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13586412 No.13586412[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If Christianity is real, why has no one ever
>Been raised an atheist
>Studied physics and philosophy at Oxbridge or an Ivy League uni
>Done a PhD in physics
>THEN converted to Christianity
Just a thought.

>> No.13586416

Is that Sam Hyde?

>> No.13586419

Has anyone done the reverse?

>> No.13586456

Like wear really tight pants?

>> No.13586476

How do you know nobody has ever done that?

>> No.13586480

Don't you think I would have heard of him? He'd be debating the greats of atheism, like Dawkins, Dennett and Harris.

>> No.13586507
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keep thinking faggot

>> No.13586518

>Raised Lutheran
Yawn... Another poor indoctrinated soul (speaking metaphorically of the "soul", of course) who couldn't let go of years of brainwashing with primitive, illogical fairy stories. Achieved great things because he was a genius, but his religion was ultimately a handicap. Get back to me when someone matches the description in OP, mouth breather... Someone who found that Christianity was the logical conclusion of years of study in physics and philosophy.

>> No.13586536

You don't arrive at truths, you create them is what I'm saying. Via hyperstition, a priori synthetic knowledge, whatever.

Christianity is just one meta-physical possibility. Monotheism, polytheism, pantheism; the determination of possible noumena is the work of the spiritual aristocrats among us. Accept that. God is waiting.

>> No.13586548

By the way, if you think physics is "True", boy do you have a rude awakening.

>> No.13586553

Schizophrenic mumbo-jumbo...

Not an argument. Put up or shut up.

>> No.13586558

Its basic philosophical language. You are automatically disqualified from discussion of God if you think that was schizo mumbo-jumbo.

>> No.13586668


>> No.13586696

You seem to think having a PhD in physics makes you famous or something. It doesn't.

>> No.13586735

Ah Loyola, home to more freaks than northwestern and uchicago combined.

>> No.13586746

Why exclusively Christians?

>> No.13586808


what a based man, imagine ending pants

>> No.13586860

That quote could be just as true for “the gods”.
If the bacteria on my body became intelligent, they would probably try to communicate with me since I’m the closest higher power to them. God is relative.
Polytheism is more logical.

>> No.13586926

I’m halfway through a philosophy degree at a top university in the UK and I went in atheist, became a Christian, and am now currently practising some Evolian Buddhism

>> No.13586940

>no physics
congratulations, you are learning a bunch of schizo or autistic bullshit from scientifically illiterate people who lived centuries before toilets were invented. you have terminal retardation of the brain that is curable only by your untimely demise

>> No.13586966

you're just asserting that no such person could exist, but there's no reason to think there aren't plenty of people who fit that description. also, it's telling that a logicfag like yourself has to fall back on arguments from authority.

oh, and einstein was a spinozist, so eat it.

>> No.13586974

Shit thread, shit op. You first make the rather moronic assumption that someone like this can’t possibly exist, or that if they aren’t famous they may as well not exist, and when people give close examples to your stupidly specific criteria you move goalposts and call them stupid


>> No.13586996

>appeal to novelty

>> No.13587004


>> No.13587011
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just pointing out your bullshit

>> No.13587250

I mean I wouldn't be surprised if that's happened once. But it would certainly go against the norm, since generally more education leads to less religion.

>> No.13587700

>no one has ever done that
First of where is your proof that you love so much?
Fuck this is just bait.

>> No.13587790

Lol I am friends with a priest who converted to Catholicism while doing a Physics PhD at Cambridge, get fucked

Also if you think science and religion conflict, you're just showing your naive understanding of the nature of both. Religion posits the existence of noumenal reality, which by definition is not something that the empirical sciences can claim anything whatsoever about.

Long story short you're a retard, read a book and stop posting until you turn 18

>> No.13587809


>> No.13588101

>why has no one ever
Hundreds of people did exactly this.

>> No.13588103

Didn't Heisenberg quit physics to write Christian apologetics?

>> No.13588116

Dirty old men convert to get access to that sweet altar boipussy all the time, not to mention incels who get scammed into the virgin christian tradwife meme. I'm sure at least some of those faggots had a PhD just by the sheer numbers game.

>> No.13588123

>noumenal reality
I can't drawfag, but:
>Plato, as a little boy covering "no, dad no."

>> No.13588128

This is not an all too uncommon phenomenon, even if it may be not that commonly reported. The more you learn about science, the more you come to understand the underlying nature of reality and soon realize that science can’t answer everything. Any “scientist” who denies that are not really scientists, since they disregard the existence of a divine power before looking at all the evidence. Those, like whom you alluded to, who have done this, come to see what all the evidence is pointing to, or is they don’t, they at least acknowledge that they don’t have enough evidence yet to provide a proper conclusion.

Dawkins and his ilk aren’t true scientists because they have decided to reject something that can’t be disproven i.e. the existence of God.

>> No.13588130


This is ironic right?

if not basically this >>13586966 >>13586974

>> No.13588138

If you think you are anyway near as smart as he was you are pure delusional.

>> No.13588143


>> No.13588144

No scientist will claim earth is 6000 years old just because we can't explain universe below quantum electrodynamics.

Everyone in hard science will simply refuse to acknowledge certain "facts" in the bible as being true, it totally violates overwhelming evidence and their 101 of carbon dating and radioactive decay. God indeed plays dice on microscopic level, and there's no belief conflict - we don't know, might as well be God. But you'll hard time convincing anyone with basic understanding of cosmology that God can just rewrite entire past of our solar system willy nilly and plant dinosaur bones and decay patterns - to fool us into thinking earth is billions of years old.

Worse still, not believing young earth violates dogma => no true christian. So you end up with some faggot who wanted tradwaifu, or maybe just borrow lawnmover from his christfag neighbor.

>> No.13588397

God isn't fooling anyone. If you look deep enough, there are plenty of paradoxes that make no sense unless the universe is, in fact, very young.

1) Faint young Sun paradox
2) The ocean is not as salty as if should be if it's billions of years old. It should be much saltier from constant erosion.
3) Helium is still found in radioactive rocks despite this being impossible since it should have all diffused out of the rocks by now.
4) The silt on the edge of continents should be much deeper if erosion has been occurring for billions of years.

And many others.

>> No.13588403

>oh, and einstein was a spinozist, so eat it.
So? Spinoza wasn't a Christian lmao.

>> No.13588423

Von Neumann converted to catholicism on his death bed.
Suck on that.

>> No.13588434

I might be wrong, but I think this describes Anscombe.

>> No.13588468
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Based layman

>> No.13588491

>The Bible is litteraly word for word empirical evidence
Nah noone beloved that except retarded atheists strawmaning Christianity. Seriously pick up a study Bible and see the readings of the book your self. But that is probably too much work for a free thinkers.

>> No.13588570

There's empirical proof for cold fusion too. Some guy wrote about it. It's written! Energy crisis averted.

>> No.13588610

Anyhow, it's pointless to argue with you guys since your core axiom is book of genesis itself, not scientific method which disproves genesis creation narrative. Indeed both are abstract naumena, defined by fiat. But the scientific axiom can build pretty useful machines, while the religious one ... can nicely brainwash people with good sense of morality. And I'm ok with that, moral people are nice.

But speaking of creation of, god never forbade for us to create thinking machines, or to play god with our genome, did he? Do I take it genetic engineering of AI is legit, or will full development of the fields coincide with Armageddon? Or will any researches getting too close to playing god die suddenly and unexpectedly, fast-tracked into depths of hell? And if its ok, will our creations worship us as gods?

>> No.13588684
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Be warned, glowmods are handing out 3-5 day bans for posts like this.

>> No.13588714

Why are all of the most successful countries Christian England, Germany and The USA? obviously the nations are blessed by God.

>> No.13588731
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Very blessed indeed.

>> No.13588735

My brother become zen buddhist after studying physics in oxbridge of our country, does this count

>> No.13588744

What, done all those things?

>> No.13588751
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>> No.13589292


If this is the list you’re looking for I don’t know why you had to make a /litsci/ thread just to ask about this.

>> No.13589341


>> No.13590264

Shit, if there are people around who lived centuries before toilets I want to learn from them. Living for millennia sounds nice.

>> No.13591054

It's not about proving or disproving Genesis word-for-word. Genesis may be a roadmap, but it's written too vaguely to be judged by the scientific method.

Riddle me this. One of the largest ultramassive black holes we know of is TON 618, weighing about 66 billions times the mass of the Sun. And the ultramassive black hole at the center of IC 1101 could be even larger at 100 billion times the mass of the Sun.

If the universe is around 14 billion years old, that is not enough time to allow these black holes to get as massive as they are.

Why do we know this? Because TON 618 is over 10 billion light years away from us, meaning it would have only had around 4 billion years to accrete 66 billion Solar masses. That is roughly the supposed age of our own Solar System.

By comparison, our own supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A*, is only a puny 4 million Solar masses, and the Milky Way is estimated to be 13.5 billion years old, slightly younger than the age of the universe.