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File: 659 KB, 770x1266, Screen Shot 2019-08-19 at 7.19.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13668480 No.13668480 [Reply] [Original]

This is the first philosophy book i plan to actually read all the way through, but like every single one I crack open, its spends fucking PAGES on topics you can state in just a single sentence: "necessary conditions aren't generally unique in proving claims". This is a concept a fucking child could understand, yet we spend an ENTIRE PAGE on this.
I was in the library the other day and I looked at "Being and Nothingness" by Satre and it went for PAGES describing how there has been a movement from essence to appearance throughout history. Its absurd.
Does anyone else feel this way? I can't be the only one. If I'm not going to gain anything by trudging through this inane deliberation why not just read a secondary or tertiary source?
>inb4 u just don't get it

>> No.13668496

bonus: is there anything like "philosophy for the mathematician"? I'm educated in math.

>> No.13668557

rene guenon’s “metaphysical principles of the infinitesimal calculus”

Iamblichus’ book on arithmetic

Plato’s timaeus

>> No.13669963

no i don't. there's a lot of useful elaborations of concepts, relevant context, and reference to specific works. all good things to digest when grasping any philosophical text

>> No.13670527


>> No.13670551

dont waste your time with philosophy. It's wall of text about
a) stupid shit every sane person knows already about
b) false premise

>> No.13670569
File: 31 KB, 353x500, Bohm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bohm I guess.

>> No.13670574
File: 16 KB, 332x500, Margenau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also phil-sci books like pic.

>> No.13670599
File: 136 KB, 904x1360, Godel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godel's forays? There's also secondary lit on Godel like pic which gives a Hursselian interpretation of his Platonism.

>> No.13671367


>> No.13671381

It helps to really hammer the point home, from every possible angle.
You're not reading for a fun romp, you're trying to understand something and so you want to hold onto that understanding easily forever after and really be able to explain it yourself.

True understanding requires some rigour, get used to it

>> No.13671621

Read "The Philosopher's Handbook".
Then Schopenhauer.

>> No.13671726


>first philosophy book I ever read
>didn't start with the Greeks
>wonders why he can't understand it

You people are fucking morons. It's like buying a book on advanced number theory, and you never bothered to learn arithmetic.

>> No.13671855

I understand just fine retard

>> No.13671970

I will say it again. If you didn't start with the Greeks, you literally have no idea what the fuck they're talking about in that book. You think you do but you don't.

>> No.13672454

It’s possible to know Greek philosophy without reading the original books all the way through dude