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13602400 No.13602400 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that debunk liberalism?

>> No.13602416


>> No.13602419 [DELETED] 

Imagine sending your kids to an American public school. Homosexuals, nigers and the teacher was to kill them all lmao

>> No.13602432

No wonder burgers have so many school shooters. I too would want to end these low lifes

>> No.13602571


>> No.13602582

American's don't actually still pledge allegiance to the flag, r-right?

>> No.13602587


>> No.13602589 [DELETED] 

not sincerely, which is a shame.

>> No.13602613

this is something they would do in Saudi Arabia or North Korea; no sane country operates like this

>> No.13602615

They pledge allegiance to the fireworks they fire off on the 4th of July

>> No.13602626

Correction - They pledge to Israel

>> No.13602631 [DELETED] 

nationalism is good

>> No.13602652

no thanks, i am not gonna read 2000 pages of hegelian wankery to learn that the porkies steal my bread

>> No.13602664

That is all about the great church of Wall Street. Israel does what the Pentagon says to, not the other way around

It refutes it. I read later Marxian economists to get around it.

>> No.13602675

idiot detected

>> No.13602690

Is being a teacher today as horrible as it looks?

>> No.13602738

Not an argument

>> No.13602772 [DELETED] 

It is, though. You can't "debunk" ideologies since they aren't fact. You can only argue against them using logic.

>> No.13602786

>Carl Schmitt - The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy
>Reinhart Koselleck - Critique and Crisis
>Augusto Del Noce - The Crisis of Modernity

These are the best I know. Please ignore Anglo-American conservatism and Marxism, which are merely variations of liberalism.

>> No.13602810

nationalism isn't actually a thing, its just a power preserving ideology

>> No.13602839
File: 14 KB, 310x165, 615204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marxism is pure nationalism

>> No.13603590


>> No.13603665


>> No.13603700

marxism is internationalist dumbass

>> No.13604047

Carl Schmitt

>> No.13604126

The Concept of the Political, Carl Schmitt

>> No.13604159
File: 241 KB, 500x596, a78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire basis of the idea of liberalism is that freedom is essentially good and that people should debate, negotiate, deliberate and eventually decide upon laws and the state of society through dialogue.

All you need to do is look at the Western world today to realize how retarded of an idea this has always been. It turns out that if YOU play like a liberal, and your opponent simply refuses to acknowledge your ideas, they will gradually take ground from you until you're backed into a corner.

Nobody who wins ever encourages liberal attitudes in their own corner, they enforce it on their enemies, and then needle them to death by promising compromise but delivering none, promising that this is the end, but then pushing further, and gradually wearing you away until the world suits their vision.

In short, Liberalism is the sort of stupid idea I would wish on my enemies. It's the sort of thing only a homogenous high-trust society would even conceive of--and it results in that society's destruction, every single time.

>> No.13604367

This is such a midwit take, and I can tell it's offered with complete sincerity, that I have trouble engaging with it. Read more of Marx than Capital (if you've even read that).

>> No.13604383


>> No.13604394

>Hates liberalism
>Is a fat, smelly, retarded, ultravirgin, megaasperger, incel, white, closet homosexual American, anime loving bitch

>> No.13604822

This has been the playbook developed by Newt Gingrich for the republicans in the 80s, and has been in use ever since. In essence, destroying liberty and democracy, in favor of authoritarianism and fascism, resulting in the ultimate takeover by a corporate dictatorship.
"Murika" is doomed to be a nation of wage-cucks serving their Jewish controlled corporate masters.
The America envisioned by our founding fathers was only an experiment, and it has gone horribly wrong.

>> No.13605184

>hates conservatarianism
>is gay, supergay, ultragay, fat, ugly, bitter, incel, white, gay, no brainpower, faggot

>> No.13605279

What the fuck is going on in this picture?

>> No.13605316

White woman tries to get preschool children to pledge allegiance to the american flag, but they're too rowdy and rambunctious to bother. (her fault for not commanding authority)

Also some of them are putting their fist in the air (5 year old communists??? wtf lol)

Everyone is brown too, so that is bound to make /pol/ buttmad

>> No.13605321

Are the two boys being gay together being gay together?

>> No.13605328

At first sight I also thought that but then I remembered they're 5. On closer inspection the red shirted boy is about to choke white shirt while whispering a demand for his toy or something. It's more italian mafia posturing

>> No.13605344

Wow... you really think outside the box...... when will the sheeple learn?

>> No.13605501

Mein Kampf

>> No.13605518

The Death of the Liberal Class by Chris Hedges
Industrial Society and Its Future by Ted Kaczynski
Living in the End Times and First as Tragedy then As Farce by Zizek
The Fourth Political Theory by Dugin

>> No.13605566

You should have taken the hint by now: It can't be done. All critics of liberalism are definitionally losers.

>> No.13605580
File: 162 KB, 994x745, 0gL4oxd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All critics of liberalism are definitionally losers.
This is an incredible argument good job

>> No.13605589

...and that picture is your idea of a good argument?

>> No.13605615

Why should I put in the effort if you literally open in bad faith and logical fallacies? You obviously don't give a fuck about actually having a debate

>> No.13605626

he's right and you're a simp, go play your paradox games and stop mistaking your preferences there for actual politics.

>> No.13605644

Every book before the Enlightenment.

>> No.13605668

But you decided to engage anyway. Why did you feel the need to shame me?
A modern city with all its luxuries and its possibilities is emblematic of liberalism, not onions.jpg.

>> No.13605669

Based smart kids

>> No.13605674

From a rightist perspective.
James Kalb Against Inclusiveness

>> No.13605678

>Why did you feel the need to shame me?
Cuz you're a faggot

>> No.13605688

But you’ve never read Kapital :3

>> No.13605696

Ah I can post again :3

Hey Butterfly it’s time to call off work to masturbate to me. Please head home right now. I won’t accept any less and if you don’t it will haunt you for the rest of the day.


Also, Marx is a terrible ideologue but we’ll discuss that later ;3

>> No.13605716

It's true, and we have more fun than you. You guys are so dull in spirit that you only enjoy the idle fantasy of tearing everything down.

>> No.13605738

>You guys are so dull in spirit that you only enjoy the idle fantasy of tearing everything down.
Damn man I'm sorry you're scared of the hacker known as 4chan

>> No.13605745

>But you’ve never read Kapital :3
you haven't either shitdick

>> No.13605830

I have and I have counterargued more efficiently than those who said they have. How do you not know this by now.

How is possible that people still think I haven’t read Kapital when I am arguing more efficiently than those who have? When I understand his stance of underconsumption better than those who have? How bad is the state of academia where you need to agree with everything you do read?! :3

Anyway, regardless, Butterfly is going to think about my cock all day and suck on it. Just wanted to let you know

>> No.13605846

Why doesn’t she say no???? Is she really doing this shit?

>> No.13605878

Bro, she almost certainly groomed them to do it. Teachers are overwhelmingly women with four-year bachelor's degrees, which means they're the lowest and most homogeneous tier of the totem pole of useful idiot SJWs, what Lebedoff calls the "new elite." They are bored and have literally decades of barely-supervised time-wasting to do, and parents are increasingly WOKE millennials themselves these days, so they are getting weirder and weirder, borderline abusive with the children they're supposed to be teaching.

When that Peterson bullshit was going down, few people really paid attention but he was denouncing OISE a lot. OISE trains all the teachers in Ontario and is known for being essentially a psycho cult of SCUMM-tier dykes.

>> No.13605881

Sorry, SCUM tier. SCUMM is the Lucasarts engine.

>> No.13605888

I was talking about butterfly

>> No.13605898

I hate women anyway.

>> No.13605925

>A Fascist

Is that a joke? He'd swing from a streetlamp in a Fascist state, he's just a degenerate lliberal. Fascism is not about "corporatism" in the sense of literally letting corporations run your government--that's what Liberalism is.

Fascist Corporatism is more like rule by trade unions and the military, it derives from the older term Corporatzi, which was an Italian guild system.

>> No.13605966

Every morning, faggot.

>> No.13606276

In practice fascism literally always just turns into letting corporations rule the government like in liberalism it just doesn't have the tiny amount of social freedom liberalism offers

It's almost like they're both part of the same thing and that trading in one for the other every few decades doesn't actually change anything

>> No.13606359

It's black power u moron

>> No.13606378

Hey it's butterfly here I forgot my trip code but wat size is ur cock, epictetus said I should learn to be happy w wat I get rather than ruin myself by getting lost in pure hedonism, anyways he said this but you have a very tiny cock

>> No.13606397

8 inches at least

>> No.13606405
File: 29 KB, 425x240, Sharon Quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Israel does what the Pentagon says to, not the other way around
Really? Mind explaining these:
Boycotting Israel is illegal in USA.

>> No.13606429

Probably because Israel does what the Pentagon says to?

What the fuck?

I mean I think she recognizes Jews are in control, just not necessarily Israel. :3

>> No.13606437

It's not illegal. It was a non-binding resolution, an official condemnation from the government, but that's all. Obviously I'm not saying this is a good thing, I don't think the government should be getting involved at all, but what you said was a lie. Here's Tulsi Gabbard's justification for signing the bill:

Anyway, America is the most powerful and most imperialist nation in the present time, why would they let a little state in the Middle East rule them?

>> No.13606461
File: 83 KB, 636x700, 1565009231093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not sincerely, which is a shame.
>nationalism is good
Why the fuck are jannies deleting posts like this? Doesn't matter what you think of nationalism, its being brought up isn't grounds for deletion or bans.

>> No.13606504

As for the article you just sent, the US has given military aid to many countries around the world, including Saudi Arabia which is currently committing a genocide in Yemen, and the Syrian rebels, and many others. Trump recently vetoed a bill passed by congress (headed up by Bernie Sanders, a Jew, btw) to stop aiding Saudi Arabia while they commit these atrocities. The US is the imperialist power in the world, it is the US which continues to meddle in other countries and it is the US that has destabilised the Middle East. I know this doesn't fit with your Jewish grand conspiracy narrative, but white people (that is, the US) do what you say the Jews do but 100x worse. So instead of directing our hatred towards any particular ethnic group, let's instead blame the real culprits: the military industrial complex, the oil companies, and the corrupt imperialistic US govt.

>> No.13606708

what cucks they are

>> No.13607906

>8 inches is average

>> No.13607990

Why lolberism failed by patrick deneen

>> No.13608833

Listen Liberal by Thomas Frank although Frank is himself still a liberal

>> No.13608882

Nice. Love the daily dose of propaganda

>> No.13609143

This anon posted actual, good answers.