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/lit/ - Literature

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13618109 No.13618109 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13618137

Red is kind of dumb but she's a woman so whatever.

Blue let's his left wing bias color his perception of history A LOT.

Overall they're ok

>> No.13618201

Fun bite sized vids. I mostly watch because I like Red's drawings. Don't watch Blue at all. Their biggest sin is being upper echelon normies.

>> No.13618360

I actually like them a lot , its a fast way to gey introduced to some topics

I recommended the channel to some Anon about a week ago

>> No.13618833

Seems kinda cringe bro

>> No.13618836

Living breathing zoomer cringe compilation.

>> No.13618909

Sarcasm is so 90s

>> No.13618916

They’re unbearably Generation Y / Z at times but I think Red is at least charming. Some of her takes in literature is pleb-tier or politically biased and her trope talks could use with less pulp culture references but on a platform like YouTube you gotta take what’s available

>> No.13619109


>> No.13619245

I want to have sex with the female's voice and I don't bother watching the male's videos.

>> No.13619253


>> No.13619609

Strange thing is that they're apparently not even boyfriend/girlfriend but they must have banged at least once

>> No.13619628


>> No.13619647

"overly sarcastic productions" sounds like something from 2006 involving invader zim

>> No.13619845

>Lovecraft was RAYCIST

>> No.13619958

What was his cats name again?

Lol idk his racism isnt even that big a deal. It's actually kinda hillarious. Remember when Lovecraft describing a Black guy is scarier than anything else in Herbert West Reanimator?

>> No.13619965

>n-n-no stop it boys! I'm the only slut who should get attention around here!

>> No.13619986

I can't believe I'm saying it, but the girl is way better than the guy.
Her videos are more interesting and actually insightful, she's actually able to make me laugh on occasion, and I think she does all the art for the entire channel too

Gf material 2bh

>> No.13620021

>What was his cats name again?
i don't know it was something like biggerman, diggerman or something like that

>> No.13620047

Blue is a mediocre history channel and projects his politics back in time worse than John Green. Even worse he's often wrong, one time he made a cameo on one of Red's shows to give historical context and was just objectively wrong. I'll see if I can find it later.
Red is dumb but good fun and doesn't go full fedora when discussing religion, which puts her ahead of most booktubers.

>> No.13620056

this to be honest
I refuse to consider this

>> No.13620063

I want to scrape my boot with their faces

>> No.13620065

Oh is that the Quiet on the Western front one? I remember he gave a really shitty recap of WW1.

>> No.13620192

The one I'm thinking of was about Rome or something.

>> No.13621179
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, 723685C1-8C11-4350-88A1-09F6355EC2C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has a crush on a drawing
>pretends I’m jealous

>> No.13621342

So you’re saying the red ones free...

>> No.13621380

I mean what is the argument behind this post? You don’t think women claw that much for attention do you :3

>> No.13621913

jew and a """(((wmyn)))"""

>> No.13622751

וְעָשִׂיתִי בֵךַ שְׁפָטִים

>> No.13623939

>she has a crush on fempiro
>pretends I'm the loser

>> No.13623988

I don't even know hebrew at all but I would but all the money in the world that your post translates to "have sex"

>> No.13624124

I enjoy red, i like the way she covers mythology. Her voice is cute and i like that she sings at the end.
Blue tho...
Let's just say my skeletor friend with a sociology degree can wipe the floor with him, physically and intellectually, being more scientifically leftist yet at the same time less politically leftist.
What i'm saying my pussy friend is a chad compared to him.

>> No.13624127

Does there exist any irl pics of her? These are my thoughts

>> No.13624137

>that logo
>that name
>some soi cuck and a woman

So... why should anyone give a fuck about these two again?

>> No.13624284

She does videos about anything besides that?

>> No.13624515

Her trope videos aren't too bad, but otherwise they aren't anything worth watching. His history videos are aging like warm cottage cheese and only got worse as he made more of them.

>> No.13624776

I wanna bang Red so bad

>> No.13624814

Go lick some carpet, will ya? Bitch!

>> No.13626022

yes, she does videos about famous works of literature (hit and miss series, some like the Beowulf and Iliad ones are great, others are awful) and another about tropes in fiction which should just be avoided completely

>> No.13626028

I sometimes watch them, YouTube hasn’t shown me their vids in awhile (or my flooding subscriptions has drowned them out.)

>> No.13626145

She sounds fat and greasy (via excessive diary product consumption to be precise). She's just got that "fat" (via excessive diary product consumption) voice, you know?

>> No.13626311

They made a college advice video where they both have an IRl cameo

>> No.13627902

yes, check out their apology video, it shows both irl. No cartoon characters.
spoiler-she fat and has bull dyke man face. Not cute like cartoon.

>> No.13627918

rule 34 applys

>> No.13627925

For all you incels that want to bang Red; well bois, she's "asexual", and doesn't fuck. Anybody.

>> No.13627935
File: 60 KB, 960x632, 1564110309452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched the Lovecraft video and the red bitch wouldn't stop going on about how Lovecraft was racist.
Like yeah no shit, why don't you actually talk about the fucking story's

>> No.13628275

Extremely annoying, I'd rather study the source material that they cover myself. But If I was a retarded zoomer I'd probably just watch their stuff because I don't actually care.

>> No.13628298

Asexual is code for porn addict.

>> No.13629419

It's from Ezekiel 5:10. "And I will execute judgments among you."

>> No.13629455
File: 25 KB, 310x310, le reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The epitome of this:

>> No.13629489

She did
Its like a 30 minute video and she have a 5 minute introduction to HP's life trying to explain why he was like that
Also made a joke twice


>> No.13629491


>> No.13629649

לקיים יחסי מין

>> No.13629677

Who cares if he was racist lmao I already know that why am I going to watch their video if it's nothing but political autofellatio

>> No.13629893

Nice Google translate nerd

>> No.13629912

so cringe it unironically hurts

>> No.13630309

couldnt agree more

>> No.13630341

just looked this shit up, looked back to the thread, saw the number of replies/unique posters that are familiar with this.
Think I'm done with this board for good.

>> No.13630613

Based Saul.

>> No.13631433
File: 74 KB, 278x340, 1564128268593.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure it is

>> No.13631439
File: 197 KB, 620x339, Nakamura looks down on you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuts cock off
>pretends to be a woman

>> No.13631443

>What was his cats name again?

>> No.13631444


>> No.13631709

What is this this? It reeks of a bugman podcast for zoomers. How do so many of you fucks know what this is? Is this place literally alt-reddit now?

>> No.13632181 [DELETED] 


>> No.13632204 [DELETED] 

He coverage of Dante was abysmal, absolute brainlet tier.

>> No.13632244 [DELETED] 

>Its like a 30 minute video and she have a 5 minute introduction to HP's life trying to explain why he was like that
It's ad hominem on top of ad hominem for 30 minutes

>> No.13633164
File: 10 KB, 249x243, 2RFnKup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like them trope talk is kino

>> No.13633184

>tfw too old for /lit/
and I'm still a zoomer g*dd*mn

>> No.13634127

Book reviews and shit like that are an untapped market on YT and leave a lot of room for someone to come in and swoop the damn thing. I've been giving it serious thought on whether I should try to grab a piece of the pie myself, and will probably do so starting next year when I get my projects in order.

>> No.13634129

Just watched, the lighting is so dark I cant see her face at all. But ur right from what I can see

>> No.13634132

>why don't you actually talk about the fucking story's

>> No.13634136

gay poop

>> No.13634137

I'm 20 and feel above most 4chan. Retards have overtaken it and it's pretty much fucked into oblivion by this point.

>> No.13634412

Red lady is hot

>> No.13634463
File: 81 KB, 378x357, 1565718015021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw 4chan trolls have convinced a bunch of kids that having a sex drive is unusual and unhealthy

>> No.13634471

>overly sartic prons
Sounds super interesting

>> No.13634478


>> No.13634756

It's not about reviewing it's about charisma

>> No.13635043

Fuck those normies

>> No.13635141

>wanting to fuck a cartoon drawing is normal and healthy

>> No.13635205

Biased faggots

>> No.13635258

Rip to all the brothas who wanted to fuck her cause of her cartoon character.

NigPac play us off