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13602042 No.13602042 [Reply] [Original]

Is this peak Burgerpunk?
>My Ex-Boyfriend was the Dayton Shooter

>Connor and I kept our relationship on the down-low due to the polyamorous nature of it. I was engaged to another man while dating Connor, and all parties involved knew about the situation. Everything was consensual, even if it was a bit of an adjustment. Connor didn’t know that when I first asked him out for coffee, though. He didn’t drink coffee, so we went out for drinks that night instead.

>He was a perfect gentleman throughout our relationship. He never pushed me to do things I didn’t want to do. His biggest concern was that I was comfortable. Polyamory is confusing for everyone involved, but luckily he and my fiance at the time were both understanding and consenting.

>Our relationship mostly consisted of us going out drinking and talking about our mental illnesses and him telling me about world tragedies and me talking about TV shows. There were a couple of moments, though that stuck out to me.

>My ex-boyfriend was a mass murderer. My ex-boyfriend was a mass murderer. I still don’t know how to wrap my head around that. That man who was so sweet to me and told me he loved me was a mass murderer. I kissed a mass murderer.


>> No.13602084

Damn......That's pretty unsettling on multiple levels.

>> No.13602085

Yeah if I had to share some mediocre pussy I'd snap too

>> No.13602109 [DELETED] 


>> No.13602116 [DELETED] 

>That man who was so sweet to me and told me he loved me was a mass murderer. I kissed a mass murderer.
She literally didn't. She kissed a sweet man.

>> No.13602123

What's important is that she gets some attention.

>> No.13602124 [DELETED] 

>how to make that a tragedy is all about me

>> No.13602139

Right? I’m not trying to be edgy or contrarian by agreeing with you either. This just reeks of “LOOK AT ME!”
But then I guess that’s just the world now.

>> No.13602154

did they fuck?

>> No.13603187

>My ex-boyfriend was a mass murderer. My ex-boyfriend was a mass murderer. I still don’t know how to wrap my head around that. That man who was so sweet to me and told me he loved me was a mass murderer. I kissed a mass murderer.
I can practically taste the vaginal grease as she's typing this. Mmm. Smells like butter.

>> No.13603442

flyovers need genocide
i have never stepped foot in ohio and never will. unless you're a cow looking to steal a few ears of corn i don't see why anyone ever would. chicago is the only place in the entire midwest worth considering going to. the niggers there probably shoot the place up out of frustration of being surrounded by fatass cousin-fuckers and corn fields.

>> No.13604796

I'd kill myself too if I had to deal with this dyke.

>> No.13605205
File: 59 KB, 547x519, 1553015121696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13605214

Cringe af. Flyover is the only real America left.

>> No.13605230
File: 2.00 MB, 200x200, 1563704411181.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Polyamory is confusing for everyone involved, but luckily he and my fiance at the time were both understanding and consenting.

>> No.13605234

> Everything was consensual, even if it was a bit of an adjustment.
I.e., I slutted like the whore that I am, and the beta simps involved had no choice but to acquiesce, because they're thirsty losers.

>> No.13605245
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God, women are truly fucking awful.

>> No.13605252
File: 11 KB, 355x178, fg3hf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>man goes on shooting spree
>ten people dead
>dozens if not hundreds of lives destroyed
>woman who was peripherally related to the shooter for a brief period several years ago, sensing a pretext to garner attention:

>> No.13605265

If flyover country is what constitutes "real America", then America is truly the worst country on earth. I too love McMansion subdevelopments, heroin overdoses and Applebees/Olive Gardens as far as the eye can see.

>> No.13605300

Know how I can tell you are a 1st generation Jew or some Punjabi on an H1B? Get fucked I’m 13th generation

>> No.13605399

>my family has been inbreeding on this here 1/2 mile of dirt for two hundred years
>this is something not only to be proud of but that other people should be respectful of
Cope harder foul suburbanite

I’ll admit that the few remaining truly rural parts of America do have genuine charm and culture but the vast majority of the interior of this god-forsaken country is endless expanses of corn fields interspersed with Cheesecake Factories, car dealerships, and Walmarts. If that’s what “Western Civilization” constitutes these days I want nothing to do with it.

>> No.13605483


>> No.13605675

Medium is just twitter for people who like to hear themselves talk a lot

>> No.13606579

Don’t forget the Molochian megachurches baying for war

>> No.13607797

>I Think I’m Pretty—That Shouldn’t Make Me Feel Guilty.
> Realizing I was pretty made me realize that it shouldn’t matter.
>So, maybe you’ll understand my confusion and my guilt when I started to actually believe I was pretty. I had heard it from my parents my whole life, but everyone knows parents can’t be trusted to be honest about that. I didn’t really believe it until my freshman year of college.

>Before college, I was always kind of the weird kid. I still managed to constantly have a boyfriend (thank you, marching band), but outside of my fellow band weirdos, no one really paid attention to me. And I was fine with that. When I got to college, I started getting attention from boys. Not just boys, hot guys. And those hot guys were calling me pretty and hot and descriptors I hadn’t really had anyone of that caliber call me before. That’s when I started to believe it.


>> No.13607870

I'm not him but I agree and my dad's in the Society of the Cincinnati

>> No.13609164

flyovers btfo