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/lit/ - Literature

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1365023 No.1365023 [Reply] [Original]

So, what is /lit/ working on over the christmas period? Be in writing for your job, for studying or purely for a hobby/practise.

I'm currently (as in right now) writing an essay answering the question "To what extent is all theatre physical theatre?"

and over the christmas period i have one English essay in from a choice of 8 questions and a similar one for Drama.

So /lit/
tl;dr what writing are you doing over the christmas period?

also, here's some OST's which i listen to whilst doing academic work.

Fallout 3 Galaxy Radio

Fallout 3 Enclave Radio

Fallout New Vegas & Black Mountain Radio

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Sountrack
(pretty fucking awesome btw)

Jackie Brown OST

Pulp Fiction OST

Scott Pilgrim vs The World OST

Fight Club OST

i'd recommend downloading some of those, they're all pretty good!

Happy Holidays /lit/

>> No.1365059
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Sorry but I only listen to the Apocalypse Now OST when I need to get some serious thinking on.

And currently I'm working on my research paper about pornography in today's society. It's not as fun as it sounds.

Also, I almost never write essays. The need to be able to write an essay is seriously overblown in our educational system. Only when it comes down to me failing or passing will I write it.

>> No.1365060

>music with clear vocals
>academic studying
pick one.

>> No.1365121
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I have been looking for a rip of the Fallout radios for fucking years! I can't tell you how glad I am I decided to just check what's happening on /lit/ before I go to bed. Thank you Brownbear, thank you.

As for me I listen to a lot of Aphex Twin and I've been listening to Flying Lotus recently but one song I always listen to is Bela Lugosi's Dead by Bauhaus.

>> No.1365174

Gonna be writng some French essays, and a short piece of romantic fiction for my English coursework.

Also I'll be revising my Psych and Chem, and hopefully finishing my current novel by the end of the year. I'll be reading a lot, too.

>> No.1365192

Writing a creative piece about black mass rituals in Germany. I've listened to the Tron Legacy OST some..but..not as good as id hoped Today is Beethoven's birthday and they are playing all of his symphonies on my local classical station, so, there's that...

>> No.1365191

I'm gonna tackle the Wake.

>> No.1365440

I'll be doing my best to contribute positively to /lit/ and ignoring stupid fucking tripfaggot pieces of shit.

>> No.1366003
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that's what this essay is for me though, if i write this one i can bail on another later on in the year which is a lot harder.

so this is good, also gonna have to give the apocalypse now OST a listen, thanks!


no problem man, happy to help, there's a guy called ghostly who has a great mediafire full of fantastic soundtracks and stuff
here's the link:

sounds good, i'm guessing you're a college student?

i'm making it my new years resolution to read more ;D

sounds nice man, yeah i was excited when i heard Daft Punk made the entire soundtrack but i'm gonna go see the film first before listening to the OST. However i don't expect it to be great, just think it'll be overhyped :(

>guy with a trip posts a good thread and stimulates discussion
hurr durr i'll sage coz i never contribute and i'm mad jelly of him

nice logic brah

>> No.1366008

I'm studying classics to enhance my understanding of later literature.

>> No.1366009

I'm writing fiction.

75,000 words and counting.

>> No.1366020

I'm working on a couple short stories. I'm tying to do something like "Hills Like White Elephants" with one, and another one Ive had on the back burner for two years. It's a Christmas story. Sentimental and all that. I figure, that's what sells, right? Also, hopefully I'll be working on my novel, but I've kind of at a wall for the passed few months. Just need to sit down and write.

>> No.1366065


>> No.1366070

>I'm studying classics to enhance my understanding of later literature
oh wow this guy just made a FUCKING REFERENCE to some guys that lived a few hundred years in the book of Genesis. My experience of Return of the Native has been enhanced tenfold! fucking english students...

>> No.1366075


Why are you so mad?

>> No.1366077
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More of a /sci/duck here.

Going to be reading a lot of background material on my astrophysics project involving Pulsars (pic related).

Also, I'll be starting The Time Machine (Just finished the Invisible Man and loved it!) and Fahrenheit 451.

Music for study= Apparat/ Bibio/ Al Bowlly.

If you're into big band, check out the NV one too, has some great tracks by some of best artists of the era.

>> No.1366080
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attention anons:

do not reply to this comment, not even with a sage. Replying let's this fake ty think he's liked and wanted, when really he isn't. Stop giving him the attention he craves and he'll stop shitting up threads.


>> No.1366086

Or you can just hide every form of "tybrax" imaginable.

>> No.1366102

I like a lot of Chopin and Armenian guys.

>> No.1366108


or you can do as i do and report every off-topic post as spam.

>> No.1366113

What do you think of Prelude No. 4?

>> No.1366115

Brownbear's first and only good post!

>> No.1366138

I'm studying for the Praxis exams (teacher certification stuff) and enjoying some light sci-fi reading. Namely, Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein, Foundation by Issac Asimov, and I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream by Harlan Ellison. Also, found a history book for my hometown I plan on reading.

Good times.

>> No.1366139
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my feelings :(

>> No.1366167
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>dropping trip yet again
well... at least you've improved your technique.....

>> No.1366189

i need some more stuff to listen too!
anyone else got any good thing to listen to whilst reading/writing?

inb4 rainymood and that godot jazz track

>> No.1366202
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>inb4 rainymood and that godot jazz track

>Biosphere - Substrata
>ambient, post-ice-core

>> No.1366267
File: 76 KB, 240x285, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to write three fucking essays, one on wittgenstein, one on Salamander Rushdie, one on Edmund Spenser. I am already trying to finish an essay on Baudrillard.

I just want to read some fucking books.


it is what I listen to exclusively when I lift my weights you're gonna love it bro

>> No.1366281

I'm writing an essay on cannibalism in "the road" by cormac mccarthy. I'm also listening to the GNR soundtrack - it's awesome to do work by.

>> No.1366282

Construction Eurocodes, all day evry day.

And work.

>> No.1366296
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>I'm writing an essay on cannibalism in "the road" by cormac mccarthy
big questions.

but somewun gotta anser dem

>> No.1366315

Procrastinating :(

>> No.1366367
File: 329 KB, 917x733, This is me giving a fuck New Vegas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


'll check out that OST for at least (hopefully) one good track.

though i suspect 99% of it is just shit.
sounds like a shitty workload, can't wait for 2011, gonna get starting on my goal of 100 books this year.

still not started this essay, it's due in at 5pm and it's 2pm

pic related

>> No.1366368

The Dead Robots Society podcast is soliciting exploration-themed fantasy/sci-fi short stories to publish in dead tree format. Might knuckle down and produce something for that.

>> No.1366412

I won NaNoWriMo and am still working on the novel. It's a light fantasy novel that I doubt anyone on /lit/ would ever pick up. Obviously will need some heavy editing.

>> No.1366467


i never even bothered writing more than a page, which was pretty shitty in itself, i had a full story set out too, hilarity ensues :(

maybe some day /lit/
maybe some day

>> No.1366485
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that makes me sad browny :'(

>> No.1366520

gonna bump this a few more times to see what else /lit/ is working on over the holidays

>> No.1367627

Working on a scifi book, and trying not to procrastinate.

>> No.1367641

i'm finally starting this essay, sat in my university library right now.

i've done 700 words outta 1,500. i know what i've wrote is shit and wrong but i can't be arsed changing it. I'm just gonna say i was experimenting with different essay writing styles and that it didn't go too well. They lap that shit up here.

my question is: To what extent do you agree that all theatre is physical theatre?

my key points are:
all theatre has aspects of physicality in it
even theatre without actors has crew, lighting technicains etc who being it all togeher
the audience is a part of theatre, linking the triangle or story, story-teller and audience
gonna reference purely physical theatre companies like DV8 and Kneehigh
Referencing plays like 'Breath' by Beckett which have no actors and therefore minimum physicality.
gonna be writing a bit about the absurdist movement in a broader sense
also some stuff about the history of the definition of physical theatre, namely how it was bandied about to any type of theatre that didn't conform to the expectations of the time.

Pretty sure i'm doing it wrong but fuck it.

Not asking for help btw just venting a little
inb4 anons tell me they don't care and act like i'm asking for help


>> No.1367647

so anons how does it feel to be witnessing BB's slow academic self-destruction?

>> No.1367648

the worst thing is now i'm aware of my own downfall.
cure you d&e

curse you

>> No.1367661


OK, Brownbear, I'll cut you some slack.

I think that your list of points is strong. "Breath" is an essential reference since it's one of the very few plays with no apparent physical component, but you're right, the people involved in the staging must be taken into consideration. Also, you could argue that the act of making any noise at all (in this case, the "vagitus" and the breath itself) is physical too.

While I'm rambling, remember that "Breath" was originally part of Kenneth Tynan's avant-garde theatrical revue "Oh! Calcutta!", although in an altered form. Therefore, even this vignette was part of a larger whole.

The key thing to remember about your essay is that you don't have to be right, as such, you just have to argue your case well to get the marks.

BTW: You should be able to write 800 words in an afternoon, so what are you doing on /lit/?

>> No.1367663

yeah i've argued that the simulation of human life within breath is in itself physical, although not neccessarily 100% there we are given the illusion of life and this counts as physicality

i'm 800 words down now so i've got to do 1,500 but i can take it down to 1,350 minimum, i'm writing about people like Artaud and Berkoff now, but i should probably look more into this breath thing being a part of a larger work. I know he was commissioned to write an erotic piece of drama or something for it but i'm hazy on the details.

and /lit/ just sucks me in :(

but thanks man, you've been a big help!

>> No.1367675

>UKfag detected
I've seen them a few times, and they're actually decent physical theatre.
The thing is, my first experience with physical theatre has been all the really good stuff. Since being at uni I haven't seen one good physical theatre piece.

>> No.1367677


>> No.1367679

I will take what I can get

>> No.1367683


>> No.1367682


meh i know exactly what you mean, although some physical theatre is great most is really hit-and-miss.

i prefer DV8 i think, Enter Achilles is pretty great, i do suggest checking it out (it's on youtube and i think there's a torrent out there somewhere)

and yeah i'm from England

>> No.1367692


>i'm hazy on the details

Have some links:




>> No.1367700


thanks a lot!
i've been able to write a fair bit about that now, i've just wrote my conclusion, basically that i agree fully with the statement 'all theatre is physical theatre' but want to definition of physical theatre redefined and honed down so that not so many aspects fall under it's umbrella.

also gonna talk about Not I by Beckett, that dramatic monolgue with just a mouth illuminated on stage. I saw an amateur production about 2 years ago and it's only just popped into my head!

thanks anon!

>> No.1367703

I think yours is one of those slow lifelong afflictions, maybe you will be thinking to yourself "MAN, I SURE WISH I WAS BACK IN KOWLOON THROWING UP IN A NIGHTCLUB, THOSE WERE THE GOOD DAYS, THEY REALLY REPRESENTED THE APEX OF ENJOYMENT IN MY LIFE BECAUSE I AM UTTERLY ENTRENCHED IN A CAPITALIST WORK/PLAY MENTALITY" while sitting in a cubicle writing out sums for the rest of your life. You are real mid-life crisis material Capsgoon.

>> No.1367705

If I had a nickle for every time I'd heard that...

>> No.1367720


>> No.1367726

>its okay cos I get money enough to feel good somewhere else where I can get away from myself
never change capsdrone

maybe try a little schopenhauer

>> No.1367731


>> No.1367734


>thanks a lot!

No problem.

>basically that i agree fully with the statement 'all theatre is physical theatre' but want to definition of physical theatre redefined and honed down so that not so many aspects fall under it's umbrella.

This sounds very reasonable and good for gaining marks.

>also gonna talk about Not I by Beckett, that dramatic monolgue with just a mouth illuminated on stage.

Yeah, this will work. Have a link to a BBC2 production from 1973:


Got to go.

>> No.1367737


thanks again anon

i owe you one!

>> No.1367738

I really hate you, Deep and Edgy, but you're spot on in this thread.

>> No.1367765

if you have not already been I suggest you go to a Zen Garden capsguy maybe you will experience satori out of fucking nowhere

>> No.1367794

people de-railing my thread!

d&e that mw2 OST is pretty awful.
one or two good ones there however

>> No.1367836


>> No.1367870

Thank you for your OST suggestions, OP. Gonna hit those up after I get off work today.

As for Christmas, with finals finally over by then, I will probably be cooped up in my room doing some reads, cataloging my books, organizing my iTunes library.

And of course, gettin' drunk.

>> No.1367922


np bro, i think i'm gonna have a similar christmas, don't really like the whole family thing that goes on and stuff.
not as alone as you but gonna be busting out the vidya i think

>> No.1367964

Researching grad schools, studying for the GRE, working, reading A LOT. Here's a question:

Does anyone have any suggestions for good books to read if I don't know what the fuck I'm going with my life?

I'm already reading the autobiographies of Ben Franklin and Fukuzawa Yukichi. Any other suggestions?

>> No.1367991


fight club

but more inspiring autobiographies maybe?
not too sure fiction wise however

>> No.1367995

yeah probably autobiographies. or fiction about college age people not knowing what to do with their lives.

>> No.1368009

I listen usually to podcasts.

CSPAN podcasts.
Whisky Media podcasts.
NPR Money/This American Life.

Those are what I listen to.

>> No.1368059

>d&e that mw2 OST is pretty awful.
>can't appreciate Hans Zimmer

>> No.1368082

I have a list. (sup Brownie Townie)

Beckett - Murphy
Calvino - The Baron in the Trees
Carey - Oscar and Lucinda
Cervantes - Don Quixote
Ellis - Less Than Zero
Foer - Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
Kafka - The Castle
Nabokov - Glory
Nabokov - Lectures on Literature
Pynchon - Vineland
Rimbaud - A Season in Hell
Sagan - Contact
Toole - The Neon Bible

I probably won't finish them all, but it's good to be ambitious from the outset.

>> No.1368091

In search of lost time, Proust.

>> No.1368097


Oh yeah, I forgot all about my ronery XBox, haha.

>> No.1368100


If you're in a humanities type field, you should really, REALLY think hard about why you're even going to grad school.

>> No.1368318


sounds like a pretty good list charles

i appreciate him, however some tracks are meh and others are bad

>> No.1368465

I finished extremely loud and incredibly close recently. Was rather disappointed by it, I don't know whether you've read everything is illuminated, but after that it seems repetitive somehow.

>> No.1368510

Writing? I'll be redrafting some history shit. Writing some English text transformation shit.

How I wish I could get the courage to start a bloody novel and then retain the determination to finish it

>> No.1368523

It was lent to me, and even though I think Foer is a bit gimmicky, I don't like returning a book unread. Oh well, it's half pictures, it'll be a fast read anyways.

>> No.1368565

I'm going to working on my novel, or if I get stumped on that, write a short story or two. Maybe draw.
I don't fancy the holidays too much, really.

>> No.1368738

finished my essay!
ffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yeah!
i didn't work solidly and 4chan wasn't banned from my Uni's IP like i hoped it was, i was at the university from 11am til about 7pm, but successful day was successful!

gonna make a new thread for christmas

>> No.1368741 [DELETED] 
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Christmas Day Schedule
>get up about 10am
>present opening
>thanks for the 2 good presents and the piles of shit
>down to my grandparents
>meet extended family
>present giving
>it's about 12 or 1pm now
>all the men go to my grandads bowling clubhouse (basically just a pub)
>snooker and beer til about 3pm
>pretty drunk
>possible nap time
>watch the great escape
>this year might be going round someone else's house in the evening time and staying over

how about you /lit/
no reading for me on christmas day
pic unrelated

>> No.1368753


>>1367692/>>1367734 here. Well done, sir. I knew you could do it.

>> No.1368755

Hope you enjoy it, Time Machine and Invisible Man are both excellent. :D

I'm going to be trying to write 1,000 words every day and post them on a wordpress blog. Doubt it'll garner any interest, but it's mostly just to keep me on track. I figure it'll be like a monkeys-writing-shakespeare thing, if I type enough, maybe I'll come up with something almost readable. ^^;

>> No.1368776

I hope to learn piano (or whatever other instrument Santa brings. thumbs crossed for violin) to write some music to all my lyrics.
I really hope to finish the current de Sade book to move on to faster reading. The guy writes as if he's on a mission to make you learn the whole dictionary.
Perhaps some MCAT revision wouldn't hurt.

Of course, I'll probably read 20 pages of de Sade, reread some old favourite novellas, and not write any more music. Fuck hesitancy.

>> No.1368789

Thx for the OSTs, OP. Far better than just throwing on RainyMood.com... which gives me a headache after a while.

I'll be reading 'Their Finest Hour', and finally reading 'Catcher and the Rye' (I know... I know).

Also hoping to finish the second draft of a short story I've been labouring on.

>> No.1368792


thank you very much for your help! you were a gentlemen and a scholar, i get my marks back in January so a bit of a long wait!

no problem! hope you enjoy them

>> No.1368933

Anyone have the Moon OST? Or Sunshine?

>> No.1368948

Writing a short piece of fiction about a tunnel war between rival working gangs on a mining station. Oh yeah, the station's on Titan. Still trying to figure out whether or not I want to make it retro sci-fi or normal sci-fi.

>> No.1368978

continuing a short story about a whorey woman that is headhunting for virgins.

>> No.1369020


there's moon for you tripfriend

>> No.1369027

Got both by torrent. I'm impatient, haha.
Thanks though!

>> No.1369097


ahhh no proble, i was looking for sunshine but couldn't find it!