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13597790 No.13597790[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

the chapocel subreddit got quarantined. so prepare for a bunch of chapofags making threads about Marx here.

>> No.13597796
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t.butthurt polnigger that can go to 8ch anymore

>> No.13597812
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I just want the culture war posting to end...

>> No.13597815

i saw a bunch of posts about hogs just before the quarantine. what's the hog meme about? cops?

>> No.13597816


>> No.13597821

sending dick pics to show something idk

>> No.13597828

It's a reference to Animal Farm, the scathing critique of capitalism.

>> No.13597830

That's their go to reply instead of "dilate"

>> No.13597831
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There is NO ESCAPE from this worst gangster police state, using ALL of the deadly gangster Frankenstein computer God

>> No.13597832


>> No.13597883

Grab your hog, chud

>> No.13597894

At least this might make them think twice about rejecting freedom of speech

>> No.13597905

Big oof mood, comrade pupper! Gonna need to break down a galaxy brain praxis to wake up these chuds <laughingcryingemoji.gif>

>> No.13597923



>> No.13597948

the virgin tankie, the chad chud

>> No.13597964


brainlet defending his 2A rights.

>> No.13597977

the insults people pick are always so telling about what they dislike in themselves. You are all welcome for this profound and original insight, more are coming rest assured.

>> No.13598004
File: 37 KB, 982x717, 567B4F26-9C28-4410-8A41-71197D1D32F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wahhh Christianity bad

>> No.13598040

Chapos don't even read anyway.

>> No.13598069

Chapos can't even insult people without referencing pop-culture.

>> No.13598071

Not everyone lives in a 2 million dollar brownstone in Brooklyn like your precious Chapo "socialists". Yes, he was being hyperbolic, but if you don't think wildlife is a real concern for rural Americans (who quite frankly are just overall more useful than your bourgeois urbanite bugman self) then you've never actually considered the issue and you shouldn't be someone who anyone takes seriously. The second amendment is about hunting people not hogs, and the first batch of people worth hunting are those who think that the same government they complain about being "fascist" should also be the only ones with access to modern firearms.

>> No.13598074

Based as fuck

>> No.13598102

>who think that the same government they complain about being "fascist" should also be the only ones with access to modern firearms.
this point has always completely baffled me.
>the military and police are fascist racist assholes
>and only they should have guns while the citizens, even ourselves, are all disarmed
How the fuck does the thought process work

>> No.13598112

Rural americans arent any better. The whole country could burn for all i care

>> No.13598125

They're larpers simple as'

>> No.13598130

There are only a couple of those that are truly objectionable.

>> No.13598135

Cognitive dissonance and slave mentality.

>> No.13598142
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please leave

>> No.13598160

Probably think they'll completely reform the police or whatever as well

>> No.13598163

It definitely depends on the person, but you're significantly more likely to find a capable well rounded person in rural areas than these insect hives full of litter and degeneracy. Rural areas have their problems, especially now during the opioid epidemic, but you're also a lot more likely to find someone independently capable of doing the basic maintenance to keep themselves and their families alive in rural areas than in the suburbs or cities.

>> No.13598173

To hazard a guess, either they don’t want all guns taken away or they want the police gone too

>> No.13598189

Destiny and everyone of his sycophants are cunts. I wish he would quit being a bitch and ban those annoying Anti-Chapo redditors, they think anyone who expouses anything leftwing must be a chapo poster and that if they are they must be wrong. Him and Dan need to get the shit smacked out of them like Lily and Badbunny need to get mating pressed. I don't even care about whether or not Bernie wins, but if he does I will definitely be shitting up his subreddit. Dumb bitch.

>> No.13598192

>police abolitionists in John Brown Gun Clubs are secretly bootlicking gun grabbers
What did he mean by this

>> No.13598196

Yes, because wanting "the police" as a general concept removed is a position that serious people should acknowledge as legitimate. I think these people are just not actually interested in politics beyond it being fashionable or their own moral posturing. Some of these leftists are really ideologically committed, but I'd say most of them just listen to their leaders opinions and circle jerk in the spaces that are made for them without confronting reality in any serious way.

This could largely be said about whatever remnants of the alt-right still exist as well, however the alt-right at least attempts to be informed by reality (even the parts of it they don't like) rather than pure ideology and philosophical work alone.

>> No.13598197

Can y'all be mindful of the chatter? This is not helping my anxiety

>> No.13598198


>> No.13598199

>anyone other than a leftist using the term “bootlicking”
Also abolishing police is even more retarded

>> No.13598205

Well, in an odd way yes. These are often the same people who in one instance act as larping radicals (while still getting the support of the state/corporate powers and generally being allowed to exist unlike actual radicalism on the right) and then post about how assault rifles and the second amendment are for chuds and no person needs "weapons of war". Literally it's happening in this thread.

>> No.13598221

I'm so sad the Founding Fathers opted to call it the Bill of Rights and not more aptly the Bill of Needs.

>> No.13598246


Nice came right here from there expecting this thread.

> tfw This is now a Marianne mindset sub

>> No.13598250

A what?

>> No.13598251


>> No.13598257

Bad taste in camwhores.
Ugly asian with annoying voice and findom bitch.

>> No.13598258

quarantined only means that their threads can't show up on the front page. the subreddit still exists, there's no reason for any of them to leave.

>> No.13598261


Depends. "Post hogs" means 'send dick pick', the rote answer on the Chapo Subreddit to conservatives or Trump supporters. It shuts down replies, supposedly.

Hogs could also refer to cops, especially with the 40% mention, which apparently refers to the rate of spousal abuse within the law enforcement community.

>> No.13598262


>> No.13598263

Why is a thread on a shitty podcast's reddit on /lit/? Why do people give a shit about this at all?

>> No.13598268

Some image floated around the chans alleging a reddit communist invasion of /lit/ and our helpful hang of retards decided to fight their war here

>> No.13598269

Because 8ch is kill and because other stuff is happening elsewhere. Why here though specifically is indeed a mystery.

>> No.13598271


Chapo has infiltrated the /lit/ collective brain. It would be more surprising if there was no such thread.

>> No.13598272

they are not even marxists, in a way they represent the culmination of atomised liberalism. Christian religious fervour without the redemption, what can they do, except self flagellate in their guilt or offload it onto someone else? Like their alt right counterparts, most Chapos are downwardly mobile middle class white males, badly socialised and deracinated, probably literal autists as well. The ringleaders are uper middle class liberal arts types, hopelessly neurotic and sheltered. Disturbed at the state of the world, the modern leftist herd animal surrenders, replacing social norms with by infantilising therapeutic formulas. They never manage to hide the Impotent rage and paranoia, they don't understand the concept of self mastery or self overcoming because they think victimhood is the only source of righteousness.

>> No.13598277

Well yeah cause they have to deal with retard criminals all the time
Like trans people getting bullied into suicide
I don’t get why they think that doesn’t own themselves, as they can see the effect of the human environment on the transgender community but not for police officers

>> No.13598279


T. Jordan B Peterson

>> No.13598282

Not an insult

>> No.13598285

t. smoothbrain

>> No.13598286


Well, a Chapo would point out that cops are class traitors, and thus dont deserve pity.

>> No.13598293

There is no war but the culture war.

>> No.13598294


Double plus un-true.

>> No.13598295
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>chapo do everything I don't like

>> No.13598296

Not an anon.

>> No.13598303

>classes have goals and needs inherent to only them that can be subverted by helping to enforce their rights and allows them to focus on things other than not dying

>> No.13598308

Peterson is popular because he can deliever common sense fatherly advice in a way that is accessible to the masses. Dr. Pete might be a straussian new age sophist, but really If you want to make the most of your shitty life as a downwardly mobile petit bourgeoisie who doesn't get any you would do better to listen to Peterson than to chapo trap house. American leftists seem unconcerned about even economics, their primary interest lies intensifying their neuroses, becoming ever more dependent bovine and helpless.

>> No.13598312

only cuckservatives and shitlibs like cops. we don't need state sponsored murders when we have the 2A. Police have always been a tool of control of the (((ruling class))).

keep bootlicking goy

>> No.13598313

do you not think removing the police would basically create clan warfare?

>> No.13598315

WTF I like Juden B. Peterstein now, his comment was great

>> No.13598318

peterson is popular because he tells incel faggots that feminism and "cultural marxists" are to blame for their own short comings. If "clean your room" and "stand up straight" are revolutionary concepts, than you are already beyond saving.

>> No.13598319

>letting everyone kill each other with only the threat of other people killing you that they have more of a incentive to now that no one is protecting property rights and your rights