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File: 118 KB, 289x354, 1563305023938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13622668 No.13622668 [Reply] [Original]

>The Enlightenment

>> No.13622705

Tarantino or Kubrick as their favorite director

>> No.13622718
File: 23 KB, 172x131, 1565551189281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is so cute

>> No.13622724
File: 1.28 MB, 372x526, 1565365281031.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harold Bloom

>> No.13622730

Real patricians prefer John Ford (if we're talking about American directors)

>> No.13622731

Why are metalhead niggers so based?
Better than hood nigger or white person nigger

>> No.13622737

Don’t forget monty python

>> No.13622744

This image a metaphor for American gluttony, lust, muttinization and materialism and an inevitable consequence of a state where authority is a product of man and not God.

>> No.13622849

The only based director is pasolini

>> No.13622868

this thread

>> No.13622925


>> No.13623343

Is being a brainlet a better fate than being a midwit? As a midwit I can't help but wonder.

>> No.13623357

Yes, midwits are smart enough to realize how stupid they really are, but brainlets are blissfully ignorant and live genuinely fulfilling lives, which is more than most can lay claim to

>> No.13623358


>> No.13623368
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>> No.13623372
File: 177 KB, 667x750, 1552431759407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Midwits by definition are opposed to Christianity. There is a U-curve for Christianity. Mostly it's brainlets then it tapers off as it approaches middle-range intelligence, then it increases again with super intelligent people (Langan, Ratzinger). Midwits are almost always materialists, which is why they think they are smart by dismissing it. Thanks for outing yourself, midwit.

>> No.13623388

That's what I worry about.

What do you think is the best course of action as a midwit? How can a midwit create something of value?

>> No.13623404
File: 15 KB, 1374x766, 1564283821061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a larger version of that image?

>> No.13623405

>""""""""""""""critiquing"""""""""" the enlightenment*

>> No.13623414
File: 220 KB, 635x571, 6f0e52c070d78f74b988da2eba4b5514ef18c80c1765d0f2b4c35dc846b3dc56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"""""""""""""""" critiquing"""""""""""""""" """"""""" critiques""""""""" of the enlightenment

>> No.13623416

It's not very good. That was the only worthwhile part.

>> No.13623443

Then why must people still defend the enlightenment to this day?

>> No.13623467
File: 107 KB, 247x353, Fr. Holy Smokes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Founding Fathers
>Muh Constintution
>The Federalist Papers
>Hume, Voltaire, Locke
>Separation of Church and State GOOD
>Vested interest in contemporary politics
>"we don't live in a democracy, we live in a 'representative ""republic""'
>n-no you
Absolutely seething midwit.

>> No.13623468
File: 1009 KB, 1499x860, 412b1aeae431ba8c6909d4d16bc3f73b6c3ca4d956770e09095ea0b5ff2e7f07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not sure if I've walked the full x axis or got half way and turned back

>> No.13623488

>"we don't live in a democracy, we live in a 'representative ""republic""'
Fuck off. It's a good argument and I use it against people in favour of abolishing the electoral college and people complaining about the fact that Hillary got more votes than drumpf.

>> No.13623497

Hey, big boy, thanks for proving:
>Vested interest in contemporary politics

>> No.13623511
File: 193 KB, 736x1444, 1565418660385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13623517

Kind of yeah

>> No.13623521


>> No.13623523
File: 13 KB, 246x205, IMG_20180215_125506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13623526

Ford's nowhere near consistent enough to be anyone favorite. Watch more than his big 6 and tell me what you think.

>> No.13623531


>> No.13623568

That's actually correct desu.

>> No.13623615

>literally making up fake graphs to make yourself feel better
found the low IQ

>> No.13623629
File: 84 KB, 572x590, No thank you, no founding fathers or enlightment bullshit for me..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good argument for what? You see, you proved yourself to be an imbecile with your very first sentence, that you just use concepts for simple parroting in simple scenarios for social leverage and you let this slip out on full display. Nonetheless, representative republic with universal suffrage is a democracy where the masses pick the leaders of government, a circus that has led to the deterioration of the very nation that set it up to begin with. The same criticisms of democracy are indeed applicable to a representative republic. To defend it as a valid form of government, already shows you lost ground and conceded to popular consensus as being a barometer for governance, moreover, you are fine with a divided people, and a directionless ad hoc nation.
> and I use it against people in favour of abolishing the electoral college and people complaining about the fact that Hillary got more votes than drumpf.
Ah! This is what the argument is for? Great non-sequitur leap. The fact that you make this connection goes to show your limited midwit brain's processing power. At this point, the fact that an entire nation is torn between two candidates it really doesn't matter does it? Even if you had an excellent candidate, within this limited framework he has at best 8 years, in which the powers of the head of state are severely limited, where there is extreme infighting, where hardly anything will be accomplished, and after his term is up, in another decade, all that work and effort will be undone, just so braindead idiots like you could debate it all over again in the morning. No. I reject this framework. I reject this useless quarreling. In fact, I am quite amused at your post and how you think. Imagine puffing yourself up to relay to other equally inferior minds to pointlessly bifurcate this electoral distinction, just to give a little civics lesson instead of getting to the point of rural vs urban divide and how city culture leads to hivization of mind, culture and person. Even if you could grasp the truth, your city colleagues and suburban socialites would be dearly offended, so no room for polite conversation there.