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13586623 No.13586623 [Reply] [Original]

Can the thought of Shankara (peace be upon him) be reconciled with Christianity?

>> No.13586682

Yes, Meister Eckhart unknowingly succeeded at that without even trying.

>> No.13586747

The answer to that depends on what you mean by Christianity desu. Advaita isn't fully compatible with the mainstream interpretation of doctrine found in any major denomination of Christianity, none of them posit an unqualified unity or absence of difference between the Human soul and God. However, there are 'Christian' (often Neoplatonist and/or Hermeticism inspired) mystics like Eckhart and Bohme or the anonymous author of 'Cloud of Unknowing' who come very close on occasion to the ideas of Shankara and the Upanishads. Another point to consider is that certain mystic/metaphysical/spiritual experiences (such as Theosis etc) can be subjectively experienced in a way that seems different from how they are presented in writing, but that this sometimes may only be understandable through firsthand experience, in other words something which Christian doctrine doesn't quantify ontologically as a complete union with God may be subjectively experienced as such by certain people who reach a certain level of it; all the arguing about and splitting hairs over whether X doctrine disagrees with Advaita *as a model* misses the point that in immediate spiritual experience there is much more leeway for parallel experiences to occur that could at the same time defy later attempts to catagorize and delimit them as different from or similar to Advaita. Some of the Nag Hammadi texts (like Gospel of Thomas) also seem to approach non-dualism, if there is any truth to the notion that some of them are authentic or partially derived from authentic oral traditions of Jesus's speeches then there is a very small but still existent possibility that Jesus taught some sort of esoteric non-dualism in real life.

>> No.13587216


>> No.13587235
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>> No.13587257

Take your Indian garbage and add curry, then shit it out your stupid ass

>> No.13588219


With Christianity? Yes. With Catholicism? No.

>> No.13588623

yes christinaity is as wrong as any hinduism. Only buddhism is true.

>> No.13588804

cringe and blue-pilled