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13585499 No.13585499 [Reply] [Original]

>turns your Christianity into materialism

rien enfant personnel

>> No.13585531
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>everyone hates the calvinists
>assume there must be something to them because come on, who could really be THAT bad
>how could an entire group of people with genuine religious feeling be joyless monsters?
>maybe their fatalist predestination YOU HAVE NO FREE WILL fetish is just exaggerated and that's really an oversimplification of a sincere piety?
>start reading about them
>nope it's all true
>"Then Calvin ordered everyone who disagreed with him to be burned alive, and when someone said 'whoa dude that's a bit much' he tried to burn them too"

>> No.13585552

Calvin is a literal supervillain. It's hilarious seeing Calvinists and Reformed people defend him

>> No.13585606

why is he a supervillain?

>> No.13585629



>> No.13586189

literally islam

>> No.13586313

What are you talking about? Wealth being seen as proof of elect status? Not a single Reformed confession of faith believes this.

>> No.13586326

>He's posting on /lit/ and doesn't know the meaning of materialism within a philosophical context
Cringe, lurk for a few more months

>> No.13586395
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>rien enfant personnel
It this an attempt to speak french?
The proper sentence would be (for Nothing personal kid): Rien de personnel gamin.

>> No.13586420 [DELETED] 

OP is a burger most likely and they can barely speak Nigger English.

>> No.13586445

I've only heard before of the claim that Calvinism supposedly teaches wealth = elect. Explain to me what Calvin's theology has to do with materialism, quote it from the Institutes.

>> No.13586526

Just his totalitarian political program

>> No.13586834

sounds pretty based to me
how i do convert from atheism to calvinism

>> No.13586838

You can't unless God already made it so you would so you're good either way senpai

>> No.13586912

That's not what OP is saying, but I still know plenty of Christians who view their wealth as proof of God's approval