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File: 131 KB, 1413x849, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13603290 No.13603290[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any literature on the massive disparity in quality of life between those that are sexually attractive and those that are not? Particularly things like hypergamy, decay of monogamy, the rise of the 'incel' etc.. I feel like its one of the most taboo topics because no one wants to accept its ramifications. I'm really considering writing a concise work on this myself.

>> No.13603311
File: 34 KB, 499x497, E179CC26-05A1-4F9F-8A08-51CBC9E236E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, you’re out of your mind. If I had filters and all the bells and whistles in the world I can look like a chad too. Also, being attractive literally means nothing when you look for being happy

>> No.13603327


>> No.13603330

If you had good facial development, nice hair and a thick tall frame then you could like chad. You either are chad, or you're not chad. Dont cope. If you're going to give other people advice at least start being honest with yourself.

And off course being attractive has a lot to do with being happy. Seriously, how can you even delude yourself into thinking otherwise? I dont even think you believe the things you type.

>> No.13603338

Except that quality of life difference only matters if you care about sex

>> No.13603339

>this level of cope

>> No.13603343


now who doesn't care about sex? even if you convince yourself consciously you don't, you will have these feeling deep within and the will materialise one way or another

>> No.13603360

You can’t just project your own thoughts and hang ups onto literally everyone and pretend it’s a fact just because it’s so embedded in how you personally think. Learn to accept what you can’t change and stop trying to be a person you are not

>> No.13603372
File: 15 KB, 211x203, 1564453780658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is being attractive not the short path to being happy? You get world conquerer level validation just from posting a photo on Instagram. All this confidence is a sure-fire way to succeed in any aspect of life, whether it's women or career.

>> No.13603381

Yeah, so it’s more likely to make you want and care about vapid materialistic shit and ego stroking. Being ugly is a blessing if it makes you give up on social life and apply yourself to something else, look at how ugly a lot of renowned philosophers and scientists are

>> No.13603405

Such a dumb argument. You still place happiness as contingent to purely genetic factors, whether it is facial structure or fluid intelligence doesn't matter. The only distinction is in the quantity of happiness provided, which is self-evident in the sheer amount of mental illness in scientists and philosophers versus your Chad slayer.

>> No.13603415
File: 185 KB, 800x1159, akagi-532466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking that fucking a hole of flesh is going to make you happy is the biggest cope.

>> No.13603432

Happiness is totally dependent on what you want out of life. If you are ugly, and never going to get laid all the time, then obsessing over basal pleasure fixes from women is obviously going to make you unhappy. I’m sorry that you are too much of a low down chimp to either accept that life isn’t for you and focus effort elsewhere for happiness, or stop being a little defeatist bitch and just go to the fucking gym or something. Either way sex is such a trivial non issue, your whining on the matter is irrelevant. Ugly people have always existed and you aren’t special, get over things you have no influence over instead of whining about how “unfair” the universe is

>> No.13603464

>look at how ugly a lot of renowned philosophers and scientists are
>yeah take a look at all these unhappy and mental illness ridden yet accomplished scientists and philosophers trying hard to compensate
It's not about fucking a wet hole. It's about feeling loved and validated, which is the basis for confidence and a happy life.

>> No.13603469

lol no, read Whatever and there's a section where the fat ugly toad-like friend gets absolutely mogged by a tall blonde Chad. The Chad is kinder, more charming, better-liked, etc. Not just a sex thing

>> No.13603476

not framed in the modern way, but Notes from Underground portrays that dynamic pretty well

>> No.13603479

Attractive people tend get better jobs than uggos, it's not just being harder to find a partner. Lookism needs to be recognized as a genuine form of bigotry and we need affirmative action for uglies

>> No.13603482
File: 157 KB, 369x334, 1506730299113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Implying being loved by a bone scanning machines anything.

>> No.13603483

Another uninspired incel paragraph from the modern age. Did you copy it from "somewhere" or did you actually waste your time writing such a mindless retort?

If you couldn't tell, you contradicted yourself. You condemned caring about "vapid materialistic shit and ego stroking" while at the same time condoning it by, the only difference in the lifestyle's being a shift of the parameter of meaning from looks and lust for women to intelligence and lust for knowledge.

With that being said, you can't change yourself through sheer grit, because your personality is the result of genetics and upbringing. You might not obsess over this "basal pleasure" because you've never truly wanted for, in the case of incels, affection, whether because through circumstance you got an upbringing full of affection or because your brain has a defect, since the desire for affection, sex and love is the strongest biological drive there is. Therefore, through pure circumstance you are not an incel, but you're not in any way different from them in your way of thinking, you just have a different coping mechanism. Incels cope by wallowing in their misery, you cope by acting superior to it all. The truth is both groups stake their "happiness" on transient and shallow materials, living a life of pure hedonism.

>> No.13603485

Intimacy and sex aren't the same.

>> No.13603486


Most men could be chad if they had the brains to take care of themselves properly, extra easy if they have money.

>> No.13603487

This is easily debunked by the concept of hedonic treadmill. Of course incels won't care because they need the disparity to be true to sustain their obsessive neurotic desire which must always be an IMPOSSIBLE desire.

>> No.13603496

by a bone scanning machine means anything*

>> No.13603498

This is the saddest thing I've read all day

>> No.13603500

Only matters if you care about it. Just stop caring bro. As the old ones said, "Don't kill yourself. Kill your self". Make lobotomy legal again.

>> No.13603502

You are the incel seething over lack of sex by lashing out at the world. By the wording of your post, you are also an incredibly huge pseud midwit
>did you actually write this drivel yourself
Like seriously, it’s a 4chan argument, get over yourself dude. I know you’re offended, and your self concept had been attacked, but it’s true. You care about vapid pointless shit. I’m not condemning people who care about it, that’s being human. I’m just saying you have an opportunity to rise above it but you don’t have the will.

>> No.13603516

This is exactly what I said

>> No.13603530

>You are the incel
False. Acknowledging hypergamy and the importance of love and sex for the mind doesn't make me an incel, it makes me not blind.

>I’m just saying you have an opportunity to rise above it but you don’t have the will.

Feel free to stop posting when your simplistic macho stoic persona no longer makes you feel superior, if it ever did.

>> No.13603538
File: 17 KB, 282x179, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> implying hypergamy exists
> implying being good looking leads to a loving relationship
> implying that smashing a random thot is better than other pleasures.

>> No.13603554

> I'm really considering writing a concise work on this myself.

Go for it, I'd read it. Just don't make it a manifesto.

>> No.13603560

should I read Akagi? I liked the anime adaptation f Kaiji and the Legend of Koizumi, which is also about maghjong

>> No.13603569
File: 31 KB, 500x375, dbf9a4ac4674271cad34ca759b06892ec243e9fb_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Akagi is the most based man in existence.

>> No.13603574
File: 73 KB, 1152x860, D205FUnU8AI6FyY[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> implying hypergamy exists
Proof: pic related.

>> implying being good looking leads to a loving relationship
Increased selection increases probability, halo effect increases lovability.

>> implying that smashing a random thot is better than other pleasures.
Assumption that good looks lead to lust rather that love, see above. Assumption that sex isn't better than other pleasures, unlikely as system that doesn't promote self-propagation would not survive, behavior in all mammals contradicts, no substantiation provided.

>> No.13603587

Just start lifting and leave this place forever, I'm sure you'll get laid more, anon.

>> No.13603589

Not him but I don't see the big deal in a 10% diference.

3 ou 10 men aren't fucking, 2 out of 10 women aren't fucking. You have some chads and some stacies and a bunch of people in relationships, that's it.

>> No.13603594
File: 494 KB, 899x681, Screenshot_2019-08-07_20-47-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> implying posting a random graph is enough for a normal person to come to a world changing conclusion.
> implying everyone subscribes to the same narrow idea of love that would be facilitated by the halo effect.
> implying evolution is true
> implying I should live my life according to evolutionary principles.

>> No.13603598

>>implying evolution is true
This is where you fucked up

>> No.13603606

I like how this site think attractive people are like another fucking species.

>> No.13603616

All three of them look like dweebs.

>> No.13603622
File: 11 KB, 250x300, DavidHume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13603623

Not a different species but cleaely different lives.

>> No.13603626
File: 114 KB, 793x720, 1563676220898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still caring about meat space

>> No.13603631
File: 45 KB, 400x300, akagi-montage-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13603632

Exponential trend power accumulation societal collapse.

no statement

biological drives physical flesh not beliefs no subscribe function available

probability statistics game theory thermodynamics everything goes the path of least resistance pillar of existence denial = no existence = contradiction

he insular cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex, and the medial prefrontal cortex
grams of flesh a result of
evolution is process not belief no principles to live by

>> No.13603633
File: 76 KB, 600x600, 1561567635889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all the talk about breaking down barriers, there are still invisible, but very much real, lines that separates individuals in society into different groups. You can say all you want about us sharing the human condition but the fact of the matter is I have a hard time finding anything in common with the working-class, as an example. We don't share tastes in food, political leanings, religious beliefs, etc.

>> No.13603639

It's because of influence of saturn uppon scientists, philosophers and wise one. cause he is the grimest one

>> No.13603649

>Exponential trend power accumulation societal collapse.

What the fuck.

>Implying women haven't been fuck meat for more than a million years.

>> No.13603655

>Exponential trend power accumulation societal collapse.
How did you jump to this conclusion? There is no validity in this implication, you can't just say P => Q holds if you haven't even proved it.

> biological drives physical flesh not beliefs no subscribe function available
This statement makes no sense?
> probability statistics game theory thermodynamics everything goes the path of least resistance pillar of existence denial = no existence = contradiction
What the fuck? I study Mathematics, What the hell does it mean for probability, statistics, and game theory to go in the path of least resistance?
> The insular cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex, and the medial prefrontal cortex grams of flesh a result of evolution is process not belief no principles to live by

If something is there, then my process that could have developed it is true. Nice argument.

>> No.13603664

I think he's just trying to say big words.

>> No.13603688
File: 16 KB, 225x225, 1491949552846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>probability statistics game theory thermodynamics everything goes the path of least resistance pillar of existence denial = no existence = contradiction

>> No.13603696

What are your beliefs then hot stuff?

>> No.13603704

>probability statistics game theory thermodynamics everything goes the path of least resistance pillar of existence denial = no existence = contradiction

>> No.13603725

2 out of 10 women are morbidly obese and too frigid to care for greasy old fetishists.
3 out of 10 men are autistic who are content with vidya and porn.

Also, women underreport and men overreport, we don't have solid estimates for the bias (there was a study which tracked gonorrhea transmission back to back self-reports so as to establish gender self-report bias factors).

>> No.13603729
File: 90 KB, 1100x619, we live in a burgerpunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we should stop pretending that barriers don't exist and learn to live with them, or even better yet, actually do something to smooth them over instead of doing inconsequential shit that has no effect whatsoever. But isn't it curious how we are discussing these topics here? In fact, 4chan provides (in theory) an excellent space to discuss things in an equal environment. It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, handsome or ugly, black or white, gay or straight, the only thing that matter are your posts, the strength of your ideas, which is only possible through anonymity. What's why tripcodes are gay

>> No.13603760

>also, women underreport and men overreport

I didn't think of this, wouldn't they adjust for this?

>> No.13603785
File: 65 KB, 540x405, 616ca1e44be5e074cad50078fdca257ae47777359099107ab67544601dd6f901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you are starting to realize how much of a big meme it is to argue P implies Q when P is a graph and P implies Q hasn't even proven to be true.

>> No.13603797 [DELETED] 
File: 3.27 MB, 4000x2667, 39338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get him off stage, twitter has that problem too

>> No.13603817

You were winning until you denied hypergamy

>> No.13603829


Since none of you leave your house or talk to anybody without a keyboard, I'm going to let you all in on a secret: super good looking guys have trouble keeping relationships. Their partners are always suspecting them of being unfaithful and women don't want to be "the ugly one" compared to her boyfriend. I have a friend who is a male model (don't care if you don't believe me) who didn't lose his virginity until 26 and that was with an escort.

>> No.13603841

>I'm really considering writing a concise work on this myself.
Looking forward to it. As to your thread, have sex.

>> No.13603881

They are.

>> No.13603889

can't do FWBs either because the girls always catch feelings from it


>> No.13603898

Also, guys who are at least a bit socially aware (not even redpilled; the experience comes naturally) actively avoid chad-looking dudes in social situation. This makes chads often isolated, unless they're supremely entertaining so that even guys are sorta attracted to him and can get over the inherent amog factor.

>> No.13603909


Ugly feminists have been grappling with this for decades anon, in various ways and with various forms of cope which are complementary to the current (and perennial) incel situation. You just don't want to read any existing feminist literature on the topic because as women, they don't directly represent you, so you can't self-insert into/actually empathize with that particular Other. (That's actually okay).

>> No.13603913
File: 14 KB, 480x360, goodpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you from the Black Lodge, anon?

>> No.13603929

From what I have observed in life:
>validation and intimacy can come from your family and friends
>you don't need to be in the top 10% to have a romantic partner
>sleeping around is just another form of pleasure, having sex with a partner is what counts
>you don't need to have sex to be more confident, you just need to add value to yourself so you can have social demand
Yes, attractive people have an edge at life, but that's not everything. I think rich people and people from well structured families are far more enviable. That being said, I'm in neither of these three categories, but at least I'm described by my peers as dependable and good to be have. And I'm content, feels so fucking good to be valued on a regular basis.
Raging and crying over other guys getting more female attention is gay as fuck.
Reading this makes me feel sad for you.

>> No.13603931

So, when feminists harp against "male gaze", and "eye rape", and "objectifying" - what they're saying they actually crave those things, and are just envious of the pretty girls getting it?

That's some pretty devious crab mentality. It's like as if incels started campaign that all men should stop fucking because they're not getting any ... oh, right, MGTOW.

>> No.13603954
File: 643 KB, 1022x731, 4A71F532-83AC-478D-A250-919F422602A4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching your classmates fall in love everywhere and fuck like animals while you stand like a loner without love and affection
>haha bro dont worry its just a hedonic treadmill. Keep your head down, study hard, land a big job and you’ll have used up women fall into your lap. Its that easy!
Pic related.

>> No.13603970

Except the ugliest of woman won’t have a problem getting with a partner (unless they have crazy high standards, which most of them have anyways) but the same can’t be said for even the average male, let alone an ugly one.

>> No.13603976

Yeah well, women are petty. They will throw their whole life away to spite their father.

>> No.13604028

I'm 24, haven't touched a woman in 4 years and I literally don't care anymore; for example I go to the gym and find women an annoyance, even with their thight yoga pants. I'm not sure if my current state is a blessing or a curse.
So, basically give it time.

>> No.13604030

No from fraternitas staurni.

>> No.13604034

wrong. it literaly changes how everyone in the world sees and treats you. this affects jobs, promotions, awards, everything.

think about how easy life is being an extremely attractive girl. need a job? just show up. need help? literaly ask anyone. need housing? move in with the next chad

extremely attractive girls become insufferable because everyone will put up with their bullshit.

why are fat girls usually cool? because they have to be.

inb4 I'm an an incel.
I'm not. I'm a mid tier married nornie

>> No.13604035
File: 31 KB, 480x480, A9F192E4-8633-4D23-A8CD-4C96B242A62F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are doing what we call ”coping”.

>> No.13604057

Wasn't MGTW all about not marrying, but still fucking around alot?

>> No.13604070
File: 298 KB, 976x1368, EAqV5bTXsAIswFi.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see any reason for it to be true, tbqh. I don't want unproven world views running in my mind.

>> No.13604081

I did this too. And when I was 25, some slut threw herself at me and I caught feelings, all the repressed stuff came out pouring, at the wrong person might I add. Cue 2 years of alcoholism and drama much of which I don't remember. Now I'm at point I straight say I'm gay to prevent this happening again. Didn't touch a woman or bottle in 8 years.

Please subscribe to my blog RSS.

>> No.13604095

Aren't you coping since you believe the hedonistic treadmill isn't a treadmill?

>> No.13604133

There has always been hot people. There has always been ugly people. They have lived careful balance and tension forever. Now we live in an age of identity politics, which has politicized everything. Being ugly is now seen as an injustice when previously it was just a bad case of luck.

Beautiful people have it easier. They have better sex, they are judged to be more competent. Some of them simply make their living by the fact, models, actors. Here is where natural inequality rears its ugly (no pun intended) head. There's no redistribution, no correction, no fair shake to be had.

What you can do if you are ugly is not obsess over it. Bitterness never made anyone's life better. What's truly harmful is this victim mentality. It feeds the festering, vile tree of resentment that blossoms in to putrid hatred and bitterness.

>> No.13604135

Those are completely different topics though. But there are feminists who have talked about the effects of superficiality and rejection and how it affects them and their place in society and sometimes the effects of being celibate. This is actually the only realm where I can think of the specific things OP mentioned being discussed, but I don't think the people itt would bother with it, admittedly.

>> No.13604144


> What you can do if you are ugly is not obsess over it

I think the incel movement is less about being angry about being ugly, and more about the public not admitting its a real thing. Being ugly sucks but egalitarianism ethics makes everyone rationalize away all the suckiness.

I think if people just admitted the inequality the intel movement would have no sway.

>> No.13604157

A large part of the problem is that society increasingly values sex and vanity. If you're not physically attractive then you should know that your are weak in that area and live life in accordance to your strengths. Ugly people are attempting to live life as if they are attractive because they're told that they should value their looks.

>> No.13604176

this, so much of society depends upon denying that life sucks and that most things are beyond our control. the same applies for IQ. if society wasn't so obssessed with being egalitarian, we'd realize that intelligence is hereditary and we could focus on helping people who are low IQ and can't do much for themselves. but we have to have stupid arguments over which non existing environmental aspects are holding low IQs back like muh opressiun and muh racism

>> No.13604178

Most people admit that ugly people have it worse than life. That being said, being ugly isn't a complete limit to doing anything, since everyone knows that an ugly person could still get a job and a partner. Incels deny the latter, hence the division. But again, nobody denies that ugly people are treated worse or discriminated against.

>> No.13604182

Personally I believe identity politics has trained a generation to make anything that holds them back in life a form of injustice inflicted on them by society. There is a certain self-consciousness that has been deeply wired into people that's based on the generally liberal schema of identity politics.

The egalitarianism has always been a shaky proposition. Identity politics obsesses over differences and stress how they structure and inform all social relations. At the same time it tries to pain over this with a microscopically thin patina of egalitarianism. We are all different but we are all the same. It doesn't hold together and is one reasons why liberalism is failing.

If being black, or gay, or whatever, is something to build a politics around, why not being ugly or being involuntarily celibate? Sex after all is at the core of life and everything does revolve around it, probably more centrally than race or any other identifiable characteristic.

I just think that someone who identifies as an incel has sold themselves short. They've reduced themselves to a humiliating and unfortunate condition they are in, when perhaps they could be doing something of value with their lives.

>> No.13604185

you're all wrong, the right way to go about the uggo problem is to destigmatize attractiveness. society now is at a extremely dumb taboo, it's the most attractiveness obssessed society of all time, but fiercely denies it. if we could have widely available male makeup (that is, jaw implants, negative canthal tilt surgery and other plastic surgeries), then there would be no problem at all.

>> No.13604187

>effects of being celibate
You mean how they become lesbians?

>effects of superficiality
I think it's interesting debate who's to blame for this. Whether the men who react to blatant sexual provocation; or (majority) women who intentionally sexually provoke. Notice that in traditional cultures (amish; islam) there's a great deal of emphasis on uniform code - for both genders - so as to not provoke sexually. In these societies, women are treated much more equally relative each other, even though their "freedom to express their beauty" is repressed.

I suppose the western idea is to simply repress male sexually (which is, indeed, predatory - when provoked) so women can behave like skanks and "feel good about themselves". This is race to the bottom, as men get more suppressed and less responsive, women will be inclined to escalate the provocation.

>> No.13604193

Being attractive is only important for about a quarter of your life anyway

>> No.13604199
File: 576 KB, 1140x1068, evola sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13604208


You are correct, men and women are asymmetrical and in a definite sense, women have it easier than men, especially today. Feminist literature is still directly relevant to what the OP actually asked for because it is produced as a form of cope by ugly/too-"educated" women which goes directly to their own not-being hot. Feminism is the slave morality of ugly women, just as /r9k/ discourse and even this very post are part of the slave morality of the unattractive male: such a lot of whining.

Chad and Stacy are perfectly content; they never had to do any back-flips to justify or try to find their own happiness; that was left to "abrahamic religion", generally (here, I am putting on the first part of Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals, a nice dress).

>> No.13604259

Fuck you're right

>> No.13604266
File: 30 KB, 960x960, 1563396345265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ugly face but in a masculine kind of way
>6"1 with broad shoulders and 2 years of lifting
>balding at 24
>small dick
>more hair on my ass than on my face and hair combined
I can strike up a conversation with pretty much anyone in any situation but my shortcomings make it seem pointless
Should I off myself lads?

>> No.13604291
File: 476 KB, 762x766, 1564469078962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hedonic treadmill is a cope because a person is a sum of his experiences. A virgin wagecuck who has never experienced true love in his life will never be on the same level as someone who has a loving and caring partner.

>> No.13604293

False, if you're actually attractive then it would be half of your life, which is more than enough time to live a fulfilling life

>> No.13604307
File: 99 KB, 986x1200, cca530bc33faa30f862aad3635be5342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really nice, is this from his book "metaphysics of sex"?

>> No.13604310
File: 13 KB, 196x257, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> implying a person is a sum of his experiences
> implying someone who is good looking has experienced true love.

Fuck off with your incel spooks.

>> No.13604315

No, offing yourself is cringe. Live long enough and tell your tale to a man who needs it.

>> No.13604323
File: 121 KB, 310x363, Hachiman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> implying everyone who studies is doing it for women.

>> No.13604324

Yep I've been really enjoying it

>> No.13604342

My Twisted World
by Elliot Rodger

>> No.13604362

Hedonic treadmill is a myth.

>> No.13604364

Ugly cope

>> No.13604373

Why? You can't just say X is a myth without proving it is a myth. If the Hedonistic treadmill is a myth, then why is the proposition, "My life would be so much better if I was chad" true?

>> No.13604406

Moar deets pls

>> No.13604410


>> No.13604415

>Sex after all is at the core of life
It’s not.

>> No.13604476

The way people behave would have you thinking otherwise.

>> No.13604580

>t. stoic cope master

>> No.13604783
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>> No.13604838
File: 95 KB, 750x654, 24853ec9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houellebecq, he explains it all but doesn't offer a solution, because just like Nietzsche, he thinks the situation is hopeless.

>> No.13604941

I'm not a chad at all but have always found it easy to find partners/fuck. It's more about cultivating a style than being a genetic ubermensch. Especially as the bar for male attractiveness is so low...

>> No.13604954

My diary desu

>> No.13605002

the fact that the brainlet plebbitors on this board genuinely think men can become "chad" if they just take better care of themselves says a lot about how delusional these people are

they'll also say things like "bro there's always been ugly and attractive people, just deal with it!", people that say things like this don't grasp the lengths society goes to so that it can include attractive people in normal humanly things like relationships, friendships, sex, jobs, etc and the lengths that it goes to so it can exclude the unattractive people, and i think today the line between unattractive and attractive is even thinner than before and that makes people angry due to the fact that even though they aren't deformed looking it's seemingly impossible for them to have sex with their looksmatch because of the pedestal attractive people are put on because of things like instagram/tinder etc... not even just attractive people but average normie girls getting hundreds of likes on their photos or hundreds of matches on tinder which launches their social status far above men who are on a similar level (objectively) lookswise as they are.

i think the cause for this is human biology just being tinkered with to make capitalism profit, doubt there were as many "incels" in the 80s and 90s, or even the 00s.

all of this would be fine but the level of denial society goes to with this is even more insane than what is happening, people genuinely convince themselves that attractiveness isn't a biological fact and is just something you can "work hard at", "if you work hard enough you can look like jordan barrett bro!", it's this same attitude that's echoed throughout all of capitalism's systems where anything is "achievable" if you just work hard enough, it would be a lot better if men were told the truth and not lied to about things like "personality" and "having a good job" being the keys to being attractive to women while chad is unemployed and on welfare fucking multiple 8/10s without even trying, this concept that even the ugliest man can have as much success as someone like jordan barrett by "hard work" needs to change.

also when they relate attractiveness to hard work it implies that attractive people did something to "earn" their attractiveness while unattractive people have done something wrong, this simply isn't true, it's just luck of the draw

>> No.13605067

Be careful. You're scratching below the surface instead of resorting to easy platitudes. You could get called an incel for that!

>> No.13605152

But but you are just an incel

>> No.13605174
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Please don't come at me with muh evolution. If you believe in inceldom and chad hierarchy or whatever then you already implicitly believe evolutionary psychology.

>> No.13605175

Relationships != sex.

In fact, they're toxic to each other; the more you seek "sex", the less chance you'll ever get a "relationship".

It seems your problem is that you're conflating the two.

>> No.13605183
File: 324 KB, 767x640, tagly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kingsely amis gave one of his characters in take a girl like you a big speech about it, it starts like

A great British prime minister once remarked that the people were divided into two nations, the rich and the poor, and in effect that these had no knowledge of each other. One might say the same, perhaps, of those who live in parts of the world where segregation by races is practised. But these barriers, or the reasons for them, belong to a part of our history which is fortunately passing away. There is one barrier, however, which no amount of progress or tolerance or legislation can ever diminish. I’m talking about the barrier between the attractive and the unattractive.

>> No.13605185

>this concept that even the ugliest man can have as much success as someone like jordan barrett by "hard work" needs to change.
They'd be fools to admit it. Such myths are what keep people participating in society.

>> No.13605186

Also i think i might be the only person in this thread who actually recommended a book. Maybe try why women have sex by Cindy M. Meston.

>> No.13605188

>All three of them look like dweebs.
not according to sluts

>> No.13605198

Lol shut the fuck up

>> No.13605210

sexually attractive people are more likely to end up in relationships, are you trying to dispute this?

>> No.13605211

It's totally involuntary; I just don't feel the need to persist women anymore.

>> No.13605218

>that cover
truly cringeworthy. put a pair of tits on an ugly manface like that and suddenly woman is supposed to be some magical creature. gtfo. why are women so delusional when it comes to their own worth bros.

>> No.13605219

Ironic, because Elliot was absolutely attractive
Not Chad tier like the guys in the OP pic but he was undeniably handsome
If anything Elliot is evidence against the totality of blackpill ideology

>> No.13605222

> sexually attractive people are more likely to end up in relationships, are you trying to dispute this?
Yes, I am. That's not how the real world works.

Or do you think relationships are formed on Instagram or Tinder? Not a chance.

>> No.13605223

i don't want to defend pua culture here, but do you remember those guys like tyler durden and the lessons they had? trust in yourself? be cocky etc?
its not all about looks, dont let yourself be fooled.

>> No.13605239
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Cumbrains, the lot of you.

>> No.13605258

absolutely based and black pilled beyond belief

>> No.13605261

...lol? i don't think if you live in the "real world" if that's actually what you think, keep coping with that though

>> No.13605264

Hookup culture is shit and one night stands are not much more satisfying than just buying a prostitute.

What you incels need is not sexual gratification but intimacy. Aim for that instead of trying to be Chad Thundercock.

>> No.13605286

How can you achieve intimacy in a society that doesn't fully practice or respect monogamy?

>> No.13605295

by falling in love

>> No.13605306

A girl I was sorta-dating (part of the problem here, I admit) recently asked me why I'm not interested in seriously dating our mutual friend, a nice, nerdy, girl next door type with whom I have a decent amount in common. I told her it's because she's a whore who fucks guys off Tinder regularly. She got offended but I explained: I'm not Chad. Just because I can get the occasional pussy doesn't mean I get it the same way Chad does. I have to work for that shit. The thing is, this girl is fucking Chads every four or five days off Tinder after just meeting them, but I'd have to WORK for it. And if I didn't know she was fucking Chads from pretty much accidentally knowing about it, I would naively spend three months thinking I'm "dating" this broad, reporting back to my best friend like "wowee gee whiz guys things are getting pretty serious with this girl :) I'm really thinking of goin' steady with her, aw gee!," thinking it's normal to spend a couple months courting a woman and getting "serious" with her before progressing to real intimacy.

Meanwhile if she weren't still fucking better looking dudes off Tinder while not putting them through the same rigmarole, it would always be the case that she had done that in the past. No matter what, I would have had to work for a pussy that she passed around for free. No matter what, even if we ended up dating long term, I would have been the guy she settles with after getting tired of short-term Chad hookups and lowering her standards somewhat for LTR material (because as an okay-looking girl next door type, Chad will happily blow a load on her face for a few consecutive weekends, but he's unwilling to sign on to pay her bills for the rest of his life).

Intimacy is fine if it's worth it. What intimacy is worth it anymore? What women are left who haven't licked the balls of ten, twenty guys before? What women are left where "earning" intimacy with them is still meaningful in an absolute sense, and not just relatively to the hoops they make you jump through because they're tired of being used by Chad? There are a few such women left, but good luck finding them, and good luck discerning that you HAVE found one, since they all lie through their teeth about past partners.

>> No.13605312

the case of the cuckolded wageslave is becoming extremely common now, unattractive to average men who believed in the "power of love" have their lives destroyed when they come home and their wives are having sex with chad

>> No.13605313
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- looking better makes likes life better
- nobody is "happy"

OP is cope. "I'm miserable because I'm not a Chad". That's a cheap excuse and you know it.

(Pic related undermines the point I'm making, but it tends to trigger robots and so I like to post it)

>> No.13605327
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I get the gist of your post but I don't think any girl in this day and age lets you wait 3 months. They all want dick in my experience, so you get in bed pretty quickly. Did you actually had an experience with a girl, over 23 say, where you had to wait?

>> No.13605329

OP's point had nothing to do with happiness, humans are not meant to be "happy", OP's point had everything to do with how lots of people are being phased out of having normal sexuality and are being lied to about the reasons behind it so that society keeps functioning as normal

>> No.13605337

>They all want dick in my experience
i've never slept with a girl over 23, but if you meet really pretty girls they might not give it up until you're actually dating

>> No.13605343
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Okay, granted. Not sure about what "normal" is, though. This society could be a glitch.

How were things in ancient rome? Where there Chads who did all the fucking, how far was the pair bonding rule progressed back then. Where does that "normal" start that you say is ending now?

>> No.13605348

You can meet incredibly rare women who for reasons of principle don't like to fuck a guy unless they're convinced he's serious about dating them. Likewise those are the only women I'd consider dating.

I feel really bad for women. If they could see what sex really is to men, from inside a man's brain, they'd start puking and swear off it forever. All the old taboos about promiscuity would be erected again, with women enforcing them this time. At least men being promiscuous has an element of accomplishment to it, because getting laid is usually difficult. Women are like little rich kids who don't realize all the other kids are just pretending to be their friends so they can play with their expensive toys.

The more I learn about gender dynamics the more despair I feel. Did you know most women report that they don't even have orgasms during their hookups? Most women are literally just hooking up for the feeling of being desired, the brief excitement of being pursued, the "something to do for an evening" of it, because most men don't even know how to get them off, and women either don't know how to get themselves off with a partner or are unwilling to insist on it. Think of how fucking sad that is: the whole "proud to be a slut!" thing isn't even about sex at the end of the day. It's about companionship. At least if women really enjoyed meaningless sex it would just be degenerate hedonism. But it's women thinking they're getting actual companionship and appreciation out of a man who just wants to stick his cock in them.

>> No.13605369

>If they could see what sex really is to men, from inside a man's brain
>Women are like little rich kids who don't realize all the other kids are just pretending to be their friends so they can play with their expensive toys.
I don't think women are unaware. Women just like getting fucked, it's not a mystery.

>> No.13605374

Did you even read his post?

>> No.13605382

In this case, isn't it better to just go celibate? If all women are promiscous and you are that disgusted by that than you will never be able to fall in love and being in a stable relationship with any of them.

Maybe you can become Chad and fuck and dump random chicks but you wouldn't enjoy it that much if you are so disgusted by the knowledge that they fucked a lot of other men. Probably you would get more enjoyment just from porn.

Either do that or just accept that you won't get a pure virginal gf.

>> No.13605397

Rome was basically like if you are young, you are cool if you have casual sex, but after young adulthood you are expected to get married, have kids and stay loyal.

Also homosex is cool and masculine, unless it's you taking it up the ass, which is shameful.

>> No.13605409

Fairness wasn't always a lie. Only a few decades you could get a nice home and a homely wife just by giving an honest day's work. The years we live in now are insane. We're like Wile. E Coyote running off a cliff, the moment we finally look down to see the truth we'd fall to our deaths. Everyone says we live in the most prosperous times, the most comfortable times. We live inside of a death camp, constructed by alien beings driven by alien thoughts, and we're the meaty sustenance to realize these insane Lovecraftian dreams. We are no longer living a human reality, we are living inside of an alien dream. We're the only ones who can certify that we're real human beings, anything else sees us as food, autistic digital monsters drinking our thoughts as information like a straw leaving us as a hollow entry of data in a temporary database. It's all over. We'll continue making unhinged motions inside of this fever dream until we get throat cancer and our larnyx get torn out from our bodies and we won't be able to vocalize our defense against our employer's attorneys when they leave us broke and alone when we die under the moon in the street drowning in our feces. This is the fate of all antlike human beings, we cannot ascend at all, we were not born to ascend, there are only a few families who will survive to see the next age, the rest are food.

>> No.13605415

This applies to people with or without porn

>> No.13605442

Except 90% of people on the street are ugly and all have decent careers and girlfriends, you sad bastard. Just take a look at anyone on the street, they are all sad bastards and ugly, it takes nothing to make yourself more attractive you stupid fucking kike.

>> No.13605463

Why do you want to do that to yourself? It's not that people don't know attractive people have more sex already. Nobody wants to deal with it because 'what am I even supposed to do with that information?'

>> No.13605467

>There has always been ugly people. They have lived careful balance and tension forever.
Keep believing that the world was somehow all fine, peaceful and just for the past billion years
it has always been shit
if ur ugly last millennia people would have killed you for being a goblin
or simply not eat for 2 days because you're a peasant
stop trying to make it look like the modern life is worse than it is.

telling people to not be bitter isn't going to help either.
you are just lying to yourself that you are fine and pretend like everything is okay when the world is crumbling around you
when ur crush rejected you assuredly because you're ugly then something is clearly _wrong_ ; the world for rejecting you or yourself
then you have 2 choices : blame the world or do something about it
i dont want to talk about the 1st choice

but if you take the 2nd then direct that bitterness to something else
im ugly, so maybe i can lift weight and be a monster looking beast
im ugly, so maybe i can be the ugly genius

the problem with denying one's deficiency is the reality will come roaring back at you when you least expect it.

>> No.13605470

For it is a fact of logic that wanting does not stand in any logical connexion with its own fulfilment.

And it is also clear that the world of the happy is a different world from the world of the unhappy.

>> No.13605485

while most people are indeed very ugly, this fact or realization was not made available to many people prior to the mass social media.
I think these people have a standard of what "good people" risen so high as to make an average person seemed subpar
while being a contradiction, their brain only pays attention to the alphas

>> No.13605486

>be ugly
>have no money
>abrasive personality
>still get sex and succeed by most normal standards
what now?

>> No.13605494

Giving birth to boys unless the parents are top 10% in terms of attractiveness is literal child abuse in this day and age.

>> No.13605515

>what now?
stop making stuff up on 4chan

>> No.13605522

I'm sorry. I'm actually as handsome as Paris

>> No.13605584
File: 626 KB, 720x720, S255Stage1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop calling a shota handsome you fag

>> No.13605604

>Keep believing that the world was somehow all fine, peaceful and just for the past billion years

I mean the truth isn't pretty. Natural inequalities have always been there, but as another anons have pointed out, capitalism has exacerbated them by commodifying beauty and by designing technologies (digital lookbooks like instagram, tinder) that amplify them.

Attraction is dictated by ineffable biological rules. But to think that the world belongs to beautiful people alone is absurd. History is filled with uggos calling the shots and ruling the world. Winston Churchill, lanky ass Abraham Lincoln, gaunt and frigid Issac Newton, crinkle-faced Albert Einstein, cock-eyed Sartre and munchkin Kant, inbred kings and bloated bankers. If anything beautiful people have left less of a mark on history.

Beauty is its own indulgence, its own experience and its own reward. So it shuts down many kind of motivation. Fatalism about lookism is self-defeating and tragic.

>> No.13605631

If you succumb to fatalism then you will reliable suffer.
my whole point was that its better to face the truth with honesty because truth is a proxy to reality.
And no matter how hard you try to deny reality, it will creep back into your sheltered life and slap you in the face.

there will always be something wrong with the world, and complaining these are the causes for my failure is something that can be said by literally anyone.
its completely useless, accept the reality as it is and do something about it.
stop wallowing in the dirt waiting for good fortune to suddenly grace you.

>> No.13605635

In fact most world leaders today and most billionaires and homely to say the least. Reptilian Jeff Bezos, straw haired Boris Johnson, Froglike Trump, manly Angela Merkel, dorky bespectacled Bill Gates, plain Warren Buffet. And not all of this has to do with them being old, either. Ugliness doesn't shut you out from success in life completely.

>> No.13605638

I wonder if people who complain about the injustice of being born ugly are the same that would tell ghetto kids to just move out of the ghetto

>> No.13605639

>ywn be a chad
>ywn make girls sexually excited by you
>money wont buy you this

its over

>> No.13605648

I'd rather have the money

>> No.13605655

>What you can do if you are ugly is not obsess over it.
It's extremely hard to not obsess over it in these modern times when you are seeing so many hot people and how they are getting attention, plus take into account a lot of advertising related to sex which you can see on television, in movies etc.
>Bitterness never made anyone's life better.
>What's truly harmful is this victim mentality.
The victim mentality would disappear if ugly people got a chance at fucking decent-looking people. I'm not saying it was evenly distributed in the old times, but you had arranged marriages. I'm not forcing anyone to fuck someone who is ugly for free or if they don't want to, but we need to at least legalize prostitution. I know that it won't fill the ever present void that's there because of people treating you how they treat ugly people, but they need at least sex.
>It feeds the festering, vile tree of resentment that blossoms in to putrid hatred and bitterness.
Absolutely, and this leads to various mental problems like depression, anxiety, social phobia, arguably even schizophrenia etc.
In the biggest cases the person becomes a shooter and kills innocent people.
I'm not saying all the problems will be fixed with legalizing prostitution, but it's the best thing we can do for the society. Also we should stop fostering the double standard in which prostitution is seen as shameful yet people fucking around and having one nighters is acceptable and praised.

>> No.13605660

>being born ugly is the same as niggers blasting each other's brains out and dealing drugs.

>> No.13605662


>> No.13605670

I'm just saying that you're here complaining because you failed at life and blame it on being ugly while thinking a black kid born in a violent neighborhood in a fucked up family could turn out just fine and has nothing to complain about

>> No.13605672

Intellectual/spiritual asceticism, suicide, or a violent explosion of pent-up frustration.

These are the options open to you, uggos.

Choose wisely. Preferably not the last.

>> No.13605683

what's this? an internal dialogue

>> No.13605686

then give all your money to the poor if it doesn't make a difference

>> No.13605695

You're just trolling, aren't you? The two are nowhere near being comparable.

Even if niggers are innately predisposed to acting like a nigger ( which is quite the implication you got there, I must admit! ), acting like a nigger is something you can suppress. Ugliness, not so much.

>> No.13605700

You sound like a schizo, senpai

>> No.13605704

ok bro
your middle class ass sure has it harder than people born in poverty without a family

>> No.13605705

you've totally misunderstood what he said there you dolt

>> No.13605717

>middle class

I wish.

Explain, or shut the fuck up.

>> No.13605720

what are you talking about ? i just said being rich wont buy you the feeling of lust from girls, bill gates can have the best 10/10 insta thot he want but deep down she'll always prefer a chad over him. Its a blackpill to faggot who says 'just work hard and get rich bro" sure it better than being poor but it wont buy you chad genetics.
That what most incel lack and they know, interest from girls, prostitutes dont even fake liking you when you are ugly. its over

>> No.13605735


>> No.13605744

you think that it feels good to have a girl wanting to be your gf so she can show you around to her friends like a trophy?
because that's what being good looking feels like

>> No.13605759

>Explain, or shut the fuck up.
why don't you try reading properly. anon originally said:
>I wonder if people who complain about the injustice of being born ugly are the same that would tell ghetto kids to just move out of the ghetto.
i.e. are the ugly people in this thread, who blame their shortcomings on being unattractive, the same people who are unsympathetic to the bad hand the ghetto child is dealt

>> No.13605763

>you think that it feels good to have a girl wanting to be your gf
of course

>so she can show you around to her friends like a trophy
even better

>because that's what being good looking feels like
i and incel, ugly people will never experience that and its just fucking sad and horrible.

are you a women ?

>> No.13605769

Boo-fucking-hoo, cry me a river.

>> No.13605776


nah. I'm also tall ugly, but not an ogre. I know that feel of never commanding female attention, but have always had a few interested in me. you may never be Chad, but you'll be fine

>> No.13605777

Shut the fuck up and read Aurelius’ Meditations. Learn to cope properly

>> No.13605787


right in the feels

>> No.13605819
File: 30 KB, 263x395, 9781935965893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can find part of the essays free online

>> No.13605829

I'm all for legalizing prostitution. At a certain point you just have to resign yourself to the fact that life is unfair. With maturity comes acceptance. People who get violent because of their bad hand in life lookswise are infantile. They can't grow up and so lash out like a murderous infant.

You're absolutely right that our immodest capitalist culture has made it harder to ignore the allure of beauty and to ignore the glamorous, seemingly full lives that well-off attractive people enjoy. Instagram is a curse and if I could snap my fingers, Thanos style (sorry for the pop culture reference), I would vanish its codebase and wipe out every trace of memory on its servers.

I believe modesty is a cultural-evolutionary response to these dynamics. Take Islamic culture for instance. Men grow beards to hide their jawlines and make them all look more or less the same. Women cover themselves in hijabs so that their appearance doesn't breed envy. The same can be said for any other cultural moment that promoted modesty.

Our grossly immodest culture has thrown open and liberated beauty, but it has cast a cruel shadow over ugliness.

>> No.13605832

Yep Read Paul Fussell Class The conclusion is a copout it is an excellent book.

>> No.13605833

I consider myself decent looking and I still get rejected ALL the time. Being good looking means you just seek the next league above you. Also I'm a fag which makes the cruelty of lookism 100x what straight guys experience. I'm not sure some of you guys would survive it.

There's no escaping rejection unless you are that tiny fraction of 1% of the population in terms of looks and personality and assets.

>> No.13605839

>People who get violent because of their bad hand in life lookswise are infantile. They can't grow up and so lash out like a murderous infant.

This is just moralizing. You say it's infantile, others would say that it's desperation in the face of absurdity, and nothing more. Is it really so surprising that people who are backed into a corner with no hope for the future would lash out in anger and frustration?

>> No.13605840

Is gay death real?

>> No.13605854

>People who get violent because of their bad hand in life lookswise are infantile. They can't grow up and so lash out like a murderous infant.
Some people get violent not because they are infantile but because they can't vent out at all. For example, they can't get sex yet they also have anxiety and are so shy that they can't even get a prostitute, plus they find no satisfaction in other pursues (e.g. reading).
>You're absolutely right that our immodest capitalist culture has made it harder to ignore the allure of beauty and to ignore the glamorous, seemingly full lives that well-off attractive people enjoy. Instagram is a curse and if I could snap my fingers, Thanos style (sorry for the pop culture reference), I would vanish its codebase and wipe out every trace of memory on its servers.
Instagram is one of the greatest problems, but even if it got erased we still have other social networks, plus the fact that sexual motives are present in every sphere, so it's literally impossible to get away from it (fashion, movies, just seeing people that are walking on the street, communication with people [often you hear people talk or allude to sex], seeing certain ads etc). The world needs to change on a way bigger scale for this problem to disappear. If the society was less focused on thinking of and glorifying sex, not only would the situation for ugly people improve, but for humanity in general.
>I believe modesty is a cultural-evolutionary response to these dynamics
I agree, but it's really rare to find.
>Take Islamic culture for instance. Men grow beards to hide their jawlines and make them all look more or less the same. Women cover themselves in hijabs so that their appearance doesn't breed envy. The same can be said for any other cultural moment that promoted modesty.
It's debatable how many of the people born into the islamic culture really embrace its modesty (maybe they would behave much more "freely" if they weren't living in those countries), and I also don't think the solution is to cover up everything.

>> No.13605873

Yeah, it's bullshit.

Yes, of course women (and really any person) crave companionship. But women also like being pinned down and having a cock inside them - they don't fake the slut attitude to just feel nice about not being alone.

>> No.13605886

It really depends on your classification and your adaptability . Twink bottoms tend to have a more difficult time as they age. Masculine tops tend to do better.

In general it's always better to be young and fit.

>> No.13605893

I thought getting sex as gay man is easy?
Or is it a thing of not showing up at degenerate parties?
Also, books for that feel?

>> No.13605897

>women also like being pinned down and having a cock inside them
it's always fatties who like that

>> No.13605904

Lashing out in the face of absurdity like that is childish. It's that simple. A mature adult learns to control their emotions and accept that life is unfair. They don't go murdering innocent people.

>Some people get violent not because they are infantile but because they can't vent out at all.
This points to untreated mental illness. It's not fatalistic.

>f the society was less focused on thinking of and glorifying sex, not only would the situation for ugly people improve, but for humanity in general.
These trends are irreversible. The pandoras box of capitalism has been thrown open. It's impossible to recall the trends that it has unleashed.

>I also don't think the solution is to cover up everything.
What would be the solution? These are natural inequalities exacerbated by technology and media. The technology can't be erased and the media cannot be controlled.

>> No.13605910

I do not disagree with this especially the atomisation of peoples relationships communities.
but you are forgetting peoples behaviour in search of a partner and inside a relationship. These will make you more or less attractive and make you, keep or avoid good or bad relationships. Examples include not having boundaries or assertiveness. Neediness or aproval seeking behaviour, avoiding or how you handle conflict.
These factors can be fixed improved upon and they will impact all your relationships

>> No.13605914

If you're decent looking you should have no problem getting sex, assuming you live in an area where gays are aggregated. If you live in the middle of nowhere your odds of being an incel skyrocket, even if you are very good looking.

I live in a city full of gays and whenever a good looking gay guy visits from some random town, I almost always match with him on tinder. These are guys who I would have less of a chance with if they lived in the city proper.

>Or is it a thing of not showing up at degenerate parties?
I never go to such parties, and I still have more sex than anyone has any right to have. Still, my romantic life is barren and empty and I've barely ever had meaningful relationships.

>> No.13605918


Meant to reference >>13605854

>> No.13605927

>Is gay death real?
Yeah, it's called 'AIDS'. (And gonorrhea, and syphilis, and, and...)

>> No.13605939

>I thought getting sex as gay man is easy?
It is a separate universe where the chasing/dominance dynamic is very much like hetero relationships, where twinks are 'women'.
Male bodies also detoriate faster so in that regard aging twink is worse off than a woman of same age in terms of gay attractiveness.

Then there's the issue with commitment, gay scene is extremely promiscuous. Hetero scene caught up in the past decade tho as women whored it up significantly. College "relationships" in many ways are reminescent of gay drama - a lot of casuality, people longing for intimacy, but not willing to restrict their urges for it.

>> No.13605941

Jokes on you, I've never gotten an STD. Just go for fresh twinks and the risk is averted.

>> No.13605951
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>"oh yes i have a 160 iq score and i read books"
>"no i am too retarded to understand a basic human function called socializing, its rules are just too complicated"
why are people like this?

>> No.13605956

>Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. According to the Centers for Disease Control, autism affects an estimated 1 in 59 children in the United States today.

>> No.13606062
File: 1.25 MB, 1066x737, 1541091158898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyday until you understand

>literally the current year
>still caring about 3d women

If anything care about normalfag retards being evil against uglies and not giving them jobs or help. Women are trash. Let me explain by math axiom: 2d>3d

>> No.13606097

>A mature adult learns to control their emotions and accept that life is unfair. They don't go murdering innocent people.
It depends on the temperament. Some people just won't be able to control themselves completely or achieve acceptance, they need to vent out in any way possible, and this is why some shootings and sexual assaults happen. As for the latter, I'm of opinion that each and every single one of them is a product of an unsatisfied sexual desire, even though some perpetrators would claim they did it for some other reason (hate, revenge etc).
>It's not fatalistic.
It is if the nature of the person is such that he can't deal with certain things. As >>13605839 said, metaphorically speaking, that person gets "backed into a corner" and the natural reaction is to lash out. The only question is how we can spot these individuals, as someone can look like one (because of his behaviour), yet not be one, and vice versa.
>It's impossible to recall the trends that it has unleashed.
Do you really think that the society can't change on such a grand scale? I know it's a complex question, but what do you think will the progression of society look like? In which direction is it going now?
>What would be the solution?
Either changing the society or leveling the playing field of the current society, the latter meaning that if the society is glorifying sex, we give it to the ugly people as well, and the most fair way of doing this is legalizing prostitution. Another option is to force people to have sex with ugly people for free, but that isn't moral, it's kind of equal to you being forced to eat some food that you hate (even though it's not a perfect analogy as humans are more complex than food).

>> No.13606105
File: 13 KB, 162x311, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's analyze your post.
>Everyday until you understand
>literally the current year
>normalfag retards
The first two are meme sentences, the third is a buzzword.
>math axiom: 2d>3d
You used the term "axiom" wrong here.
Also your post contains no substance since you didn't elaborate on anything. Since you probably can't understand normal speech, let me spell it in memes for you - pic related.

The same goes for you, but you're even worse.

>> No.13606137

>It depends on the temperament.
There's no excuse for murdering innocent people because you can't get your rocks off. It's immature plain and simple, end of story. We all behave irrationally when horny, but it does not justify or warrant murder.

>he can't deal with certain things
He can't deal with things because of mental illness and debilitation. These are issues that could be looked at in therapy.

>Do you really think that the society can't change on such a grand scale?
Globalism is inextricable. Techno-capital is extraordinarily embedded and intertwined with every aspect of social life and economy. It's very hard to change that without a massive revolutionary change. And for that you need a cause that the majority can get behind. Incels are still a minority, and it is not considered a respectable just cause for open rebellion.

>Either changing the society or leveling the playing field of the current society,
There is no fair shake. These are natural inequalities and people's attractions cannot be controlled. Legalizing prostitution is valid and a decent half-measure. But you can't rewrite the biological rules of attraction.

>Another option is to force people to have sex with ugly people for free,
This is an absurd concept that would never come to pass. People would sooner shoot someone they don't want to have sex with than submit to sexual exploitation.
Life is unfair. Get over it.

>> No.13606140

call your local autism central please

>> No.13606151

Methinks you resemble refuse as well, friend.

Also thanks for not procreating, it would be annoying to have your genes in the next generation. I much prefer your absolute oblivion.

>> No.13606162

>He can't deal with things because of mental illness and debilitation
No, a person not being able to deal with it leads to those mental illnesses which just make the problem worse.
>But you can't rewrite the biological rules of attraction.
I never claimed you could.
>This is an absurd concept that would never come to pass.
I never claimed that it was possible, literally in the same sentence I said "but that isn't moral, it's kind of equal to you being forced to eat some food that you hate".
>Life is unfair. Get over it.
Pretty much everyone knows this, but the problem is whether an individual can get over it. For example, someone may want to drive an expensive car, but I doubt he'll go on a shooting spree because of that. Sex is one of the basic needs, and getting over the extreme lack of it is not possible for every person, and I think that's not hard to see.

>> No.13606173
File: 281 KB, 535x466, 1564076913553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanging out with some girls in a casual non sexual way completely burst my bubble. I never thought the most regular/average looking girls are such huge sluts. They spat out so many disgusting tinder stories. They get bored in the evening so they set up a tinder fuck with random dude after a 5 minute conversation, or one of them said how she fucked 3 guys off tinder in a day. At first I just quietly listened and thought they're joking around but they were fucking serious. They were so proud of their "achievements" lmao.
I'm 24 now and everyday celibacy seems less like a hard cope and more like a viable way of life. I know not all of them are like that, but even the most seemingly down to earth girl can turn out to be some huge dick hound. It's a trap.

>> No.13606187

Incels should lift weights, seek life-long self-improvement, and pursue similarly unattractive women or men. You should generally be open and honest, but not needy and desperate. If anyone needs more specific advice I recommend Models by Mark Manson, which has a decent summary here.


>> No.13606196

Woman only date up. No one would complain if everyone paired off equally.

>> No.13606204

>No, a person not being able to deal with it leads to those mental illnesses which just make the problem worse.
Chicken or the egg. Either way, they are struggling to adjust and it is possible to work that out healthily.

>I never claimed that it was possible, literally in the same sentence I said "but that isn't moral, it's kind of equal to you being forced to eat some food that you hate".
You still suggested it as an option. It isn't.

>Pretty much everyone knows this, but the problem is whether an individual can get over it. For example, someone may want to drive an expensive car, but I doubt he'll go on a shooting spree because of that. Sex is one of the basic needs, and getting over the extreme lack of it is not possible for every person, and I think that's not hard to see.
Sex is a need, but the need to have sex with models is not. Covetousness of beauty is a vice. Uglies can have sex with uglies, but by the own rules that damn them they refuse to.

>> No.13606205

>should lift weights
A good body can help someone but only if he has an average face.
>seek life-long self-improvement
Of course, but there are people who are too materialistically driven.
>pursue similarly unattractive women
Except even unattractive women can get fucked easily nowadays by men above their league because of the hypergamy. As >>13606196 said, if everyone paired off equally there would be no problems. I guess people are always unsatisfied and want more, but at least there would be way less incels.
>You should generally be open and honest
Please don't spew this shit here, if anything, the most dangerous things you can be in today's day and age are open and honest. What are you, 15? Do you seriously think this?
>that link
Is this bait?

>> No.13606207

if women only dated up they'd only date girls

>> No.13606221

Gay men can have as much sex as we want and we're not happy? Read a book virgins

>> No.13606223

>the need to have sex with models is not
I never implied it needed to be people that look like models. We're talking about unequal distribution of sex which is evident in today's day and age, just check what >>13606196
and >>13605306 are talking about, it's the pure truth.
>Covetousness of beauty is a vice
Possibly (although it's debatable since there's nothing wrong with loving beauty, at least not in a "have sex" way), but we're already living in an age that fostered multiple generations of people on the covetousness of beauty, we can't go back now.
>but by the own rules that damn them they refuse to
Arguable for men, because of the mentioned hypergamy. I'm sure there exist ugly men who feel entitled to hot women, but I'm also sure that more ugly men would settle down with ugly women than ugly women with ugly men.

>> No.13606226

>if he has an average face.
Activation of androgens from working out can really help to carve out a man's facial features. But only to an extent.

>> No.13606229


Not really desu, it is true in the sense that when you stop looking twinky a lot of guys lose interest in you - but there are always some guys who will be interested. It's almost impossible to not be able to find someone if you're gay - maybe if you were a trans man, that's basically the only thing I can think of

>> No.13606238

>But only to an extent.
You just gave the answer to your own post. It's only to an extent, and a pretty limited one. Say that someone is chubby and loses weight - from the loss of fat his jawline will become visible and if it's pretty defined, he will look more attractive. However, if someone who has a shitty jawline works out, nothing much will change, it's not like his bones would get remodeled.
In other words, if you have an ugly face that's not chubby (that is, the bones of the face aren't being concealed by the fat), there is literally no reason to work out.

>> No.13606242

I don't think you're wrong that the sexual market favors women. Still, women are a little less visually oriented than men. A winning personality and other assets not strictly tied to looks can get a woman to be attracted to you.

I've seen hot women with meh looking guys before. It's because women's concept of attraction is a little broader. Hookup culture doesn't help this situation, but there is still a pool of women who prefer monogamy.

>> No.13606249

It's still an optimization to work out. It can only improve your chances and maximize your potential.

>> No.13606265

>Please don't spew this shit here, if anything, the most dangerous things you can be in today's day and age are open and honest. What are you, 15? Do you seriously think this?
If you don't think being open and being honest is a foundation for a healthy relationship, then you're probably 15 years old yourself and still stuck in the anger-phase "Imma wage psychological warfare on hypergamous sloots AWALT" phase of your life and need to mature a little more.

>> No.13606270

you wont get any gf of worth unless you are into dregs and single moms

>> No.13606277

>A winning personality and other assets not strictly tied to looks can get a woman to be attracted to you.
Looks are a filter. If you pass that test (which is over in one or two seconds), then the personality can give you an edge, because a woman would rather date someone who is average looking and nice, than someone who is a 9/10 but behaves like a dick. Still, in basically every case, she will try to date the guy and fuck the 9/10 guy behind his back. It is dirty, but there's nothing weird about selfish behaviour, we all are like that.
>I've seen hot women with meh looking guys before
For one reason or another, certainly not because of his looks, Often because of money, sometimes because they need him for something etc.
Also, remember what >>13605306 said - if someone is dating, it doesn't mean the guy has sex. He could be in the midst of a trial which will lead him to sex (and it's uncertain when this will happen) while she is fucking around with someone who isn't putting any effort to have her pussy.
>but there is still a pool of women who prefer monogamy
For sure, but it's the women that have no choice.

If you can maximize something, it doesn't mean you'll have more chances. You can "maximize" a piece of shit, it's still going to be a piece of shit. If you're ugly, you can have a great body and you will still be repulsive and viable only if there isn't someone around you who doesn't have at least an average body, and we both know how low the chances of that are.

You're extremely naive and I pity you.

>> No.13606288

Yes, women suck. Nobody is debating this.

>> No.13606298

We're debating the chances an ugly guy has with women, or even average looking guys. Women aren't shit or special because they will jump at the better opportunity, men are like that too and there's nothing shameful about that (imagine dating a 6/10 girl and then a 8/10 girl wants to fuck with you, you're gonna fuck her and that's that), the main point here that everyone should have in mind is that women have way, WAY more opportunities because of the discrepancy in the sexual market stemming not only from today's culture but also the inherent biological characteristics, namely that men are naturally way more horny than women because of their levels of testosterone. This is the main reason why a landwhale can end up with a guy who is not only average, but even above average.

>> No.13606299

A defeatist mentality is often a self-fulfilling prophesy. Your mindset probably infects everything about how you behave, which in part reduces your attractiveness.

>> No.13606302

What constitutes as a used up women.

>> No.13606321

Only real post in this thread, and that's with a big qualifier because there are plenty of women like that out there. The majority of people are not mature and well-adjusted enough to be in relationships, men or women. It's not easy for anybody with a brain and a heart.

One reason I despise the incel mindset is because its premises reinforce sexual liberation as an ideal. They come off as if they're jealous that they're not involved in the mindless sex themselves and thus evoke no sympathy from me. You might as well be crying that you're not eating cheesecake three meals a day (while ignoring the consequences to your arteries and blood sugar that would inevitably come). Most incels I talk to have an extremely distorted, if not delusional in a self-defeating way, perception of sex and its importance to most people. They think that every sexual encounter is filled with passion and meaning, when it is anything but and is often filled with ritual and roleplay because that it is what's expected, not because it is an authentic reflection of each other's needs and desires. Like >>13605348, hookup culture is a substitute for intimacy, and it's not a particularly good one at that, especially if you have any capacity for introspection. If you think most people can handle being hollow inside and filling that void with sex without having something snap inside of them for a long time, then you don't know much about how people work, and you might be a little bit soulless yourself. It eventually catches up to you. The hedonistic treadmill is VERY MUCH a coping mechanism... hell anything is a coping mechanism if it involves a clash of values versus reality. If you don't care for casual sex and would rather look for deeper intimacy, there's no coping involved because smashing your bits with some disgusting thot in heat isn't something you'd desire, unless you're a soulless narcissist.

Work on yourself, fix your attitudes, be comfortable with the essence of who you are, and then be picky. Find the person who completes you. Filter out whoever isn't the right fit, whether it's because they're immoral degenerates or because they don't vibe with you despite being good on paper. It's really not that hard.

>> No.13606323

>This is the main reason why a landwhale can end up with a guy who is not only average, but even above average.
Related to this, a simple experiment: type "amateur bbw" on porn sites and see how many of those landwhales are getting fucked by a guy who looks at least average; afterwards, try searching for amateur videos in which you have male landwhales fucking women and check how many of those women are average or above average (of course, disregard the videos in which there is any semblance of the male landwhale being relatively rich, although I know in almost no video can you see a sign of that).

Psychical characters in no way shape the physical, and vice versa. Here's a simple experiment: think of a girl who looks at least decent. Now imagine her talking how she's ugly and behaving like she is. Is she really ugly? Sure, you can feel pity for her or be mildly annoyed at her musings, but you'll still want to fuck her, won't you? You don't even need to imagine this, just see a woman in real life. You can have a hot girl that says something retarded, but that doesn't change her looks.
A reverse case - you can have an ugly guy behaving like he's hot, and the only thing you'll experience is cringe. You certainly won't say "damn, this guy must be fucking girls a lot".
By the way, if someone who isn't ugly thinks he is and behaves like that, he still will get laid if he literally goes outside, as he'll get some signal from a girl. You also have those stories which are funny to me, in which someone says something along the lines of "well, I am ugly, but I started behaving better and managed to have sex, all I needed to do was have confidence", but the fact is that he wasn't ugly in the first place and that he just had to put himself out there to get sex.

>> No.13606332

Reading this thread I thank my lucky stars I'm gay. The aids is a worthy price to pay.

>> No.13606348

t.heterosexual woman

>> No.13606355

being isolated from God for eternity might blow, though

>> No.13606356

>because getting laid is usually difficult
It's not difficult. You are under the impression that there's a so called "game" that needs to be played when you approach a girl, that you have to know how to behave, what to say to entice her etc, but the game is non-existent and everything already set in stone. After laying your eyes on you, she already knows if she wants to fuck you or not, and everything afterwards is irrelevant. If she wants to fuck you, you just have a conversation with her (which isn't hard to do, at least if you don't have some kind of a mental disorder), and then you take her to bed (if we're talking about hookups, but normal dating can be like this as well). If she doesn't want to fuck you, you can be at your best behaviour and nothing will happen.
>Did you know most women report that they don't even have orgasms during their hookups
That's not because of the ugliness of the hookup situation but because it's hard for women to achieve orgasm in general.
>Most women are literally just hooking up for the feeling of being desired
This is a partially invalid point since they can feel this through the social media and just by going outside and seeing they are being checked out.
>the brief excitement of being pursued
Now this is a completely valid point, it's about them feeling superior as they are seeing a man technically sucking up to them, but at the very end they are the ones who lose since women are inferior in sex as they are the ones one the receiving end, not to mention all the numerous humiliating poses for them as the doggystyle etc.

>> No.13606361

>The aids is a worthy price to pay
Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.13606362

cringe asf

>> No.13606365

It was a joke you autist.

God honest and truly doesn't exist. Stop living in antiquated fantasy.

>> No.13606385

>You're extremely naive and I pity you.
You're the one treating all women as if they have no agency, no principles, and no aspirations. That comes across to me as extremely naive in a sinister, defeatist way. I agree that most women are lacking in this department, but do most men do any better? They don't. Honestly, society is fucked.

Even though we're living in dark times. I guarantee you that there are good women with their heads screwed on tight looking for the right person (who is not a conventionally attractive "Chad" most likely). You don't think there are intelligent, heartfelt women out there who thought to themselves "I don't want to end up like my friends", "Wow, I was lied to about that experience", "I don't want to be like my shit parents", etc.?

The real redpill is that, in general, women are far more attracted to character than they are to appearance. Hell, you could have beautiful eyes, a big frame, and a chiseled jaw, but if you dress like a slob and come off like a retard, then you will get amogged by a less handsome but well-dressed, well-spoken, and charismatic guy. There might be plenty of women who still like the former, because retard slob chad is more of their "type", but this is only a case of extreme priorities or perhaps mental illness such as manic bipolar disorder. A /lit/ waifu is likely not to find retard slob chad attractive because he represents the antithesis of the masculine hero she finds attractive. Look at how many women like Michael Cera. Look at how many women sent gushing mail to Nicholas Cruz, the Parkland Shooter dweeb, for crying out loud. There are THOUSANDS of ways to be the masculine hero a woman dreams of being with, and it is entirely based off of the millions of experiences they will have throughout life that determine their conscious and subconscious priorities.

Why is honesty and openness a good thing? Because you end up filtering out people who wouldn't be compatible with you. It's the most efficient use of your time. Be your best self and, I promise you, you will find your soulmate who couldn't imagine being with anybody else. Maybe on paper, there isn't enough men and women with the same compatible tastes that you could have a 1-to-1 match for everybody, but there are so few people playing the game intelligently that if you just fucking TRY and keep at it, you're almost guaranteed success.

>> No.13606387

>God honest and truly doesn't exist
he knows for a fact because he has looked inside many a man's asshole for him and only found warts and feces

>> No.13606395

Wow you really devastated me with that remark. Enjoy the oblivion that follows us all after death and keep clinging to your false god you pathetic coward.

>> No.13606418

Ah yes, the same god that invented childhood leukemia, parasitic wasps, the bubonic plague, etc.. He impregnates a woman to sacrifice himself to himself, but doesn't intervene in the countless famines, pandemics and wars throughout history. He's all merciful and all loving, but if he you don't submit to him you burn in the lake of fire for eternity.