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/lit/ - Literature

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13619545 No.13619545[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>He's never read Polybius

>> No.13619549

You mean discount Thucydides?

>> No.13619548

Oh, but I will be reading between your thighs, harlot!

>> No.13619550
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>> No.13619571

This board has the best taste in women

Why is that

>> No.13619584
File: 223 KB, 960x1200, 9BE8A452-CA2A-442F-9E70-12A95EA4F08E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tahnee Atkinson, ‘stralian, Btw, if anyone is interested

>> No.13619592

Thanks, butts.

>> No.13619902


>> No.13619970

Poor man's Dua Lipa

>> No.13620057

We're the board of aesthetics. /fit/ could be a worthy challenger if there were not so invested into homosex appreciation.

>> No.13620131

/lit/ has the best taste in everything.

>> No.13620142

nice gland

>> No.13621622
File: 28 KB, 220x494, Polybius_Arcade_1_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone can read Polybius. I've played it.

>> No.13621627

>implying you are attracted to anything but me


>> No.13621652

Stop being a cumbrain.

>> No.13621678
File: 378 KB, 830x430, 2C4EAB1F-3AC4-48EC-87C5-7194CCD143ED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop obsessing over your damn body fluids, you sick fuck

>> No.13621681
File: 31 KB, 262x361, Plotinus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexual release causes biochemical changes in the body and semen is a rich fluid. Its loss is harmful. Being aroused is harmful. Doing it only serves to solidify habit, which leaves you a cumbrain forced to execute his biological programming daily if not more frequently. You're not gonna make it.

>> No.13621685

Damn dude FUCK YOU basically :3

>> No.13621688

>semen is a rich fluid. Its loss is harmful.
It's okay if I get a boy to onload it into.

>> No.13621710


cumbrainpill is legit

everything that causes excess arousal will desensitize dopamine receptors and make you depressed in the long term

>> No.13621723

Only procreation is justifiable. All other uses are perversions and hence abuses of the reproductive organs.

>> No.13621735

Obscene, degenerate, and also I hope someone mails a pipe bomb to your house and you die. :3

>> No.13622019

Being aroused is alpha af and the essence of life, nerd. Castrate yourself rn if you think that way. Nofap + noporn + only fuck girls you like

>> No.13622025

Fucking around is also degenerate and cringe :3

Don’t brag about women, this isn’t high school.

>> No.13622276
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>being hypofrontal is alpha as fuck
t. cumbrain

>> No.13622281

Plotinus was against fucking around too, brainlet cumbrain. NOT GONNA MAKE IT.

>> No.13623177

nigga please

>> No.13623471

Being aroused is also easier if you don't cum 6 times a day nigger

>> No.13623486

I feel more aroused when I am that entrenched in that frequency of habit than whenever I am celibate. Sounds like you can't control your mind. Sorry, you're not going to make it.

>> No.13623529

>I used to jack off twenty times a day
>I blame the Jews, and women
>Then I read ancient medical advice from a famous leech peddler and found g-d