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/lit/ - Literature

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13612467 No.13612467 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is this? 140 pages in all I can say is cringe.

>> No.13612552


>> No.13612695

>he said, niggardly.

>> No.13612770
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It's a good word.

>> No.13612778

You don't even say which stories are in that book or why they're bad. Way to waste our time.

>> No.13613159


>> No.13613557

Skip ahead to The Music of Erich Zann, The Rats in the Walls, The Call of Cthulhu, The Shadow Over Innsmouth, and The Colour Out of Space. If those stories fail to win you over, then Lovecraft simply isn't for you.

>> No.13614259
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I just looked at that edition's contents. If you're on pg. 140 and really still hate it, give it up. You don't like Lovecraft. Try Machen or Blackwood.

>> No.13614441

Thank-you anon, very soyy.

>> No.13615052


>> No.13615066

He was writing for a living. He had to stretch it for the magazine.

>> No.13615075

The negro had been knocked out, and a moment’s examination shewed us that he would permanently remain so. He was a loathsome, gorilla-like thing, with abnormally long arms which I could not help calling fore legs, and a face that conjured up thoughts of unspeakable Congo secrets and tom-tom poundings under an eerie moon. The body must have looked even worse in life—but the world holds many ugly things.

>> No.13615111

Sure, this is racist as fuck, but it's also a good example of what is to be loved about his style. His descriptions are vivid and suggestive. A monster is not only a monster; their very existence is blasphemous, it makes you uneasy to think that such a creature should even exist. Cosmic horror at its best, except if you apply it to some black zombie dude it just gets silly. But check Pickman's Model. It's the very same technique, at its best.

>> No.13615118

based shelf

>> No.13615138
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>based shelf

>> No.13615310

Good post, OP. A thread definitely deserved to die for this crap

>> No.13615322

This encapsulates H Pee Lovecraft and his sperg-tastic fanbase: https://vocaroo.com/i/s0EkDdSP8xuN

>> No.13615384

Right, it's not because the OP was absolute shit or anything

>> No.13615485

Based cringe

>> No.13615573

Absolute kek, Jesus christ bravo my basedboy

>> No.13615577

lmao ess oh why word filtered to based.


>> No.13615579

Onions test

>> No.13615897


>> No.13615919

This is the problem with reading one of these "complete" chronological editions. The first two stories, for example, were written when Lovecraft was 14 and 17 years-old and are not included at all in most collections. Much of the writing he is so appreciated for is much further into the book.

>> No.13615952

Also I think it does a disservice to Lovecraft to present his work in this way when it's part of a collection that a new reader might acquire. Imagine if your first Lovecraft story was actually The Beast in the Cave like it apparently was for OP. I prefer the more traditional ordering my Arkham House, etc. where you start with his greater works and gradually progress into the lesser known stories and revisions.

>> No.13616000
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What's the book between conan and the necronomicon?

>> No.13616008
File: 33 KB, 960x640, 60D2D884-41C9-49D4-A92A-2A4DE86E74CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a low effort shitpost. If you actually have a criticism of lovecraft to offer then post it, otherwise the only thing you're demonstrating is that you don't like him or his prose, which is not grounds to dismiss him as a bad writer. There are many things about Nabakov's prose that I'm less than fond of, but I don't deny he certainly is a good writer and put thought and effort into his works.

>> No.13616034

STFU lard-ass punk

>> No.13616110

What's the best complete edition of Lovecraft's works? Library of America? IMO, those Barnes and Noble editions look tacky as fuck.

>> No.13616120


>> No.13616156

are you literally new here?

>> No.13616173


>> No.13616176
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HPL is not for everybody. Don't sweat it.

>> No.13616188

i want to fuck art thots so bad

>> No.13616198

It collects Burroughs' first six Tarzan novels. It's a shame Gollancz stopped doing their big black books after six volumes. At least, I think they did: the new Dune trilogy might be a binding match.

>> No.13616242

It's not a physical book but this site: http://www.hplovecraft.com seems to have practically everything he ever wrote down in his entire life, even if it was nothing more than a note on a tissue

>> No.13616537

Instead of the Penguin volume of Bierce you should get the Library of America volume, which was edited by S. T. Joshi and includes the Devil's Dictionary as well as a wider selection of his horror stories.

>> No.13616716

beautiful physical copies, fuck paying for digital

>> No.13616726

Too bad some horror books are too expensive to buy physically.

>> No.13616864

Is penguin classics a /lit/ approved publisher?

>> No.13616994


>> No.13617101


>> No.13617115
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Of course.