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/lit/ - Literature

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13614634 No.13614634 [Reply] [Original]

>used to be mega far right
>started to read
>becoming more and more left leaning
why is this?

>> No.13614641

you have a degenerative brain disease. correlation != causation

>> No.13614646

Writers, like most artists, are overly emotional wimps and/or closet homosexuals.

Reading the words of these people is basically you mentally pozzing yourself.

>> No.13614654

your pendulum just hasn't swung back yet.

>> No.13614655

most people grow out of childish right wing ideology naturally with time

>> No.13614660

Happily, literally the exact opposite of what you've written here is the case.

>> No.13614666

Correct, most people cling to childish right wing ideologies from cradle to grave

>> No.13614667

What kind of trash are you reading?

>> No.13614668

Then why are older people disproportionately conservative?

>> No.13614669

With me it was the opposite.

>> No.13614670
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>used to be moderate left
>started to read
>becoming more and more right leaning

>> No.13614674

that's just boomers. most are idiots. of the generation prior to them, among those who were alive into their 70s, they were all disproportionately left wing.

>> No.13614686

The silent generation were traditional as fuck you fat cunt. Don’t post about things you know nothing about

>> No.13614690

Only in their younger years. The ones who lived long enough realised it was wrong.

>> No.13614694


Your trips betray the liar. You know exactly what was meant, and it is true.

>> No.13614701


It isn't one of the two two or three, but this is a top-ten or so dumb post that I've seen on 4chan YTD thus far.

>> No.13614705

You should check out /pol/ then. Although I imagine you're already more than familiar with it.

>> No.13614708


You wrote an exceptionally stupid thing. Stop running from it. Defend the exceptionally stupid thing that you wrote.

>> No.13614711

There's nothing to defend. I've made my position clear. You've done nothing to refute it apart from cry.

>> No.13614731

You're fickle and suggestible.

>> No.13614747

>Used to be centrist
>Read more and more
>Turn right wing libertarian
You read some crap and fell for it, OP.

>> No.13614751

This is meaningless if you don’t describe what it is that you’ve read

>> No.13614757

Mostly /pol/ infographics.

>> No.13614765

What books have you read in particular that made you left leaning or question your own politics?

>> No.13614849

Reading lowers test

>> No.13614852

the metamorphis of the faggot to the slightly different faggot

>> No.13614864

It was the opposite for me, specifically reading stuff written before the 20th century, with all these geniuses saying shit I was told my entire life only dumb rednecks could possibly believe. Reading philosophy also makes you approach things in a much more detached manner instead of the usual social signalling and motivated reasoning that informs much of what we believe,

>> No.13614957

You're just making stuff up, ignoramus. Considering how you're a lefty, that doesn't surprise though.

>> No.13615027

Because being right wing is directly tied to a) how much you like uneducated slogans and b) how uneducated you are. The more you think about other people, the less right wing you become.

>> No.13615037

What does "right" and "left" even fucking mean anymore?

If you now start to agree with "the left" as it effectively exists, then you obviously suffer from braindamage, if you stopped hating the nigs because they are cought in the same net of the modern world then, good for you.

>> No.13615039
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>> No.13615041
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I’m generally curious as to what books could have this effect. It’s almost unfathomable considering the evidence in literature supporting right wing viewpoints.

>> No.13615044


You've fallen into the Lefty Valley (hint: it's in the middle), and mistaken it for the whole world.

>> No.13615074

progressives literally cannot think racist thoughts, you show them this and they'll just switch track to 'blacks are disadvantaged' when that isn't even the point. If you want to solve gun crime, and blacks really are disadvantaged, then you solve it by helping blacks, not banning guns, as this data clearly shows. They are probably just dumber and more violent, but that isn't the issue being considered, but you can't bring up the correlation without inviting their religious hysteria surrounding 'equality' that makes them forget what you were discussing 5 seconds earlier and basically discount anything you say because you're obviously just an ignorant hateful racist.

I would be dismayed about this but I've read enough about the past to know that most people have always been this way, so it's nothing new, they've just switched their taboos to new things. Most people don't even have a real concept of the truth identified separately from 'what I am supposed to believe because it is holy and I will be ostracized if i dont believe it', a situation they don't even realize exists because they can't even start to look at their own minds or why they believe anything they do.

The only thing these people will ever do is accept what they're supposed to, so there is no point attempting to reason with them. When you convince one of them of the wrongness of one of theri beliefs, it isn't because they thought about it, it's because they identified you as a socially important person who they have to listen to.

>> No.13615098

When you read novels, you're plunged into the perspectives of characters in situations different than your own, which builds empathy. Even if you're reading "conservative" novelists like Dostoevsky, you're still engaging deeply with characters in a very different time, culture, and struggle than your own. While it doesn't need to be this way inherently, in contemporary politics, having more empathy with people different from you is associated with the left wing, and also some extent libertarianism.

>> No.13615177

>If you want to solve gun crime, and blacks really are disadvantaged, then you solve it by helping blacks, not banning guns, as this data clearly shows
How does that data show the incredibly counter-intuitive point that banning guns wouldn't reduce the number of people getting shot by them? Have any of the states on there banned guns? What happens when you put developed countries which -have- banned guns on the chart?

>> No.13615190

>tfw when used to be somewhat center lefty
>now reading more and becoming more right wing with each book I read
>read Brave New World and this seems perfectly fine for me as a form of government.
it's an abstract kind of feel

>> No.13615193

>Have any of the states on there banned guns?
have you heard of Detroit and Baltimore?

and youd have to list developed countries with black populations similar to the US, because that is the correlation being discussed.

>> No.13615210

I'm just interested in the 'banning guns wouldn't reduce gun murders' claim, because that seems inherently completely ridiculous to me- along the lines of 'banning red cars wouldn't reduce the amount of traffic accidents caused by red cars'.

Do you literally believe that if the US government banned gun ownership nationwide, the gun murder rate wouldn't go down?

>> No.13615217

>correlation implies causation

>> No.13615219

>Implying correlation = causation

So much for the side of logic and reason.

>> No.13615221

No i think it definitely would go down, the white murder rate would go down from its slightly higher level to a level comparable to european states, the black murder rate would go down but still be a lot higher, and the US in general would still have a high murder rate.

There are a lot of fucked up whites in the US as well that make the murder rate higher, and that's not because of guns, it's because of the history of that country. Appalachia and whatnot will not be solved by banning guns.

But you are entirely right it would go down if you remove the most effective tool of murder that civilians have. The point being discussed was that the correlation between guns and murder is way less strong than the correlation between percentage of population black and murder.

Maine would probably see negligible decrease in homicide if you banned guns, because they are white and prosperous.The more fucked up areas would definitely see a substantial decrease.

>> No.13615226

Stop reading YA and you'll be back to normal soon enough.

>> No.13615227


>> No.13615408

Using slogans like lefty just proves my point. You can’t have a conversation without finger pointing.

>> No.13615419

Translation of OP: Let's talk about politics and race
Throwing the word "read" into your thread doesn't make it literature. We've had this thread multiple times now and it's always the same bullshit. Stop shitposting and shitting up the board, there are literally boards on 4chan dedicated to the discussion of politics.

>> No.13615432
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Pundits on the right say there is a liberal bias in academia. This is true as evidenced by legitimate studies. Now, what is more likely, that academia is some postmodern neo-Marxist conspiracy to brainwash the youth, or is it simply that more highly educated people who have spent a great deal of time reading about and discussing social and political issues while in an environment where rationalism and empiricism is cherished tend to end up center left?

>> No.13615434
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>be on the right, but pretend that i'm on the left

>> No.13615439

Underrated post

>> No.13615450

Because the world is changing too darn fast! What he hell are these iPad things!? I remember when this country was just people who looked like me! Now there are other cultures here that I don't understand and I have no intention of learning now! I'm practically dead for fuck sake! I just want to relax! Men becoming women! Men fucking men! It's all backwards and upside down! And worst of all they want to take my money that I made during the economic boom! I worked hard for that money!

Old people are morons

>> No.13615451

Pure desperation as the NPC righty panics. He searches his database for the appropriate uneducated slogan but finds nothing.

>> No.13615461

>skepticism bad!!!

>> No.13615469

Yes they do believe skepticism to be bad, which is why they stay comfy and watch fox news.

>> No.13615473
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On the contrary, I believe he went for "the left is fake news" option.

>> No.13615480

Read Gilles by Drieu La Rochelle, you'll turn back far-right.

>> No.13615492

>be me
>middle school
>marxist history teacher
>"red pills" me into becoming a marxist
>keep reading more and more
>eventually arrive at neo marxism and 20th century philosophy
>"wow marxism kinda sucks"
>confused as fuck
>literally believe nothing (not even myself at times)
>move away from philosophy and politics altogether
>still kind of fond of Foucault
>his views on institutions and biopower are one of the few things I'm unable to immediately cancel via hardcore skepticism
>go from poststructuralism to anarchism to Stirner to Hobbes in the span of a year or so
>finally realize the State doesn't make sense but is necessary
>still agree with Foucault, however cannot imagine any other way to run society but artificial macro power structures that modulate micro power structures
>quasi-fascistic but still skeptical

>> No.13615500

>one book changes your entire perspective on politics

imagine being this much of brainlet

>> No.13615515

A matter of being easily manipulated by what you ingest

>> No.13615527


True, in my country we said that the man born naturally leaning to the right; if said man study and improve his knowledge then he leans to the left.

>> No.13615538

when its literally black people that do these shootings then correlation is causation, retard

>> No.13615542

if i recall us white gun crime rate is not higher than much of europes average, im europoor but cant remember the source

>> No.13615549

anti intellectualism has been a tenant of right wing movements. And this is good desu, left wing worker movements always felt shallow and unnatural, since the worker does not think like left wing people the worker is a right wing person by nature, so the actual class warfare i believe is right wing working class vs left wing bourgoiesie class.

>> No.13615553

I’ve found the opposite.

The more I read the more right leaning I become. Am I broken?

>> No.13615560
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>tfw used to be far left
>go to local meetings of mostly communists
>most psychotic and narcissistic people ive ever met
>Every group is infected with them
>Start to gravitate towards reactionary accelerationism now

>> No.13615591

No, this is what happens to most people.

>> No.13615624

>Am I broken?
Pretty much, yeah. You can force yourself to do the rights things with the wrong attitude, but it's only making it more difficult on yourself. The more left you go, the more open borders you are, conversely the more right you are the more closed borders you are. In order to truly learn something you need to open the border between you and your inner self, which is hard, as it also makes you vulnerable - vulnerable to be influenced, sometimes for good, sometimes for bad, and which one it is you won't know until it has already happened. That said you can go too far left, open your mind too far, so that your brain spills out, and you become a bumbling hippie, same way you can go too far, close off your mind to any sort of new information and become trigger happy redneck.

>> No.13615634
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>No, this is what happens to most people.
Only to those that think they've learned it all after reaching mount stupid, after which they closed themselves off, not allowing themselves to be influence anymore, preaching what they know. The true wisdom comes from knowing that you know nothing.

>> No.13615637

When are r*ghtoids going to realise they're exactly as cringe as commies? Imagine being proud of choosing a side in a shit dichotomy

>> No.13615654

>read about new ideology online
>become said ideology
>change political loyalties every year
>begin seriously reading books late into college
>socialist, liberal, commie, conservative, traditionalist, fascist; everything is on the plate
>realise almost all hyperpolitical people have no idea what the fuck they're talking about
>realise most people just settle on the first ideas they understand
>billions of important nuances blasted away for any tiny upper hand against "the other side"
>any deeper theory that's read is not for personal enrichment or the seeking of truth
>any deeper theory is just for intellectually outmaneuvering opponents so they look like stuttering retards and you win the debate
>realise politicians are just as uninformed as the university retards
>want nothing to do with politics anymore

>> No.13615662

"I am smart" - the post

>> No.13615667

>start reading

>> No.13615670

I am insecure the reply

>> No.13615671

Do one for socioeconomic status.

>> No.13615672

/lit/ is for posting pictures of books and showcasing my ignorance of philosophy. Reading? That's for fags.

>> No.13615674

weaker correlation than with race,

>> No.13615679

I am though. I've read thousands of books by this point, and even written hundreds of detailed reviews for them on goodreads.com.

>> No.13615688

Nice b8.
9/10 for immersion.

>> No.13615708

So a high SES black guy is more likely to murder someone with a gun than a low SES white guy? I doubt it.

>> No.13615711

Not to mention gender probably has a higher correlation again. Not sure how that fits into right wing views.

>> No.13615725

Thats not what i meant but i would the disparity is that large it might even be true aswell, too lazy to do the math rn, what i meant that a the correlation between race and gun crime is stronger than with ses, meaning that a low ses white and black guy, black guy will commit more gun crime. Pointing that Race is more of a factor than socioeconomic. I think it was measured with income so no education background, but that should suffice

>> No.13615733

if black people are bad because they are more likely to be murderers, then isn't your problem with murderers, not with a particular race? so when trying to solve the problem of murderers, why would you muddy the waters by bringing race into it?

what do you think is consequent from your graph, anyway? that we should genocide black people rather than have gun control?

the same when it comes to IQ. if black people are bad because they have low IQ, why are we abstracting it by dealing with race? why not just execute everybody below a certain IQ?

treat people as individuals and if you are going to be racist, you cannot argue for it, you can only say that blacks are inherently inferior. if you say [race] are inferior because they are statistically more likely to be [x] then you are simply fucking up the statement that people who are [x] are inferior.

but regardless, there are probably stronger correlations; usually it's wealth, because poverty correlates to most social ills and being black correlates to lower wealth. maybe we should just genocide poor people

>> No.13615734

Thats quite obv isnt it, but that doesnt deny my argument in any way

>> No.13615755

Opposite happened to me, must be because I'm not reading entry level, derivative works.

>> No.13615761

You went quite fast from gun control to genocide lol wtf is wrong with people like you. We were talking about gun violence, and i just dont see how disarming law abiding whites will solve the problem...... And you last sentence that wealth has a stronger correlation is literally what i told you before is not the case, but you have to keep up the facade for your egalitarian worldview

>> No.13615762

Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.13615764

you are welcome- Greetings from poland btw my english is shit

>> No.13615794

>read more
>stop caring about politics
>start caring about my self interests

>> No.13615869

> people sucks
Go figure

>> No.13615959

Because left wing and right wing politics want to achieve the same thing though with different means. All world improvers are socialists. The chad political realist doesn't conform to ideological socialism.

>> No.13615979

This is way worse than anything i've ever experienced. Like how that DSA vid isn't representative of all people, but it sure as hell feels representative of most communist groups ive been to.

>> No.13615989

Why would you doubt that?
The only wealthy black guys are those in media, hollywood, etc., and as you can see from the hip hop scene, blacks keep being gang affiliated, criminal trash even after getting rich.

>> No.13615998

Happens on every board
On /g/ it's tech as long it was posted on a website
On /ck/ it's cooking related because it happened in a restaurant
very annoying

>> No.13616018

>very annoying
you mean very based. /an/ threads in particular

>> No.13616044
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Stay mad /pol/ brainlets

>> No.13616051
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Rich blacks commit more crime then poor whites

>> No.13616064

Yes only because the whites are judges and put blacks behind bars, you brainlet

>> No.13616076

>Believes that every single judge is a white supremacist that will rig their cases in broad daylight and nobody does anything about this or has ever found this out.

>> No.13616082

fellas, is it gay to read? you're basically admitting you care what another man thinks.... lol

>> No.13616083

There are people that actually believe this

>> No.13616104
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>be leftie
>become far right wing
>read more
>become radical centrist
>read both the entire western and eastern canon
>leave petty human politics behind

>> No.13616109

I don't necessarily agree with the other guy's point but you missed it completely. He's saying that white judges simply have biases against certain minorities, and those biases (created by it's culture) can lead to racist actions. This has been an issue.

>> No.13616151

completely baseless assumption

>> No.13616153

No I didn't, the idea of a judge having a subconscious bias so strong that it effects the case is absurd, the only way a judge could be effecting the case that strongly is if he is actively trying to, which means every judge would need to be a white supremacist, which is also absurd.

Or maybe its possible that 70 IQ people act like 70 IQ people

>> No.13616163
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> read
> realize that all politics are essentially tribe wars and there's no point in making it more complex

>> No.13616171

Dlaczego tu jest tyle polaków?

>> No.13616187
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>OMG I began reading things and my opinions change HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?!?!

>> No.13616204

Polska jest mądra, ale mieszkam w Niemczech

>> No.13616220

empathy, probably. the same thing happened to me. may or may not be a good thing in the final analysis. we'll see if my left libertarian ethical system ever completes itself.

>> No.13616225

>all politics are essentially tribe wars
but this is a political declaration itself more in line with some political ideologies than others, so you are not exactly escaping things unless you just chose to leave your own natural inclinations unexamined.

>> No.13616254
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>start reading
>realise every political system is imperfect and the only true way forward is by trying to improve ourselves first and foremost

>> No.13616308
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I'm noticing a trend where every time someone makes a point, you handwave it with unquantifiable/annecdotal conjecture to protect your worldview.

>> No.13616357

This guy got it. Is this so much. Kek.

>> No.13616359

>begin reading
>detach completely from current occupation and identity, start LARPing as poet and man of letters

>> No.13616402

What kind of "neo-Marxism" were you introduced to? Like, which authors?

>> No.13616837

Ah yes, the radical centrist.

>> No.13616865

Most popular things tend towards that conclusion. You are easy to influence or otherwise mistook what right and left mean. No one resolute in being far right would just change so easily, you probably should've read wide and far before you decided you were ""mega far right"".

>> No.13616866
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you're doing it wrong retard. reading should turn you into an apolitical aesthete who flirts with both the left and the right

>> No.13616868

Improve in what way?

>> No.13616873

It's almost as if it wouldn't be an issue if american blacks would just fuck off elsewhere

>> No.13616880

This is a flaw of "politics" and not a failure of the person making the observation. Politics might as well be some mental parasite. Oh, but let me guess, these thoughts are all necessarily political?

>> No.13616982

he btfod you be quiet sweety bun

>> No.13617434

politics is an ethics of personal responsibility and conduct. it is an immanent part of life. you can stop thinking about it but that doesnt make it go away or withdraw you from the social field. it only obscures your loyalties to yourself.

>> No.13617463

>why is this?
it most likely isn't and you're just baiting.

>> No.13617478

>what the HELL, these people we enslaved for 400 years then prevented from accessing the same resources they helped to gather are more poor and commit more CRIME? Clearly this is not related to said enslavement but just because they are dumb xd

>> No.13617482

this but unironically

>> No.13617511

>niggers are human.

>> No.13617563

No it wouldn't, you faggot, as it hasn't countless times in history. For instance Brazil became very prohibitive towards gun rights a few years ago and the murder rates kept going up, and now we have over 60k homicides per year. Making gun ownership illegal won't stop criminals from getting guns, since they already don't respect the law and kill people. They just start getting illegal guns. But banning guns does keep law abiding citizens from getting guns to defend themselves from the well armed criminals, you dipshit. That's what happens in much of the third world, where we're helpless because having a gun to defend your family from those fucking merciless barbarian savages, in case they break in, is illegal.

>> No.13617834

Is that you, Lobster daddy?

>> No.13617842
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>> No.13617848

Cultivating compassion is essential to understanding and appreciating literature, while the lack thereof is essential to being a right-winger. It's that easy.

>> No.13617875

Obviously dude can you even imagine the amount of southern rich aristocrats that we’re Jews? Those were the property owning classes straight from Britain.

The colonies in the north were founded from the original Puritan sects within Greenland. The ones in the south? Aristocrats. By the point they had founded there, there were many wealthy Jewish aristocrats due to the pecuniary institutions being given to the Jewish peoples due to Christian Usury laws (which they would not have done if they didn’t think that the trade of Usury would always be despicable).

If this hasn’t already been available to your common sense maybe think harder about society?

My guess is that the only reason you’re saying it is that you are mindlessly fighting a left vs. right political war in your head and that makes you no different than any other drone. :3

>> No.13617907

>Nigs chimp out because whitey enslaved them
>We didn't actually enslaved them Jews did
>Maybe you need to think harder about society because you clearly dont understand things here unlike me sweety

>> No.13617962

You become more independent as you educate yourself, so naturally you're going to oppose the illegitimate forms of authority that constitute the basis of right wing politics. Not only that, but through reading more you realize how badly the right mischaracterizes the left.

>> No.13617969

Do I look like the person you were responding to? I didn’t even read the comversation train fuckhead.

Get the fuck out of here, this is my thread now :3

>> No.13618578

Pretty apt summation of why statists are obsessed with legislating curriculum in democratic countries.

>> No.13618598

''Il n'y a que les fous qui ne changent pas d'idée.''

>> No.13618857
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Imagine giving even a sliver of a shit about those outside your tribe.

>> No.13618870

you're impressionable and believe whatever you expose yourself to.

>> No.13618891

Because after reading you stopped being stupid aka far right

>> No.13618910

>center left
Bull fucking shit. Safe spaces, microagressions, campus witch hunts, and "woke" politics are not center-left.

>> No.13618914

it was the other way around for me

>> No.13618929

it's like asking why the intellectuals in Medieval times were Catholic. leftism has largely replaced the Church among the intelligentsia. Marxist and Marx-derived scholasticism is simply the norm in academia. With that said much of "post-modern neo-marxism" is an American interpretation/misreading of French thinkers, in the same way that Americans often mis-interpret Marxism and turn it into being about "being nice and inclusive towards marginalized peoples by abolishing capitalism"

>> No.13618957

>There are a lot of fucked up whites in the US as well that make the murder rate higher, and that's not because of guns, it's because of the history of that country.

>> No.13619059

When I grew up, I became a neocon boomer. When I went to college, I became a lolbertarian, and in the events leading up to the 2016 election, I became a neocon again. Then, when I started reading again, I became more socially conservative and fiscally liberal, yet became more open in reading leftist critiques, but I refuse to listen to anything from the woke and idpol spheres. Not because I disagree with their premises per se, but because I will not entertain any notion that I am unredeemably evil or anybody who is trying to guilt trap me and make me feel self-hatred out of principle, since integrating such thoughts are in no way by any stretch of the words beneficial or wholesome for the psyche.

>> No.13619387

>Now there are other cultures here
A nice way to say "a shitton of spics".

>> No.13619442

I grew up with the internet and in a dumpy neighborhood and elementary school filled with spics, and those things are precisely why I became right wing. I started in the multicultural world, and when I moved to a nice majority white neighborhood, I realized what I preferred.
>Now there are other cultures here that I don't understand and I have no intention of learning now!
You mean Mexican culture? I know plenty about Latino/Chicano culture, and as it is in America, it's one of the most materialistic, hedonistic, and vapid cultures in existence. Chicanos (of the 2nd gen immigrant variety): 1. Do not read, 2. Do not understand or know history, 3. live in dilapidated neighborhoods, 4. live mainly for enjoyment and pleasure (and thus, broken homes and single mothers), and 5. are proud of all these facts. The ones that escape this are assimilated, and do not live in Mexican neighborhoods. Frankly, most 1st gens are nice people, but these are all defects in Latino culture (and yeah, it has little do wit their race), and it's apparent how shitty is just from the state of Mexico today. Its culture exhorts and aggrandizes chaos, violence, gangsters, and criminals. Unassimilated wetbacks are proud of being cholos from the hood.

>> No.13619636

This whole thread of idiots who still think of politics as a binary and have no idea how to read political theory and philosophy outside of placing it on a nonexistent left/right spectrum.

>> No.13619688
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I did the same. You will come back, in the end.

>> No.13619703

I've been an avid reader since childhood and I've held political opinions that are considered right-wing for as long as I've been able to formulate political opinions.

>> No.13619708

I'm not a radical centrist, I'm just better informed than most people (including you).

>> No.13619714

Have you read Pentti Linkola?

>> No.13620094

It's not race, but socio economic background along with culture, ethnicity, history and so on. To understand why blacks committ more crime it can be helpful to look at those factors.

>> No.13620102

Which is why it should be looked into how this can be fixed. Provide them with jobs and reduce the ghettos. Make sure they have stable incomes and are not exposed to crime and violence.

>> No.13620107

He just explained you the reasons why. Those reasons are not related to race and religion, but to how people treat others according to race and religion. Think one step further than that the reason has to be racial differences.

>> No.13620109

Because you’re an absolute moron.

>> No.13620112
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>It's not race, but socio economic background along with culture, ethnicity, history and so on.

>> No.13620133

I think you have a skewed perception of the things you see as problems in your area.
I live in a pretty dumpy area now, used to live in a white majority neighbourhood, but the thing is that people were just as vapid and hedonistic over there, and these were pretty rich young white kids, who started selling drugs.

>> No.13620229

I've become more left wing with economics and healthcare, but I am completely redpilled on race realism and there is no going back. I love my people and am against diversity. That will never change. I'm seeing more and more people like me as time goes on.

>> No.13620433

kek you actually think people who were grandparents in the 60s were a supporters of radical feminism and free love?

>> No.13620736

open borders and such cosmopolitanisms aren't examples of human compassion, don't fool yourself. it's idealist thinking, it's plastic intellectualism, christian virtues for the atheistic crowds
wanting to improve the life of the people closest to you (both geographically and those who share your culture and history) is an actual, humane expression of compassion. nationalism is love

>> No.13621095

No, but the people who were grandparents in the 80s were.

>> No.13621099

too bad capitalism doesn’t give a fuck about love lol

>> No.13621123

yeah, no.

>> No.13621135

I run in right leaning crowds purely because I can't stand most of the leftist people I've come into contact with.
I don't know what I actually beleive

>> No.13621146

It's fine as long as you realise the dangers induced by (((them)))

>> No.13621153
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>OMG I started reading and my opinions and views began to change HOW COULD THIS BE HAPPENING?

>> No.13621163


>> No.13621165

>leftists and right-wingers want to be friends but da jooz are preventing them
people like you are hilarious

>> No.13621169

unironically yes dumbass

>> No.13621170

Each sides have idiots, but I find that center-leftists are the best talk about politics to.

>> No.13621185
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>why is this?
because you are a blue pilled normie.

>> No.13621209

Divide & conquer is their most used tactics, that's how they carried out all the (((revolutions))) and the (((media))) narrative is built on dividing people by various characteristics

>> No.13621212
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>da jooz

>> No.13621215

It’s genuinely the opposite, enjoy becoming a meme lol

>> No.13621219

I've lost all of the philosophical underpinnings that supported my previous right-wing beliefs, but I still support them out of spite, due to the hatred I feel for leftists.

>> No.13621222

To me it anecdotally seems that radical leftist thought has permeated the moderate left far more than the radical right with the moderate right.

>> No.13621224

>stating something the complete opposite of all data

>> No.13621230

I don't think that's the case. It's more probable that moderates of both sides are driven to defend the extremes of their side. Look at Sargon, he constantly defends the extreme right even though he's a centrist.

>> No.13621232

It is the jews, jews control the fed (they control the pricing and printing of the dollar i.e. inflation levels), jews control the banks and the home loans and caused the 2008 recession which hasn’t actually ended, jews control hollywood and the mainstream media stations. I don’t know if people have been getting rid of them for millennia for the same reasons but they are definitely evil today. Not mention the crime against humanity that is israel.

>> No.13621238

>i don't want to admit the uncomfortable truth so i dump this funny image and just stay content with being ignorant

>> No.13621244

>jews control the fed
No they don't. The chairman sets the interest rates and the current chairman is not a Jew.
>jews control the banks and the home loans
No. Out of the top ten banks on wall street, only one has a Jewish CEO.
>and caused the 2008 recession
No, it was Reagan and Clinton's neoliberal policies.
>jews control hollywood
Pinker already explained the reason that there are so many Jewish directors and script writers. Because Jews have higher IQs than most people.

>> No.13621271

It has nothing to do with reading directly and everything to do with caring about things, which causes the desire to think and respond carefully. The intellectual laziness of the rightist is caused by a lack of giving a fuck, a self-entitled stupidity that is irresponsible to the demands of self-awareness. It has nothing to do with level of knowledge or intelligence, except as far as these are the result of moral stupidity.

>> No.13621278

this is why the communist leaders were always from privileged backgrounds, angsty rebels fighting against their own class and now their own race. it's quite common for rich white teens to act as they believe trashy low class people behave, it's a phase starting around say 13 and ending in their late 20s. if we are unfortunate enough to have economic problems during the maturation of the wealthy we get the early parts of the 20th century or now the 21st century. where essentially the (future) upper class wants the (future) lower class to kill itself in a civil war for it's own amusement.

china is a great example of a system that works, you take a person well suited to being emperor (decisive, strong, charismatic), you give them absolute power, then you gently guide them towards never using that power, and if they make a mistake you never acknowledge it because the goal is to sacrifice a few hundred million people and learn through trial and error, since it's only human to make mistakes.

>> No.13621302

jews have a racialist world view (jew vs non-jew), all political and class struggles since the french revolution have been exclusively jewish disagreements. they often became influential in world history because jews use nepotism and bribery through marrying rich daughters to intelligent but poor goys in order to shape movements in their infancy.

world war 3 will be a jewish war, fought over human physical identity vs human-robo-digital integration. hence why preliminary conflicts around identity are occurring. as usual the stupid goyim are thinking about human races, while the clever jew has already positioned himself on both sides of the future conflict between man and machineman.

>> No.13621303

>hollywood is the intellectual elite
>doesn’t bother fighting mainstream media claim
>ignores that jews are responsible for all private loaning by abolishing usury laws

>> No.13621307

Imagine being such a brainwashed political stooge that you would actually think something like this about either side.

>> No.13621308

Oh and not to mention the horrible crime against humanity that is israel

>> No.13621314

aka pax iudaica

>> No.13621352

gee if only someone had warned us about their nature

>> No.13621364

>be me, teenager
>basically an ancom
>begin philosophy in uni
>start reading the classica seriously in freetime
>now in grad school and a paleocon

your views naturally change throughout life, especially when you are younger. but there is not a stridt correlation between level of literacy and political observance.

>> No.13621371


>> No.13621373

>ignores that jews are responsible for all private loaning by abolishing usury laws

that was Protestantism tho.

>> No.13621422

the further you read back the more you will align to the right and neo-monarchism, since jewish thought was invisible outside of the religious philosophers - which are not taught at university due to dogmatic prejudice by secular academics who largely worship classical antiquity and fall into two camps the pre-socratics and the sophists (aristotle, plato, socrates).

humanity is a story of biology and artificial selection, since we have the cognition to selectively breed with each other for many obvious and unobvious traits we may wish to promote (beauty, strength, intelligence, cunning, deception, malice, survival).

it took 1000 years for infiltration of the catholic church to take place. it took less than 300 for european thought to be subverted, and less than 50 for americanism to die. the fact this process is accelerating should greatly concern you, i suggest you study the collapse of empires if you will specialize further, since you will learn almost nothing from antiquity given it's greatest works were produced at the peak of the respective civilizations.

maybe look at the Shahnameh since it is a retroactive epic.

>> No.13621479

If you don’t hate israel you don’t have political beliefs

>> No.13621536

Yeah, that's something you guys mostly made up.

Maybe a little bit of right-leaning movement occurs but most of the "people get more conservative as they get older" is just a meme. An optical illusion created by society moving left.

Because very few mega-right-wing ideas really stand up to any sort of scrutiny. Even exposing them to counterpoints is often enough to break them, let alone proof.

>> No.13621558
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>Pinker already explained the reason that there are so many Jewish directors and script writers. Because Jews have higher IQs than most people.
This simply doesn't make sense
Ashkenazi Jews are like 3% of America. Let's assume they really are a standand deviation above whites IQ-wise.
Non-Hispanic whites stand for 60% of America. If we considered only 95th percentile non-Hispanic whites (that is, also 3% of America's population) we would definitely have a group that IQ mogs Jewish Americans into oblivion

Pinker is just doing what Jews do the best, that is, nepotistically supporting his ethnic brothers. And that's exactly the reason why Hollywood is full of Jews: nepotism.

Just read pic related and stop being a sucker

>> No.13621563

>No they don't. The chairman sets the interest rates and the current chairman is not a Jew.
Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, and Janet Yellen

>> No.13621581

Nice cope

>> No.13621588

The left is the ideology of the poor, of which the young often are.

>> No.13621613

This is an interesting post and I wonder what Deleuze and Foucault would be like today, given Baudrillard became a reactionary

>> No.13621639

or you live within an environment that protects you from real world consequences; no deadlines, title based pay, tenure, and sabbatical.

you and your peers largely selected this career based on similar views on money and society. you already gave up your prime earning years to do a PhD . the people hiring you also filtered you ideologically.

because these departments are so small and stagnant, group think and intellectual fashions run rampant.

your pay for research largely comes from government grants and taxes. to be successful you have to explain why your research is going to be morally beneficial to society. it largely selects for politicians and moral postuterers. as Ted points out, professors are those who are over-socialized, and extremely cognisant of social norms. (the zany professors are all old guys)

traditional industry is largely dominated by right wingers. the only options for left wing professions is government, social work, perhaps law, and academia.

so perhaps all those reasons explain why and not that somehow professors are converting on the truth. faggot

>> No.13621646

Most people are idealistic and left leaning in their youth.

>> No.13621663

but the real red pill is realizing they don't. they have irreconcilable values. people just rarely articulate long term visions like this.

the liberal Utopia right now is some form of globalism. there are no national, all cultures are perfectly mixed. science and technology gives us post-scarcity but in a way harmonious with the environment. there are no nations we are all free to be NEETS or work at mega corporations.

the right wing Utopia is honestly best articulated as the ethnostate. tight-knit groups of people who share similar values work together. they have families and kids and traditions and live happy peaceful lives.

>> No.13621687

Opposite for me, I grew more and more right-leaning as I
I) worked out
II) spent time around minorities
III) spent time reading

Inb4 post body

>> No.13621692

You sound like a faggot

>> No.13621691

Define "wrong"

>> No.13621708

>if you're right wing you're racist.

Keep your nazi wet dreams to yourself thanks

>> No.13621713

That how it goes. Not him, but I've lived around minorities my entire life and my experiences with them are a primary reason I will never support leftism.

>> No.13621715
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>> No.13621717


>> No.13621722
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>racist incel fears brown people
do you cling to daddy trump in hopes that he deports the scary brown people?

>> No.13621731

> smug lefty
> no self-awareness
Every time

>> No.13621737

Of course I'm scared of them. I've lived around them and I know how they behave. The fact that you'd act like that's an insult shows me how sheltered you are.

>> No.13621738
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Holy based!

>> No.13621750


>> No.13621752

I judge people based on their individual assets not by their race but when 80% of a race is a certain way one might have qualms about not being prejudiced.

>> No.13621759

Sounds like you've been brainwashed by eye-catching infographics

>> No.13621763

I know my post upsets you, but please try to form an argument sweetie

>> No.13621770

I'm just warning you

>> No.13621773

this incel probably lives in a 98% white town.
incel can't cope with being called a fag.

>> No.13621779

Lol did that make your peepee hard?

>> No.13621790
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watching fags like you get beat up makes my pp hard

>> No.13621791

>this incel probably lives in a 98% white town.
It's 50% black actually.

>> No.13621793

This is a lit board not a shitslinging forum. If you're really this angry about a post then ask mommy to turn off the internet for you;)

>> No.13621796


honestly it's really not about racism. it's about having communities with shares values. one way to do that is when people have close family relationships.

isn't the world better when people can continue to live their traditional cultures and not some globohomo corporate worship?

I'm open to hearing alternatives though. what are some right wing visions for the future you have?

>> No.13621805

How come the best /pol/ threads are not on /pol/, but on /lit/?

>> No.13621806


This is your brain on Nazism. How come hollywood actors and millionaires are almost always left-leaning?

>> No.13621807
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As I predicted, this incel is scared of brown people.
Do want the incels from this board gone or not?

>> No.13621811

>As I predicted, this incel is scared of brown people.
Didn't I already say that I was? Are you retarded?

>> No.13621815

Cry harder faggot

>> No.13621816
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>This is your brain on Nazism. How come hollywood actors and millionaires are almost always left-leaning?

>> No.13621821

Yeah it's racism when you can't get along with somebody just because they're black.

>> No.13621824


political beliefs and affiliation rarely are about what principles are true. choosing them is a social process. you select beliefs based on your social identity and who you think you are

it's likely you will only change them if you are taking on a new identity and have new role models.

old people rarely change political affiliation partly because they dont think hard about it, but also because their identity is fixed.

>> No.13621825

whatever, incel freak. you have literally never ever talked to a brown person. you've never even left you parents basement.

>> No.13621830

Wow did you make that wojak yourself?

>> No.13621837

Yes, we already knew you had no argument, so you're ad-homming. Besides that what is your point?

>> No.13621840
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>Wow did you make that wojak yourself?

>> No.13621843


because you are an easily manipulated cumbrain. in politics they are called useful idiots. keep reading OP, and start with the Greeks if you haven't. you'll soon discover the natural rights expressly protected by the Constitution are 100% real, God-given, something you are owed to opportunity to exercise. the left wants to take that from you and your children. they shut down an innocent child's right to the pursuit of life liberty and happiness and call it health care for the mother.

keep reading OP.

>> No.13621846

but I do get along with them. But different groups have people have different values and interests. the country and values they want are different

the us is sort of designed so that each state can represent different groups, but increasing federal control and fragmentation makes that more difficult. trust between people is at an all time low.

>> No.13621853

Someone get this man sex, he needs to have it asap.

>> No.13621862

Nazism and racism is based on adhom, retard

>> No.13621867

Those differences are neither race based nor mutually exclusive.

>> No.13621868


>> No.13621871

Are you saying you're a Nazi?!?

>> No.13621877

you desperately need sex to relieve your frustrations.
you need some sex
lol found an incel who posting fpbp for confirmation bias.
lol look at this nazi incel. have some sex.

>> No.13621890

reading made me apolitical.

>> No.13621891
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>muh cumbrain
have some sex before you turn into a 25 year old incel

>> No.13621895


>> No.13621977


you're right race is just one heuristic. another is religion. but nations tend to be ethnostates already. I think that makes the most sense to form nations around.

imagine being so brainwashed that any political view that talks about society beyond markets must be Nazism.

>> No.13622057

>but nations tend to be ethnostates already
what about Brazil, the US, most of Latin America and so on?

>> No.13622118

95% of the posts in this thread prove that you retards are incapable of grasping any "political ideals" beyond liking blacks and trannies or disliking them
None of you should be allowed to vote

>> No.13622128
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keep that spooky bullshit away from me

>> No.13622135

lmao, I am having the opposite experience.

Far left, read Chomsky--he ironically made me realize leftism was a meme. I am slowly becoming based

>> No.13622142

>The Greeks agree with the Constitution!
Stop pretending the Greeks would hold anything but disdain for your tubby ass and the myopic 1950s americana utopia you're imagining for yourself, faggot

>> No.13622164

so i did lel

>> No.13622173

It was the opposite curve for me. Was incredibly left-wing in high school. Was a proud feminist, was all about gay rights and everything you can think of. This was in the 90s early 2000s.
The more I grew up, read, bettered myself, spent time with these minorities I talked about, with these women I kept defending (white-knighting), took more interest in politics and current events, the more right-leaning I became until I was a conservative.