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/lit/ - Literature

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13596434 No.13596434 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a broke 30 year old NEET. What should I do with my life /lit/?

>> No.13596435


>> No.13596442

start with the greeks

>> No.13596450

Good luck starting with them at 30.

>> No.13596454

Just read till you die and maybe try and write something worthwhile in that time. That’s my plan anyway

>> No.13596458

You'll never amount to anything now so you might as well kill yourself.

>> No.13596461

You can start by posting advice threads on the proper board, >>>/adv/
This is the board for discussion of literature.

>> No.13596470

This /thread SAGE

>> No.13596478

I need your big brains. /adv/ is pleb-teir

>> No.13596493

Asking people who actually read is way more fruitful though. /adv/ is a cespool

>> No.13596501

Yeah I was considering that for a while. I think I can turn it around though

>> No.13596502

>I should be allowed to make off topic threads because I don’t like other board :(

>> No.13596508

I studied philosophy for four years but didn't start with the Greeks. Maybe that's where I went wrong

>> No.13596520

Essentially, yeah. Responses here are likely to be of a higher quality, making it more interesting for everyone

>> No.13596535

Thanks, I might do this and throw in some study here and there

>> No.13596586


med school, no reason not to

>> No.13596600

Start a band

>> No.13596605
File: 122 KB, 400x400, suicide honk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commit suicide. Past 30, your life is pretty much decided.

>> No.13596612


>> No.13596620

Maybe the reason you’re a failure is that you’re so self centered you think people will enjoy reading a thread about how much your life sucks.

>> No.13596622


You're underage, right?

>> No.13596628

Yeah, I was actually considering this route, perhaps going into psychiatry. It's quite time consuming though, and it's entirely possible I'm too much of a brainlet. Is that what you did?

>> No.13596643

Keen. I was in a metalcore band in high school. There's nothing more awesome than playing in front of hundreds of screaming people. Everyone has moved on though, and rightly so. Maybe I could start a band in med school

>> No.13596649

you're above 30, right?

>> No.13596659

My life doesn't suck. All you know is I'm 30 and a NEET. I'd be interested to read a thread like this so maybe others would to. Maybe it's more that you lack empathy and interest in other people and I'm genuinely looking for some informed opinions on what I should do

>> No.13596668

get a job. you will most likely have to start at wal-mart, but try to apply to warehouse work or depot shops first, since you can sometimes get a good daily workout from these. give up coffee and eat oatmeal for breakfast and baked vegetables and rice for dinner. reduce your intake of news and 4chan to 5 seconds per day. try not to talk to yourself until you are capable of being completely silent for hours on end, without becoming distracted in daydreams.

the preceding routine, especially working at wal-mart, will crush your soul and mince your ego to a fine powder that will easily dissolve in water. You will be nothing. And then you will find the neglected cornerstone of accountability in your heart, and you will rebuild yourself around that solid rod. it is necessary that you should work retail, because if you can only deal with perfect people then you are useless to yourself, besides the fact that you're not qualified for anything else.

>> No.13596679

Become a nurse

>> No.13596684

ironic, as plato stated in the republic that one should start studying rhetoric until being at least 30 year old

>> No.13596687

Assuming you go to university and graduate your adult life outside education begins at 21. I've been playing the game for 9 years and you think it's time to give up? I've worked a number of jobs, traveled, published writing, painted, composed music, and lived as a hermit. I've probably lived more than most people who have everything figured out by 30

>> No.13596689

>My life doesn't suck. All you know is I'm 30 and a NEET.
Seems like I know enough lol
If you want people to be interested in your thread, post it on the right board! The boards are distinct for a reason. I’m sure some people here are interested in bicycles, but for bike modification tips I’m going to take it to /n/. I don’t know why you feel entitled to post off topic threads when there are boards that are dedicated specifically to your type of thread.

>> No.13596708

If you're too much of a brainlet for Psychiatry you should just join the Army.