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13598713 No.13598713 [Reply] [Original]

martin "hide egger" hid so many eggs that the nazis changed his name from hiedegger to hide egger. he would hide eggs in the nazi pariliament. many nazis would be like bro wtf where are all these eggs coming from! and there would be martin just chilling and smoking laughing at the pure win that was unfolding unbeknownst to the nazi parliament members. h e even hid an egg in hitlers bunker and hitler called him was like "bruh ur a savage i know it was you!!!!" and heidegger just chilled and lit up a cigar and said "yeah... lol". next day his office placard was changed to hide egger!!!! history of phil... just another win

>> No.13598742

the cosmic egg

>> No.13598765

Made me chuckle.

>> No.13599259

what happened to the eggs after the war?

>> No.13599304

People might think your joking.. but every word of this is true

>> No.13599889

high degger

>> No.13601022

very true. he had a chicken farm in his woods cabin for unlimited egg supplies.

>> No.13601509
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>> No.13601845

Love you man

>> No.13603188

Bumping for help on what egger books to buy

>> No.13603199


>> No.13603350
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>> No.13604054

>he would hide eggs in the nazi pariliament
Okay I'm following you...

>many nazis would be like bro wtf where are all these eggs coming from!
Impossible. If they were hidden, they wouldn't have been found.

>> No.13604327

hide egger more like headegger the nigga's head is an egg on its own

>> No.13604387

why did he fucking do that what a douchebag

>> No.13605611


>> No.13605899

the high IQ board

>> No.13606014

nah that's hildeggard of biegging. medieval nun known for throwing two eggs at passersby (to cure medical and spiritual diseases) from atop a small hill in Germany. eggard is an old medieval word for egg thrower.

>> No.13606254
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Chucktin Sneeger

>> No.13606266


>> No.13606282


>> No.13606292
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So thats why heidegger crossed the road

>> No.13606344
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Can you solve the mystery of Hidegger?

>> No.13606650

and ever since eggs were considered facist propaganda.

>> No.13606653

this is my favorite post ever on /lit/

>> No.13606658

make more of these history of philosophy post OP they're most epic

>> No.13606671


>> No.13606685

Hello r*ddit!

>> No.13606688

Trump loves eggs. Coincidence?

>> No.13606692
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Franz Coughka
Hē a siç bõi
Writ böök of chångên intú büges
An mân in tęh ląw
Then die
Sö säd

>> No.13606723


>> No.13606749

Drumpf is literally a nazi

>> No.13606754

Wow...just wow

>> No.13606769


>> No.13606787


Very Kafkaesque.

>> No.13606857


Donald Trump is basically a Nazi

>> No.13606884

Blimfpt BTFO!!! Checkmate nazi incels!!

>> No.13608313

I don't get it

>> No.13608417

my man jacques “dairy-da!” performed so many milk-based magic tricks that the director of the ecole normale superiere changed his name from derrida to dairy-da. many students would be like bro wtf where did all this milk come from! and there would be jacques just chilling (more milk) and smoking laughing at the pure metaphysics of presence that was unfolding unbeknownst to the phallagocentrists. he even hid some milk in foucault’s rage room and foucault called him was like “bruh your a savage I know it was you!!!!” and derrida just chilled (again more milk) and lit up a pipe and said “yeah.. lol”. next day his office placard was changed to dairy-da! history of phil... just another win

>> No.13608456

I literally lol'ed