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13631018 No.13631018[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Uhhh, your ideas are depressing and negative and therefore worthless because only things that make me feel warm and fuzzy and hopeful and positive are valid beliefs

>> No.13631044

This is genuinely the normie mind disease. At first I thought they just leaned optimistic, but after a while you start to realize it causes them genuine pain to even consider that the world might not always have been the way it is right now (except somehow always getting better and more "like it is now"), or that the world might not always stay the way it is now (except, again, better).

Now I can't unsee it. They do it constantly. If you mention something relatively benign, like "boy the free press is in really bad shape" they will leap into action with a dozen ways to discount the possibility without ever really considering it. I'm not saying "People probably complained about this in the '60s, too! Every generation complains about the current state of X!" is a completely invalid response, but it's not AUTOMATICALLY fucking correct.

I'm not sure if this is just an instinctive worship of the status quo that's built into their disgusting cow brains, distinct from their general dislike of "negativity," but that's a thing too. I was describing to a normie friend how people treat food servers like slaves, just barking orders at them, and she started squirming and getting uncomfortable that I was being "depressing."

I'm pretty sure normies have no thoughts and no rights. I don't want to be cruel to normies or anything, but I'm pretty sure it's completely fine to just re-order their entire way of life without much concern for their complaining, because they're like a slime that settles into whatever container it's in anyway. They will adjust within a few months and love it, no matter what it is. It's not like you can "take rights away" from normies, since they don't use their rights anyway. They're built to be peasants. The kindest possible thing anyone could do for normies is order them to start farming again, and take all their fucking phones away.

>> No.13631456

They seem to drift through life on reaction and instinct alone, I mean they'll have long term plans and goals but in the day to day they just seem like deer. Completely oblivious to the world around them until a threat enters their sphere. Happy to stand there for hours every day doing the same thing they've been doing for the past decade or two, and will probably do until they die. They really are a slave race, they'll talk shit amongst themselves but when massah comes round they all scatter and go back to their assigned functions because above all else they value the comfort of being part of the group. They're not individuals, they're single droplets of water in the river that turns the wheel to grind the wheat.

It's all here for them. Everything around us, all of it is here for their world. A handful of authors have slipped through the cracks over the years, and apart from that it's all just window dressing to keep the peasants working. This is why many of us here feel so at odds with the world around us, while everyone else seems so comfortable in it. They don't want us around, they don't want to hear what we have to say because it ruins the illusion they've bought into. Even when a peasant has lost it all, his wife divorced him, his kids hate him, his job sacked him. He'll lash out violently at you. Even when they lose everything, they still believe in it like they believe in air. It's sad.

>> No.13631474

Detached counterfactual reasoning seems to vary between people on a wide spectrum. Doesn't make them p-zombies it just means they're very bad at thinking.

>> No.13631540

You sound very American expressing a particularly American problem, which I sympathize with.
Move to any poor European country, like the one I live in, maybe you'll find regular people more to your liking. Southern or eastern is fine. Normies are also very negative, usually in a passive way, like yours.

>> No.13631559

>wahh wahhh I'm so much smarter than everyone no one get's me :(((

>> No.13631562

I'm from the UK and this >>13631456 is my post. Europe is not any different, America is just way worse.

>> No.13631569

t. peasant

>> No.13631572

Anon, optimist culture is unhealthy. You need a balanced and nuanced set of moral judgment.

>> No.13631603

The UK is an American proxy state.

>> No.13631614

I know

>> No.13631631

I'm sorry.

>> No.13631635

>everyone is really just the same mediocre human tryin' to survive and have a good time :) if anyone deviates from this perception of the world even slightly, either by assuming that not everybody is the same and equal or by assuming that not everybody is a pleasure-seeking mindless slug, they are pathological! Everyone is having a good time and everyone is the same :) Don't ruin anyone's good time by judging anybody!

t. prole

>> No.13631636

>balanced and nuanced
Fuck that shit you indecisive fence-sitter. The world is either inherently good or inherently bad, make up your mind

>> No.13631647

>pls guise I read the first half of Also Sprach Zarathustra once, why won't anyone treat me like the special snowflake that I am

>> No.13631650

No, it is neither. good and bad are not inherent to the world.

By the way studies have shown again and again that optimists ignore negative events and are very bad at seeing the world as it is.

>> No.13631653

bro what percentage of the population do you think has even read the first page of zarathustra

>> No.13631655

As they say in the United States: "to be different is to be indecent." The mass crushes beneath it everything that is different, everything that is excellent, individual, qualified and select. Anybody who is not like everybody, who does not think like everybody, runs the risk of being eliminated. And it is clear, of course, that this "everybody" is not "everybody." "Everybody" was normally the complex unity of the mass and the divergent, specialised minorities. Nowadays, "everybody" is the mass alone.

>> No.13631657

These people browse /lit/ you know. I'm always told that nothing ever changes here.

>> No.13631714

>why wont you just conform to senseless pleasure and the drone of modern life already, i called you an incel

>> No.13631760

The thing you are most right about is “positivity” normies refusing to acknowledge life could possibly heading in the wrong direction.
>Just be optimistic man

>> No.13631780

>As they say in the United States: "to be different is to be indecent."
I've never heard anyone say this. I don't disagree with what you're saying, but I've honestly never heard this phrase uttered by anyone.

>> No.13631805

What’s the point of moping around in depression? The way life has always worked is that the positive aspects have helped people overcome adversity.

People also grumble about their lives and the state of the world all the time. The normie mindset isn’t “life is perfect”, it’s “life is shit, but we may as well make the best of it”.

>> No.13631825

>how people treat food servers like slaves

food servers are some of the worse people, i talk to them with manners always and they always give me the same shitty attitude like they hate me for ordering food. they regularly get things wrong and look miserable. how is that my fault as a customer?

>> No.13631827

How are you not a normie?

>> No.13631836

America is a proxy state of british bankers

>> No.13631844

What's the point of ideas that won't help others fight off the darkness?

>> No.13631857

Why would reading Zarathustra make you a better and special person?
I don't get the superiority complex people evolve around reading

>> No.13631865

Optimism is cowardice

>> No.13631866

This, it's happiness that need to be invoked, not suffering. Everybody knows suffering, why fixate on it.

>> No.13631872

he's the one who brought it up lol

>> No.13631875

Based, and dare I say...? Redpilled.

>> No.13631880

>I don't get

Because you don't understand 'reading', to you it's just like shitting.

>> No.13631888

Acknowledging problems isnt moping around

>> No.13631891

Be less ugly

>> No.13631923

those people are in hell. doesn't make it right for them to lash out at you, but if an abused dog bites the hand of someone trying to pet it gently for the first time, or if it's so brutalized that it can't even be rehabilitated, can you really "blame" the dog in a deep sense?

you're interacting with the most degraded level of humanity there. those people's minds are turned to mush from being born into the slave class already in debt and put through multiple state-supported, oligarchy-designed gauntlets designed to turn them into docile servile retards. you don't have to smile when they treat you poorly, but you aren't helping by being the latest person in a long line to spit on their face. in fact, that's one of the gauntlets poor pieces of human garbage have to run, it's part of the system, you're part of the system when you do that, and that's all part of your stratum's gauntlet too.

>> No.13631933

We had this same post 2 days ago. Stop coming here everytime you get assblasted by normies at your university. Discuss literature or get out.

>> No.13631944

>As they say in the United States: "to be different is to be indecent."
Dude, what are you smoking?

>> No.13631949

Go away normalfag.

>> No.13631951

they are just vaguely attractive women in their mid 20s for the most part. i'm not sure how they are in 'hell' because they work at mcdonalds? this one lady even shouted at me for helping myself to some napkins,even though i've always greeted them nicely. i've never personally degraded their humanity, if they hate their job so much they should just quit. most of them are not 'philosophers' so they don't even think about their own humanity, they are just naturally bad people so it seems. why would i blame an 'oligarchy' for a bitchy mcdonalds worker? they are spitting in my face because they are self righteous enoguh to believe they have the right to treat people like shit because they work behind a counter serving people, as if it's as degrading as people believe.

>> No.13631962

>You're part of the system when you do that, and that's all part of your stratum's gauntlet too.

also you're not 'part of the system', 'stuck in the matrix', 'part of the scheme' or whatever because you are forced to respond to a rude mcdonalds worker. there is no ~other godly response, if you were to somehow alchemize your feelings into positivty and smile at them even though they are deliberately being rude to you i don't think that makes you any less part of the ~system~ at that point you just chose to reward bad manners.

>> No.13631978

typed part of a reply before realizing you're either trolling or a total fucking retard and nothing will come of it either way. stop using tilde's like a teenage girl in 2015, also consider killing yourself.

>> No.13632001

type your reply i guarantee i'm wiser than you and read more books than you, only a middle class fool thinks the way you do

>> No.13632006
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>uhh what do you mean self-victimization and rationalizing my pessimism was harmful to me and that you don't also want to engage in it!? you're really asking for it, now I'm going to create a greentext strawman out of you and post a small brain wojak on a literature forum!
You're equally as delusional as the optimists you hate. You contort reality to fit your worldview that you are superior and that you are a victim. The truth is that you're afraid to take responsibility for your life and you use pessimism and self-victimization as an excuse not to.