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13647353 No.13647353[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I C'd all of my A-levels. All my life I was told I am smart and destined for greatness, so every time I underachieved I assumed that there was some external influence causing me to perform below my true ability. But this time it was different. This time I have no excuse. I studied and genuinely tried hard but still came up short.

In many ways I am like Tom from East of Eden; a man who was overestimated by everyone around him, constantly told he was a great, every reservation and lack of initiative on his part was reinterpreted as being a latent sign of greatness by his father, but in reality he was a midwit. And so, like Tom, this inflated perception of myself has been permanently embossed onto my psychology, meaning that I hold a veritable contempt for mediocrity and will never be able to accept myself as a midwit, even though that is what I am. My psychologist tells me I should work towards an acceptance of "who I am", not understanding that the gap between who I am and who I wish to be is so great as to send me pummelling into the dark pit below if I were to attempt to leap over it. As a result I see no other way forward for me to go except to do what Tom did.

Anyway, I don't deserve to clog up the board with my blogposts, so let's make this a general write what's on your mind thread.

>> No.13647363

do i tell a girl i am a virgin? i don't want to scare her off. it would be easier if i could admit i am a virgin.

>> No.13647385

Some girls like that

>> No.13647395

If you believe you’re a midwit because you couldn’t satisfy extremely tight and arbitrary exam specifications then perhaps you really are a midwit. Intellect is measured by what you can do, what you can produce - not how well you can satisfy the UK education system. Chin up, anon. Keep reading, keep writing; make a difference.

>> No.13647413

Fuck, I meant plumetting, not pummelling. Just another sign of my braineltism.

>> No.13647419

You're gonna kill yourself because you got mediocre grades on some tests? Well, it's your choice. But maybe take a moment to consider that the world's perception of you and all its countless judgements and conceptions of yourself are completely independent from your own experience and consciousness. There is still more to your life than you can perceive, more than death anyway, which is by definition nothing. Get up from where you've fallen and keep walking even when you're tired, try to find that which makes life beautiful, if you've ever seen it before you started measuring life by other's sight then you know what I'm talking about, if you haven't then you have the rest of your life to find it, no reason at all to leave beforehand.

>> No.13647423

I understand this well, though unlike you I have never worked hard at anything in my life, partially to avoid the feeling that you're feeling now. Confronting your own mediocrity is a deeply scary thing. I feel the day I finally do it will be my last. Godspeed anon.

>> No.13647453

Well, depends on some factors such as your age and level of intimacy. If you are younger than 22 and you have known her for 1 year or so, then probably yes but it's still not guaranteed that she will ghost you. If you feel like being honest then tell her anyways, you will see whether she's a decent a girl based on her reaction.

>> No.13647455
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>Hey guys I'm a Retard
>But don't let that fact stop you from reading my pseudointellectual blog post wall of text

>> No.13647458



>> No.13647461

if she's a decent person she won't care

>> No.13647472

you're 17/18 and you have a psychologist?

>> No.13647475

>Intellect is beyond standardization

T. Got sub 125 IQ on that online IQ test

>> No.13647481

>almost failed my country's HS exams
>took a gap year, fell into depression (unrelated to grades)
>my GPA was still decent enough to get into the best uni in the country next year
>graduated this year with a near flawless GPA

Chin up, anon.

>> No.13647485

Intellect isn’t beyond standardisation, but standardisation isn’t where intellect ends.

>> No.13647489

In my eyes if I'm not being honest then I may as well not be living, but my life is shit and I'm still a virgin, so it's probably not a great ideal to uphold.

>> No.13647491
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Lmao what does it actually feel like being a midwit?
I wouldn’t know. I took the LSAT with 0 prep and got black out drunk the night before and got a 173. Midwits amuse me and I want to know more about you. Are you left wing leaning?

>> No.13647495

Why 125?

>> No.13647501

Tell her when you are both naked in bed about to fuck, not a moment prior.

>> No.13647528

Just because most of this board is probably straddling a mean pretty close to that

>> No.13647538

>purple prose
C- blog, anon

>> No.13647546

How do you know that?

>> No.13647551

Just a guess. We are the smartest board

>> No.13647562

125 is usually used as an insult though, too far from average to be normal but too far from genius to be great. Usually the number used for intimidating intelligence is around 150, not so high as 160+ to be literally world-class level, but just humbly above genius.

>> No.13647574



>> No.13647616

How is it purple?

>> No.13647623

I'm using it a an insult. The 115-125 range is prime midwit territory

>> No.13647634

Sorry, I don't speak burger, what are you talking about?

>> No.13647641

>Just a guess. We are the smartest board
So you're insulting yourself?

>> No.13647644

you must be fucking kidding
this board is populated entirely by shrieking idiot children

>> No.13647673

im kinda like you, everyone told me i was smart, i got pretty good grades with little effort. Now im in uni for manufacturing engineering degree and i have failed 2 semesters.My parents kinda already gave up on me. got no passion for anything . fuck me

>> No.13647709

What the fuck is up with the self-esteems of you all?

>> No.13647717

This anon speaks the truth.

>> No.13647843

>get told I’m smart all my life
>was literally the best performing student in the entire year last year with very little studying
>still know that I’m a midwit deep down

My life is completely directionless and I have next to no deeply held personal convictions because I’m never entirely sure of what the truth of life actually is. This means I change my mind on issues constantly, which probably makes me seem indecisive and boring.

I’m not special because I know how to write academically. Not when there are people out there infinitely smarter than me, and when there are people out there who are happier than me despite being less intelligent.

>> No.13647896

Test scores have absolutely no intrinsic value. Maybe you can take them as indicating your ability (though I do not agree with this view), but remember that even if you had achieved perfect scores this would in no way have meant that you were a great man.

>> No.13647920

You could just not be bothered and apply yourself, you know

>> No.13647931

Just apply yourself you are probably young.
Also, if you move to a third world country you would be considered a genius
It's all about perspective

>> No.13647942
File: 82 KB, 360x749, 57453FCF-114B-418B-83F3-E774E7328AB5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.6 GPA in high school
>can’t even walk at my graduation because they won’t give me my diploma until I finish summer school
>say fuck it and join the military
>spend 4 years traveling the world reading all the literature and philosophy I want
>out now with a flawless GPA in a double major and double minor with offers for some top tier foreign policy jobs in DC

Meanwhile all the high performers from high school still live at home with their parents working an office job at their local bank branch smoking pot every day to forget how mundane their lives are. You’ll be okay anon.

>> No.13647951

Not being bothered is the issue. I remember one of my tutors asked me what I planned to do once I graduated, and the truth is that I have no idea. I’m just going through the motions at the moment and I’m afraid of dedicating myself to one particular direction in case it’s the wrong one for me.

I’m jealous of the other students I’ve spoken too who have jobs, idealistic dreams and the courage to participate in activism and dedicate themselves to causes. I just don’t have the capacity to really give a shit about any of that, so I’m just trying to improve my knowledge for the sake of gaining more knowledge while I get this foreboding feeling that my direction in life is a train-wreck waiting to happen. I always fall short of my own standards, even if I meet everyone else’s.

>> No.13647960

This, all that these scores represent is how well you answered the questions given to you.

>> No.13648017 [DELETED] 

Why would a girl care if I'm virgin? Should I really worry about this too?

>> No.13648179

Solution: don't speak to people who make you feel like shit
Similarly, get off /lit/

>> No.13648206

Not that anon, but what’s so strange about it?

>> No.13648219
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>> No.13648220

lol you stupid middle class kids.

>> No.13648222

I’m a burger so I don’t know what this means, but if you’re basing how you view your intelligence on how well you scored on specific tests, you really are dumb.

>> No.13648236

listen to this man

>> No.13648244

It's kind of difficult not to speak to them when I'm exposed to them so often and when I like talking to them. I just wish I could have some sort of self-worth not not feel inferior to everyone around me.

>> No.13648408

pretty based

>> No.13648478


>> No.13648491

don't give people false hope. Your unique experience doesn't translate to all people with bad grades. Grades still are a valid predictor of success in later life. Not the only one, as there are many variables influencing them, but when anon says he put in all his effort and still got C's, it means he'll probably not go on to do extraordinary things.

>> No.13648532

I hate IQ as a measurement because it's used by resentful midwits to rank-order people without any regard for their achievements, their knowledge, or temperament, and so on.

>> No.13648538

Say it well beforehand or well afterwards, never say it at the time of.

>> No.13648560

/tv/ is unironically the smartest board

>> No.13648664

You are not alone. There a quite a few students I've met that don't know which way to go. I'd recommand to just do something with other people. It's not important what it is or if it is meaningful at all but just do something. You will find out about their problems and how they tackle them. You will also think about your solutions to these problems, how you've tackled it and what you took into consideration to do so. Your perspective to the problem is what you need to distill and it will help you find out more about yourself and what you would like to do. It's like finding your fav porn whore that gibs you insta boner. Doing it with other people will make you aware on different approaches and appreciate them even though some people are annoying in general but there character allows them to solve this problem like bitches nagging for gibs (it werks). Just do something that is doable in a finite amount of time like one weekend/week/month or else you will not do yourself a favour.

>> No.13648675

How do I find a sexually dominant girl who likes cute inexperienced guys?

>> No.13648732

I was in your shoes in undergrad, anon. Perceived as notably intelligent because of writing ability but directionless, isolated, self-sabotaging.
Lived as an impoverished neet for two years after graduating.
Now I'm back in grad school and... not much has changed. I got a small scholarship for having the highest grades in my faculty and I did nothing to earn it, my last minute essays just read better than my peers'. I'm graduating in one year and the prospect is terrifying. I guess I never did manage to apply myself. Will probably end up in some easy but low-paying job in my field living as a debt slave for the next decade.
The only advise I can give you: get off 4chan and stay the fuck away from your computer.

>> No.13648752


>> No.13648929

Psychological help is free in the UK. CAMHS is a specific branch of the NHS helping to deal with child and adolescent psychological issues.

>> No.13648973

Learn as quickly as possible not to mix your fetish-image of an ideal woman with your real-life, concrete image of an actual woman, especially not the woman you love. It's tragic as fuck when guys let their dick dictate what their ideal partner looks like or how their current partner ought to behave. Your fetish fantasy ideal might be some girl that is taller than you, being aggressive and forceful in response to your shyness, ultimately building up to some kind of "gentle femdom" bullshit where she cradles your gay little head in her lap. There's nothing wrong with jerking off to that or even getting your girlfriend to act it out. But expecting a real person to conform to a fantasy like that is not only unstrategic, because there's no guarantee the fetish is particularly related to the reality of gender relations (in fact it's more likely to be the opposite), but because it's dehumanizing to ask the living personality of your partner to deform itself to fit some lifeless archetype.

Worse, guys who make this mistake then begin reciprocally forming themselves to suit the reciprocal archetype of the ---dere animu waifu MPDG gfd gf they are expecting/forcing real concrete women to be. Meaning, they become mincing little twinks because they think that will attract their fictional archetypal girlfriend who doesn't exist.

Learn to make a clean separation between your fetishes and real life. Indulge the weirdest shit in the bedroom in full knowledge that it's weird. But that's it. Otherwise you are essentially the exact same as a "Gorean" who legally changed his name to Master Todd, despite superficially seeming to be radical opposites.

>> No.13649182

It’s not false hope desu.
Sometimes people just need time to get their shit together and figure out what they actually value and what they want. I stopped being a lazy fuck, and I’ve been successful since then. If they find something they truly care about, they’ll always excel at it.

>> No.13649191

i barely passed my IB (24, lowest possible passing score)
managed to get into a university, and at this point they want me to stick around for a masters, with some prospect of phd program applications looking good

try to get into an american school, they would eat you up, and then work hard in something you love

>> No.13649211

I underachieved so bad.

>> No.13649215

I didn't read any of this

>> No.13649224

>All my life every time I underachieved I assumed that there was some external influence causing me to perform below my true ability
>This time I studied and genuinely tried hard but still came up short.

the problem right there, if all your life you underachieved then studying the last year/month/week hard will not make up for all that lost time. You came up short because you didnt study properly long enough.

>> No.13649232

Nigger you let yourself believe you were smart when you’re not even an internet iq test genius? You almost scared me.

>> No.13649264

I was the opposite. I did really poorly in school and was never told I would be nor did I expect to become anything. Then I somehow managed to get all As at A-level, then went on to a reasonable uni (b’ham).
Now more 8 years since I graduated nothing of note has really happened in my live. In fact, my greatest achievement is probably my a-levels.

I don’t make a lot of money, I don’t have a good job, I don’t have many friends etc... someone I went to school and then sixth form with, who also got C grades is now doing far better than I am. So do t let it get you down. They’re just some stupid fucking exams, after all.

>> No.13649324

>reading comprehension
>editing quotes

>> No.13649357

I did it to clarify and make a point. I am correct though, if you havent studied dont be surprised when the results are poor

>> No.13649392

This, I got a 137 on one of those and I'm a idiot.

>> No.13649419
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This is exactly the position I'm afraid of ending up in. I'm about to go into my final year of undergrad, and I'm terrified of graduating. The worst part is that while I've become quite knowledgable in my field thanks to the research I've done for my undergrad thesis (20,000 words worth of notes so far for the record), I don't really feel that passionate about the subject beyond just a vague interest. Ever since I was a kid, writing and the arts has been my sole passion and I've always wanted to be a writer or a director or some kind of thing to that effect. My bohemian kind of lifestyle also means that I have very few close friends and that my only work experience is some volunteering I've done in the public sector.

My only ambition at this point is to live a simple life in the countryside with enough money to survive and to have a family, all while giving me leeway to pursue creative projects. The idea of joining the work force scares me because I don't feel my personality is compatable with a lot of wageslave type jobs. At the same time, I don't really want to pursue a top tier government job because of how soul sucking that career seems.

I'm just totally lost and I'm scared of disappointing my relatives by saying I just want to drop out from the job market entirely.

>> No.13649484

>My psychologist
yeah, you're definitely not smart if you have one of these

>> No.13649509

fuck write what's on your mind

what are some good books that deal with op?
i want to read books about failure. about trying your best and it still not working out. how do you reconcile with the fact that even though you did everything you could you can still just fail because you're simply not clever or talented enough?

it's an interesting topic that i can't recall ever seeing explored well. the closest exploration i came across was a fucking rpgmaker game called the crooked man

>> No.13649519

I just typed a big effortpost about phoneposters and the thread was instantly deleted. I thought to myself, I bet you anything, the thread was deleted right within the 20 second interval it takes for warosu to scrape the board and archive posts. Turns out, yep. So my post is lost forever and I can't even repost it and read the 1-2 serious replies it may have received, unless I want to write something similar from scratch.

The situation itself isn't all that interesting but it made me realize, this happens a lot, this thing where I reflexively and automatically predict the most annoying possible fucking outcome (the thread being deleted just before the post could even be archived for recovery), and then watch numbly as the annoying thing takes place. I'm pretty sure my entire life is just me watching, semi-dissociated, as an annoying world of annoying possibilities unfolds annoyingly, while I predict each one, and feel a gross ugly feeling in the put of my stomach when it then happens just as I predicted.

Sometimes the predictions-fruitions come so rapid-fire that it's like a barrage, for example if I'm using a computer or cellphone and something stupid and annoying happens, and then the effort to resolve/circumvent the annoying thing causes another annoyance, which then causes another one, and so on. As that's happening, in the tiny intervals between the unconsciously willed "I'll try alt+tabbing" and the actual alt+tabbing, I always already anticipate, "watch, I bet when I fucking alt+tab, it's gonna do that thing where [etc.], even though that makes no sense in this context and it's a 1/300 chance" and then I get to go "Yup, it did the thing, it did the exact fucking thing that I predicted entirely on the basis of it being the most annoying retarded thing that could possibly happen."

My entire life is a cascade of these predictions. The most horrible painful ones are when they involve human creations, like software or utterances or plans laid by other people, because then I'm not just predicting minor annoyances resulting from clutter or chaos in the world, I'm actively predicting, "Taking as baseline a hypothetical reasonable person's natural, logical goal in this context (for example, creating a piece of software that isn't fucking horrible), what is likely to go wrong, assuming the person who ACTUALLY created this piece of software is not a reasonable intelligent person but a worthless, disgusting monster, who is actually so stupid and lazy that I literally can't imagine what the inside of his mind looks like, or how he's capable of functioning otherwise in his life as a self-governing adult while he's also stupid enough to fail so badly in THIS context?" And no matter how low my expectations or predictions are, it's always worse, people always fail so miserably and do things so "wonky" that the feeling of disgust and disappointment always surprises me even though I'm so used to it.

>> No.13649543

>write it in smartphone text editor
>copy/past to 4chan
I have an empty doc on my home screen for this and a second with the collected posts. Workflows and tooling are part of your success.

>> No.13649608

got all a*s mate but still got rejected from oxford life isn't fair

>> No.13649751

Better luck being a minority in the next life I guess.

>> No.13649839
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I'm in the exact same boat as you anon. I was considered the smartest guy in school, expected A grades and A*s. I few days ago I got one A and two Cs because my inferior ADHD brain had me not study. I went through clearing and got an offer from Lincoln. I don't know what to do, go to some shit average Uni or resit.

Maybe I should just join the army.

>> No.13649852
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Wow English 101 must be quite important

>> No.13649870

t. Halfwit

>> No.13649875


>> No.13649910
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Fuck now I feel even worse. I think what really made realize how abysmal my situation was was when one of the school idiots walked up to me on results day after the teacher told them I got a clearing offer into Lincoln and told me, "At least ya not alone, [idiot 1] and [idiot 2] are goin' deh." Maybe I'm the fucking idiot.

>> No.13650079

B Flushed my A-levels. got an offer in a decent Uni for biomedical engineering with an option to transfer into Aerospace. Weird, i felt like i did a lot better after I finished each exam, doesn't help that the boundaries for Bs and Cs were pretty low, has me thinking about how I deluded myself into thinking I did well, though i still believe it.

>> No.13650093
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>Muh cunny

>> No.13650100

It's supposedly quite reputable. That's how it took off on 4chan. Talking about the one on the Danish website

>> No.13650112

>Supposed pro at making excuses for yourself
>Hasn't pulled out "I just don't test well"
Get on my level

>> No.13650935


>> No.13650941

>t. 150 LSATlet

>> No.13650958

>implying I took the LSAT
I'm not a burger

>> No.13651102

Doing well at A levels doesn't mean you're smart mate. University is where intelligence actually matters. The fucking robots who memorise their AQA books for A levels all drop out of uni because suddenly they are in an environment where they have to think for themselves and they crumble.

I got one C at A level because I was going through my teenage rebellious streak. Talked my way into uni and got a first and now I'm doing a masters at a top 10 uni in Britain.

Don't worry you'll do fine don't judge your intellectual abilities on your performance at school. School is a colossal waste of time.

>> No.13651110

Yeah but you need good A-Levels to get into good universities. I don't know how one "talks" their way into a top ten uni.

>> No.13651199
File: 73 KB, 702x695, DC3865A9-41A8-45D5-916C-F8CE111AF47A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I see. The LSAT would absolutely fry your average britbong Shitskin’s brain so it’s probably for the best that you haven’t taken it.

>> No.13651393

positively seething

>> No.13651455

yeah a lot of kinda-smart boys get that
we got cucked out of motivation by half assed parenting

>> No.13651468

The fuck ~145 is the goldilocks zone of IQ, too high to relate to the common man, to low to ever achieve amazing insights into any field. It's the IQ of a struggling man, smart enough to control his mind and body, shun temptation, etc.

>> No.13651485

You need to let go, delete anything that you don't look at in a month. Remove objects of sentiment that are not indicitive of a greater meaning (like human history, emotional invoking art, family history). Shed the burden that mass information storage allows.

>> No.13651496

Just make sure you have a plan. I got all Cs, didn't go to uni and ended up NEETing it up for 4 years and now work retail. Finished 6th form 8 years ago. Don't be me.

>> No.13651528

t. lackwit

>> No.13651775
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>be me

>> No.13651777
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Guys, I really need to know whether I should join the army. I fucked my A-Levels and I really don't want to go to some third rate Uni and resitting looks really unappealing.

>> No.13651809

It's a hard thing to accept that you won't always be the smartest guy in the room, but it's better you face it now rather than later. Just understand at the end of the day that the only person who cares about your abilities and mental faculties is yourself. It's up to you to set standards and goals which will make you satisfied looking back on your life. It is better to try and know your true limits than assume the worst about your abilities. If it comforts you imagine a comfortable worst-case scenario, for me I imagined that if I never finished college I would simply go back to my home country and become a farmer, tied to the land that my forebearers toiled and lived on for generations.

>> No.13651811
File: 10 KB, 274x315, 60519259_10161864758150215_7691643474826756096_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the high performers from high school still live at home with their parents working an office job at their local bank branch smoking pot every day to forget how mundane their lives are
jesus anon, you really know how to hit where it hurts.

>> No.13651854

Do a conted course through UCL or Oxford or Cambridge and work for a year and see how that goes.

>> No.13651860

Oxford and Cambridge are currently having the opposite problem. So moar liek good luck being born into an upper middle class family that sends you to a public school.

>> No.13651889

Yaaaawn millions of people like you exist my special snowflake

>> No.13652181

This is just false. Oxbridge is like the one place that actually only considers academic merit.

>> No.13652462

I did very well at school but didn't go to a university as good as I should've gone to. I did very well at university for a few years before my motivation dropped off a cliff, though I still graduated

The academic side was never the part that was derailing me. It was failing gigantic amounts of internship and graduate job interviews because I'm an ugly autistic beta. That was the brutal part for me.

I'm "back on the track" right now, but years behind.

Normies in the UK relish the failure of needs like me, in addition to all the usual disgust for ugly betas.

>> No.13652615


>> No.13652911

this massive post about nothing literary reference post you made here probably means you are even MORE unintelligent and uninspired than you currently have learned that you are and your life is actually a massive cope for consistently discovering your intelligence is lesser than what you thought it was yesterday

>> No.13653063

Nobody cares, but bringing it up before you've decided to have sex is weird.

>> No.13653081


But if you bring it up after then she'll say you raped her

>> No.13653137

Do a proper one in germany we can get them from school (they cost a few euros though). Or u like me and get send there by your teacher because they believe there is something wrong with you (I am shit at spelling)

>> No.13653181

I got some mediocre grades at times too. Grades measure you ability to conform to the professor's expectations, nothing more.

If we are talking about a math class it's a little different, but math classes under the graduate level tend to be sweatshops for mindless calculation anyway.

>> No.13653210

Stringing words together well and being able to breeze through school is not synonymous with being creative effficient in the real world. I work in Finance and am constantly in awe with the speed at which the people I'm with work. They don't reflect or second guess themselves. They don't make micro corrections to their intuitions like I have to. They don't procrastinate like I do. They just smash out results. Compared to them I'm a retarded dreamer. In fact I'd wager that most people in this thread are introverted dreamers that spend more time reflecting on their own experiences and emotions rather than ever actually fucking doing or making anything.

>> No.13653254

Use a sex doll and some videos to train yourself and adapt to the feeling, tell her about your virginity after sex. If you do everything right, she'll be impressed by you, and you will become more alpha in her eyes.

>> No.13653448

Depends really. You can just go to a middling uni for undergraduate and do well and get into a top one for masters.

>> No.13654560

you pampered little faggots

I grew up in an eastern european family where any kind of praise was shunned, I would get top grades without breaking a sweat in IB and my parents would tell me I am an idiot and would never succeed. Am now an engineer with 100k+ salary and by all accounts one of the smartest people most people in my circle know

I cant even hold it against my parents, culture is a bitch

>> No.13655549

Don't say it unless she asks. There's noting to gain from saying it

>> No.13655622

Wow, you're so awesome omg I wish I was like you, Anon!!

>> No.13655660

>In many ways I am like [famous character] from [famous book]
>And so...
>permanently embossed onto my psychology
>veritable contempt
>send me pummelling into the dark pit below

Sometimes, anon, less is more.

>> No.13656465

I don't know what the fuck to study. I feel like I'm wasting potential no matter what I do. I finished my first year in May, in Humanities, but I'm also talented at drawing and got accepted to an art school for illustration. I'm considering going back the uni I was at and just getting a degree for the sake of it (and picking up some writing skills and maybe a minor in History) but I have to many conflicting interests and "passions" which I don't have time to develop. any advice for a young and confused anon who doesn't know what he wants to do?

>> No.13656471


>>my GPA was still decent enough to get into the best uni in the country next year
>>graduated this year with a near flawless GPA
What'd u study

>> No.13656505


heres the best bit of advice in this sorry thread

lincoln is a shithole. go somewhere interesting

>> No.13656552

But where? ACC won't get you far. Newcastle has some space, I'll try and call them on Monday.

>> No.13656565

Women and african american history

>> No.13656596

You know absolutely fuck all about IQ for someone who cares about the echelons of IQ low enough to be acceptable to insult.