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/lit/ - Literature

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13611603 No.13611603 [Reply] [Original]

>Never read a series except Harry Potter
What are some /lit/ approved book series?

>> No.13611632

Everything about J. R. R. Tolkien

>> No.13611651

fellowship of the ring bored me desu quit around page 150. Are there any entertaining book series that lit likes?

>> No.13611723

Don't know about lit, but the Mistborn series is excellent and scratched the same itch as Harry Potter for me.

>> No.13611817

>Mistborn series
I heard about brandon sanderson but am trying to avoid his books because people say he writes feminist shit in his books. Mistborn is free from that?

>> No.13611830

Looks like its the same. Tbh this is why I try to avoid modern writers.

>> No.13611840

I'm not sure what you mean by "feminist shit." The MC Vin is a badass lady, but he's not harping on equal rights or anything.

>> No.13611841

Read mother of learning it has an in depth magic system and an interesting plot. You can also read the Lightbringer franchise if you want a good magic system.

>> No.13611844


>> No.13611846

Cursed thread

>> No.13611851


>> No.13611855

He has a truckload of faults but that isn't one of them.

>> No.13611866

Curious what you think they are--the major ones I notice are "ragtag group of misfit heroes with unique quirks fights all-powerful immortal god-emperor" and "hero levels up at exactly the right moment," though the latter always feels justified to me. The other one is his relatively plain prose, but I don't mind that--feels like there's no barrier between me and the action, and it's not like he's aiming for any stylistic awards.

>> No.13611899

Sanderson is a mormon, a shite writer, but not a feminist. He does have gay characters in other books, though,

>> No.13612158

Georges Cuvier, Le Règne animal distribué d’après son organisation

Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology: being an attempt to explain the former changes of the Earth's surface, by reference to causes now in operation

>> No.13612162

Das Kapital I - II - III

>> No.13612164

Dark Tower by King

>> No.13612181
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>"The Dwarves" by Markus Heitz
>"When They Cry" by Ryukishi07
>"Monogatari" by Nisio Isin
>"The Brothers Karamazov" by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Just a few series for true patricians.

>> No.13612933

Game of thrones/ Song of Ice and fire if you want an accessable series like Barry Trotter.

Don't fall for the lit meme and read das Kapital.

>> No.13613020
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>Special snowflake listens to trigger warnings to avoid things that upset his baby brain.

>> No.13613030

More like i appreciate real art and don't like forced characters (for political purposes) in my books. Most modern stuff seems to be aimed at women so I avoid it.

>> No.13613045

So wait... You've never read any of Sandersons work and you're drawing this conclusion because it's what someone said online...

Amazing. Just go read Ayn Rand, it's fantasy right up your alley. It even features a hypocritical author who goes against all their "core beliefs" once it's convenient for them.

Lol at true art.

>> No.13613053
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I feel ayn rand was ugly as fuck thats why she had such a bitter view of the world. Pic related.

>> No.13613054

Don't read Lord of the Rings or... Any fantasy then. They have a bunch of characters forced into them for political reasons.

>> No.13613074

For real though. Her father was a self made man that had money, was obviously mistreated because of Jewish heritage but ended up being dominated by Rands mother in the household. This leading her into fantasizing about the dominating make archetype her father wasn't.

>> No.13613243
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Harry Hole series by Jo Nesbo