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/lit/ - Literature

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13666344 No.13666344[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>it's a STEMfag pretends to comprehend all of philosophy chapter

>> No.13666481

>He's too stupid for math, so he copes by reading literature

>> No.13666489

Post doctorate

>> No.13666497

being good at math is not intelligence. literal computers are better at math than humans. there are people who get brain damage in their frontal lobe and it improves their abilities in math greatly.

>> No.13666512

If God created everything then who created God? I don't read Aristotle because he was refuted by Newton. Nietzsche is my favorite philosopher. Stoicism is for people who gave up on life.

>> No.13666521

Literature and philosophy are hobbies and past times, they aren't legit professions. Therefore, anyone who has interest in these things can comprehend and enjoy them.

>> No.13666546

math will forever be cucked by the prospect of infinite infinities, science is cucked by the impossibility of absolute empiricism, literature transcends these limits

>> No.13666569

math is reddit.

>> No.13666652
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>western civilization is a cope

>> No.13666674

Math isn't arithmetic. Mathematics in the strict sense isn't computational and can't be done by computers

>> No.13666682

>being good at math is not intelligence
You are either a shitposter or way too dumb.

>> No.13666690

>I claim that Aristotle was refuted by Newton even though I haven't read him

>> No.13666695

> literal computers are better at math than humans
literal elementary school take. Learn what a theorem is anon.

>> No.13666704

I've always looked at math as a kind of language in and of itself: its grammar is one of signs, symbols, and numbers: its copulas are your plus sign, your minus sign: the computations done with it resemble those used to construct a sentence properly.

What I mean with all of this rambling and dithering is that I place just as much importance in math as I do in any language. Though it may use a different part of the brain, yet it resembles so distinctly the process of linguistics that I'm apt to compare the two.

>> No.13666718

Hum, very profound

> all of this rambling and dithering

You typed a single sentence, how is that "rambling and dithering" you DFW wannabe faggot? kys

>> No.13666727

Math is not stricly linguistic, there has been neurological work on it. There are structural similarities between the brains and humans and other species like apes and bird, and some part seem to be used for quantitative intuition in several species. So for instance some birds intuitively understand than three gains in front of them are a lesser quantity than five grains, even though they don't have a concept of number. Geometric intuition are also inherently non-verbal.

Maths is a attempt at putting a certain general type of intuitions into language that highlight their general character. It's an unending interplay of nonvebral intuition and language.

>> No.13666735

lmao brainlet who never studied mathematics beyond algebra detected. what a sad cope post!

>> No.13666777

posting itt to laugh at this post

>> No.13666779

leave him alone, bully

>> No.13666803


>> No.13666813

kek, big brained post

>> No.13666815

computers can do algebra too retards. and logic. and calculus. you’re not special.

>> No.13666826

>prospect of infinite infinities
Guenon already solved this nonissue. No one listened

>> No.13666829

>instead of being embarrassed by showing his absolute ignorance mathematics he's doubling down
just kek

>> No.13666838

nothing I’ve said so far is false

>> No.13666839

In that case, when will you collect your $1 million for making a computer prove the Riemann Hypothesis, genius?

>> No.13666851

you say that like a STEMfag will

>> No.13666852

It's false in the sense that you claim to understand what mathematics is yet your view of mathematics is equivalent to a 1st graders view of literature, i.e. that it's just a bunch of letters put together and nothing more.
Everyone here is laughing at you for how stubbornly ignorant you are.

>> No.13666857

Most major unsolved problems in mathematics have been solved by professional mathematicians. By extension, it seems very likely that RH will be solved by a mathematician, if solved at all.

>> No.13666870

Computers just exert brute force, they can't create new concepts. That's the duty of talented matemathicians. However the average stemfag is not that talented nor invent new concepts, they just write differential equations, put them into some software and it gives them answers. Computer acts to them as a blackbox deity and they fill magazines with tons a tons of this trash. Yet they pretend to have already solved philosophy and everything knowable.

Source: I'm a stemfag

>> No.13666871

and those are people who took the time to delve into writing for journals and reading literature on the subject, people more intelligent than an average autism spectrum stemfag

>> No.13666879

>and those are people who took the time to delve into writing for journals and reading literature on the subject
That's what being a mathematician means you fucking retard. Jesus Christ summer /lit/ blows.

>> No.13666906

no, that's what philosopher means, hence doctors of philosophy

>> No.13666909

My good friend is a physicist and we discuss philosophy and shit all the time. Most philosophy majors are completely inapproachable, and just scoffs at you if you mention you have read something. All english majors i've met are cookie cutters and uninterested in any literature from the canon.

>> No.13666912

Everything is literature

>> No.13666913


>> No.13666924

you're the one dancing around semantics to justify your cute little aspy major

>> No.13666939

Can a computer prove a major theorem without humans guiding it all the way through and doing 80% of the real work for it?
A friend of mine did an intership with the leader of the team who reproved Feit-Thomson using automated proof assistant. She said it was a nightmare, computers are fucking dumb, you have to babysit them every step of the way, and a subproof that would take 3 step for an average student is dozen of steps for the computer.

TL;DR: You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.13666944

Now this is low-quality bait, we're talking untritional value of KFC level of bait.

>> No.13666956

And I said 80% but on retrospect it's more like 95 if not 99%.

>> No.13666969

Not sure if you think computers are magic or you think mathematics is purely about computation.

>> No.13667115
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Projecting insecure faggot

>> No.13667146


>> No.13667205

tfw I'm doing a psychology doctorate (most respected STEM degree) and am considering a career in academia, but know that a philosophy undergraduate has far more insight into the human condition than I do