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/lit/ - Literature

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13600647 No.13600647 [Reply] [Original]

>Your top 3 fiction books
>Your age

>> No.13600657

Blood Meridian
Grapes of Wrath

>> No.13600677

How did you come by blood meridian and lolita btw?

>> No.13601075

American Psycho
Brothers Karamazov
Harassment Architecture

>> No.13601083

not that anon but they're pretty well established memes on goodreads and reddit

>> No.13601101

>The Vorrh


>> No.13601131

>Three Musketeers
>Colourless Tsukuru
>The Godfather


>> No.13601225

Kingkiller chronicles
Atlas shrugged
old man and the sea


>> No.13601230

>kingkiller chronicles
sjw as fuck are you a woman by any chance?

>> No.13601241

>The Master and Margarita
>Dead Souls
>Under the Volcano

>> No.13601249

Doesn't everybody and their mother know Lolita?

>> No.13601253

Keke by 6ix9ine
Lulu by Nick Land
Gogo by Gilles Deleuze


>> No.13601254

Nausea By Jean-Paul Sartre
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Hell by Henri Barbusse

>> No.13601259

shit forgot to put my age,

>> No.13601282

Moby dick
Max havelaar

>> No.13601302

>The Bible
>The Quran
>The Torah

>> No.13601304

The Brothers Karamazov
Crime and Punishment
Notes from Underground


>> No.13601311
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A lot of young people in here huh.

>> No.13601316

>Anna Karenina
>The Book of the New Sun


>> No.13601324

Harry Potter 6
Harry Potter 3
Harry Potter 1


>> No.13601329

Fucking based. Probably best taste on the board, were it not for the fact that you like book 3, like every fucking person who read HP. Fucking kill yourself nigger.

>> No.13601330

Are you my ex girlfriend

>> No.13601402

Book of the New Sun
Moby Dick
Blood Meridian


good taste for a young age
you just like the concept of manly mary sues
Frankenstein was too melodramatic for my taste

>> No.13601479

The Shining
The Thanatonauts

22 and kind of new at reading.

>> No.13601519 [DELETED] 

In Search of Lost Time
Paradise Lost


>> No.13601529

The Black Cloud

>> No.13601565

haha b& zoomie

>> No.13601575

In Search of Lost Times

It will never change as I stopped reading fiction long ago

>> No.13601583


>> No.13601621
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Orlando Furioso
The Aeneid
Paradise Lost

>> No.13601628

and 19 years, almost forgot

>> No.13601669

In no order

Brave New World
The Picture of Dorian Grey
Crime and Punishment

>> No.13601707

>Brave New World
>The Picture of Dorian Grey
Better but shit
>Crime and Punishment

>> No.13601711

based and redpilled taste

>> No.13601716
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>I didn't understand it so i didn't like it

>> No.13601750

>The Lord of the Rings
>The Warlord Chronicles
>A Song of Ice and Fire


It's been the same for years,I've read objectively better books since then, the cool ones that people like to claim they love to show how intellectual they are, and I actually liked most of them, but not as much as I love these books I'm always reading since I was a teenager.

>> No.13601762
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>objectively better

>> No.13601781

>The Catcher in the Rye
>A House for Mr Biswas
>Amongst Women


>> No.13601783

They're not hard to understand, anon.

>> No.13601791

Da Jesus Book
Art of the Deal

>> No.13601883

That was my list.

>Brave New World
I really enjoyed it. I hooked me very early on in the chapter where it keeps jumping between scenes, I'm notvsure why but that part really blew me away, it really built the world up it was like an opening song of a theatre. Huxley's main goal for the book was to get a message across but the way he directed the story there was really beautiful imo. I thought the characters were all very well written and fantastically get you into the mindset of the new age citizens, allowing you to see the story from multiple perspectives easily. I really do think it's underrated, not only because people usually put it below 1984, but becasue people even put it only in the same league as that. I think it does it's job as a rival for that book very well but I really do think it does more than that.

>The Picture of Dorian Grey
>Better but shit
Mostly for the characters and their interactions ofcourse. I didn't get the same overwhelming enjoyment out of any scene as I did BNW but I thought the quality held up throughout the book which makes it an enjoyable read the whole way through.

>Crime and Punishment
Not sure how you couldn't love reading Raskolnikov's journey and Dosto's telling of what an otherwise good man might go through after murder.
The characters are great(Razumikhin is top tier), the story is great, the message is very well put, even if you disagree with it.

What's your top 3?

>> No.13601891

>>The Catcher in the Rye
Fuck off, American

>> No.13601901

Alright, fucking hell, you don't need to cry.

>> No.13601951

>Try to start a conversation about literature on a literature board
>met with this
I bet you're a fucking meme poster you fart sniffing mogoloid, go off yourself or atleast go contain yourself back to whatever rat infested pit you came from, /tv/ or /v/ I persume. BEGONE.

>> No.13601955

>Sping Snow
> A woman with out lies
And probably the idiot but i haven't finished yet, im around page 400

>> No.13601959

Bro I would delete the post but too much time has passed. Stop crying though, please, you're making ME feel bad.

>> No.13601973


>> No.13601986

The Trial
Lord of the rings

Can't think of any more. I don't really like fiction books, you seldom learn anything from them. I'm 28 by the way.

>> No.13602018

>Lost Illusions
>The Rings of Saturn

22, no particular order

>> No.13602031

I'm not even American; but Catcher is one of the most perfect books ever written, and deepens with each read through.

>> No.13602036

Bud, calling someone out for not being /lit enough and "banishing" them, it's childish, you're kidding yourself by thinking your observations and opinions cant be viewed and responded to by other people who arent well read, that guy could be 10x smarter than you and have infinite more wisdom, come down from your pretentious horse. you make other people here look bad too i said your list of books was based, but please, do us a favor and shut the fuck up.

>> No.13602040

>Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy
>Hairy Bikers cookbook

>> No.13602050


>> No.13602058

>Hunger by Knud Hamsun
>The Stranger by Albert Camus
>Collected short stories by Franz Kafka


>> No.13602065

Uhh I'm pretty sure they're messing with each other anon... do you have autism?

>> No.13602070

The God Delusion
End of Faith
God is Not Great


>> No.13602077

we all know that 3 was the best movie but not the best book

>> No.13602087

Felt the same way when reading it at 14, but when you start reading the rest of edge fest - confederacy of dunces, story of b, yada yada it starts to lose its appeal.

>> No.13602094

>The Cinnamon Shops & Other Stories by Bruno Schulz
>The Unbearable Lightness of Being
>Crime and Punishment


>> No.13602097

>I bet you're a fucking meme poster you fart sniffing mogoloid, go off yourself or atleast go contain yourself back to whatever rat infested pit you came from, /tv/ or /v/ I persume. BEGONE.
Well im sorry any joke these days is layered in seven layers of irony like im supposed to get it, or care.

>> No.13602103

can you not handle other opinions, coward?

>> No.13602117

Friendly reminder that /lit/ is a low-T board. When somebody annoys us, we offer flowers and unicorns. If you're too manly but still want to fit in, you can gulp a gallon of semen.

>> No.13602128

I think anyone who says begone in all capital is either joking or should be taken as a joke (or possibly seriously if you choose to act as a character in response) It's just not "normal" modern behaviour.

>> No.13602199

>The Elementary Particles
>Never Let Me Go
>The Secret History

>> No.13602211

I definitely jumped the gun, but i dont see the point in saying something retarded, hoping that another retard will bite. its meaningless filler conversation, it feels like 2 people playing a character one side usually mocking the other. this is 4chan after all

>> No.13602254

I agree. It seems like one of them was trying to have a conversation and then just started playing along.

>> No.13602272

Infinite Jest
The Recognitions


>> No.13602303

Isnt that just cringe role play? count me out

>> No.13602304

Try reading it again, it's the great American existentialist novel, and quite possibly the great American war novel too.

>> No.13602319

>Frankenstein was too melodramatic for my taste

>Romantic literature
>too melodramatic

Oh yikes

>> No.13602351

I think one was wanting a real conversation, then when he was met by a sharp reply then he expressed his annoyance in a joking way. I don't think anyone's role playing as much as exagerating. If you don't like people putting on acts then maybe this isn't the right site for you.

Have you posted your top 3?

>> No.13602360

I haven't read a fiction book in my life

>> No.13602449

Oh, and Hitchhikers I guess

>> No.13602531

Yup >>13601955
Honestly i just didnt like the idea of someone out weighing their opinion over someone else's.

>> No.13602620

Voyage au bout de la nuit
Mason & Dixon


>> No.13602710

The Lord of the Rings
The Caves of Steel
Space Viking

>> No.13602721

As someone who mostly only reads obscure german literature you wouldn't know them anyways

Go and fuck yourself with your cultural hegemony and burger canon, fatasses

>> No.13602748

Master the boards CK
First Aid Step 1
Golijan Pathology


>> No.13602754 [DELETED] 

fragments (heraclitus)
heart of darkness
clockwork orange


>> No.13602756

>War and Peace
>Invisible Cities
>The Leopard


>> No.13602789

Master & Margarita
The Good Soldier Svejk

>> No.13602794

Miss Lonelyhearts
The Violent Bear It Away

>> No.13602861
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>The Life & Opinions of Tristram Shandy
>Life: A User’s Manual
>Molloy/Malone Dies/The Unnameable

>> No.13602884


>The Pilgrim's Progress from This World, to That Which Is to Come
>The Master and Margarita

Currently 21.

>> No.13603015

Watership Down
We, the Drowned


>> No.13603171

For Whom the Bell Tolls
Book of the New Sun
Infinite Jest


>> No.13603189
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>Paradise Lost, The Master and Margarita, The Little Prince

>> No.13603497



>> No.13603520


Hello lads, I'm 18

>The Sun Also Rises
>Cry, The Beloved Country
>The Good Soldier

>> No.13603523


What books??

>> No.13603542
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>> No.13603543


I have a hard time believing that someone at 18 would choose these as their favorite books. Kudos to you I guess.

>> No.13603578

The Sirens of Titan
Tenth of December
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay


>> No.13603856

The Trial
Crime and Punishment

Age: 30

>> No.13603938

you need to be 18 to be on 4chan, you're obviously no older than 14

>> No.13604018

Colourless over 1Q84 huh

>> No.13604032

>Book of the New Sun

I thought this was a meme.

>> No.13604062

Animal Farm
Don Quixote


>> No.13604366

The Eye of the World
Fire Punch

>> No.13604371

fuck i forgot, 18

>> No.13604372

having a hard time of things are we anon. good books though

>> No.13604413

House of Leaves (but only The Navidson Record)

>> No.13604426
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Before I knew it, I was older than the average /lit/ poster.

>> No.13604757

read the bible asap

>> No.13604762
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The Lord of the Rings
The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Divine Comedy


>> No.13604768

>Paradise Lost
Disgusting protestant propaganda. Read some Catholic literature instead.

>> No.13604890

The Book of Disquiet
The Stranger
Harassment Architecture is trash

>> No.13605237

The Iliad
The Lord of the Rings
The Hobbit

>> No.13605272

why are there so many 18 years olds here?

>> No.13605403

Confessions - Jaume Cabré
Voices of Pamano - Jaume Cabré
The Elementary Particles - Michel Houellebecq

>> No.13605801

The Man Without Qualities
The Good Soldier Svejk
The Autumn of the Patriarch

>> No.13606100

>under the volcano
good choice

>> No.13606178

Age 22

Goldess Youth
The Metamorphosis
Brave New World

>> No.13606607
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Gravity's Rainbow
The Fountainhead

>> No.13606898


>> No.13607018

Space Odyssey

>> No.13607059


Mah dudes.
I'm glad to see so much Dostoyevsky.

Confederacy of Dunces
The Brother's Karamazov
Breakfast of Champions

>> No.13607067

Also, 26.

>> No.13607069

Blame Pewdiepie. Wouldn't be surprised if some of them were underage b& lying about their ages

>> No.13607140

Deus Irae
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
idk bro


>> No.13607149

La vida breve
Four quartets
Euripides' Hippolutos


>> No.13607769

Crime and punishment
Madame Bovary

>> No.13607790

>le crime and punishment
>le 18
Is that book a mandatory read in american schools or what?

>> No.13607800

Is Onetti any good?

>> No.13607888

>The Sound and the Fury
>Crime and Punishment
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.13607904

who gives a fuck shut up

>> No.13608047
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>The Third Policeman


>> No.13608769

War and Peace
The Magic Mountain

>> No.13608774

The Sun Also Rises
Their Eyes Were Watching God
The Unconsoled


>> No.13608876

>penise by jack goff
>dicke balls by ben doverson
>ass by hugh g rection

>> No.13608917

1.The Silmarillion
2. Crime and punishment
3. Do androids dream of electric sheep?

>> No.13608924

>the man who fell from grace with the sea
>roadside picnic
That’s the only fiction I’ve read
I’m 20

>> No.13608929

Holy fucking epic
God tier taste
You win the internet
I’ll see you in the next callmecarson stream fellow redditor ;)

>> No.13608938

grendel - gardner
guards guards- pratchett
titan - varley
taras bulba - gogol

>> No.13608942

book of the new sun
infinite jest

good to see book of the new sun
are you kidding? have you read it?
>watership down
its so good
great taste
you liked kavalier and clay? my god it was boring

>> No.13609020

Moby dick
Trojan women
Death’s end


Rate me fags. Or don’t

>> No.13609134

can you explain why yu like the sun also rises? its my least favorite book though as years went on i started relating to it.

>> No.13609152

Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett
Lord Brocktree by Brian Jacques
Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

These are just what I remember enjoying the most.
I'm happy to take recommendations.
Currently reading The Legends of King Arthur and His Knights by Sir James Knowles, pretty good.

>> No.13609553

I'm 37 so will post the best book I read in my teens, 20s & 30s... which also happen to be 19th, 20th and 21st C:

Crime & Punishment
Forest Dark

>> No.13609568

Actually maybe replace Forest Dark with The Melancholy of Resistance

>> No.13609604

ok so top /lit/ is crime and punishment

>> No.13609856

Book of the New Sun
Don Quijote
Wild Animus

>> No.13609874

>The Odyssey (in Greek)
>La Divina Commedia (in Italian)
A lot of snot-nosed zoomers with sh*t taste in this bread.

>> No.13610952

Crime And Punishment
Heart of Darkness
The Lord of the Rings


>> No.13610956

>The Odyssey
>not Ὀδύσσεια
Thou art a liar.

>> No.13610960

If you're into Arthurian myths and legends, check Idylls of the King.

>> No.13610979

>The characters are great(Razumikhin is top tier), the story is great, the message is very well put, even if you disagree with it.
Instead of saying generic and boring stuff like "this character was great, I liked the message!", you might instead wanna get into the heart of the matter and say something of worth instead. What did you think about its themes, what exactly did you like about Raskolnikov's journey and what resonated with you, what did you think of his notions and shit. Stuff like that, you know? Because otherwise you barely scratch the surface of a given book and get little to nothing out of it.

>> No.13611059

Are you me ?

>> No.13611064

Quit lotr at the part where hobbits are travelling to another town and they meet a black rider on the way. Boring trash why do you people pretend to like it?

>> No.13611313


I just got into them. Thanks, I'll check it out.

>> No.13611378
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Decline and Fall - Evelyn Waugh
Song of Ice and Fire
Catch 22


>> No.13611393
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>War and Peace
>Correction by Bernhard
>A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy by Sterne


>> No.13611783

Malazan Series (only up to memories of ice)
The Windsinger

>> No.13611812

<Swann's Way
<The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
<The Name Of The Wind
Age 19

>> No.13612935

>The Unconsoled
Love Ishiguro's works but I haven't gotten to this. I hear it's very convoluted. Thoughts?

>> No.13612959

> Discovery of Heaven
> Catcher in the rye
> The metamorphosis


>> No.13612976

Coin Locker Babies/In The Miso Soup (can't decide)

>> No.13612981

oh, i'm also 20

>> No.13613004

Catch 22
Foolkiller (comic)

Planning on reading the rec lists provided next month. Lurking doesn't help if I don't get to it and read.

>> No.13613184

The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea
The Great Gatsby
Crime and Punishment

>> No.13613390

>Moby Dick
>The Picture of Dorian Gray
>Les Miserables

I'm willing to take recs as I'm at a loss for what fiction book to go for next. You can also hazard a guess at my personality if you want.

Just started reading not too long ago, but likes the Americana aesthetic.

Borderline schizo. Probably a conspiracy theorist.

Has not touched a single book not written by Dostoevsky. May be an incel.

Was a Byronic anti-hero in a past life.

Is Christian and is either extremely devout, or merely LARPing as one.

>> No.13613717
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Idylls is top tier. Easily one of the best works of Arthuriana in the modern era. I will say though, it's not in my top 3 of all Arthuriana, but it is of modern stuff.

I'll do you one better, I'll give you seven.
1. The Story of the Grail and the Passing of Arthur (Howard Pyle)
2. Le Morte d'Arthur (Malory)
3. Musashi (Yoshikawa)
4. The Once and Future King (T.H. White)
5. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
6. Idylls of the King (Tennyson)
7. Frankenstein (Shelley)

>> No.13613858

I have The Once and Future King and it seems to be one of people's favourites consistently. I have yet to read it.
Why did you enjoy it?

>> No.13613862

Roadside Picnic
El llano en llamas

>> No.13614035

There are several reasons, but here are two big ones. First, it's conscious of its place in the history of Arthurian literature. It takes many cues from Malory, but it isn't a straight retelling. Second, it's interesting to read knowing the context in which it was written (for instance, White was allegedly a closet homosexual, and also had fierce self-hatred, so The Ill-Made Knight is fascinating in itself for that respect).
As for age, I'm 22

>> No.13614060

Me again. I also meant to say that I've recommended it to several people, and most of them thought it was pretty boring, so it's not for everyone.

>> No.13614092

I swear rverytume i see this post boromirs sword gets bigger

>> No.13614278

Brothers Karamazov
Children of Time


>> No.13614598

Infinite Jest
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Gravity's Rainbow


>> No.13614763

>>The Third Policeman

>> No.13614764
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Genji Monogatari (Italian translation/original)
Giles Goat-Boy (Original)
Divina Commedia (Original)


>> No.13614802

Fucking perfect
These are my favourites too

>> No.13614811

The White Guard
For Whom the Bell Tolls

>> No.13614826

Forgot to say that I'm 22

>> No.13615202

1. The Terror
It's not even close too, if someone has any suggestions for similar books it would be much appreciated.
2. Dance, Dance, Dance
3. And then there were none

>> No.13615234
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>Your top 3 fiction books
Calvin & Hobbes
My Mistress's Sparrow Is Dead
>Your age

Making 45 canuck bucks right now if that helps your opinion of my shit

>> No.13615256
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Red Rising
Farhenheit 451
The Lost Hero
21 tomorrow
Using this thread for recommendations because I haven't read shit.

>> No.13615261

1) Rum Diary
2) The Unbearable Lightness of Being
3) Ham On Rye

>> No.13615309

Read the original short story The Thing was based on.

>> No.13615335

Book of the New Sun
Kafka on the Shore
God Emperor of Dune

>> No.13616375

Blood meridian
Journey to the end of the night

>> No.13616378

Oh and 20 years old

>> No.13616410

datamining thread

>> No.13616414

Wilhelm Meister
Hyperion (Hölderlin)

>> No.13616622

>Les Miserables
>Le Morte De Arthur
>The Idiot

>> No.13616631


>> No.13616719

Newfag not including Pathoma

>> No.13616915

Inherent Vice
Gormenghast Trilogy
Age: 22

I'm currently reading Book of the New Sun, feel free to rec me anything.

>> No.13617087

No Country for Old Men
Going After Cacciato

>> No.13617562

journey to the end of the night
sometimes a great notion
divine comedy

>> No.13617852

I'm pretty new to Arthurian stuff. Most things that are boring I find fine. I'm good with really slow stuff too.

>> No.13617947

bonjour tristesse
a certain smile

>> No.13617977

Wuthering Heights
Moby Dick
Geek Love


>> No.13618004

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
No Longer Human
Lords of Discipline

>> No.13618011

forgot age - 21
and replace Lords of Discipline with Moby Dick

>> No.13618124

>The Hobbit

>> No.13619017

27 and in no particular order:
Great Gatsby

>> No.13619058

Atlas Shrugged
Epitaph of a Small Winner

>> No.13619064

>Les Miserables
Unbearable lightness of being
>Brave New World


>> No.13619626

Moby Dick
Swann's Way
Heinrich von Ofterdingen

>> No.13619646

norwegian wood
atlas shrugged
east of eden


>> No.13619666

House of Leaves
I, Robot

>> No.13619709

Holy shit you fucking nerd. Just read Wikipedia plot summaries Jesus

>> No.13619728

The Iliad


>> No.13619781


The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells
The Vegetarian by Han Kang
Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut

>> No.13620353

The Fall
The Evening Redness in the West
A Conference of Dunces

>> No.13620361

moby dick
divine comedy
don quijote

23 years surviving

>> No.13620373

Hebdomeros with Monseiur Dudron's Adventure and Other Metaphysical Writings - Giorgio de Chirico (this is my favourite book right now)
Nadja - Andre Breton
Hunger - Knut Hamson


Just started seriously reading a couple months ago. Would appreciate any recs

>> No.13620375

Brothers Karamazov
Ana Karenina
East of Eden


>> No.13620376

What do you read?
The only non fiction i like is history books. What is there to reading if it's not fiction? Sorry if I'm a brainlet but i don't get how people can hate fiction but apparently still love reading.

>> No.13620379

Actually fuck the limit

Hunger - Hamsun
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72 - Hunter S Thompson
Grapes of Wrath
Meditations Marcus Aurelius


>> No.13620506

>Heart of Darkness
>The Sea-Wolf

>> No.13620830

>The Lord of the Rings
The last book was too long imo, otherwise based

>> No.13620965

brothers karamazov
mason and dixon
blood meridian

>> No.13621267

Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
City of Bohane


>> No.13621443

based Onetti

>> No.13622108

I'm never really able to chose favorite for anything really, so I'll limit it to stuff I read this year
>Pride and Prejudice
>The Great Gatsby
>To the Lighthouse

>> No.13622179

>The Idiot
>The Castle
>The Gospel of Judas

>> No.13622246

>the cool ones that people like to claim they love to show how intellectual they are
victim complex lol, fucking shit taste

>> No.13622408


>> No.13622447
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campus - mikél eli gabriel tutankhamun
the rise and fall of romania - gareth george pollexfen
the principles of solitude - peter-ferdinand omeros miéville-potocki


>> No.13623031

The Idiot by Dostoevsky
Catch 22 by Heller

I don't really read much fiction

>> No.13623850

>The Neverending Story
>Original Pokemon Manga

>> No.13624995

Med School represent

>> No.13626146

Brave New World
Just about any of the Terry Pratchett novels


>> No.13626938

>Coin Locker Babies/In The Miso Soup (can't decide)
my man. same age as you. i gotta go with the former tho just for the sheer magnitude of its scope. can't go wrong with either tho

>> No.13626952

>The Silmarillion


>> No.13627016

Will do, thanks. Loved the movie.

>> No.13627192

Ficciones by Borges
Mao II by DeLillo
The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Kundera

>> No.13627529

Same, Carpenter was the man in the 80s.

>> No.13627561

Great taste, anon. Have you dabbled into McCarthy's work yet?

>> No.13627571

>this is unironically the state of /lit/ in 2019

>> No.13627577

Kurosawa did Shakespeare the best as far as movie adaptations went, Ran was insane.

>> No.13627620

The Master and Margarita
Zorba the Greek
The Arch of Triumph


>> No.13628119

Child of god -McCarthy
Oblivion stories-DFW
Map and the territory -Houellebecq

>> No.13628131

Foucault's Pendulum
The Stranger


>> No.13628283

The Savage Detectives
Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
Don Quixote

Holy shit another Hard-Boiled Wonderland? Any other similar books to that? Loved it so much.

>> No.13628352
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the Iliad
moby dick
journey by moonlight

20 going to be 21 soon

>> No.13628360

>Hell by Henri Barbusse
thanks so much for putting me on to this

>> No.13628373

anyone? id really love some book recs.

>> No.13628379

Pale Fire
A Hero of Our Time

>> No.13628394

Try Journey by Moonlight by Antal Szerb

>> No.13628416

The Blind Owl - Sadegh Hedayat

>> No.13628435

sell me on house of leaves been meaning to pick it up

>> No.13629026

Just spend 5 minutes reading the first 2 or 3 poems and see if you want to read more, it's public domain so you can find it online for free

>> No.13629038

Wait a second I'm a moron and thought House of Leaves was Leaves of Grass, ignore my post

>> No.13629055
File: 22 KB, 351x351, 1565452151547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Against Nature
Journey To The End of The Night
Crying of Lot 49


>> No.13629061

Thanks, I've read Blood Meridian. I enjoyed it, but it doesn't make the top of my list. Probably going to try to check out some of his other stuff in the future, but my backlog is massive and I'm trying to get in to philosophy too so I don't know when I'll have time.

>> No.13629117

>The tunel by Sabato
>Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevski
>Hundred years of solitue by Gabriel García Marquéz


>> No.13629147

>Razumikhin is top tier
pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb

>> No.13629230

Crime and Punishment
Prince of Thorns
Farewell to Arms

>> No.13629260

underworld (delillo)
hardboiled wonderland and the end of the world
breakfast of champions

>> No.13629325

Ficciones, BIwHM, Ancient Evenings (Mailer)

>> No.13629334

Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban (normie pick I know)

Cirque Du Freak: Book 9 Killers of Dawn (Really Really good Vampire series)

Perks of Being a Wallflower (Plz no bulli)

>> No.13629358

Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban (Mostly because of Serious Black and the Dark Arts teacher)

Cirque Du Freak: Book 9 Killers of Dawn (Really Really good Vampire series imo)

Perks of Being a Wallflower (plz no bulli)


>> No.13629372

Madame Bovary
Crime and Punishment
Infinite Jest


>> No.13629411

Norwegian Wood
The Stranger


>> No.13629517

You may think this bait is funny, but you won't be laughing when the janny takes it seriously and bans you for claiming to be underage

>> No.13629530

lifes a dream - calderon
evgeni onegin - puskin
lotr - tolien


>> No.13629563
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East of Eden
The Star Diaries
Far From the Madding Crowd



>> No.13629575

shit, forgot my age.

>> No.13629576

How is 19 underage? And im not baiting, I unironically like those books

>> No.13629661

Animal Farm
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
The Illuminatus Trilogy
>tfw i know my taste is shit and i read all my favorite books in high school
>tfw public education led me to try acid

>> No.13629726

The Recognitions
Go Down, Moses
Kafka’s short fiction

>> No.13629741

the brother karamazov
crime and punishment
war and peace (does it count lmao)
21 in 3 hours

>> No.13629806

Happy Birthday anon

>> No.13629863
File: 150 KB, 640x759, 1559823572290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, i was gonna upgrade my pc but my country's economy went to hell

>> No.13629913

The Count of Monte Cristo
Lord of the Rings trilogy
Roadside Picnic


>> No.13629979

Crime and Punishment
Zorba the Greek
Grande Sertão: Veredas

>> No.13629986

Damn nigga....
If I may ask, what country?

>> No.13630004
File: 52 KB, 600x600, 1511740555535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dollar went from 15 pesos to 40 in 2 years and today it went from 43 to 61 in a couple of hours

>> No.13630014

Do you think Macri can win?

>> No.13630021

Μάkρι αίλουρος

>> No.13630022

Revolution, start a horrid civil war, rise to power, abuse power for pc loot, then dip.
If you want I could be ur QT propogandist.
The world is ours for the taking anon

>> No.13630029

the iliad
crime and punishment
death in venice

>> No.13630036


>> No.13630048
File: 156 KB, 533x1219, 2019_08_12_22.31.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

primaries yesterday. Kirchner won by 15 points difference
its over
well let's go, I'll make you VP after we take over the country

>> No.13630060

Are you an Espertfag? Please, say no.

>> No.13630063

of course not. I'm not 15

>> No.13630093

With us in charge Arg will go from shit to quirky in no time

>> No.13630099

:) me too; I'd like it if the rest of his fiction was as good!

>> No.13630323

You typed 17 bro
Happy Birthday anon

>> No.13630509

Shit im literally retarded, my bad I meant 19. Sorry about the whole misunderstanding

>> No.13630853

I'm halfway through Zorba and finding it very boring. what am I missing?

>> No.13632327

thank you anons. i really really appreciate this

>> No.13632511

is this a meme

literally said they liked atlas shrugged, its bait

>> No.13632556

A Clockwork Orange
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Roadside Picnic

>> No.13633560

>a canticle for leibowitz
>till we have faces
>voyage to arcturus


>> No.13633584

Tom Clancy Rainbow Six
Tom Clancy the Hunt for Red October
Tom Clancy executive orders


>> No.13633594


>Spot plays hide and seek
>Spot goes shopping
>Where is Spot?

>> No.13633672

>Mysteries, Knut Hamsun
>The Rings of Saturn, W. G Sebald
>Nightmare Abbey, T. L. Peacock

>> No.13633755

Perfume by Patrick Süskind
Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood
All the Little Animals by Walker Hamilton


Yeah, I know, I need to get my shit together.

>> No.13633961

If you really liked the more romantic aspects of Les Miserables Le Morte De Arthur is a great read, if you like examining the human condition from a Christian perspective you'll like Paradise Lost.

>> No.13635245

t. high school junior