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13656097 No.13656097[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hbomberguy, this boards favorite leftist, getting absolutely pummeled by /ourguy/ here


>> No.13656117
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>> No.13656118 [DELETED] 

If you unironically get your political opinions off some nobody on YouTube, you should just kill yourself in shame.
At least Memerson has a university degree in something, liking hh or contrapoints is the only thing more embarrassing than being an unironic Sargon fan in 2019.

>> No.13656136

If you unironically get your political opinions off some nobody on YouTube, you should just kill yourself in shame.
At least Memerson has a university degree in something, liking hh or contrapoints is the only thing more embarrassing than being an unironic sargon fan in 2019.
The fact that one of these fags got btfo and trounced by a bodybuilder really says it all.

>> No.13656149

I consider myself a leftist, and I rather spend time with The Golden One than hbomberguy. The latter one is actually a bigger problem for the leftist cause than the former.

>> No.13656173

I genuinely don't understand how the middle class mouth breathing retards over at breadtube genuinely believe a söyboy and a tranny will totally appeal to the working class.
t. a rightist that respects old school leftism

>> No.13656180

/lit/ BTFO by Der Highness

>> No.13656221

first video ive seen by this guy, i always knew him from those meme pics. He sounds completely sane and reasonable.

>> No.13656230

>this boards favorite leftist
(X) Doubt
>getting absolutely pummeled
Cringe and bluepilled
Did you hear the part about how he reads fantasy and sci-fi

>> No.13656240

He isn't, the HGH and slin and jealousy towards his superior brother rotted his mind years ago.

>> No.13656348

>his superior brother
pic pls

>> No.13656362
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Stop posting pseudtube threads

>> No.13656386

Would love to cuck her.

>> No.13656416

>claims to be natty
>reads fiction
>head is more elongated than a snek
>muh europa

This is dumb. This is not /lit/.

>> No.13656424

Why does he have to act so autistically?
Constantly showing off his muscles, yeah i get it you lift, k.
Though i do get the impression that he is doing it ironically.
But why would he do it?

>> No.13656439

You'd do it too if you had his muscles. Be honest.

>> No.13656447

Oh but they don't care, the working class is a bunch of inferior swines that should follow their new social constructs or else they will end up in prison, and they are somewhat useless since they are being replaced by a new underclass of immigrants that will support the left no matter what bullshit they spew (untill they become the majority).

>> No.13656451

I have made some gains and i mire myself in the mirror, but i would never intentionally do something like that in front of a camera or in public.

>> No.13656486

Because you have pride.
What he does looks retarded to us, but it works for most people. And then you pretend it's ironic, so most people will not criticise you, it's all in good fun, but the girls, or the DYEL fanboy got a glimpse of his muscles and respect him more on a subconscious level.

>> No.13656499

I would not like to spend time with either of them

>> No.13656534

The Golden One used to dance at gay pride parades.

>> No.13656545

Most normal middle class people dont use the term "onions boy" so I don't see your point.
Transgenderism is becoming more normalized anyway. It's still controversial when it comes to kids <18 but overall, everyone who isn't a facists agrees that "hey it's their life, let them do what they want"
Of course, this becomes more difficilt to shallow when it's their own kid who decides to do it but they end up just having to come to terms with it once their kid becomes aan afult and decides to do it anyway.
Anyway why do I i have a feeling this "BTFO" just amounts to some pointless immature ad hom that this muscle head said about Hbomber and stormfags are blowing it out of proportion as him winning an actual intelectual debate like usual

>> No.13656546
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>Hbomberguy, this boards favorite leftist

>> No.13656549

Marcus has a bachelor's in economics

>> No.13656553

>nooo goyim if you are gay can't be nazi heheh

>> No.13656559

According to most /pol/tards...yeah

>> No.13656562

He has also spoken on this. Before his political awakening he made his living principally as a fitness model. That was an advertising gig for a brand of underwear. It's okay that you're jealous of him.

>> No.13656564

I have no interest in anyone too lazy or dumb to work on their accent when speaking in another language

>> No.13656568

He admitted it himself on video. If you ask him about it he will tell you.

>> No.13656570

Opps meant


>> No.13656575

>hey it's their life, let them do what they want
I love how leftists say this bs while seeking complete control over every institution and persecuting people for wrongthink

>> No.13656605

I knew you would say this. Lol
"If trannys and gays can do what they want with themselves in a way that makes them happy and btw doesn't actually hurt anyone else,"
Why can't I call blacks niggers and refuse to hire all of them, gays, and women even though that clearly hurts them and it's my own bias and hatred driving me to do this, not what that individual black person, woman, or gay has done to me."
I hate this argument so much. It's so flawed and you don't even see why. Hopefully this post spells it out for you.

>> No.13656622
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>there are unironical liberals on /lit/

>> No.13656635

Please explain to me how it is not a violation of a business owner's personal rights to restrict his ability to discriminate in the hiring process. People have a right to free association. They do not need to give a reason to bar services from anyone. And they should not be required to provide a reason that some cuckold like you deems adequate.

>> No.13656637

I'm not jealous of anyone who does gay for pay