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13607871 No.13607871 [Reply] [Original]

>ask women why they read fiction instead of philosophy, also ask those graduating or graduated in literature instead of Phil
>they all unironically say that they are too dumb to understand phil

>> No.13607873

Will this be a literature discussion thread or a "women are dumb" thread?

>> No.13607879

>women are dumb

>> No.13607905
File: 109 KB, 635x476, WITTGENSTEIN (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a "women are dumb" thread. Read Otto Weininger and Schopenhauer's "On Women", nigger.

>> No.13607914

Small sample size. Various biases. Not that you haven't found the truth, but you certainly aren't justified.

>> No.13607933

Maybe they aren't dumb, but they certainly aren't brilliant. Where are the women philosophers? Physicists? Chess players?
They exist, but they are rare and never approach the level of the best.

>> No.13607940

>graduating philosophy
cringe, if you studied philosophy in university, you are loser, a moron, a kike, a slave and nigger, not a philosopher.

>> No.13607950

>female physicists
>they are rare and never approach the level of the best.
>who is Marie Curie?

>> No.13607969

Propaganda for ur faggot ass anon

>> No.13607973

One example, and one who was not really comparable to her contemporaries such as Niels Bohr, Einstein and Schrödinger.

>> No.13608059


>> No.13608066

>one who was not really comparable to her contemporaries such as Niels Bohr, Einstein and Schrödinger.
Ah, I guess that doesn't approach the level of the best then, you dumb nigger.
>b-but anything that runs counter to my bullshit is just propaganda or conspiracy!!!!!

>> No.13608081

at least they admit they're dumb, unlike certain people who think they're smart because they've read 5 pages of plato

>> No.13608087


>> No.13608094
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>that dyed hair roastie with a weird name at college that thought she was smart because she once read Dostoyevski
my sides, what a total pseud. Men are always much more honest.

>> No.13608105

at least 99% of men are dumb lying niggers, what are you talking about? have you ever hung around other people?

>> No.13608107

Dude I took some literature classes in college and the english major women were pants on head retarded 4/5 times and couldn't understand symbolism for shit. They also were creeped out by the short story "A Real Doll"

>> No.13608110

>be femanon
>enjoy philosophy when read in conjunction to literature
>really like the more positive existentialism (Kiekergaard) enjoy Foucault, Baudrillard
>starting to get into Stoicism
>Also curious about Spinoza
Wishing I majored in Philosophy in undergrad, but considering it an option for PhD

also >how do intellectual bf

Some women are really dumb though and can’t look at concepts without the lens of being female. Just as some men are totally trash.

>> No.13608132
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>Men are always much more honest.

>> No.13608133

No, I am not.

>> No.13608138

>Some women are really dumb though and can’t look at concepts without the lens of being female. Just as some men are totally trash.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. In my screenwriting class my grad student teacher couldn't read into my fucking OBVIOUS symbolism and I had to send her an explaination of every symbol. It was absurd. And the stupid baristas in my class didn't listen to anything about formatting or story structure. One chick wrote about a magical mirror world much like Oblivion Shivering Isles and rather than SHOW WITH ACTION LINES what the world was like she had a character EXPLAIN IT IN DIALOG FOR TWO PAGES. Fucking preposterous.

>> No.13608143 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13608174

A big problem (at least on the academic level) is that theory (literary, film, etc) is no longer a requirement or taught in some settings. Students need a foundation to build upon/expand off of.

>> No.13608177

Wat makes Marie a genius in her field?

>> No.13608195

Her work with medicine (particularly developing a series of vaccines for rabies). Her and her husband discovered several elements on the periodic table (I think) but she ended up dying from radiation poisoning.

>> No.13608201
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He's right you know.

>> No.13608210

You can find plenty of info on her achievements if you want to, There's no real point in me reiterating that which can be easily found with a quick search. Go ahead and debuke her main achievements.

>> No.13608223

God damn man it's a real crime that for as fat a country we are we don't have bidets in our bathrooms. Swamp ass is a curse.

>> No.13608252

Only correct answer is her husband, now fuck off

>> No.13608258

brainlet low-effort post, hang yourself

>> No.13608303

>Ah, I guess that doesn't approach the level of the best then, you dumb nigger
That's correct. While Curie was playing around with glowing objects, figuring out the elements that mad eup them were unstable and that they sometimes ejects alpha, beta and gamma particles the men were discovering the most fundamental levels reality.

>> No.13608321

Sorry about missing words, spelling and the grammar. I am phone posting.

>> No.13608349

>Filthy phone poster
Nah no worries, but if I am being completely honest I think Curie was very much important and just degrading her to "playing around with glowing objects" is degrading and very much plays down her accomplishments just because she is a woman.

>> No.13608372

I never claimed her work wasn't important, nor that it wasn't difficult. I simply said it was not on the level of her contemporary male colleagues.

>> No.13608386

I mean, earning a nobel price (which, to be fair, if I recall correctly when it comes to her physics nobel price was shared with her husband) would pretty much qualify you as being one of the best. But that's just like, my opinion man.

>> No.13608397

>do research and kill yourself
Pick one

>> No.13608400

The device she used to figure out radioactiveness came from her husband and his brother, she did remarkably little and proposed using radioactive materials to heal you as they hurt tumors before they hurt healthy skin cells. I'm not saying she did nothing but this random asshat 23 "atheism and science and everyone is equal" propaganda about Marie curie proving the sexes are equal is masturbatory and terribly wrong. She got affirmative actions the whole way through and if she hadn't married up she'd be a nobody

>> No.13608406
File: 66 KB, 741x643, iq-by-college-major-gender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are wrong anon

>> No.13608411

This is despite 60% of graduates being women, get ur head out of ur ass. The whole world is a popularity contest and for the last 150 years women and minorities have been the popular groups

>> No.13608457
File: 20 KB, 649x365, philochad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's a reciting-basic-philosophy-will-make-you-appear-a-godlike-genius-to-women thread.

>> No.13608480

this guy is extremely based holy shit, I bet he fucked that woman afterwards

>> No.13608583

It's always Dostoevsky, maybe it's just because le long Russian name

>> No.13608585

A Polish chick who got very lucky by marrying a Frenchman who did pretty much all the work for her.

>> No.13608607

>How do intellectual bf

This is a difficult one. This is going to sound shitty to say, but for most men who have their heads screwed on straight (not necessarily positively correlated with being an intellectual mind you) having a woman who is abnormally intelligent, especially more intelligent than them, is more of a liability than an asset. I've often wished my fiancee would read or really think about the world beyond her very sort of instinctual way of viewing things, but then I remember that her way works and generally doesn't steer her into the suicidal beliefs many young women have today as a result of over-education and oversocialization into the current system.

The only intellectual men worth their weight are ones who are going to be fundamentally at odds with many of the ways the current world works, and this will likely not bring you an easy life even if you find them.

>> No.13608679

It's not really an issue if the two people aren't too emotionally dependent on one another. My parents had a great marriage and frequently argued about all kinds of shit way above my intellectual pay grade despite both of them being prone to social alienation and one of them depression. People expect way too much out of romantic relationships when the healthiest ones tend to be those where the two people can take care of themselves for the most part. Looking for an "intellectual bf" is the wrong way to go about it if you ask me. Better to just enjoy smart shit as usual and if someone comes along you get along with and feel like porking long-term just hang out together. My wife is probably smarter than I am and I'm a fucking psycho but we were both able to take care of ourselves before we got together so everything works out fine. Most important thing is that you can just take it easy with each other.