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/lit/ - Literature

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13631257 No.13631257 [Reply] [Original]

Take a look at any Best Seller's list and you'll find mostly trash obviously bought by women. Why is that? Was permitting them to learn how to read a mistake, after all?

>> No.13631262

I've said this on this board many times, but women don't read to read, they read tobe seen reading. It doesn't matter what kind of intellectual or literary value, or lack thereof, a book has as long as they can take a picture with it on the beach for insta.

>> No.13631271


>> No.13631340

Since you guys are such scholars I suppose you have thoroughly researched the matter. What does empirical distribution look like as far as you can tell, and how many women did you observe to estimate it?
Don't be lazy, give me a real answer.

>> No.13631552

>What does empirical distribution look like as far as you can tell, and how many women did you observe to estimate it?
I literally have never seen a woman on the tube reading anything but rubbish. Now, that applies to many guys as well, because of large female influence on society, so many of them are just as shallow, but the highest form of literature are read by men. You can go to the book channels on Youtube and see what they review: women and fags talk about trivial shit, manchildren talk about comic books and so on, and of the very few talking about high literature, the majority are men. That doesn't mean all women read worthless wastes of time, just that the majority do.

>> No.13631564

Plebby women read plebby literature. Plebby men read action video games

>> No.13631568

because women are cows

>> No.13631571

Literature degrees are dominated by women. You can argue about how worthy that is as a measure of quality but it is certainly better than using youtube and 4chan as metrics.

>> No.13631590
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>women do colege digrees dat means wamen read good bookies

>> No.13631591

Most people don't like taking their first editions of Dante's Divine Comedy on the tube

>> No.13631592

>the critics vote matter more than the public vote
It doesn't.
Laughable, also, that you'd bring up academia, considering the heavy slant to the left it has nowadays, not to mention the meme degree that is Literature.

>> No.13631627

>public vote
By "public vote" you seem to mean "what I think".

>> No.13631641

Why have ESL's such a poor grasp of the English language?

>> No.13631659

I have a female friend whose favorite authors are Faulkner annd Melville. She's better read and she has better taste than 99% of you retards

>> No.13631662

i hope you die soon, son

>> No.13631686

>Literature degrees are dominated by women.
And that's why the field has become so laughable.

>> No.13631690

>Why have ESL's such a poor grasp of the English language?
Oh, my, please do correct my errors, madam. I beg you, most high one, who probably speak only one language.

>> No.13631692

It's why have ESLs not ESL's

>> No.13631699

>it is certainly better than using youtube and 4chan as metrics.
Fuck no, academia is an inflated worthless shithole. You have 0 cultural awareness

>> No.13631723

this, also diversity

>> No.13631747

it's why do ...? and I threw that Dunglo-greengrocers' apostrophe in there for keks ;)

>> No.13631752

sorry jochie, koop harder

>> No.13631783

I am eastern euro studying to become literature and history teacher. 80% of my student colleagues are girls. Third of them doesn't read at all and are proud of it, third of them reads only rubbish(Harry Potter) and proudly brag about hating classics, third of them reads some of the classics only becouse they have to. 1% of them loves reading and read all the classics, sadly their understanding is very limited. Source:Chad.

>> No.13631795
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>Literature degrees are dominated by women.
Is this why the classics are so hated in Academia and were are seeing college students petitioning for certain books to be removed and for the curriculum to be more "diverse" despite the authors having had no importance whatever to the development of the field?

>> No.13631809


Check out this list full of who womyn

>> No.13631816

>high literature

Such as?

>> No.13631835
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>> No.13631848

I didn't say that, just curious what entails 'high literature' to you

>> No.13632704

You know, Milton, Shakespeare, Dickens, Dante, Cervantes, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Poe, Chekhov, Victor Hugo, etc.

>> No.13633767


He's nowhere near the others you mentioned.

>> No.13633854

>These people don't read the stuffy maximalist canon that I've been spoon-fed by literary elitists, so they're inherently shallow and stupid

>Still using fag derogatorily

How much Tolstoy, Milton, and Dante have you actually read anyways?