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13645375 No.13645375 [Reply] [Original]

Why is philosophy so hard

>> No.13645388

my dairy desu

>> No.13645397
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Why am I so hard?

>> No.13645398
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Anything that is worth achieving, is worth struggling.

>> No.13645407

They try to fuck up word order and sentence length on purpose so they seem more "science" like

>> No.13645408

Philosophy is easy you stupid brainlet

>> No.13645413





>> No.13645414


>> No.13645423


>> No.13645474

If our existence was so simple that we could simply understand it, we would be too simple to exist as we are.

>> No.13645481

Please tell me you're at least good at Mathematics or Chemistry.

>> No.13645562

t. kant

>> No.13645576

You can learn eveey major concept in philosophy by reading Wikipedia articles. The rest is just getting good at composing rambling word salads and nitpicking semantics.

>> No.13645578

Philosophers massively overcomplicate the simplest shit, I've boiled most of the canon down into punchy quips and it has the same effect on normies.

>> No.13645785


>> No.13645813

That sounds like the greeks

>> No.13645818

Because modern philosophy is nothing but elaborate abstractions that tell you nothing practical.

>> No.13645844

t. plato

>> No.13645857

Because there are an infinite (or at least unenumerable) number of ways to be wrong and only one way to be right.

>> No.13646092

Nothing easy is worth wanting.

>> No.13646184
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They’re purposely obscurantists

>> No.13646261

kant literally didn’t even live to see chemistry. Lavoisier published his findings during the time Lant was writting his critiques and till the chemical revolution was underway Kant was long past retracing his steps of believing chemistry to be brain dead empricist experiments à la alchemy to seeing it as reaching the level of physics in empiricist necessity but spacialtemporal a peioei forms beyond basic arithemtics but as the mecessary categories for the mind (verstand) only by whoch the world can go(think) (its natural laws) by.

>> No.13646734

Look ma I replied to all of em!

>> No.13646737

Confirmed pseud. But seriously what is that dish?

>> No.13646739

James Joyce was gross at this

>> No.13646757


>> No.13646759

Not everything that is complex has to be obscurantism.

>> No.13646762

That is hilarious and ironic coming from you of all people.

>> No.13646766

A lot of philosophers especially the postmodernists are obscurantists though

>> No.13646805

Create a physical manifestation of philosophy and I will personally give you a Nobel prize and suck your dick.

>> No.13646808


>> No.13646815

living breathing evidence that german idealism will make you a schizophrenic retard

>> No.13646817

philosophy is actually very easy, people just make it hard

>> No.13646826

Explain Hegel.

>> No.13647237

history is like a ghost or something

>> No.13647692

you say that as if that were a bad thing

>> No.13647857

Whose point are you proving?

>> No.13647890
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As it's hard for an ant to understand man, it's hard for man to understand God.

Make no mistake, the Truth of Thought is God. In philosophy this being has many names: the One, the Absolute, the Unconditioned etc.

>> No.13647903

>why is physics hard
>why is neuroscience hard
>why are higher mathematics hard

>> No.13647978
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Khachapuri. Georgian “cheese boat”

And trolled.

>> No.13647987

Because we evolved to absorb one worldview from our culture according to our station and not deviate from it but signal adherence at all times, but also with some ability to empathize with others.
We usually automatically translate anything into our own worldview, so it isn't possible to express a different one in a few words, unless you appreciate both. Otherwise it takes many words, as much as the length of the New Testament to express the world view of the Apostles, and many people who call themselves Christians find St. Paul's writing difficult to understand, because there's so much to paper over.
In addtion, the neet Descartes, who claimed that God exists because his parents couldn't possibly have created him, is asserted to be a great philosopher for political reasons, and so is Hobbes, who hilarously tried to argue for traditionalism on individualistic grounds.

>> No.13647991

>muh instrumental value
You’re unworthy of the pursuit and love of wisdom, brainlet. Go back to /his/

>> No.13648003

Very funny

>> No.13648008

Its like pizza without the nasty tomatoes! Thanks butterfag. You did one good thing in your life.

>> No.13648665
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Because you need to explain plenty of things that are not normally explained by simplifying it.
e.g. OP is a faggot vs The original and first anonymous poster, who happens to have a grandiose likening to large male sexual organs, the seed of life that comes from the hitherto and the carriers of such seed that is the testicles, is a complete and absolute member of the minority group who always happen to play the victim in many of the current political issues solely because they just wanted to suck cocks all day and every day, and that is, the homosexual collectivist social group who continue to suck cocks and swallow gallons of semen worth 100 grams of proteins because they have a fetish for men and a strong likening to giving and receiving anal intercouse.

>> No.13648965

That sounds like the humans