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File: 9 KB, 300x244, zapffe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13628208 No.13628208 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people think antinatalism is nihilistic? Actually the capacity in which people normally decide to have children is more nihilistic with respect to the fact that there are usually absolutely no philosophical considerations of the moral parameters of such an act. To do something simply to do it, that is the essence of nihilism.

>> No.13628228

Did you really had a vasectomy?

>> No.13628246

one thing is fundamental and that is our need to procreate. denying this is treason. TREASON.

>> No.13628248
File: 27 KB, 400x400, Tips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Its pretty easy to deal with sexual frustration by just jerking off. No need to get a procedure done. If a woman comes onto me all I have to do is tell her I'm an antinatalist and she is well off.

>> No.13628250

>Why do people think antinatalism is nihilistic?
No, they just think it's fun.
Because losers having a vasectomy and bragging about it on the Internet is definitely very funny.

>> No.13628252

You already made a jibe about vasectomies

>> No.13628262

>just jerking off
Oh, so "antinatalism" is just a complicated word for "incel".

>> No.13628270

LOL you don't even know his nationality.

>> No.13628285

If you want it to be, I suppose. Its not very honest, but then again nobody is these days. Its always more about convincing somebody of something than reading the words plainly and deriving a reasonable meaning. And of course, Freudian psychology has become its own blight on the rhetorical pursuit, what were once mere ad-hominems magically become incisive voyeurism into the innermost psyche of the media of the mind, from which rhetoric necessarily originates.

>> No.13628316

Wtf is that?
Wankery again?
Are you talking to your dick?

>> No.13628322

>If a woman comes onto me
Are you kidding?

>> No.13628323

>cumbrain has a shit tier brainlet philosophy like antinatalism
Imagine my shock...

>> No.13628332
File: 23 KB, 611x672, 1565620167551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should consider a different board, my stupid friend.

>> No.13628333

>getting your balls cut off

>> No.13628345
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually when you think about it, antinatalism is the least cumbrained of ideologies. To look at the entire reproductive system, and ignore some apparent teleology and to say the entire thing is just worthless. That can't be cumbrained


No, I'm very attractive and I've had sex many times. Unfortunately, you might be able to smuggle some ad-hominem in under the guise of analyzing my brain, but I'm afraid the bullshit stops right there.

Btw, this guy is an antinatalist.

>> No.13628350

Yeah, we already heard that one. Have you not heard of the post counter? I am perfectly aware all these posts are yours.

>> No.13628356

He looks exactly how I'd imagine one to look, that isn't a good thing and I have no idea why you posted that pic thinking it was?
Antinatalist by choice I'm sure lel.

>> No.13628363

he looks fine

>> No.13628364


>> No.13628365

No amount of rudeness will make you sound based, too late for that, don't forget that you are the "antinatalist" loser here, lol.

>> No.13628367

He has good facial structure and you're literally seething.

>> No.13628371
File: 1017 KB, 2160x3840, Screenshot_20190813-054153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13628372
File: 205 KB, 659x525, 848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solves captchas expressly to be rude and insulting
>Waaaah, stop being rude to me!

>> No.13628374

>No, I'm very attractive and I've had sex many times.
Do you really think that anyone cares?

>> No.13628375

Are you faggots kidding? He looks like the most typical söyboy imaginable.

>> No.13628380

You don't have to be an anti-natalist to not be a cumbrain. It's not the least cumbrain either because you're choosing not to reproduce rather than making yourself unable to reproduce (if what that anon says about cutting off the family jewels is correct).

Also, an anti natalist that has sex? Or was that before you had brain damage?

>> No.13628381

Whatever technical wizardry you've employed, its not reasonable to think many people would come in talking about vasectomies and castration and pretending to find it amusing.

>> No.13628383

>Do you really think that anyone cares?

Well they certainly seem to be interested to the extent that they can paint my entire worldview with the broad-brush of a meme.

>> No.13628388

Why wouldn't I masturbate? What do I gain from not masturbating? Why don't I pull out all my teeth so I have to go on a liquid diet and can't enjoy eating anymore? I'm an antinatalist, not some kind of religious votive.

>> No.13628390

>He has good facial structure
He's a guy, not a girl. Why would I care?
Boys compete with each others to mate with girls who have "good facial structure".
If he put himself out of the game of life, I'm totally fine with it. Losers are fine.

>> No.13628396

>guy has beard
>must be a basedboy

He can trivially shave off his beard. You can't grow a jaw.

>> No.13628404

Convincing losers to have a vasectomy is definitely amusing. That's the sole purpose of this "antinatalist" thing.

>> No.13628414

Wtf are you trying to say?

>> No.13628415

>receding hairline
>pudgy, pallid face
>patchy, lopsided beard
>weak chin
Seriously, am I being fucked with? If you look worse than that guy I can see why so many of you are incels.

>> No.13628419
File: 131 KB, 820x616, 820-8207058_view-samegoogleiqdbsaucenao-lbfxskq-apu-apustaja-thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody even brings up antinatalism unless they are an antinatalist. Also if you think this is all part of some sekrit conspiracy for epic lulz then why are you exposing it? If you find it so amusing then you should be promoting antinatalism instead of giving away our plan, right compatriot?

>> No.13628429

Maybe you're Eric Cartman? I dunno, what to say dude. He's an attractive man and he has a good chin too.

>> No.13628437

Say that to my grandchildren, you childless loser!

>> No.13628447
File: 111 KB, 570x712, schopenhauer_360x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Losers are FINE

indeed they can be

>> No.13628449

My son will be what I can no longer be: perfect. My psyche has already been irreversibly marked, now I can only aspire to a “cracked” perfection. My son, on the other hand, will be perfect and I will live through him.

My daughter will be devoted to me. As I live through my son, she will live through me.

>> No.13628451

All its made me realise is I'm a lot better looking than I realised, 4chan is a lot uglier than I realised, or antinatalists are just ugly in general.

>> No.13628452

Hope none of you cucks ever have kids. Christ I'd kill myself of any of you were my father

>> No.13628456
File: 39 KB, 700x357, 1_rnZNYT6fGTqwaicuxd_b1w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually while we're on the subject Zapffe is fairly attractive for that matter. You know who was an ugly fuck? Nietzsche.

>> No.13628461

Is that a pic of you or something? Stop defending him you fucking freak. He's a solid 5/10
t. homo

>> No.13628467

I'd kill myself if I became anyone's father, do "you" wouldn't have to. I couldn't live with the guilt. Actually I have a better reason to be an antinatalist than most. I know for a fact, from personal revelation that God and Hell are real. If I have kids, I'm sending them off to damnation in full knowledge of the incredible spiritual danger I'm putting them in.

>> No.13628471

Nope, convincing losers to have a vasectomy may be fun, but it isn't the funniest thing. Letting them know they have been tricked is where the very fun really is.

>> No.13628474

I've only ever met one antinatalist IRL, a literal unironic fedora neckbeard. Smelled like shit.
I remember I once asked him why he didn't just kill himself and he just stood there dumbfounded and seething, like when you btfo a nu atheist's entry tier understanding of theology and they just fall back on
>w-well God still doesn't exist anyway!

>> No.13628480

LOL you're nuts.

>> No.13628488


>> No.13628516


lol epic dude

flexing on an autist in public. You like to strike em when they're down. I bet some chicks were watching too

>> No.13628526

When I talk with them about antinatalism philosophically, rather than just screech about how having children is awful, they always perceive me as more intellectual

>> No.13628537

Wow, you're the kind of man who definitely knows how to reach the heart of women...

>> No.13628546

Are you sure "creepy" isn't the correct word here?

>> No.13628583

Lolno, this was CS in uni, it's like shooting fish in a barrel, some guy even turned up wearing a tail one time.
Good days.

>> No.13628745

I think what he meant to say is that you can speak about antinatalism without being autistic

>> No.13628758
File: 115 KB, 397x600, spengler21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the capacity in which people normally decide to have children
>people decide
Oh sweet summer child

>> No.13628988


>> No.13629816

you'd only have to point to this thread to have a good argument for antinatalism