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File: 10 KB, 300x300, p-frasier-kelsey-grammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13607352 No.13607352 [Reply] [Original]

how can I learn to speak like him?

>> No.13607401
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I mean the character Frasier Crane, not the actor Kelsey Grammer

>> No.13607448

Move to Seattle

>> No.13607478
File: 128 KB, 856x900, frogdeuces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's called the transatlantic accent. watch old clark gable and humphrey bogart and catherine hepburn movies. read a book about it.

>> No.13607492

no, not the accent. The ability to speak in unrehearsed impassioned florid tirades

>> No.13607496

hire a writer's room to come up with your dialogue, fuckin NPC

>> No.13607503
File: 79 KB, 1000x978, rees-mogg_topHat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying there is nobody in real life who can do this? What about this chappy?

>> No.13607519

no, learn to read. i said YOU couldn't do it and you should hire writers. i'm available.

>> No.13607524
File: 136 KB, 900x1200, D026fGuV4AEFq_E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You guys should all go read his dad's book. It's pretty 'red-pilled' as the kids say.

>> No.13607534

Read old rhetoricians' books. Learn how to structure arguments, think before speaking, etc. Start with Aristotle and move on from there.

>> No.13607545

i was the one making fun of OP but this is actually good advice for everyone.

>> No.13607555

>read a book by posh tory scum about how great tax cuts are
ill pass

>> No.13607575

Practice. And read more. When I was a teenager my anger and rage came out in passionate tirades about whatever video game I was playing at the time. Long, detail oriented insults and criticisms about arbitrary shit no one cared about, but people listened because of the passion and the knowledge base I was working with. This tactic didn’t work well with other topics back then because I wasn’t very worldly. I didn’t know much about anything outside my narrow scope of interest. The more I read, the more ideology and culture I was exposed to, the more I thought critically about topics, all these things allowed me to articulate my opinion or criticize others about something. All that’s left is having the personality type or the skill that rants about things. The observation of injustice or incorrect information leads to an animosity towards another person or an idea. That hate is then channeled verbally into something other people perceive as rapid, obtuse, and unnecessary. In my law school classes other students would admit that they would hate to see me in a court room, or that they wouldn’t ever talk after me in fear that I would counter their argument in my big word salad responses that professors loved. It’s really all about audience and how to tailor your message to them. How do you want to be perceived? Loved? Intellectual? Dominant? It takes effort to deviate from whatever your standard mode of operation is.

>> No.13607591

>Practice. And read more. When I was a teenager my anger and rage came out in passionate tirades about whatever video game I was playing at the time. Long, detail oriented insults and criticisms about arbitrary shit no one cared about, but people listened because of the passion and the knowledge base I was working with.

Shut up Joseph Anderson

>> No.13607594

Lol anon...no one wanted to talk to you because everyone was afraid you were the next school shooter who was one Twinkie away from blowing up

>> No.13607626
File: 213 KB, 500x622, E92625A4-A1C9-4308-868D-54E456D45AFC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was in class. Outside of class I’m an oaf most of the time. Charming and likable to a fault. It’s hard to get anything done when everyone wants to talk to you. This is the internet where everyone can pretend to be whoever they want. I was just musing to OP my experiences in hopes it would help. I hate when I go into that ‘mode’ he’s asking about. It feels like a shotgun of words and concepts, but it gets the job done.

>> No.13608268

Hon, just don’t. Frasier was just meant to be a parody of the upper echelon. People who speak/act like him are insufferable. Just be you.

>> No.13608295

i thought that was gerald ford

>> No.13608316

Get a good theoretical foundation by watching frasier then get into the dialectical process that leads u towards state nihilism https://youtube.com/watch?v=egV9yWMFuCE

>> No.13608332

LARP. The only time we need yawnposter, and she's off doing her nails.

>> No.13609268

No everyone here speaks more like Sheldon or the rest of The Big Bang Theory
Script every social interaction beforehand

>> No.13609599

Read out loud, bro. Especially the dialogue in dramatic scenes, and ESPECIALLY poetry. Even though I'm not a big poetry guy at all, whenever I'm feeling really shitty, I read Howl out loud and it sparks some ideas in my head.

>> No.13610494

We all know that Niles is the superior Crane

>> No.13611522

Both Niles and Martin are superiors to Frasier, who acts as a hybrid of the two.