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13599165 No.13599165 [Reply] [Original]

>read Industrial Society and Its Future once

>> No.13599172

God I wish that were me

>> No.13599176
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Real question: have any of you anti-tech guys considered joining the Amish?

>> No.13599199

No because the chicks are ugly

>> No.13599207

the laptop? me too.

>> No.13599251

No I have no intention of living like a hermit. I'm taking all you technophiles with me.

>> No.13599310

I considered making my own amish like Catholic community based on permaculture and mencius's Patchwork.
It would have a school where the few computers would be for ease of homeschooling. A gun range and a Martial Arts school to defend the community after the collapse. It's own private church where a priest would come weekly from the city to pray mass;
And a library.

>> No.13599333
File: 47 KB, 640x320, adorno-thumbs-down-header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you really think something is wrong and you don't have a room temperature iq read this guy

>> No.13599339


>> No.13599345

Every time

>> No.13599358

Indeed each and every time.

>> No.13599376

Delphine is up there with Sam Hyde as one of the most interesting comedians of the decade.

>> No.13599391

Plato's not a jew. I'll stick with him

>> No.13599421

Good choice

>> No.13599553

The Amish are impure to the an-prim cause. They still rely on agriculture, which is a technological development of enslavement.

>> No.13599601
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>> No.13599606

This isn't even sexy

>> No.13599686
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Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOfZLb33uCg

>> No.13599736

too bad thats not how growth rates work

>> No.13599810

Sounds nice. If you need a bureaucrat to help run things, let me know anon.

>> No.13599833

based anprim moment

>> No.13599878

Adorno is the most based pessimist of the XX century. Don't read his purely marxist bits if you don't want to, but his general insights are brilliant.

>> No.13599879

Damn I didn't know Belle Delphine had ass

>> No.13599903

read him then critique his ideas if you find them to be "jew-centric" or evil and destructive

>> No.13599904

Clearly you haven't read it since here you are posting.

>> No.13599915

You can't really join the Amish. They're extremely wary of letting in outsiders.

I remember sitting next to an Amish guy on a train once. He smelled like hay and piss.

>> No.13599922

I've only got so much time in my life to read and I have to be selective. Having such a filter saves me a lot time

>> No.13600019

In Authoritative Mind Adorno described this Mack, Mick or whatever, who was nothing fancy other than questioning some narratives and status quo that Adorno fancied at the time(New Deal) which is why Adorno described him as dysfunctional. He also described a "conservative"(that Mick/Mack wasn't) and apparently this dude was ok, because despite voting for the party Adorno didn't like(republicans) he accepted all the principles of the party he liked(democrat). In other words, Adorno embraces pluralism of opinions as long as these different opinions don't disagree with him on the fundamentals.

I really wonder how did this political-cartoonist tier sociological thought gained traction.

>> No.13600048

Plato was black.

>> No.13600131

i appreciate the reference i just happen to currently disagree
i see the potential though
i think poppy tried
too vocal?

>> No.13600132

They're nice up here in Northern ME. Not so nice to horses though

>> No.13600148

Uh huh. Either way, blacks are better than jews

>> No.13600216

Fuck off cumbrain

>> No.13600299

>Mass only 1 time/week
move in an area where you can find a trad parish within 50km and go there very frequently

>> No.13600355

WHY?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO WITH THESE JEZEBELS? My one single wish is to be left to my own asexual devices, free from the thorned grip of perverse tempation, unclouded or swayed in my noble search for intellectual playthings of the mind, yet by your hand I am endlessly titillated by these vixens with their prodigious hips and provocative figures. Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the touch of a woman and enter between her loins? Will these hands ever feel a woman's swaying weight in their open palms? Will I ever know a plump, ruby pair of lips perched betwixt my shoulder and my ear, whispering "I want you, I want you now" in that chocolatey croon I know so well from dreamtime? Will my seed ever drip from her moistened hole, indicating the completed unity of our unhinged sexual impulses?

>> No.13600408

the amish are unfortunately committed pacifists and as such will be wiped out first when shtf

>> No.13600426

based adorno being truly committed to dialectics

>> No.13600771
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I only consider reading people with intellectual honesty not literal scammers pursuing their (((ethnic interests))), Ill skip.

>> No.13600853

You ever fart and then smell it and pretend it's a sexy lady's fart instead of yours

>> No.13600958

He has some good insights, but most of what he says comes off as the ramblings of an old crotchety jew who won't stop whining about why we can't have nice things anymore because the Holocaust happened, and every event in human history that led up to it is literally fascism.

>> No.13600969


>> No.13601014

>on /lit/
>talking about a book he hasn't read

checks out

>> No.13601023


>> No.13601459 [DELETED] 

She deserves to get raped by boogie1488

>> No.13601905

>growth rates are constant and never change
This is pretty much the logic behind the mayo genocide conspiracy.

>> No.13602717

>the proportion of niggs will stabilize at 60% of the world population instead of going asymptotically to 100%
Damn, /pol/ btfo.

>> No.13602776

All of these predictions are predicated on the assumption that food output will remain stable or even increase. Even if we ignore climate change, the erosion of soil and a general decline in fertility means crop and livestock production is going to decrease. You can only pump the ground full of artificial fertilizers so many times before there is no soil left

>> No.13602788
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>I really wonder how did this political-cartoonist tier sociological thought gained traction.
There is no possible explanation, it simply happened for no reason and with no connection between anyone or anything

>> No.13602811

Pure, unadulterated, and unequivocal coincidence.

>> No.13602816

Where should I start?

>> No.13602874


>> No.13602883

>t. read 3 books in his life, 20 pages this year

>> No.13602896

i'm in.

>> No.13602899

God I hate how much I want to fuck her

>> No.13602959
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She unsettles me, there is something in the emptiness of her gaze and the almost spastic smile that is deeply disturbing

>> No.13603214

Who is she?

>> No.13603244

You're on the wrong website for that, bud.

>> No.13603428 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13603446

Belle "gamer girl bathwater" Delphine

>> No.13603448
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>> No.13603461

The Amish are the niggers of white people, even worse than chechens and greeks

>> No.13603477


Nah, the Juggalos will defend them

>> No.13603610

This already somewhat exists. There are a decent amount of communities around rural monasteries that live agrarian lifestyles. They aren't based around Ted by any means and they aren't anti-technology necessarily, but they do have a traditional lifestyle. Look up the community surrounding Clear Creek Abbey in the United States. Last I heard there were a dozen or so Catholic farming families that settled in the area.

>> No.13603624

Here is an article on what I was referring to. It is an interesting read in my opinion, regardless of what your theological inclinations may be.

>> No.13603647

Fuck, and i thought Jacques Ellul was dead.

>> No.13604049
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Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks

>> No.13604142

Plato was more Semite than Greek according to Nietzsche, and no one knows Semites better than he does.

>> No.13604712

That's why you read Plato.

>> No.13604746

It's all a carefully crafted persona, developed to separate incels, neets, and perma-virgins from their $$$.
She's very good at what she does.

>> No.13604748


>> No.13604760

cursed image

>> No.13604763

>She's very good at what she does.

The boyfriend who runs the whole show is good at what he does. As with all women, she's a pawn.

>> No.13604801

read the culture industry, it is insightful especially for genuine fascists or non-international socialists. his description of modern capitalism undermining genuine culture (which always has ethnic roots) describes the bugmen/capeshit epidemic to the letter, and helps understand why mastercard, cocacola and the likes push and support self proclaimed anticapitalist bugpeople who care more about their abstruse sexual deviance being marketed to them and the feelings of shitskins than the problems working class people of their own ethnic group face.

>> No.13605396

Why Lain, Eva and Tatami Galaxy? Are there not much better fitting anime than those, like ALL moe?

>> No.13605664

this isn't catholic at all

>> No.13605714

I would gladly have you two anons.
More for ease of organization. Having a priest assigned permanently to your parish has requisites, but having a "private chapel" where one priest volunteers weekly to say Mass is no issue. If we're close enought from a town We can always go there the rest of the week. It's also intended as prelude to the General reunion we would have each week just after mass so that we can discuss things.
Given "patchwork" structure I would say the landowners would be "the board" and would elect someone to be CEO; but given the fact at it would be a Catholic community the "residents" would still be invited at the reunion to voice problems and the Priest would be present to bless the proceedings.
Thank You very much! Very useful input

>> No.13605727

In What way would that go against Catholic dogma? It's basically feudalism 2.0

>> No.13605728

Nice people. Amish aren't antitechnology, they're just technology critical. Whenever a new technology comes around the community evaluates it against their values and adopt accordingly.

Doesn't seem so unreasonable, though I'd be more permissive

>> No.13605737

Death has been defeated dear anon.

>> No.13607157

Nah Ellul is a better pessimist

>> No.13607183
File: 14 KB, 800x532, 093677ac57b5fe75eb83b7a74e690ac230b0e6der1-800-532v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is proof that capitalism is inherently flawed and evil.

Acts 4:32- "And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common. 33And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all. 34Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold, 35And laid them down at the apostles' feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need."

>> No.13607461

Liberation theology is mexican tier, read de civitade dei

>> No.13609123

didn't he have a mental breakdown after some chick flashed her tits at him

>> No.13610584

he just called the police and it was some feminist whore who wants to destroy the patriarchy.
many people considered adorno a reactionary stalinist because of his views even for his time