulfilling career that would be much harder to raise children with

any advice anons

>> No.13661326

You will never have the life you long for. I am sorry.

All that is left is to face what is possible now. If nothing palatable is possible, then leave it all. Walk the world with an oar over your shoulder, and settle when someone pesters you about it. Burn who you are, build a new self.

Whatever happens, you must die.

>> No.13661338

I have a hangover, why do I always drink so much.

Also I would like to read a non meme book about managing a small business, any recommendations? /biz/ is useless.

>> No.13661417

I'm not exactly sure what normie means but I think I'm going to have a chance here to go back to being a normie.

Lately I've been more aware of how beautiful life can be for whatever reason. I like having a more depressive and angry attitude for whatever reason but I think I can feel that fleeting. I'm not sure what to choose.

>> No.13661486


>> No.13661542

Puss and Boobs

>> No.13661602

social skills

>> No.13661939
File: 112 KB, 960x644, thomas and buk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I opened up google to search for some Brecht poetry and in my dark room as I tried to write Brecht I wrote down "Brasch" and it turns out that writer exists too.

Seems like a nice discovery.

>> No.13661954

boobed and pusspilled

>> No.13661962

i want to dominate a female dog in the street so bad, i want to fuck her in front of everyone and throw her around like a ragdoll until i cum

>> No.13661981

i wish my gf would stop putting herself in situations where she has to be around the drug use and toxic behavior of family friends who remind her of old wounds from her mom and dads similar behavior

>> No.13662015

I often see people on this board complaining about how they're no longer as intelligent as when they were kids, and oddly enough, they're more right that they know: your IQ peaks at around 14, and the average white European eleven year old usually scores between 110 and 117. It then gradually drops until it settles at 100 for the rest of his adult life.

>> No.13662022

Dragon dicks

>> No.13662104

A child can eat anything at a buffet. A couple of years ago I had an order of kiwi pizza but then i saw this woman at the table ordering some chicken parm cheese and was shocked to see this tiny little girl in a bunny costume. she had a big bag of chicken parm cheese and she said to me, "This is awesome" and then she made me a turkey! Then I got her and her two friends with her. She told them what she ordered and they loved it and they were all really happy to eat for $13.00. At $13.00 I would rather have chicken parm cheese as if I wanted to buy a whole turkey then $27.00.

>> No.13662111

I didnt knmow that. I always assumed it was because of the alcohol.

>> No.13662116

tfw no alcoholic gf who has sex with other men then tearfully apologizes the day after

>> No.13662122

>It's another clueless westerners jerk themselves off over a foreign protest movement they don't understand in the slightest episode
>It's another clueless westerners remark on how brainwashed Chinese people are, which they know because their news media episode
>It's another clueless westerners being openly racist and xenophobic but it's OK because it's against yellow people instead of brown ones

shut up shut up SHUT UP. You don't fucking "STAND WITH HK"! You couldn't point to Hong Kong on a map if there was a gun to your head! You don't know anything about Hong Kong other than maybe that it's where that one ripped Asian movie star was born. You've never even talked to a mainland Chinese person, let alone someone from Hong Kong. Your fifth generation asian america friend doesn't fucking count. Just shut the fuck up you stupid fucking normie scum what the fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.13662127
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Time is passing, the window of opportunity is closing. The great doubts are closing in; and the faintest hopes are slipping away.

>> No.13662128

Ok comrade Chang.

>> No.13662130

Can you explain it to me at all anon

I really don’t know anything about it. What are most people getting wrong?

>> No.13662167

>literally anyone that's not following the us state department line is a communist propagandist

I don't fucking know because I'm not a) chinese or b) well learned in modern east asian history. People don't even understand the political situation in a neighboring country that's a close ally, shares a common language, and has a broadly similar culture. How the fuck do people think they know what's going on on the other side of the fucking world in a place they know literally nothing about?

>> No.13662195

Part of the "standing with HK" is because we in America are too big of pussies to do it ourselves, so we do it vicariously.

>> No.13662208

you know what to do. your children belong in a daycare and your wife miserable while you fulfill your own ambitions.

>> No.13662226

That answer does help me anon.
The life you just imagined for me does sound truly awful my friend.

The choices were btw
>>Highschool English teacher
>PhD in clinical psychology

>> No.13662234

Those two things sound about as useless as each other

>> No.13662241

I'm pretty interested in helping young men and I thought those are both good avenues for it.

>> No.13662247

have you asked your wife what she thinks?? my partner wouldnt be satisfied with me holding back on my dreams just to help provide for her.

>> No.13662253

wait, are you the guy who i told to look into coaching sports a few days ago?

>> No.13662257

Yeah, thanks anon. I'd be interested in teaching weight lifting.
I never liked football to be honest.

I don't even have a girlfriend yet anon.

>> No.13662258


>> No.13662267

fuck u dude real mature wow hope ur happy buddy get out of my head anon
explain the lol right now

>> No.13662275

>You've never even talked to a mainland Chinese person
I actually have. They're just as bad as Americans, if not worse.

>> No.13662328

go for a PhD anon, you have nothing holding you back.

>> No.13662367

Funny that "not following the state line" looks a lot like "following the Chinese state line." But I'm sure that's just a coincidence to you, Anonymous Voice of The Chinese People's Perspective. Go home ©hang.

>> No.13662395
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I found it to be extremely hard to admit any sort of fault because of how people have emotionally exploited any sort of vulnerability I've felt on the past. The vast majority of people are vile and evil and ought to have been aborted by their whore mother's

>> No.13662408

Yeah can't remember how many times I've seen this. One day you're tested at school and your IQ is 130, a couple of years later you're just an average college kid. You think life fucked you over or you're not living up to your potential when in reality you're just no longer as smart as you were. This is a reason we have more vivid imaginations as kids, why we dream up all sorts of fantastic things, just to lose the ability to do so as adults.

>> No.13662424

Do you even know what history is you retard bitch Hong Kong has always been a part of China you think if Texas wants to break off from the USA they would just let them?

>> No.13662497
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I've been considering burning the old image as well. I too chose poorly 20 years ago, and so now I'm looking at the dreams that fuelled the impulse back then. I don't know if it's salvageable at this point, so I might have to start over.
I have a problem with maladaptive daydreaming so it's difficult to perceive what is realistic and attainable.

>> No.13662545

I've been to this tree, it's pretty cool
it's called the Angel Oak, outside of Charleston, SC

>> No.13662556

The one that hit home to me most is alternating between being eloquent and inarticulate.

>> No.13662561

>It's another clueless westerners being openly racist and xenophobic but it's OK because it's against yellow people instead of brown ones
And, comrade, they are lynching negroes!

Literally, and sincerely kill yourself

>> No.13662921
File: 29 KB, 240x240, dont mind me just passing thru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Peircean animist, a wissenschaft chauvinist, and a technocratic primitivist with anarchist sentiments.

>> No.13662944

>that image
TA Barron is on my mind.

>> No.13663001

I think it's safe to say that liberalism has been an unmitigated disaster. The necessary character traits for it to be successful in mass society are only found in academia and was too much of a burden to ask normies to bear. Neo-feudalism when?

>> No.13663007

People who see fiction as amounting to nothing more than a 'message' or 'moral' really get on my nerves, especially since they tend to have a superiority complex about it. They think they've figured out literary analysis because they paid attention in their high school literature class, and so they pigeonhole everything they read through their own narrow idea of how and what a story should tell.

>> No.13663048
File: 533 KB, 461x754, 1565920782704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of my parents were born into a doomsday cult and expected the world to end before I became an adult. It's very hard to become independent and self driven coming from a background like that where everything is decided for you in advance, it would be very easy to just let someone else tell you what to do. Experience proves that to be an unwise choice, especially when that person who believes themselves to be infallible. My parents caused me a lot of pain that they will never admit to and it's hard to talk about these things because it's such a different experience from what people are used to. I used get so angry about all the wrongs that were done to me, but no I just get sad. Sorry for the drunken rant

>> No.13663374

I got chronically sick last year, i feel like i deserve it. It's hard.

>> No.13663382

> "Grammar, Anon. Grammar."
That's the way I normally do it tho

>> No.13663414

I’d get mad at my dad for telling my step mother something along the lines of “we’ll never have kids, the world is too messed up to bring life into it” it made me resentful that he was either admitting to calling me an accident and wasn’t happy about it or that I was not given the same privilege as my unborn half sibling into non existence; though I know dwelling on it pity party style is weak, pathetic, and whiny; it still bugs me

>> No.13663427

i'm broken

>> No.13663634

It was a british colony, and it's when it stopped officialy being one that this conflict arose.
Anyway China doesn't deserve anyone defending them, it's a fuckin totalitarion one-party state that is ready to do almost anything to rise above.

>> No.13663923

Schools starting back up again and I'm worried. I've been doing manual labor and living with family this summer (20), and its been pretty comfy. I really like them, but recently I've found myself incredibly angry and de-personalized. This is the worst I've been before going back to school. I don't think I'll make it through another year. I can't cope with being dumb, ugly, and alone and I feel bad that I make my family feel bad. No amount of reading has helped.

>> No.13663965

Whoever you are anon thank you

>> No.13664046

I've experienced this. Once I stopped looking at porn, that really helped it go away. I think it's natural to be interested in seeing what other people are all about, though. And then we are programmed from a lifetime worth of images of women=sex. It can all be so confusing.

>> No.13664070

I don't mean this is a bugman sense, but I feel like I ought not to have kids. The thought of miniature clones of myself running around and being miserable is one of the most horrifying things I can imagine. I've dealt with chronic depression my whole life and the thought of passing that on to someone really gives me pause

>> No.13664075

Me too anon

>> No.13664084

kudzu is a good herb for killing the alcohol craving. very cheap. i use it.

>> No.13664122
File: 44 KB, 1366x768, 30728667_611891902495039_1814925747609927680_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if there were ice cream flavors beyond what any of us could ever know or experience within our lifetimes. The world clouds the fuller aspects of the human condition.

>> No.13664133

>For one thing, each eye is like three eyes squeezed into one. The three parts all look at the same point in space, much as our two separate eyes focus on the same scene. We use our two eyes to locate an object in space. Mantis shrimps can work out the distance to objects they’re looking at using a single eye.
>Two eye parts, at the top and bottom of the eye, are probably involved in this distance vision. The third part is built from parallel rows of facets that run around the middle of the eye like a belt. Usually there are six rows, though a few species have only two. This part of the eye is called the “midband,” and it supports many special abilities.
>Further, most mantis shrimps see ultraviolet light – part of the electromagnetic spectrum that causes sunburn in you or me and that is invisible to our eyes. Mantis shrimps not only sense this light, but with their specialized midbands they even see separate colors of it.
>This feature is on top of another set of color detectors that see the same visible light we’re used to – but in eight color channels as opposed to the three primary colors we see. Imagine trying to build a TV that looks right to a mantis shrimp. Besides the red, green, and blue colors that your TV uses to create a vivid picture, it would require pixels for violet, indigo, blue-green, orange and a deeper red than we can see.
>And the midband can do even more. It can detect the polarization of light – where all the waves vibrate in the same plane. Our eyes cannot see this property of light. Mantis shrimps image things using it.
>So putting together all its visual talents, when a mantis shrimp sees a fish, it’s in patterns of ultraviolet colors, eight primary regular colors and polarized light. Their eyes gather all this information and pass it on to the animal’s brain, so it can decide what to attack, when to attack it, how far away it is, and what it looks like in a dozen different ways. It’s hard for a human to even imagine the visual world of a mantis shrimp.

>> No.13664297

Have you tried saying this out loud? This is one of those things that becomes obvious when you try to perform it.

>> No.13664313

Kevin Nash was raped at gunpoint in the sweltering summer of 92

>> No.13665262

I spend orders of magnitude more time studying philosophy, history and literature than I do my actual coursework. I'm in too deep to switch from STEM and I grow more estranged by the day

>> No.13665315

>I'm in too deep to switch from STEM
No you're not, faggot. Pull the plug.

>> No.13665352
File: 43 KB, 300x300, 1566197098553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had to share this shit. It's the actual liner notes for a Nancy Sinatra LP, from 1966. The one with "These Boots Are Made For Walkin'" on it:

'How should I sing this?'

'Like a 16-year-old girl who's been dating a 40-year-old man, but it's all over now.'
She looks good, dresses good, lives good, eats, drinks, loves, breathes, dances, sings, cries good. Five-foot-three and tiger eyes. A mouth made for lollipops or kisses, stingers or melting smiles. Ninety-five pounds of affection. She's been there already. Barely in her twenties, she looks younger. That look, like Lolita Humbert, like Daisy Clover. The power to exalt, or to destroy, wanting only the former, but unafraid to invoke the latter if the time comes. The eyes that see through, know more, look longer. Unafraid to pull on the boots again, toss off a burnt out thing with a casual 'So long, babe,' and get.

A young, fragile, living thing, on its own in a wondrous-wicked-woundup-wasted-wild-worried-wisedup-warmbodied world. On her own. Earning her daily crepes and Cokes by singing the facts of love. Her voice tells as much as her songs. No faked up grandeur, her voice is like it is: a little tired, little put down, a lot loving. No one is born sophisticated. It's a place you have to crawl to, crawling out of hayseed country, over miles of unsanded pavement, past Trouble, past corners and forks with no auto club signs to point you, till you get there and you wake up wiser.

She's arrived. She sings you about the long crawl. And makes you have to listen.

>> No.13665432

Epicureanism and stoicism are the same lifestyle for two kinds of people: the one is for the flabby ones, the other for the able ones - either this or no difference at all.

>> No.13665439 [DELETED] 

I HATE niggers and women

>> No.13665473

Sculptors have tools that allow them to chip, mend, change and refine an unmoulded canvas into an image of their visions. Artists are always so critical of themselves, but once they get into a zone of concentration, they can work without tire for hours. The artist will forever try to strive to recreate what they see in their mind, sometimes taking hours, days, weeks even years to try to achieve their perfect concept. Their masterpiece. Before a masterpiece can be achieved however, the artist must go through rigorous failure. This failure tests their fortitude into achieving what they deeply desire, another attempt at something greater than previous, something for an audience to awe at with wonder on how the level of detail and intricacy can be achieved. It has a permanence that will hopefully outlast the artist when received.

>> No.13665499
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>Your ability to reject all pussy except for hers is the test of your love.

This right here is some bullshit herd mentality.

Love is absolutely, UNEQUIVOCALLY not about self-denial. If you construe the strength of your relationship on the basis of negation or self-denial you are either going to turn into a self-deluding loser or you are going to realize you have been fucking miserable in however many years it takes you to accept to yourself that you are unhappy.

Love is not about self-denial, love is more like the accumulation of shared experience with someone that you share some fundamental viewpoints/characteristics with. If you are a really top tier human being who can't stand people in general this basically means shacking up with someone you can "reasonably tolerate".

Be a fucking human being about it. If you want to fuck other women then tell your wife and accept the consequences of doing so. Or don't fucking tell her. fuck other women and try to get away with it, then have the strength of character to be able to be comfortable living with your decision without souring your marriage or your view of yourself.

Those are your options if you are a healthy, autonomous individual unclouded by resentment.

>> No.13665540

That's one way of looking at it

>> No.13665556

21 year old kissless virgin. Have had extreme trouble with showing intimacy throughout my life. When I was younger and any interest of girl I had was implied everybody in my family would make a huge deal about it, as if being a normal sexual male was outside my character. I've internalized this and it has ruined me. In high school and college I had the interest of many girls but would never show that I was attracted, instead just feeding my ego telling myself I could get her if I wanted. Sick of this condition, I planned a big trip to stop being a pussy and just do it.
Been traveling around for a few months and have met many great people, I'm good looking and a great conversationalist so naturally in that environment I had the attention of woman. Many times it would be obvious they were waiting for me to make the move but I would freeze up. It feels wrong to show that I'm a sexual being overtly through touch. Again last night this happened and I could tell afterwards she was disappointed. She left this morning and ever since I fell into a serious downward spiral. I just can't seem to do it. I've felt regret like this before but in the moment those memories mean nothing. Anybody here had a similar problem? How do I keep myself from wasting my life?

>> No.13665567

Unless the girl straight up tells me that she wants me to fuck her, in the moment when I should make the move a million scenarios flash through my mind of it going horribly wrong. Being laughed at, seen with disgust, shocked because I read the situation wrong. Afterwards I realize how dumb this is but the force that holds me feels so strong. I've given in to it so much in my life that it's only gotten stronger. I use to be the subject of many gay rumors because when I would be with girls obviously into me I wouldn't do anything

>> No.13665586

Me too. NEETing currently...I don't even want to make food.

>> No.13665601

Respond to the drafts I sent you, Leopold

>> No.13665620

It's from Proteus you plebs

>> No.13665663

The statistical norms are different for different age groups. A child gets a bigger score for worse performance relative to an adult. The norms also aren't updated frequently enough and are mostly or wholly produced in the US. And then there's the Flynn Effect, too.

>> No.13665697

>The choices were btw
>>Highschool English teacher
>>PhD in clinical psychology
Both are expensive traps (both fiscally and temporally) which will have very little payout down the road. Be a surgeon or something instead.

>> No.13665720
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>NEETing currently

>> No.13665728


>> No.13665737

I'm yawning but it's only 2:35am. Usually I don't start yawning until 3am so they've started early. I don't think it's because I'm more tired than I would be at 3am, but maybe because It's slightly colder and my body is bored of this temperature. I flipped a coin earlier to see if I would write or read, I ended up reading for a little but then I wanted to think about why I'm yawning.

I'm also debating another cup of tea but that might throw off my yawn schedule even more.

>> No.13666398

how hard are you yawning right now

>> No.13666498

The influence of Chinese propaganda on western media is not as commonly known as it should be

>> No.13667677


>> No.13667684
File: 79 KB, 468x559, 1466963016989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did this board become so stupidly fast?
Threads are gone in under 5 hours

>> No.13667690

Influx of pseuds, normies, trannies, tripfags, and other assorted retards.

>> No.13668150

I remember my one highschool history teacher. I was his darling. He tried so desperately to get every other braindead student to care about history to no avail. I remember when he would ask the class a question and then he would boil silently with anger as everyone stared blankly at the ceiling or floor. Then I would inevitably answer it. Dude probably would have taken me out to dinner if he had the chance. Highschool teachers have it bad.

>> No.13668164

/lit/ is the intellectual nerve center of the universe. It's no wonder people flock here for enlightenment.

>> No.13668171

My mother really liked Dune. I've never otherwise heard of a woman liking Dune.

>> No.13668210

I've been reading a lot of books lately about drug addicts and their experiences with crack and heroin, it kind of makes me want to try them. But I am disgusted by the idea of shooting up. Jesus fucking christ. I am not doing that shit. But I wouldn't be against smoking heroin. If only I could find some. the other day I was in the elevator in my building and somebody asked me if they knew were they could find any black and I had to tell them I didn't know. he told me he knew a friend who was sick and he only did crystal. I don't like crystal meth. Meth is a nightmare of a drug and I never want to do it again. Fuck Crystal. Fucking disgusting drug.

>> No.13668218

Another day wasted,
browsing online shit.
Now I am on /lit/
trying to feel smarter.
At least I haven't masturbated.

>> No.13668227

Take heart that you are a fine haikuist!

>> No.13668228

NIGGERS could be here.

>> No.13668237

Matter fact I am. You got a problem with that babydicked whiteboi?

>> No.13668239

Me too and I'm not hung over because I got sick of pruno and need to diet before I die of high blood pressure and other things.

>> No.13668311

I haven't met him before, but apparently my ex's new boyfriend looks identical to me. Feels *really* bad

Summer board, it'll get slower in a month

Fuck, you're right

>> No.13668324

I'm unhappy

>> No.13668405
File: 444 KB, 430x599, Screenshot at 2019-08-13 20-11-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no qt boulder gf to roll up a mountain over and over again for eternity

>> No.13668702

A a mathematical theorem need have no relation at all to valid knowledge. For example, we can easily prove as a mathematical theorem that a rabbit has two horns:

All animals have two horns.
A rabbit is an animal.
Therefore, a rabbit has two horns.

This is a valid deductive proof, but is the conclusion valid?

Mere deductive proof does not lead to valid knowledge. We must check whether the assumptions are true. In this case the assumptions are false: simply point to an animal which has no horns. However, formal math forbids such commonsense, empirical proofs, based on its central dogma that deductive proofs are “superior”.

Anyway, the postulates of formal mathematics, say set theory, cannot be empirically checked. So formal mathematics is pure metaphysics. The only way to check its assumptions is to rely on authority – and in practice we teach only those postulates approved by Western authority. For example, calculus is done with formal real numbers (and not Indian non-Archimedean arithmetic, or floating point numbers used in computer arithmetic). School geometry is taught using Hilbert’s far-fetched synthetic postulates, not Indo-Egyptian cord geometry. Euclid was a black woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.13668838

Unironically read Kant

>> No.13668907

I feel like we're part of a transitional generation and what follows after us will either be a slow rebuilding towards something better or something much, much worse.

>> No.13669036

I had her warmth
But lost it quick
It wasn't even the same chick.

>> No.13669062

were the new beat generation

>> No.13669088

Today I went to the gym with my bruv and it motivated me to increase the weight a bit. Afterwards I vomited.

>> No.13669122

Habit is God. I am encrusted in my habits, they define me. They are my zodiac, my cosmology. The whole universe is one gelled habit, as Peirce propounded. On the verge of equilibrium, themodynamic stasis, everything stabilizes, does the thing it can do.
If only I could stretch beyond this prison of habit the whole world would be waiting, lush and vibrant.

>> No.13669147

I just don't know anymore guys.

>> No.13669366


>> No.13669901

i can feel this feel.

>> No.13670085
File: 10 KB, 150x150, D571B83D-6071-4263-9766-881DE94238A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O fuck
I have n+1 overdue assignments
O fuck

>> No.13670267

Me too, it's all just too much

>> No.13670404

I really mean it. Do you hate me for it.

>> No.13670513


>> No.13670545
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I wouldn't worry about it

>> No.13670720

Better to die free in wilderness, with Soul intact, and with its occupational task having been fulfilled, than to live in enslaved crowd, ceding parts of one's Soul for the depraved advancement of one's work, deprived of original purpose.

>> No.13670754

not pulling out

>> No.13670763
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Marks decay at only 10 per day, so I can still pass if I get it done in 5, right?

>> No.13670850

it's a myth

>> No.13670886
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[One Trick Aurochs.]

>> No.13670900

Girlfriend broke up with me. Wants to be 'friends', says she cares about me and wants a relationship with me but can't do long distance. Probably going to wait the ~3 years it will take me to get to her. I really hope she doesn't move on.

>> No.13671075

>Cock me up

>> No.13671119

The reasonable thing for most people is to disregard philosophy completely. Any philosophical statement that cannot be properly understood, viz. if it is read by a midwit, is a dogmatic statement; and it is unreasonable for a person to give up sentiments he hast build upon concrete evidence, for sentiments that are - for him - unprovable, and thus: dogmatic in nature.

>> No.13671157

poops and blurbs

>> No.13671182

what the fuck, that table describes me to a T, damn that's actually uncanny

>> No.13671218

fuck off tripfag

>> No.13671426
File: 98 KB, 253x253, blood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a post discussing Pascal's wager and a photo in it had the typo 'Catholism'; I didn't get to reply with this reaction image before it became 404'd

>> No.13671429

Big titties
Wide hips
Thick thighs
Fat asses

>> No.13671582

Reminds me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9bf4PT-aEk

>> No.13671765

are cumbrains based?

>> No.13671769
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>> No.13671806

Write a novel about it

>> No.13672146

Happiness benefits the survival of your biological form - therefore we are hardwired to be happy and to avoid pain. Epicurus was right all along.

>> No.13672651

I find it very ironic that the implicit eurocentrism of the modern left leaves them very vulnerable to manipulation by non-western fascists (ie, the Hinduvata movement, Zionism, and Xi Jinping thought). The only efficacious "fascist" movements in the west are completely unaware of what they are helping to build

>> No.13673054

I feel like I've been sitting in a waiting room my entire life, not understanding why I was scheduled to be there in the first place. Just tapping my fingers on the chair. Waiting.

>> No.13673212

i'm afraid i did not pass the test
at least i enjoyed taking it

>> No.13673223 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13673436

Why am I unhappy? Do my wires not want me to survive?

>> No.13673516

Two of my cousins (from different sides of my family) got married, and their child was delivered today. I legitimately don't know what my relationship to the baby is, 2nd cousin? Double 2nd cousin?

>> No.13673629

Everything is exciting yet everything is spoopy. I want to get excited about the unknown but I don't want to always be a worthless NEET, i want validation, for my parents to be okay with me being instead of waiting for me to become, for a girl to look at me longingly, to get some money for shit that I want. I understand why they won't but I honestly don't get how to not want this validation. It feels that it's such a small thing, like a week with success would make me someone who wants to explore nature of things instead of being told that I'm okay by things yet I may be deluding myself about that as well. Honestly I don't mind too much and maybe an answer is in "falling roughly" and answers will come but so far it's like trying to force engagement by the "deeper" layers of life while it's mainly superficial levels that pop up and demand attention without revealing ways to satisfy them.

>> No.13673686

Future gf

>> No.13673687

My guess is that the evolution of our bodies cannot adapt fast enough to the evolution of technology and society. We are a species out of balance with the environment it has created for itself. This causes our natural functions to work against us sometimes.

>> No.13673699

i love to have conversations with other people, i always ask them questions like an interviewer but then those conversations most of the times end up me and other person ranting about shit state of the world. after almost every conversation it all seems so fucking pointless to have anymore conversations because everything is so predictable and tiresome. in real life people have nothing to offer except nothingness, misery or random religious stuff.
i swear at my pathetic self after every conversation that i won't do it again but i still fucking do it.

i just don't know anything and i want to kill myself but i won't do it because im a coward who have no strength to break his habits and will keep making same mistakes.
on the brighter side i coughed up some blood the other day. that means my lungs infection is worst than i thought.

>> No.13673837

that's legally possible, at least in my state

>> No.13674115

Should I have a cup of coffee to hopefully fight my fatigue and continue work on this essay that is almost due, or have an early night and try to work a bunch tomorrow?

>> No.13674157
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Warosu is dead and it makes me angry

>> No.13674413
File: 262 KB, 364x577, 1565914812396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i know if i've fallen out of love with my girlfriend or am just depressed?

>> No.13674417

do you enjoy doing things when she isn't around? If no, you are depressed

>> No.13674453

made up an excuse to leave work early today. felt great to have the afternoon off. i don't see daylight at my job. my office has no windows. its super depressing. if my boss would let me work from home i'd probably not think about quitting everyday. that would almost make it bareable.

I bought this overpriced book on how to build log cabins in the Scandinavian tradition. i worry im too idealisic and i get all these fantasies buzzing around...

>> No.13674575

I feel like a retard. Every day I think a lot, I readI build those sophisticated models of the world and myself but in the end I am just a caveman. I think up those complex reasons why I am unhappy but in the end I am probably just lonely and want a woman.

>> No.13674637

All I want to do is write. I'm halfway (or so) through finishing my first novel. Then it'll take forever to edit it and I'm expecting massive rearrangements that have to be made. But I hope one day I can get it published. I hope one day I can get anything published. I'd like to make a living off being a writer but I don't romanticize "being a writer" as a profession. I just want to be able to make a living on it so I can continue writing and hopefully I can connect with people who feel the same way as I do, or just connect with anyone really. I want to make people laugh out loud with my writing and I want to make people tear up with my writing. I really want it to mean something to someone besides just me one day. I can't stand the pretension of things. I can't stand Rupi Kaur's poetry which I just read a whole book of in 30 minutes. It makes me viscerally angry imagining all the good writers out there who had something true, honest, genuine to say about the human experience, written beautifully, all unpublished and unknown but this girl writes poems about having a period, not shaving your armpits, and going through an awkward break up. Millions of dollars made, 77 weeks on the best seller list, unreal. There was nothing sincere or human about anything she wrote. There was nothing that nipped you on the arm like a lovable dog with an iffy temperament. Nothing human at all. Not even artistic expressions. Just statements of personal belief or political belief. I hope to avoid ever doing anything like that. I want to write something that will grip and cuddle and sting and befriend someone out there who understands.

>> No.13674646

Love comes and goes. You must love to be loved. You will find it again, just love her fully and unconditionally.

>> No.13674656

Any yall niggas want to listen to Mort Garson's Plantasia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nv4QrT6Q-kQ

>> No.13674665

Amazing album, good choice

>> No.13674679


>> No.13674765

love means to continually choose, if you can't see yourself choosing her no matter how you feel, then give it up.

>> No.13674785

Imagine savory ice cream

>> No.13674801

I'm considering walking to the local cigar room. I want to smoke a cigar, read Gravity's Rainbow or continue to work on my second book. Additionally, I'm really considering breaking my sobriety. I'm not really sober in that I still use other drugs, but I haven't had a sip of alcohol in like 1250 days. I feel a bit like a fraud since I've done all types of other drugs since I "got sober." With that said, alcohol is the one that really fucked my life up so it's probably for the best that I don't get back into it.

Anyway, probably still going to cigar room and I likely won't beak my "sobriety" despite its fraudulent nature

>> No.13674813

that's bitch shit. there's no window of opportunity. each Now within the infinitude of Now's is saturated as fully and delicately as the first Now of the Unmoved Mover. The greatness of being the only observer in Your Universe is knowing, through love, that every Now which you have, are and will experience would be incomplete without you.
you didnt ask to be born
he didnt command you to be born
your mother didnt ask you to be born
why did you do it?
next time, let her know you're a virgin at some point early on. the one true power move. make her dinner, pasta, wine, and she will know exactly what to do with you. let her get comfortable enough to work that eternal feminine love witch magic
hi unhappy i'm Henry HAHHHAHA
go to St John's College you'd be happy there
the library is a surprisingly great place to meet guys.
have you ever tried fucking a real down to earth chick with tribal drums like this slapping?
most healing trip of my life summer of 2017 3.5g mushrooms and three spliffs to the dome laying in the foothills of the sierra mountains, put this shit on and the grass began to grow through me. mmm

>> No.13674821

Angel oak is based.

>> No.13674846

Somehow it feels like a cruel joke that women were grieving/regretting transitional mastectomy and going on testosterone years before I started medical transition... and somehow I didn’t know that it was possible. I thought if you were trans, you were trans. And that detransition never really happened. I thought it was impossible, that it would never happen to me. I was so brainwashed.

I’m so frustrated that the myths about detransition persist and that doctors and therapists believe in these myths as well

>> No.13674865

Literally anyone with any sort of common Sense could see that coming Aiden. That's why you need to stay out of insular, toxic communities

>> No.13674867

I hope all humanists die a painful and gruesome death.

>> No.13674891

When I will be old I will hate my present self for not acting, and pretending that I am happy where I am. But that will be in a long time, so fuck you old man.

>> No.13674947

A little too close to home anon, a little too close

>> No.13674958
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Considering becoming an anti-circumcision activist. It seems like a small enough problem that enough work would go a long way and would objectively help nearly half my country

>> No.13674978

I was unironically thinking the same. It is also a thing that I 100% stand behind. With most of my political views I am unsure to some extent.

>> No.13674982

Alcohol is shit. But I cant fully quit it. I would rather smoke weed but that gives me paranoia.

>> No.13675054
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Words cannot describe how angry this makes me. Pure fucking evil

>> No.13675059

Do it. People will also need to educate little boys on cleaning their penises however, and I don't know if society is ready for that. I didn't pull my foreskin back for the first time until I was 13 and the smegma made it painful and almost impossible. I thought I had a disease due to improper education on these matters so I avoided all intimacy even though there were numerous cuties my age that wanted to be with me. As a consequence I didn't lose my virginity until late into my twenties when I finally saw a doctor and showed them my junk and explained what was going on. I still have psychological issues surrounding this as I haven't had anywhere as much relationship experience as most people. If I had been circumcised I wouldn't have had these issues. Not to mention I could have had sex with numerous beautiful women which I rejected because I thought there was something wrong me with. This is a real problem we need to address also.

>> No.13675060

THAT day of wrath, that dreadful day,
shall heaven and earth in ashes lay,
as David and the Sybil say.
What horror must invade the mind
when the approaching Judge shall find
and sift the deeds of all mankind!
The mighty trumpet's wondrous tone
shall rend each tomb's sepulchral stone
and summon all before the Throne.
Now death and nature with surprise
behold the trembling sinners rise
to meet the Judge's searching eyes.
Then shall with universal dread
the Book of Consciences be read
to judge the lives of all the dead.
For now before the Judge severe
all hidden things must plain appear;
no crime can pass unpunished here.
O what shall I, so guilty plead?
and who for me will intercede?
when even Saints shall comfort need?
O King of dreadful majesty!
grace and mercy You grant free;
as Fount of Kindness, save me!
Recall, dear Jesus, for my sake
you did our suffering nature take
then do not now my soul forsake!
In weariness You sought for me,
and suffering upon the tree!
let not in vain such labor be.
O Judge of justice, hear, I pray,
for pity take my sins away
before the dreadful reckoning day.
Your gracious face, O Lord, I seek;
deep shame and grief are on my cheek;
in sighs and tears my sorrows speak.
You Who did Mary's guilt unbind,
and mercy for the robber find,
have filled with hope my anxious mind.
How worthless are my prayers I know,
yet, Lord forbid that I should go
into the fires of endless woe.
Divorced from the accursed band,
o make me with Your sheep to stand,
as child of grace, at Your right Hand.
When the doomed can no more flee
from the fires of misery
with the chosen call me.
Before You, humbled, Lord, I lie,
my heart like ashes, crushed and dry,
assist me when I die.
Full of tears and full of dread
is that day that wakes the dead,
calling all, with solemn blast
to be judged for all their past.
Lord, have mercy, Jesus blest,
grant them all Your Light and Rest. Amen.

>> No.13675062
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Just look at the people behind this, physically and morally revolting degenerates.

>> No.13675069
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Was listening to Verdi's Requiem when I saw this post

>> No.13675083

This is sad bro.
There isn't really much to teach, it's just tearing down mental barriers and taboos, the act itself is extremely easy.

>> No.13675125

When a boy is born, does the hospital have to get the parent's permission to perform a circumcision? Are there doctors who pressure parents into signing off on it, or do fathers freely choose to allow their son's penis to be mutilated because the same was done to them?
I was circumcised and I really don't understand why. It's such an idiotic practice.

>> No.13675144
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It's considered the norm so most people don't think about it and sign whatever consent form that's shoved in front of them. The market value of a babies foreskin is about $450 dollars which is really all you need to know about why it's still around. Literally demonic, anyone who performs the operation needs to spend decades in prison, at the very least

>> No.13675194

Why not? Just do it in secret and don't marry her.

>> No.13675212

It's my last chance to make my 30s good and stop being semi-miserable, but I just don't give a fuck anymore. I'm not shaking my fists towards the sky, it's rather a calm resignation.

>> No.13675214

The right are actually killing people. Antifa are just punching people and burning shit. Any extremism is retarded but if you can't see that the real threat comes from the right with their mass shootings and manifestos then you're willfully ignorant.

>> No.13675220

You're okay buddy. You'll figure it out eventually.

>> No.13675228

Both are ridiculous, and Jews are manipulating both sides into destabilizing the West. The reality is Jews dominate both the far-left and far-right. The solution is in a more moderate and less dehumanizing right, in my view. One can desire preserving the ethnic character and culture of their countries without condoning ethnic genocide or seizing properties of non-Whites.

>> No.13675233

So what you're saying is that you're human. And a lucky one at that.

>> No.13675243

I always find that jew thing retarded. It's a big claim and I have never seen any proof at all.

>> No.13675249

You are like a disgusting bonobo who can only think with your dick. I avoid talking to most people thanks to how common your depraved kind has become.

>> No.13675250


>> No.13675263
File: 708 KB, 2112x1280, jewish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They dominate so many important sectors of your society, yet they are only 2% of your total population. The majority of policy makers, federal reserve chairmen & financiers, media pundits, filmmakers, pawnbrokers, and various political and ideological tastemakers are Jewish. They occupy positions of power & influence far out of proportion to their number. 48% of billionaires are Jewish.

Also, this one Jew, who had a heart of gold (which is very rare), leaked Israel had 200 illegal nukes, and he was later tortured by Mossad because he had converted to Christianity:


He also validated Jews had a role in killing JFK:

"In July 2004, Vanunu claimed in the London-based Al-Hayat newspaper that the State of Israel was complicit in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. He claimed there were "near-certain indications" that Kennedy was assassinated in response to "pressure he exerted on Israel's then head of government, David Ben-Gurion, to shed light on Dimona's nuclear reactor".[162]"

>> No.13675268

You must act. God has laid the way, why do you not walk?

>> No.13675277

Also, Jews were involved in promoting Bolshevism in China and Russia, they infiltrated upper echelons of US society via nepotism and blackmailing certain political figures, and they obtain nukes illegally, which is like an open secret.

Putin: First Soviet Government was Mostly Jewish


"85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish."


Mao ordered a general campaign to destroy The Four Olds: Old Customs, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Ideas. Massive amount of Buddhist statues, ancient scrolls, porcelains were destroyed.

Finally, Jew are responsible for the abomination called "Critical Theory" and "Frankfurt School", which treats all social constructs as illegitimate use of power and relativizes all knowledge. It tends to promote degeneracy too with the likes of Susan Sontag who glorified Marquis de Sade to the goy whilst while hypocritically embracing Israel and its treatment towards Palestinians.

What's interesting is Jews poisoning European wells was claimed to be an "antisemitic conspiracy", yet they now do that to Palestinians.

"Do not save Goyim in danger of death.
Show no mercy to the Goyim."
- Talmud

>> No.13675287
File: 8 KB, 180x280, 1565997876987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dig deep enough and you'll start to piece it together. Here are a few hints:
>Lavvon Affair and the USS Liberty incident
>Leo Frank
>Wall Street and the Bolshevik party
>The Rosenburgs
>The Stern Gang, Lehi, and Likud
>Weimar prostitution
>The Kalergi Plan
And many more threads

>> No.13675294

>Jews are manipulating both sides into destabilizing the West
Citation needed

>> No.13675306

I already explained down below. Kevin MacDonald also plans to write a book about how Jews were involved in forming or fostering neoconservative views too.

>> No.13675312

For example. Isn't it funny that LBJ had a mistress that was deeply involved with the Likud party during the Six Day war? A type of war in the middle east that JFK was resolutely against? Also, where do you think the Israelis got their nukes from? They didn't build them themselves, their domestic nuclear industry couldn't have supported their arsenal back then and can't even today

>> No.13675736

It's stupid but I have to tell myself that it's okay to like things.

>> No.13675749

I feel that feel.

>> No.13675776


>> No.13675806

They’re based if they have sex regularly
They’re cringe if they don’t

>> No.13675822

A big fucking functional helping of kino's this morning with my bowl of cereal to get me ready for the day ahead. I was feeling kind of groggy and all night because I stayed up the night before writing Heidegger-inspired poetry and playing guitar by ear on one of my friends' portable amps and playing piano covers of anime soundtracks. In any case, I was thinking that I'd feel pretty damn good today and decided to try it to see how it would go. What do I know, before I've even brushed my teeth. The rules are you can't start until 8am but the builders upstairs are already fucking around again, they're there all day every day. It seems like every day its something new, I can't even think straight anymore. What are they doing? Fuck, I don't know, I just want to get out of there.

>> No.13675842

How do you find motivation to write when you're depressed? I've taken to going on naked nightwalks lately. Well naked aside from sneakers and an overcoat which I'll take off and wear around my waist if I feel comfortable nobody is around to see me. It's getting to the time of year I'll have to pack it in though. I need to try to take better pictures and upload them to my Tumblr account since I'm going to be trying to get some more exposure from people as I work my way through these books over the next year. I'll get to them eventually though, so I need to get ready for those.

I have no idea if I'm going to get a job soon enough to put food on the table or if I even will. I am currently receiving an income from my family which means I could start my new job after I graduate from school. I need to work for a couple years, and my family hasn't been to visit me in hospital due to financial issues, so it still makes sense to move out to start that new life and life off my work. It's just finding the motivation to do it.

>> No.13675844

Hangovers are great. Tomorrow I won't even think of work. One more drink.

>> No.13676159

>naked nightwalks
What motivated you to start doing this? Sounds like it could be kind of therapeutic, but also dangerous and an easy way to get yourself on the sex offender list.

>> No.13676333

I'm drinking again too

>> No.13676372

Remembering with considerable shame the time I fapped and came all over my mcdonalds burger. I still don't know why I did that and yes, I cleaned and still ate the whole thing with no regrets, its junk food anyway.

>> No.13676392


>> No.13676459

In terms of sheer wrongdoing they are of course right wing terrorists are worse. But antifa is an irritant that creates more fascism, more reaction, then there would be otherwise. They demonstrate the weakness of the left. Antifa helps create those extremists who carry out terrorist attacks. They present the left as such a dirty, confused, and wretched shambles that can't be trusted to be the adult in the room.

>> No.13676464

Don't get why people hate curcumsision, unless they're afraid of the Jew boogeymen. Things almost as old as civilization itself, man. Chill out. Your foreskin won't make you a better man.

>> No.13676519

Imagining myself writing about myself imagining myself writing about an imaginary version of myself

>> No.13676611
