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/lit/ - Literature

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13630821 No.13630821[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was daydreaming about all of 4channel banding together becoming a far left terrorist organization writing manifestos and assassinating the tasteless pedophilic bougeois elite. What is some literature four this feel?

>> No.13630830

I like the idea of literary weeb incels banding together I wish this would happen.

>> No.13630842

we're like half left and half right on /lit/. This board is incredibly polarized and I like it a lot. I'm right wing but stewing over on /pol/ gives me tunnel vision, I like to see marxists' arguments and talk to them. Reminds me that im just one more dumb faggot whose views of the world are not revealed truth.

>> No.13630862

/lit/ is a TradCath Integralist board.

>> No.13630873

Based. I too dream of something like this, basically something like what the Tarnac Nine were up to before they got arrested. Of course it would never happen, since 4chan has essentially been destroyed by /pol/fags leaking from their containment board and shitting up every thread they find. We're well past the halcyon days of /lit/ when being a revolutionary leftist was the default political stance.

>> No.13630892

only if you are a newfag retard larper

>> No.13630897
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dude we can't even organize our own lives

>> No.13630919

organize it around what?

>> No.13631481

prolly one of those books about that magic tree house

>> No.13632535


>> No.13632938
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>far left
Yeah right

>> No.13632945

A far left terrorist organization would be intellectual and would get something done. The right only kill innocent people and are brain dead retarded.

>> No.13632949

Breakfast of Champions by Vonnegut

>> No.13632985

far left=/=liberal

>> No.13632990

back to the gulag Dimitri

>> No.13632994
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What are we waiting for anons? We all read Kaczynski's manifesto and agree with his predictions and state of human psyche nowadays... Collapse will be inevitable, sooner or later, we only need to find proper time, when system will be utterly destabilized and then WE CAN ATTACK! Join anti-technological revolution NOW!

>> No.13633003

The enemy of the far right and the far left is milquetoast bourgeois

>> No.13633005

Reminder we read as a hobby. We’re mostly passive. We need an intuitive Chad to lead us

>> No.13633010

being anti-tech is retarded ideology

>> No.13633101

Nazbol alliance when?

>> No.13633110

We need autistic incels, who aren't well adjusted to the modern world. Then we can brainwash them to fight for our case.

No, it's not.

>> No.13633195

I’m in.

>> No.13633302

I'm currently dreaming of a post-WWIII, post-AI society, where communism is pretty much enforced worldwide, robots are in charge of the bureaucracy so no risk of corruption or nepotism, they also guarantee and minimum viable amount of food, water, and shelter for all humans.

Everyone lives in an idyllic society: small communities, very low tech, robots always there to help you if you want to travel or get access to knowledge, medication, etc. You'd be free to live like Ted if you want: no tech in the woods, if you need anything you get it, no unnecessary luxuries and if someone gets upset they can meet the AI overlord any day, any time, to get a good dose of philosophy explaining why this is the best way for humanity's fulfillment.

I'm so depressed with the current state of affairs I'm daydreaming about something like that, we're losing it every day and I can't stand it, I'd live in the woods if I could sustain myself.

>> No.13633492

This. Why fight each other when we can destroy the common enemy: liberals and bankers
No more brother wars

>> No.13633508


>> No.13633676

I will never stop laughing at the absolute pottery of leftists complaining about people with immense ideological differences coming to a place they consider home and making it worse for them.

>> No.13635225

The dissonance is real with them.

>> No.13635241
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>very low tech, robots always there to help you
I get what you mean but lol

>> No.13635252


>> No.13635261

>absolute pottery

>> No.13635303

shit man, i'm dumb. i had to read this four times before i caught the implication. still made me lol, though.

>> No.13636253


>> No.13636472


>> No.13636493

hes saying that the hypocrisy of preaching diversity while banning diverse ideas is poetically ironic

>> No.13636497

There was a far left terrorist organisation in the US about a hundred years ago, anarchists were bombing places. They were the jihadists of today.

>> No.13636501

I don’t want to be political but I hate immigration so goddamn much. How can sensible people be okay with immigration?

>> No.13636506
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>using "left" and "right" in 2019

>> No.13636515

Does this refers to Stalinism?

>> No.13636516
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Huh nearly precisely a hundred years ago

>> No.13636519

Leftists =/= liberal

>> No.13636528

>le false tacotimes
What else is there

>> No.13636530

a diverse people are incapable of having completely identical ideas nigger

>> No.13636540

/pol/ is pretty left wing, though. If you're a nationalist you're a leftist.

>> No.13636547


>> No.13636561

Breaking Ted out should be the first act of this new organization.

>> No.13636563

It's true. And Trump won mostly thanks to leftist rhetoric, even though the Reps in general are just as right wing as the Dems. They're both hyper capitalists and give no shits about the nation, just about the wealthy elites. But Trump managed to fool the people for a while. He might even have some genuine nationalist/leftist feelings, but he can't do much on his own.

>> No.13636569

Then you get a revolution because individualism is a thing and you can't cut every person from the same paper sheet.
All it takes is one guy getting their girl taking away from them to spark up a revolution of why some men deserve more than others. Then some get into power, and no longer need to validate their worth to demand a better treatment. Then the intellectuals pave the way for them in exchange for favors until they are no longer needed and you get a bourgeoisie that limites education and undermines the competition until they are too poor or hungry to think.
This was already tried and it failed. That's why we have capitalism.

>> No.13636584

Recall: "just drain the swamp, bro"

>> No.13636794

Ha! Fair point, what I meant was: advanced technology is invisible, you don't have a phone, nor a computer, but if you ever need medical assistance, for example, a robot will jump right in to help you. Basically, you have to live a very natural life with few resources. If for example you ever want to be a filmmaker you'll be provided with the resources for the duration necessary, but you can't own a bunch of shit you're barely using.

>> No.13636920

Not him but for example there's the opposition around globalization (being against it was traditionally a "left" thing but groups like Trump's or Le Pen's in recent times capitalized on this) or even in the fringe the opposition around capitalism itself (some far right groups are also growing against it). On the opposite but in the same vein, people like Macron sold their project through the idea of transcending the "left/right" opposition, that is admitting that both left and right went for neoliberal policies when in government - and thus pushing such policies in a more efficient manner, "deprived of ideologies"

The signifiers of left and right certainly are dying and their signified have been terminated by the IMF, the BCE and the Fed a long time ago