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/lit/ - Literature

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13621573 No.13621573 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13621575

fuck off

>> No.13621584

I'm a Deleuzian and 105 iq brainlet

>> No.13621587

Whiteheadfag, by spamming him everyday you have singlehandedly cause the entire board to resent and lose interest in Whitehead except for the the 3 or 4 people who were already into process philosophy

>> No.13621595
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>> No.13621614
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Already in OP, just needed the IQ adjustment.

>> No.13621623

nigs and lowly whites
me after daily dose of ritalin + ginseng and a session of dual n-back

>> No.13621628


>> No.13621686

I thought that was Pascal who said that.

>> No.13621778

>Infinite IQ

>> No.13621783

Brainlet cope

>> No.13621902

>resent and lose interest in Whitehead
Only among those who don't actually read books, which is about 95% of /lit/.

>> No.13621954

I only heard about this guy because of spamming and looked up and read shit about him and got interested. Now this doesnt work with literal hack thinkers like Guenon.

>> No.13622084

Can anyone explain process philosophy simply enough that even a 75iq low-t beta male like me can understand?

>> No.13622092

>150+ IQ
I think you meant 50-100 IQ
Anyone with a functioning brain understands that collective ownership of capital is paradoxical

>> No.13622114

This is literally factually correct. Top Academics (that generally test to have around 140-150 IQ on average in other studies) are Marxists at rates significantly higher than other people.
A classic case of an il/lit/erate not understanding what Marxism is
You realize his biggest life effort was BTFOd mathematically by Godel?

>> No.13622127

Whitehead's work on process philosophy is what matters from him

>> No.13622139
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200 IQ : Esoteric Bowdenism

>> No.13622227

>Platonism and Whiteheadism are different

>> No.13622239

They are very different

>> No.13622303
File: 36 KB, 250x250, IMG_6278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9001 IQ

>> No.13622332

>110-130 IQ

>> No.13622362

more like 70-98

>> No.13622486
File: 262 KB, 1242x1014, 742C48ED-1750-4E7F-BBCD-90193114BD96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top academics

>> No.13622569

Principia mathematica was not disconfirmed by godel, the foundation of natural numbers were. He confirmed their system coherently but denied it worked foundationally

>> No.13622574
File: 24 KB, 352x550, 124825328-352-k209775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to be able to suck myself in Jr high, can't anymore

>> No.13622801

You absolutely can have collective ownership of capital. What do you think shares are?

>> No.13622807

Wow an actual brainlet on 4channel

>> No.13622809

Looks like stefan molyneux

>> No.13622826

t. microcephalic pinhead.

>> No.13622850

Wrong list is wrong
t. 135 IQ Marxist

>> No.13622975
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>Implying Marxism is above 70 IQ

>> No.13623410

Esoteric Hitlerism

>> No.13623683

I have an insane idea and didn't know which other thread to post it in, didn't want to make a new one either: Supposing idealism is true, and further supposing that our reality is similar to an extremely concrete dream within mind-at-large, usually dreams feature avatars of the person dreaming it up (although not always, dreamers can often take the role of the "camera"), so one kooky project to test idealism might be to attempt to identify that avatar, someone who might have special properties.

Religious people might suggest that this was at various times Jesus, Krishna (Hindu theology invented the concept of the avatar afterall) etc

>> No.13623695

mom's gunna freak!

>> No.13623796

Most Marxist professors are 85+ years old by now, there's a few midwit tier replacements who care more about magic space genders than the actual working class, but they're a farce in comparison.
When were you in university? The 1930s?

>> No.13623823

the avatar is probably an ai