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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 27 KB, 220x310, 220px-Faust_FilmPoster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13607509 No.13607509 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13607528

Three Colours Trilogy

>> No.13607539
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Naked (1993)

>> No.13607559

There Will be Blood

>> No.13607565
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>> No.13607573

The Mirror
The 400 Blows
Seven Samurai
The Passion of Joan of Arc
Aguirre, the Wrath of God

>> No.13607582
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>> No.13607586
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>> No.13607587

yi yi

>> No.13607639


>> No.13607647

boku no pico

>> No.13608192
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Woman In The Dunes

>> No.13608196

Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters

>> No.13608245
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Barry Lyndon

>> No.13608262
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The Saragossa Manuscript

>> No.13610048

Shit movie

>> No.13610052

All based movies.

>> No.13610229
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Withnail & I

>> No.13610250
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The Room, Sion Sono
Though I think all of these quiet films (or whatever this style is called) are /lit/

>> No.13610307

L'âge des ténèbres (2007)
I dont know if the eng version hold up tho

>> No.13610353


>> No.13610358

fuck yes lads

>> No.13610374

Nimtendo Svvitch promotional media.

>> No.13610381

If we talk about what's actually happening on this board, then Love Exposure is /lit/-tier.

>> No.13610403

good movie but no /lit/

>> No.13610407

Any movie can be /lit/. It just depends on your critical faculties.

>> No.13610411

I never know what /lit/ means by /lit/ movies, exactly, so I just post things I like, and people usually agree, so I guess my taste is pretty /lit/

>> No.13610414
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what critical faculties do i need to appreciate this in a /lit/ way ,mr.expert?

>> No.13610415
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>> No.13610635

Anything by Jean-Luc Godard.

>> No.13610658

Please start threads in the future by listing the entire sight and sound poll. Then you'll avoid all the retarded responses from teens.

>> No.13610665

Tarr, Diaz, Zahler, Hartley, Wong Kar-Wai
These are the most literary filmmakers alive

>> No.13610752

Which version of Joan of Arc should I watch?

>> No.13610757
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>> No.13610782
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Wahsinn! Nietzsche. (2017)

>> No.13610838

Dryer without sound then Bresson. Ignore the Besson one. Fleming's and Dumont's are enjoyable but not essential.

>> No.13610859

I meant which length version

>> No.13611117
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>> No.13611193

>Similar to the likes of plays such as "Hamlet" or "A summer nights dream" Ratatoing has mastered its craft and explored what cinema is and what it can be. Ratatoing studies and dives into the political, social and economical turmoil surrounding us humans as a species but more important as beings. When you look past the rats you are something deeper while it is obvious that many of the rats represent gods and goddesses however the rats are more human than any of us will ever be the greed and desire that owning a restaurant represents is that sometimes in life a quick dive into some fly guatrano is all one needs.

>> No.13611625

Berserk 1997

>> No.13612191

True. I've seen like 4 of his movies, and will give the ratings
Band of outsiders-3/10
Contempt-4 or 3/10
He's kind of shit. But breathless was a masterpiece.

>> No.13612208
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>> No.13612221

agree, he brings poetry to the screen, even If you don't like his style
also Antonioni and Tarkovskji

>> No.13612233

This movie is pretty /lit/. Maybe not Bergman's best but definitely one of his most atmospheric and dour.

>> No.13612240
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Forgot pic

>> No.13612280
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>> No.13612310
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>> No.13612328

No Country for Old Men

>> No.13612394

>Tfw no neutrino memory-based alien planet dead space wife

>> No.13612412

A Turin Horse

>> No.13612455

Even Dwarves Start Small
>a criticism of society
The Good the Bad and the Ugly
>a catholic parable about redemption with a speghetti western setting

>> No.13612836

Why do you like Breathless so much? I find it mediocre outside of the chemistry between Seberg and belmondo.

Pierrot le Fou does so much more for me and Vivre Sa Vie is just a great film.

>> No.13612846


I've never heard someone describe Godard as poetic.

>> No.13612853

garbage movie, garbage taste

>> No.13612889

for me it's poetic in the same way futurism and other disruptive poetic movements are, trying to break and recreate the forms but I don't see him as a style over substance guy like many avant-guarde and contemporary artists

>> No.13612915
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People will talk about jap shit but never mention this masterpiece.

This for me nearly reaches the spiritual level of the greats.

>> No.13612918

Fuck yes.

>> No.13612975
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Possum by Matthew Holness

>> No.13613000
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>> No.13613131
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First Reformed

>> No.13613493

does anybody have a link for this? Can't find it anywhere

>> No.13613520
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>> No.13613590

sauce pls

>> No.13613633

Just watched this movie last night and now I want to read the book. Would you guys recommend?

>> No.13613670

Haven't seen it but it looks like La Belle Noiseuse

>> No.13614522
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>> No.13614536

Anything directed by stanley kubrick

>> No.13614564
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>he's never heard of Naruto

>> No.13614568

Orson Welles as Falstaff In Chimes At Midnight

>> No.13614575
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Need I say more?

>> No.13614587

How hard would Ingres have fapped would you think

>> No.13614591

Easily the best medieval period piece ever made

>> No.13614649
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>> No.13614914

Hmmm Isn't this a parody of chandler?

>> No.13615379

>La Belle Noiseuse
that's it.

parody? how? it's just an interpretation.

>> No.13615406

good movies. any movie by sokurov is good. i think i prefer francofonia over russian ark nowadays

>> No.13615521
File: 2.35 MB, 1350x2700, 734b441b85bdbb7937ec5cfabda442fb745f9d2043af535726fa3ed37c31a182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip mother infinitychan

>> No.13615552

awful movies

>> No.13615583

I don’t hate him or anything, but Sokurov might as well be the most pretentious filmmaker on the circuit. Let’s just say his Elegies are far behind.

>> No.13615678
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>> No.13615817

t. haven't seen them

>> No.13615826

The Island (or Ostrov) about the Orthodox monk

>> No.13615842

Based movies

>> No.13615920
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>> No.13615926


>> No.13615938
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The best Tarkovsky film

>> No.13615955

in that case, you aren't missing out on much

>> No.13616139


Contempt is based, wtf. 8/10

>> No.13616144


Who is his homersexual?

>> No.13616199
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I prefer this version...

>> No.13616264

Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975)