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13660224 No.13660224 [Reply] [Original]

>Whoa, Muhammad?? He had a child bride and lead an army to victory and he owned slaves and was homophobic. God would NOT approve!

>> No.13660242

Islam is an admirable religion, but it is not suitable for the West. The West needs to return to its Greco-Roman polytheistic Platonist roots.

>> No.13660248

That's all true though. Maybe not the God part but that depends on your God.

>> No.13660250


>> No.13660252

Fundamentalist Islam seems to be everything the trad/reactionary/far right/whatever people like, but they still hate it. Why?

>> No.13660257

Because they're racist and love jewcock.

>> No.13660260

Anti-intellectual tendencies in Islam, and it encourages race-mixing, would be my guess why they hate it.

>> No.13660263

Trying to authentically practice a folk religion that's been dead for thousands of years? And not even appealing to truth (really important to Plato), but culture?

>> No.13660278

>it encourages remixing

Lol no. It strongly opposed racial animus but some major scholars like Ibn Taymiyyah wrote against race mixing and to this day many fathers make it a requirement that you're the same race to marry their daughter. Race mixing is by no means haram but it's not required and fathers reserve the right to veto it

>> No.13660283

Because racism

>> No.13660293
File: 42 KB, 499x486, 36AE2F8E-AE22-46BB-91E6-CDC12A67AB9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascism is anti-intellectual do. ”race mixing” and ”eugenics” are common human fallacies; the human hierarchy and sexual/natural selection finds a way with or without artificial selection. i’d say freedom of love is a better way of propagating ”superior” genes since artificial selection is prone to human errors and lack of real time verifiability.

>> No.13660303

anti-intellectual too*

>> No.13660312

They don't like that most Muslims are brown. They would be all over Islam if it was historically and contemporarily practiced by white people.

>> No.13660330

Mohammed had a black friend called bilal and when people would ask him who they should marry their daughter off to or who they should marry he would always recommend bilal, the black guy.

>> No.13660354

>if you're not islamic you're fascist
Time to jump off a bridge anon

>> No.13660361

Certainly, he also said people should marry his mother's slave even though she was a widow and his second mother (she breastfed him growing up). Muhammad was very much not like /pol/ in terms of what he looked for in a spouse. His first wife was a single mother much older than he was and the only virgin he married was Aisha and that was only because of a dream. Muhammad cared a lot about getting spouses for people who had a hard time finding one, he made sure his homeless followers all had wives and said they should be married for their character and if necessary a brother should marry his slave to a poor man to be sure he isn't stuck without a wife. This doesn't mean you have to marry a homeless man or a widow though

>> No.13660372

I was trying to reason with the proposed groups of right-wingers.

>> No.13660382

>God would NOT approve!
You lost me.

>> No.13660384

Make sensible arguments aimed at sensible people, not inane arguments aimed at irrational people. Reasoning with your average /pol/ buffoon is only going to degrade your wit.

>> No.13660391

Based Muhammad caring for the incels.

>> No.13660415

This is one of the main functions of polygamy in Islam, it helps divorced and widowed women find a husband, because Muslim men who can only afford one wife rarely will marry a woman who isn't a virgin

>> No.13660464

>had a child bride and lead an army to victory and he owned slaves and was homophobic
seems to be an extremely red pilled way of life

>> No.13660713

>lead an army
It's supposed to be "led an army", you stupid fucking muzzie.

>> No.13660862
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>Islam is an admirable religion

>> No.13660910


>> No.13661121
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you call him stupid when you don't even know where to put the comma.

>> No.13661131

It's supposed to be "led an army", fucking muzzie.*
I went ahead and fixed it, faggot. Also, more flexible grammatical rules are involved during conversation whereas certain transgressions are impermissible.

>> No.13661150

I meant you saying ", instead of ,"

>> No.13661183

Where did I say ", instead of ,"?

>> No.13661193


>> No.13661204

I never said ", instead of ," in any of those posts. Are you on drugs?

>> No.13661207

Religion is a universal truth you disgusting retard. A religion can't be good in one area but bad it another unless you're talking about how to make your larp sessions fun.