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/lit/ - Literature

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13580096 No.13580096 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book that has a pic related story progression, but in a realistic kind of way?

>> No.13580143

I really can't think of one book in existence that has a successful long term relationship

Fuck man

>> No.13580161

Daily reminder that this was the norm in the pre sexual revolution male utopia
Socially enforced looksmatched relationships are crucial for social cohesion

>> No.13580183

okay hitler

>> No.13580235

As if you lived in pre sexual revolution male utopia to know this.

>> No.13580239

Does that successful long term relationships does not exist?

>> No.13580306


>> No.13580405

I did, can confirm.

>> No.13580560

Sure you did

>> No.13581246
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>> No.13581255

Little, Big by John Crowley is literally what you're looking for.

>> No.13581299

I agree. It was a good aspect of Western culture that's dying.

>> No.13581338

If you want to read this pic not happening read Family Happiness by Tolstoy

>> No.13581424

There was short story by Jeffrey Archer they made us read in school that went like this. I think it was called 'Old Love'.
Try looking into those kinds of authors.

>> No.13581433

why do you accept brainwashing?

>> No.13581594

I don't think he's that far off from the truth is he?

>> No.13582952


>> No.13582964
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>> No.13583040

>Actually spewing shit like this on a /lit/ board

Why are you here when you have obviously never opened an actual literary work

>> No.13583052

Family Happiness had a happy ending though.

They still loved eachother, just not in the same way they did at the start of their marriage.

>> No.13583104
File: 94 KB, 1354x804, pedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low IQ bullshit
Have you ever heard that 'forever is a lie'?

It doesn't matter how much you love someone it never lasts till you die. You eventually move on. That's how it is supposed to be. There's no such thing called permanent. Humans are polygamous by nature:

And do not think you'll find an old wrinkled hag attractive, you low T incel.

>> No.13583148

>revolution male utopia
Where do you see an utopia in this pic?

>> No.13583152

What an absolute fucking joke. If you’re relying on Psychology Today, or any psychologist, as a source for anything you need to neck yourself now. It’s been obvious for some time that psychology isn’t a science, isn’t objective, and is merely a propaganda tool to promote social programming.
>You’re in favor of traditional families? You’re mentally ill!
>You can’t accept LGBTQBBQ people? You’re mentally ill!

>> No.13583156

God they must be so much fatter than depicted

>> No.13583157

>asian female

>> No.13583184

>>You’re in favor of traditional families? You’re mentally ill!
>>You can’t accept LGBTQBBQ people? You’re mentally ill!
Nice strawman, you have to be an unbelievable loser if you think that polygamy is a left-wing sytem. It was practiced before Christianity worldwide. Why do you think that a man produces thousands of sperms daily? To impregnate only one woman?

>> No.13583200

And why do women become incapable of conceiving after 35+? And why do men still produce sperms until late age? Use your brain you idiot.

>> No.13583231

I look up at the sky, deep blue and eternal. And up there, far far in the distance, the point majestically soars over your microcephalic head.

>> No.13583252

I have to learn not to discuss with christcucks. Nothing good can come out of it. If they were able to be persuaded with facts they would not be christcucks.

>> No.13583259

Lmao wtf

>> No.13583272

Based on your posts here, I don’t think you ever “discuss” anything with anyone. You’re a bloviator with very poor reading comprehension. “To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail” — that describes you to a T, amigo.

>> No.13583485

>that pic
makes me realize how good it is to be in a relationship where we actually like each other and get along.
>feels good man

>> No.13583512
File: 79 KB, 500x628, unrustlement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are using that expression wrong. And you are a huge cockmongler.

>> No.13583717

>You are using that expression wrong
>Doesn’t say which expression he’s talking about

The term imbecile was once used by psychiatrists to denote a category of people with moderate to severe intellectual disability. The word arises from the Latin imbecillus, meaning weak, or weak-minded. It included people with an IQ of 26–50, between "idiot" (IQ of 0–25) and "moron" (IQ of 51–70).

>> No.13583837

there aren't any. literature requires sadness for greatness.

>> No.13583850

>this was the norm
Five babies in the first two images was the norm, not one baby after the menopause.

>> No.13584314

Tfw this was going to be my ex and I but she cheated

>> No.13584329
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I don't see how that is relevant, are you describing yourself?.

>> No.13584357

Also, something is missing in the last image: the five children and the 25 grandchildren.

>> No.13584371
File: 24 KB, 256x389, Sex_at_Dawn,_first_edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related should be required reading for posting on /lit/ chapobro.

>> No.13584388

My diary desu

>> No.13584411


>> No.13584531


>> No.13584552
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A utopia has never existed, especially not a sexual one

>> No.13584751

>There are problems with my life in the current world.
>Therefore the past world was better.

>> No.13584765

He stated a fact about the past and its relation to the present, he didn't derive a conclusion about the past from the state of the present. Learn to read.

>> No.13584807


Appeal to Authority works both ways: it is also a fallacy that the lack of authority has anything to do with whether the argument is valid. Both the appeal to authority and the appeal against authority misdirect the argument from what is said or referenced in the work.

Funny how people who are in being so quick to point out the one don't see how by pointing it out they are committing the other....

>> No.13584956

I have been married for more than twenty years. We still hold hands in public...
She is making a delicious meal from scratch for our dinner even as I type.
Marriage is not for everybody, but it can be pretty good if the right people hook up.

>> No.13584984

True! Certainly marriage is NOT a Utopia LOL, but if both spouses work together as a team it can be pretty good! It doesn't get handed to you on a platter, but nothing of worth ever is...

>> No.13585289
File: 36 KB, 640x340, serveimage-21 10.33.39 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your compound words back to r/incels

>> No.13585306

>everything was great in my idealised, romanticised version of the past

>> No.13585312


>> No.13585336

underinflated ghost

>> No.13585415

>Socially enforced
Fuck everything socially enforced. Enforced relationships disrupts and weakens the gene pool.
Have sex with an ugly 180 pounds girl incel. You'll see things differently after.

>> No.13585447

>twenty years
Geez, how old are you, and how did you even discover this place

>> No.13585463

Underworld Don DeLillo and V by Thomas Pynchon. There is this type of relationship in one of each. The former are bigger characters than in the latter. It's not going to be so obvious to find if you think "OOH I LOVE YOU" is all "OOH I LOVE YOU" rather than jabs at each other, too. If you need help finding it, read As You Like It.

>> No.13585989

my diary in 50 years time desu

>> No.13586027

Ovid - Metamorphoses
Baicus and Philemon