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/lit/ - Literature

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13653965 No.13653965 [Reply] [Original]

Shelf/stack rate thread.

I try and find the ones I want in charity shops/second hand bookstores but there are some I can only find online new.

>inb4 no leather bound first editions

>> No.13653969
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>> No.13654012

Oh wow, do you make a living with your special interest or is it just for the enjoyment?

>> No.13654490
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That's impressive dedication to say the least. Does it ever get boring to keep reading on the same few subjects over and over?

>> No.13655234
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I checked out my usual book sources after getting my pay. The carts had some good stuff, and I also looked through what an "outlet" type book store had to offer. Most were pretty cheap, around two to three euros.

>Lev Tolstoy - Anna Karenina
I had these volumes missing from a German set they scattered across different book stands throughout the city. Finally managed to get the remaining three volumes. I want to better my German. It's getting kinda rusty.
>Don DeLillo - Underworld
It was in good enough shape, and was around a buck, so I saw no reason to not to get caught up in the spectacle. I should increase my awareness of American literature, even if the majority of what the US produces seems utterly annoying or wholly uninteresting to me.
>Guy de Maupassant - Bel-Ami
I was recommended it a few times by acquaintances. Seems interesting.
>Madách - The Last Days of Csák / Moses
Two dramas by the author of "The Tragedy of Man", one of the greatest pieces of Hungarian literature. Sadly it turned out to be a fluke, and he never managed to write anything as good as that. Still, I want to see what he does with the story of Moses.
>Shu-La-Zi - Anecdotes from the life of Linji Yixuan
Apparently it's just orientalism from the pen of a Tibetologist. Still, I want to see what it's like or if it has any value as a source of information on Buddhism.
It was also recommended by an acquaintance before.
>Kornai - The Socialist System
Recently, my interests took to the left a bit for some reason, and it seemed appropriate. It was also disgustingly cheap and unused. (We are talking about fast food dollar menu meal prices here.)
>Deleuze-Guattari - Kafka: Towards a minor literature
Saw it at a bookfest for three-four times the price. Seems short and interesting, mainly because of the authors. (Though it's not like I'm not in love with Kafka's writings.)
>Niklas Luhman - The Reality of Mass Media
Continuing the "critique of contemporary society" line of interest I seem to have gotten recently.
>Derek Bickerton - Language and Species
>"To erase the past once and for all"? (A quote from the Hungarian lyrics of the International)
A short study discussing the depiction of historical personalities in Hungarian social-democrat and communist propaganda between 1890 and 1919. Seems to be peak academic wankery, a thing I like very much.
>Representation of Spaces in Classical and Contemporary Russian Literature
I'm hoping to extract some good book titles from this one, mainly on the contemporary front. Basically just scout-work.
>Lucian - Selected dialogues
The title of the first dialogue seemed interesting "Ikaromenippos - or, the space-traveller". Don't know what to expect.

>> No.13655983


>> No.13656261
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Stack(s) for a current writing project.
Good stack.

>> No.13656716


>> No.13656777

Good stack anon.

>> No.13657659
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Book fair haul

>> No.13657689

Goddamn all those Oxfords. Nice haul. The Italian is an especially good one, hope you enjoy it.

>> No.13657699

Yeah, I love our book fair. Awesome, I look forward to it.

>> No.13658252

Trips confirm

>> No.13658330
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space wasters, get with the times

>> No.13658376

>falls off your lap
>a dog pisses over it
pss nothing personel kid

>> No.13658692

Imagine being this autistic.

>> No.13658703
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>tfw own your own house so can fill it with all the books you’ll ever want instead of running out of space in moms basement and being forced to use an e-reader to make room for semen covered anime figurines and bottles of urine that litter your desk

>> No.13658720

Looks interesting, what's it about?

>> No.13658858
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The bottom book is the collected Eugenio Montale, while the cracked middle is Goethe italian journey which I'm about a third through.

>> No.13658868

Take a proper image, dipshit, nobody cares about your pseud-y angles and looking "artistic"

>> No.13658869

>"Ikaromenippos - or, the space-traveller". Don't know what to expect.
Hilarity and epic bantz

>> No.13658875

I have almost all these books, this is very weird. Like, the exact king I have are Misery and Different Seasons, right next to Silence of the Lambs. So many similar editions too. I am creeped

>> No.13658877

>All that Sacks but not Hallucinations

It's worth it for the story about Sacks' own experience alone.

>> No.13658890

Hi Hunganon bro

>> No.13658895

>Webster and Ford together
Out of all the crack smoking ideas penguin has had over the years, I'm surprised it took them this long to release a Jacobean incest anthology.

>> No.13658944

Kudos bro, excellent taste imo

>> No.13658974

Ford is one of strongest playwrights in English. Webster i know less well. I've read Malfi and thats' it .

>> No.13659006

Language and poetry, mostly.
Hallucinations is good, but I already knew most of its contents from my acid-head/psych-student phase, so I just flipped through looking for exceptions to that already-knowing and then didn't purchase it. The deliriant bit with the Bertrand Russell spider is hilarious, though.

>> No.13659010


>> No.13659422
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>> No.13659457

Webster's a master but often gets overlooked despite his dominating presence in the period after Shakespeare. It's a bit like trying to get people to read Marlowe. If you're ever in London, try to catch a Webster play at the new Blackfriars. Fucking nightmare circus in a candlelit closet.

>> No.13659816
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Yeah, I think that I am based.

>> No.13660133

*tips fedora*

>> No.13660168

Your shelves are about to break

>> No.13660499

>Worst Girl
>Genre fiction
>Gravity's Rainbow creasing Europe Central's cover
What's in that small box on the left? (And is it made out of porcelain?

>> No.13661188


>> No.13661189

Hey, dad

>> No.13661231 [DELETED] 


>> No.13661244
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>> No.13661327
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>> No.13661333

only good post

>> No.13661934


>> No.13662013

Big homo

>> No.13662051


>> No.13662269


>> No.13662458

Does anybody have that one picture of the guy with the lifting thing in his room and a copy of the rise and fall of the third reich

>> No.13662469

>Wordsworth Classics
oh no no no no

>> No.13662483

everyone on this board only ever has top-10-list core shit

>> No.13662491
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>> No.13662637

guys please this is an emergency

>> No.13662648
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>> No.13662652

How’s Europe Central?. Never read any Vollman but really want to

>> No.13663547

big, black and hard, just how the nazis like it ;)

>> No.13663604
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>> No.13663874

I don’t give shit about memesade by retarded yankee college kids

>> No.13663891

Deserving, to be fair. Unless you're an earl or duke of something you can't afford that eccentricity.

>> No.13663988
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>> No.13664011

Lmao. Gets me every time.

>> No.13664019

the kindle shills have been out in full force lately, what's going on? Are they upping the campaign in preparation for a new model?

>> No.13664035

Might be last shipments before tariffs

>> No.13664113

>omon ra

>> No.13664207


>> No.13664778
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>> No.13665734

Boring. Especially the bottom row.

>> No.13666180

Madáchot miért szeretik ennyien?

>> No.13666549
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>> No.13666558

What’s in it?

>> No.13666574

Genuinely based af

>> No.13666584

Is On the road worth a read?

>> No.13666780
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These (I) came today. Gonna read them from the top down. Tried for weeks to find second hand copies but there’s zero within about 100 miles of my house.

>> No.13666786

Read Marcus last my lad

>> No.13666834
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10/10, most plebeian shelf I've seen in my entire life.

>> No.13666850
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>> No.13666860

Thanks for the tip my dude

>> No.13666863


>> No.13666893
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>> No.13666927
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These are just my desk books, my shelves are too messy.

>> No.13666989

Based Arthur miller, no crucible?

>> No.13667029

Don't make me crane my neck 90º just to read the titles

>> No.13667076

Bazisolt magyar. Bazisolt magyar írókkal teli polccal 11/10

>> No.13667123


cool shelf about tyranny bro

>> No.13667293

The absolute state of this post

>> No.13667330

Your complete lack of organization is hurting my autism. You've got at least 2 Stephen King books on every shelf but none of them are together.

>> No.13667346
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Only got into reading recently so pls no bulli.

Read these since the start of summer. So im still figuring out.

my favorites so far :

Want to get into philosophy now.

Recommendations are welcomed

>> No.13667455

My bad anon I need to fix this. I just moved and threw the books up there for the sake of time. Need to organize better.

>> No.13667548

>reading the digital jew

>> No.13667568

>12 memersons for life

>> No.13667630

Like i said I just read everything I can get my hands on. I know he is a meme but hey, this book was on our shelf for a year or so so I gave it a try.

Pretty avarage imo

>> No.13667877

> Zarathustra új fordítás nagyon jó
> Zizektől sikerült a legclickbaitebb könyvet kiadni
> Helikon zsebkönyvekből még a Kantot ajánlom, meg a Schopenhauert (mondjunk az kb Petersonnal egy kategória)
> Harari politikai giccs
> Horthy lol

>> No.13667889

Ugh yeah fuckin hate that tyrant Hamlet

>> No.13667916

You'd probably enjoy Mishima Yukio. Jelenkor has a nice new edition of Confessions of a Mask in Hungarian (Egy maszk vallomásai)

>> No.13667930

Ha tetszett az 1984, Babits Elza pilótája is tetszeni fog. Korábban írt, és sok tekintetben erősebben ható disztópikus regény.

>> No.13667935

Mert sikerült írnia egy világirodalmi színvonalú művet. A Tragédia a magyar irodalom egyik csúcsa, kiváló a nyelvezete, filozófiai megalapozása, struktúrája és kivitelezése.

>Péterfi Jordánia
Értem én, hogy periférián élünk, de anon plíz.
Dosztótól én inkább a Bűn és Bűnhődéssel kezdtem volna a helyedben, aztán kielemezném a Feljegyzések első részét tüzetesen. Nem előfeltétel, csak tudd, hogy nem feltétlenül a legjobb részbe ugrottál bele egyből a Félkegyelművel.
>Barna Dani
Mehet a kukába.
Ha tetszett Kafkától a Per, akkor lehet olvasni a novellákat, a Kastélyt, illetve Robert Walser írásait, aki nagy hatással volt Kafkára. (Megjelentek magyar nyelven is.)
Solzhenitsyn. Ha érdekelnek ilyen kis cuki anektodák és történetek a Sztálinizmusról, akkor "Dmitry Shostakovich-Solomon Volkov: Testimony" (Magyarul "Testamentum" címen jelent meg, de ne keresd. mert borsos áron vesztegetik, és még a kötése is fos, legalábbis ismerőstől azt hallottam.)
Amúgy csak beszabadultál egy Libribe, aztán levettél majd' minden polákos mémkönyvet, vagy mi?

Akkor már inkább olvassa angolul, mert a magyar kiadást az angol nyomán készítették.

>> No.13668585


>> No.13668610
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>> No.13668614
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>> No.13668617
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>> No.13668621
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>> No.13668628
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>> No.13668703

>Against Nature

>> No.13668815
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>> No.13668931

hell yeah

>> No.13668942
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Excited for the future

>> No.13668945

If we met we could be friends, impeccable taste Monsieur

>> No.13668957 [DELETED] 

>reading nietzsche without having read schopenhauer or any of the greeks

>> No.13669015
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hoes mad (24x)

>> No.13669039
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more like just what the nazis recruited

>> No.13669061
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>> No.13669446


>> No.13669460

What's wrong with Akutagawa?

>> No.13669475

he said he was excellent

>> No.13669851

>Amúgy csak beszabadultál egy Libribe, aztán levettél majd' minden polákos mémkönyvet, vagy mi?

Nem, sokat közülük csak a polcról szedtem le (igaz hogy a Libri-ből van nálunk a polc) mert még azt se tudtam szeretek e olvasni bármit, Harry Potter és Tronok harcán kívül, mondom nemrég kezdtem szóval nem vagyok annyira szofiztikált ebben. Szolzsenyicin-t már rendeltem (nem
is nagyon tervezem többé mém-könyvesboltba tenni a lábam)

Köszi a tanácsot amúgy

>> No.13669868

Basements really aren't that common anymore, update your dead boomer memes.

>> No.13669890
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[Tori Loves Rachel. Faggot. I like girls.]

>> No.13670086

Sei Italiano?

>> No.13670422


>> No.13670447

I don't think italians read Italian poems in English, anon

>> No.13670452

menj az anyad pichajaba

>> No.13670464

is that a good thesaurus?

>> No.13670528


>> No.13670539

Jól hangzik köszi !

>> No.13670621

no, ma, sto imparando.

>> No.13670631
File: 1.67 MB, 3264x1836, 15662868844078620027174335496650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[One of the fucking best. Phones do everything now, but it feels good to have a physical ace of staves on deck, right? Right. Lit teacher from seventh grade told me to get one and I have kept one ever since. A writer's third call on a drunk night when he just needs a decent blowjob for some whiskey dick. Chungus. Or whatever. Free Emiya.]

>> No.13670674


>> No.13671010

Found the "classical liberal" who listens to Jordan Peterson.

>> No.13671024

>Tried for weeks to find second hand copies

>> No.13671120

>nem is nagyon tervezem többé mém-könyvesboltba tenni a lábam
Általában megéri mindent antikváriumban beszerezni, vagy körülnézni Budapest utcáin, hogy a Közhasznú Könyvterjesztők épp mit árulnak.
Újat akkor éri meg venni, ha újra kiadtak valamit amiből anno csak alacsony példányszámú nyomást csináltak. (Pl. Helikon új Konfuciusz fordítása, mert a régi kiadás az relatíve ritka, mivel egy háromkötetes antológia része.) (inb4 de a szukits kiadta 199X-ben. Tudom, de azt még életemben nem láttam eladásra kínálva. Tartalomra megegyezik az Akadémiai Kiadó változatával a hatvanas évekből.)

>> No.13671142
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>> No.13671150
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>> No.13671155
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>> No.13671159
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>> No.13671164
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>> No.13671169
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>> No.13671172

post your wallpaper m'man

>> No.13671180
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sure. mulholland drive for anyone curious.

>> No.13671189
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this is my to read stack also

>> No.13671197

>the Terror
the TV show is better

>> No.13671219

Impressive collection

How many of them have you read?

>> No.13671242

nothing in that to read stack is read and my bedside stack are current reads. some things like Kant or Hero w/ 100 faces were only specific sections, and some things like Euripides were only a specific play or two. Stuff like Homer or Dante I buy in both poetry and prose for comparison, but only really have read the poetry versions.

Besides all that, otherwise pretty much all of it.

>> No.13671281

Much appreciated! And nice collection, too.

>> No.13672184


>> No.13672309

How long does it take you to complete a stack ?

>> No.13672478

I'm not and I don't

>> No.13672550

Forza amico

>> No.13673039

Stay mad basementfag

>> No.13673125

Nice selection my dude.

>> No.13673170

Does /lit/ ever buy comic books?

>> No.13673194

based zoomers

>> No.13673236

I like you

>> No.13674202


>> No.13674484

What do you guys do with your old books? Dump them at HPB? Ebay?

>> No.13674620
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Went to second hand bookstore recently, expected them to have 2-3 books on my list instead they had almost everything.

>> No.13674640

1.2-1.4 books a week for me

>> No.13674678

Keep them.

>> No.13674814

Plan to take them to a thrift shop and then forget about them for several years

>> No.13674818

Reading a shitty paperback of W&P sounds like an unpleasant experience

>> No.13675382

cool cover on gulag archipelago
not a fan of harari though

>> No.13676199


>> No.13676365

Stacking books like that is for those who don't want guests to know they read the works of L Ron Hubbard.