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File: 1.31 MB, 1410x2250, Based-Deleuze-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13653787 No.13653787 [Reply] [Original]

Did you know Deleuze's parents were both fascists?

>> No.13653798
File: 22 KB, 400x594, justin_murphy_new.jpg_SIA_JPG_fit_to_width_INLINE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes, I do let strangers spank me in front of my wife
>I'm not shoplifting from this Tesco, I'm just resisting Capitalism
>Of course I'm part of ANTIFA, how could you tell?

>> No.13653939

>trad family values
>leftist economics
Literally never opened Anti-Oedipus

>> No.13653943

>>trad family values
>>leftist economics
Or, the liberal scum destroying the world

>> No.13653950

he's mentally ill

>> No.13653961

Yeah, he does interview some pretty interesting people though

>> No.13654293

This guy really thinks he's doing something new when Badiou already did it over 40 years ago

>> No.13654300

yeah and your parents were probably siblings

>> No.13654311

Does his whole life now revolve around trying to "trigger" the people who fired him when in reality they couldn't care less about him?

>> No.13654327

How do you nicker faggots keep up with all the eceleb drama? Is this what zoomer life is?

>> No.13654331

Just use twitter

>> No.13654335

I didn't realize this was an actual person
I thought this image was just posted here to be like a stereotypical pseud
who is this guy and what does he do?

>> No.13654338

He wrote on his blog a very long and boring string of posts about how his university didn't like him and wanted him gone and ever since then he's been smugly trying to spite them, it seems.

>> No.13654368

Justin Murphy. E-celeb and disgraced professor of philosophy. Got fired for petty shop lifting and psychedelics use. Pretty much a leftist bugman, but he got kicked out of their establishment for being too much of a degenerate for even them. Now he does the whole podcast/patreon/YouTube spiel. He's a shitty person who has bad ideas but he has had done interviews with some really interesting people like Nick Land and founder of g/acc. He sounds and acts exactly like his picture looks

>> No.13654372

He's a Catholic left-neoreactionary communist

>> No.13654386

He should interview O9A's David Myatt.

>> No.13654394

He's a political scientist; when it comes to academics he seems more social science/stemtard; so I'm not sure of his exegetical competence of pure philosophy. Most leftists hate him and think he's a fascist for having said some un-pc things (and talking to people on the right) which was also a reason for him being kicked out of academia

>> No.13654643

professor of philosophy he ain't

>> No.13654791
File: 55 KB, 489x362, guatarri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of the "Should Dumézil Be Burned?" book, clickbait titles are rarely a good sign about the book actual quality. While it's true that his father was a member of the Croix-de-Feu movement (which were nationalists/anticommunists), to call him a fascist is like saying that an anarchist is a stalinist, nonsense. Also his brother died resisting the Nazi in 1944, which impacted him badly.

>> No.13655288

Justin is a pseud

>> No.13656050

he's based

>> No.13656062

that would be very interesting

>> No.13656197
File: 14 KB, 133x177, 20190812_113039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it the goal of every leftist to die of excessive stress due to rampant paranoia?

>> No.13656200
File: 76 KB, 1024x578, D_u5Y2DUEAEZrii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13656217

>the reactionary leftism of Gilles Deleuze

Is this leftist purity spiraling?

>> No.13656247

That seems based, also that's how Gödel (and K. Dick, almost) did it.

>> No.13656274
File: 645 KB, 2048x1538, D_ot97NVUAAO80X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13656285

yes, read Deleuze

>> No.13656341

That pic is a really interesting way to twist "Government was paying off left-wing activists ensuring a Conservative government ran France for the next 30 years".

>> No.13656432
File: 106 KB, 960x720, Drrnv0fVsAAtslW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13656640

For someone who got kicked out of academia he still sure likes to cuck up to the cathedral

>> No.13656647

>Got fired for petty shop lifting
lmao what a faggot. I thought he at least got kicked out for ideology. Zero respect for him

>> No.13656650

He looks like someone I can see my philosophy-major cousin becoming

>> No.13656652

the man who broke down the border between cringe and based, becoming a morph of both.

>> No.13656679

Why is he in the UK?

>> No.13656699

That's not impressive. I've gotten n1x to ramble about his autogynephiliac posturing just by posting in mild dissent on his shitty 8ch board back in the day.

>> No.13656711

He worked in Southampton before they fired him

>> No.13656723

seems like a weird place to apply for work if you're american

>> No.13656724
File: 544 KB, 750x931, PST-YELLOWSUB-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reads Deleuze once
>actually kind of appealing
is living on the Yellow Submarine the endgame?

>> No.13656738

you didn't understand him

>> No.13656756

keep fighting justin what is your addy in abq i will come see u

>> No.13656951

Unironically yes

>> No.13657334

Is that on archive?

>> No.13657361

Wow huh I guess the yellow submarine is kind of a nomadic war-machine. The nowhere man is a being without organs.

>> No.13658143

>who is this guy and what does he do?
hes a catholic trad socialist (read: contrarian) who interviews the ex girlfriends of cum town hosts for patreon money

>> No.13658195

He uncovered the truth about Bronze Age Pervert's true identity.

>> No.13658924


>> No.13659066

There's an e-celeb named Luke Smith whose entire life revolves around living out whatever the /g/ meme of the month is. Justin Murphy is basically /lit/'s Luke Smith, what with his Deleuze and Catholic larping. I'm surprised he hasn't shilled Whitehead yet.

>> No.13659115
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1549009710530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i liked his video about languages and metaphysical concepts and tiers

>> No.13659128

This was about 3 years ago on /anarcho/, so probably not. Back then, his biggest concern was keeping "ayncrap reactionaries" off his anarkiddie hovel, pretty pathetic desu. He soon fucked off to create a short-lived imageboard called zerochan or something which was basically the same thing, so I actually took over moderation on /anarcho/, which agitated him a bit. Anyway, when his "no reactionaries allowed" pillow fort inevitably collapsed from disuse, he started the troonblog or whatever he's been doing until now. If everyone here had the same experience with this guy as I did, then nobody would be spamming his silly apologia for mental illness.

>> No.13660446

I hate to revive this thread but this video of his on Nietzsche and Deleuze's reading of eternal return is so retarded I had to share it. He really thinks the eternal recurrence is a justification for submitting unquestioningly to "traditional values" and failing, life-draining commitments. Is it just me or is allowing yourself to be brought down by a shitty relationship incredibly un-Nietzschean?

>> No.13661236


>> No.13661504

Luke Smith is actually smart tho

>> No.13661610

>3.3K subscribers on youtube

>> No.13661786

There's a good Southampton uni and and evil Southampton uni and they both have similar enough names that you can say you were at [a] Southampton University (it's University of Southampton [good] and Solent University, Southampton [evil]). Murphy was at the evil institution and apparently went on about abortion being necrophilia, for some reason that was criticised for being ableist...?

>> No.13662651

He got in trouble for talking about this too