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13615961 No.13615961 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is this book? I've been reading about it for like an hour and I haven't been able to figure out if it's supposed to be legit or just a troll. There's even a subreddit dedicated to it but it feels like everyone is just larping, kinda like fingerboxes threads. Apparently you can't find it anywhere and the only way to read it is purchasing a physical copy for like $20 on amazon. Does anyone know what's the deal with this book and if it's worth reading?

>> No.13616032

I don't know much about that but there are solo roleplaying games like Tunnels and Trolls. Maybe /tg/ will know more.

>> No.13616124

Well, couldn't you just read one of those online lists? Also there are plenty of board games which can be played solo

>> No.13616154

Couldn't find a pdf but it sounds like a book version of CYOA /tg/ stuff. You'll probably need a very active imagination to get anything out of it

>> No.13616158

Layer0: Play games in real life
Layer1: Play games in real life with friends
Layer2: Play games in your cellphone
Layer3: Play games in your PC
Layer4: Input games in your head, play without hardware
Layer5: Input games in friend's heads so you play them
Layer6: Input games in your society
LayerΩ: Virulate a galactic programmatic experience

>> No.13616167

it's not board games, I think it's just like guided meditation but you're supposed to ply "games" but the thing is they make you do weird stuff like "imagine you're player one and you have to imagine a house and memorize how the furniture and everything is organized and now imagine you exit the house and a player two goes inside and rearranges the furniture and steals one item or something, and you have to figure out what changed" and how the fuck are you supposed to do that? You already know what changed, you can't "randomize" your imagination or let "someone else" control it and do stuff without you knowing. That's why I think it must be a troll and everyone who plays along is just delusional or larping.

There's also this trailer: https://youtu.be/nyj0KiJTVOs

>> No.13616194

>You already know what changed

Just imagine you don't. Its easy mate.

>> No.13616379

The preview feature on Amazon looks like it has most of the book readable.

Looks like it's based on some kind of trick you're supposed to do where you have your subconscious do something like steal an item without you knowing what it was. Sounds like bullshit, you probably can't do that but some people just pretend and lie to themselves.

>> No.13616650

If you convince yourself of the lie then doesn't it technically work?

>> No.13617682

where can I find a PDF of this?

>> No.13617717

ok so it's an ironic 80s gimmick
doesnt this trailer tell you all you need to know?

>> No.13617746

Just compartmentalize your memory, bro!

>> No.13617777

>LayerΩ: Virulate a galactic programmatic experience
Based and Demiurgepilled

>> No.13618064
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>> No.13618237
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checked and jesuspilled

>> No.13618268

yeah, this is a confirmed joke book, anon. don't buy it if you're actually looking for games to play by yourself.
Four Against Darkness, Tunnels & Trolls, or some of the solo CoC adventures are good places to start if you actually want to play a solo rpg.

>> No.13618380


>> No.13618395

But anon.... that was the SEVENTH LAYER :3

>> No.13618461

yes but how does player one know what changed? he has to explore the house again, searching through all the rearrangements trying to remember what he can about what should be in each room. it's a basic fucking exercise in imagination, any child could do this

>> No.13618612

I want to know too

>> No.13618730

>Four Against Darkness, Tunnels & Trolls, or some of the solo CoC adventures are good places to start if you actually want to play a solo rpg.
What is the difference between a CYOA and a solo RPG?

>> No.13619935
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a solo rpg will include character creation, rules, skill checks/combat, varying degrees of randomness through dice rolls, etc.
Basically the closest you can come to playing a ttrpg without anyone else, whereas a CYOA has only a set number of possibilities, a solo rpg will have infinitely more. Of course to have a fully immersive experience where you could do almost anything, you need another individual to regulate as a GM, but this is the closest thing to that that you could do by yourself with just a book.
I mean, given enough prep you could play even pathfinder by yourself but the aforementioned games are much easier to play solo.

>> No.13620576
