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13581283 No.13581283[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that explain why the fuck this shit keeps happening?

>> No.13581287

the Constitution

>> No.13581289
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>> No.13581291

Unironically Industrial Society and it's Consequences

>> No.13581305

/pol/ jpegs

>> No.13581307

Darwin's writings on Natural Selection.

>> No.13581308

why is nobody clapping?

>> No.13581313

Camp of the Saints

>> No.13581316

it is too modern a condition, there are none.

>being poor+uneducated+emotionally/intellectually stunted and endlessly consuming media/semi-porn/porn that tells you you should be enjoying an unrealistic depiction of wealth and beauty. Add in some race-baitng and you get yourself someone primed for a mass shooting.

>> No.13581322

This, and also "Reflections on the Revolution of France" by Edmund Burke.

>> No.13581356
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oh fuck, i meant "considerations on France" by Joseph de Maistre

>> No.13581359

you're going to jail now, anon.

>> No.13581379

Ghosts along the Mississippi
Joy of Pickling by Linda Ziedrich
Sew Wild by Burke
The Incredible Secrets of Mustard by Avery

>> No.13581383

Burke has been incorporated into the philosophical underpinnings of the establishment. Because, at the end of the day, Burke was a liberal.

>> No.13581388

CIA Handbook

>> No.13581393

unironically the DSM-5. this is not about guns. it's unchecked mental illness in a nation where big pharma and insurance are in bed with the government at the expense of the mental health and safetyof the citizens.

>> No.13581395

Heroes: Mass Murder and Suicide
Franco "Bifo" Beradi

>> No.13581404

this book is EXACTLY about OP. but i warn you the author does not treat it in a dry, academic manner. he becomes very involved with the topic and at one point verges on a kind of unio mystico with its death drive

>> No.13581409

Or you know maybe people are just mad at society and see this as the only solution? Pathologizing terrorism is too simplistic and too conveniently in line with what we instinctively want to believe, namely that nonviolence/civility is good and we are naturally inclined to it.

>> No.13581414

Leftists have destroyed the fabric of society so thoroughly that occasionally someone cracks.

Guns have been legal since the beginner of our country, back then there were no additional gun laws. Yet, you didn't see this sort of thing happen.

>> No.13581415


>> No.13581436
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or maybe this kid was obviously neglected and ostracized and allowed to become this way. i'm not generalizing. i'm talking about this fuckin poltard right here.

>> No.13581444

I know, i messed up because both texts deal with similar topics.
Nevertheless, considerations on France deals with the problems of a constitution written
in the political/philosophical framework of French liberal democracy.

>> No.13581453

Beradi's presentation of mass murderers as "heroes" ironically mirror's 4chan's own nihilistic view of mass murderers.

>> No.13581456

>muh bullied white kid who begums murderer archetype

>> No.13581457

Except this point
>Berardi uses the word in a more academic sense, in which the hero is the ultimate exemplar of the cultural world from which he originates, taking the prevailing cultural attitude to such an extreme that he becomes the very embodiment of it. The "heroes" Berardi discusses are sick individuals, but they are also expressions of a sick society, and Berardi draws fascinating and disturbing parallels between their self-justifications and those of the elites who steward (or rather, fail to steward) the global socio-economic regime of capitalist absolutism.

>> No.13581458
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nb: i'm a half-spic who looks white. raised by a hispanic migrant worker mom, speak spanish, raised around 95% people who actually are hispanic and look mexican. growing up i was extremely frustrated with the way i was treated by others for not looking like one of them, when in fact i was.

i suspect this kid felt the same, but was probably radicalized online and by the (((news))). i grew up in the 80s-90s. he grew up in the 2010s. he never had a chance.

>> No.13581463

It's either happening because of modern living conditions (import migrants, drive down wages, crime rises, see death of your nation, trying to defend your people is racist = react) or this is planned by a (((third party))) (two mass shootouts, two manifestos, zero mention of the triple parenthesis tribe even though they are xenophobic manifestos)

Either way it's not really stoppable, you ban guns and a terrorist will drive a truck through a Walmart, wether it's a "white nationalist" or a jihadi

>> No.13581468

he don't look alike at all, except for that fucking stupid furrowed brow like he's angry 24/7. i definitely had that growing up and recognize it. he was taking out his anger at the people he hated. he hated them for a reason, and it was based in personal experience. trauma, maybe. neglectful parents, definitely.

>> No.13581476

*he and I

>> No.13581483

You think of some whore met him outside his house like wait, I need to suck your dick first he would have gone through with it?

What if she were ten feet further

How far before he's like no I'm committed

One day you'll all get the point of this I think and stop abusing people that you're jealous of

So do women hate your brown skin as much as you do?

>> No.13581484


>> No.13581497

Same, but was born in 1993.

Raised in the states until was sent back this year. Ain't even mad thanks to reading Buddhism, Viktor E. Frankl, and Seneca.

Still working on how to get back in, though.

>> No.13581503
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making a /pol/ picturebook

>> No.13581504

It's because our neoliberal society has basically no values. We used to have Christianity and then we had a kind of Liberal (in the ancient sense) humanistic secularised Christianity and now we have neoliberal social darwinism and love Island. Everyone forced into a war of all against all, flexing on each other online and trying to meet the shifting expectations of what a 'good' and 'successful' person is in this society, which is very difficult to just do without economic and social leverage. So you get heaps of losers that cannot be recuperated by the system. And the losers find all kinds of ideological justifications for why they are losers - Jews, Blacks, Whites, Capitalism, Socialism, Atheism, Religion. Whatever they want. Losers always find an ideological justification for being losers. And then they go and enact a giant, spectacular, self-mythologising revenge fantasy on everyone and anyone, because basically they are attacking all of humanity and the system it is in, whatever that is, whatever 'made them losers'. It's a giant ritualised suicide performance.

>> No.13581516

good post

>> No.13581524
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posting on /pol/

>> No.13581533
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why is it some shitheads on /lit/ nailed our social problems vis-a-vis mass shootings and mentall illness perfectly but everyone in the media and in the Democrat party is talking about gun control?

>> No.13581540

literally a false flag committed by mossad

>> No.13581543
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read the wroks of John Zerzan

>> No.13581544
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>be modern, intelligent, and college educated
>tell kids there's no God and they're little more than glorified monkeys
>be absolutely shocked when they walk outside and behave like Godless glorified monkeys and start tearing society apart

You guys are so smart!

>> No.13581553
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>false flag
>he wasn't actually white
>just a lone wolf, not a terrorist
>its the lefts fault
>gamers rise up
>white conservatives are the most oppressed

>> No.13581564

Yeah but no one actually made this happen. It's already happened. It's been a long historical process and the causes are everywhere around us. The social fabric that sustained Christian belief has collapsed. The social fabric that sustained a humanistic, deistic educated belief in a 'God of reason' has too. The world has changed and so following that too have our beliefs. The collapse of the Christian moral system in the west - followed also by the collapse of its successor-system, the secularised humanistic post-Christian moral system - isn't a conspiracy brought about by a freemasonic cabal of "modern, intelligent and college educated" people. That shit happened as a matter of historical necessity. I mean, humanism literally imploded through historical criticism and philology the textual sacredness of the 'sacred texts' of Christiandom, reducing them to chaos, with a criticus apparatus of variable versions and irrational disorder that would make the later humanistic and deistic recuperation of Christianity under Robespierre's 'God of reason' blush.

>> No.13581568

>lefty tries NPC meme
>paragraph ensues

>> No.13581576

>no one actually made this happen
>it happened in a vacuum bruh, it couldn't be helped

>> No.13581579


>> No.13581585

>poverty, mental illness, leftists, atheism, immigrants etc only exist in the USA and no other country has these problems which is why mass shooters are a uniquely American phenomenon

>> No.13581592

Who are you trying to fool?
This isn't /pol/
Low-effort baitposts are frowned upon on this board
Apply yourself

>> No.13581598


lol r/wooosh my dudes. can't handle a good roast :^)

>> No.13581600

You don't need a book, listen to the last 15-20 of Dr. Pierce's broadcasts, in particular the ones after he knew he was dying. Why was there almost none of this prior to recent years? Do you think it's a coincidence that the era of the mass, random shooter began with the snivel rights movement?
What causes mass shootings like this? ALIENATION. What nations has almost no shootings, mass or otherwise, for any reason? Iceland. Why? It's the most homogeneous. Which nation has the most? Brazil. Why? It's the LEAST homogeneous.
The metaphor of "1984" is so overused, but in the case of "DIVERSITY OF OUT STRENGTH" it fits perfectly. Not only is it wrong, it's EXACT OPPOSITE of the truth. "Diversity" causes alienation, which over time leads to things like this. In a homogenous, White nation where people have common roots, language, holidays, family bonds, community bods, you don't have these. Why? You don't have alienation. As you increase "diversity," you increase alienation. you increase alienation, you get more mass shootings.
spend an entire day listening to Dr. Pierce-- WITH AN OPEN MIND FOR A CHANGE-- and I can promise you if you listen closely then by the end of the day you'll have your answer...

>> No.13581601

No group of individuals, no nation, no host of nations, thoughtfully and intentionally brought this about.

Christian ideologists like this love to act as if the whole thing was brought about by an anti-Christian conspiracy, an atheist cabal, or some network of influential people who are to blame. When the reality is, Christianity killed itself. The protestant reformation destroyed its clerical and intellectual singularity and gave power to separate intellectual and clerical orders of Christianity. It broke itself apart. It educated hordes of peasants to become monks and scribes who could read the ancient apostate philosophers, much of it bathed in atheism, with more of those works pouring into Christiandom after the fall of Constantinople. Christianity itself was the only intellectual force in Europe capable of receiving and understanding antiquity. Humanism was born from the womb of Christianity and then it killed its own mother.

>> No.13581602

That's not a roast in the slightest.
Please return to your containment board

>> No.13581605

>reddit space
lol we should have known

>> No.13581607
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>> No.13581609


That's the mystery. Russia has also a shit history of mental illness gone untreated, rampant poverty, no limits on gun laws, and a fucked up racist culture, and yet they dont have a tenth of the shootings as the US does.

>> No.13581611

go back 2 lefty/pol/ faggot

>> No.13581613

diversity is our strength
It's the EXACT opposite of the truth. It goes all the way back to what Hitler wrote in MK, about Jews not not telling lies, but about them being "THE GRAND MASTER OF THE LIE" in that they told things that were not only untrue,, but the diametric OPPOSITE of the truth...

>> No.13581616

sorry to trigger you snowflakes.

can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen. no trigger warnings on the chan.

>> No.13581617

>denying the easily observable reality of who brought this about any why
it's too late man, the cats out of the bag

>> No.13581622

"easily observable reality of _who_ brought this about"
>easily observable reality
Nothing is easily observable in the history of the last 500 years mate. But feel free to tell me some of your theories on the influence of international jewry and the judaising effects of modern homosexuality.

>> No.13581623


Or it's just tepid bathwater bullshit libtalk. Diversity could be a strength. Depends. It's pretty obvious that it depends, actually. Reciting fucking rotes like these serve no purpose apart from signaling. The point is that however thinks 'Hispanics are gonna take over Texas if I dont go shoot this Walmart' is a fucking moron.

>> No.13581624

You're fucking wrong too. This is not a "criminal" is a classic sense, there is a new paradigm here. You would learn a shitload, even though it's now 20 years old, fro listen to dr. Pierce preditcing how things like "Columbine" would become weekly and eventually daily affairs. As you incrrase "vidersity" and take away people's communities, roots, families-- as you uproot people-- you alienate them. This is not a criminal in the sense of: "give me all the money" or in the sense thar he thought he had even the slightest chance of getting away with it.
This is the ground that Juden Peterstin won't dare tread since he knows at day's end who pays his private jew bills. It's ALIENATION. Go watch the Dr. Pierce videoes from 1998 "America i a Changing Country" which essentially predicts 25 year s in advance all of what is to come. And expect it only to get worse until the nation is at the level of brazil. If you don't have ~100 million dollars+ (as inflation skyrockets), you will be one of the favella people...

>> No.13581625

>historically, christianity has, at some point, been moral
lmfao, what a clueless larper

>> No.13581627

see? we both knew you were just pretending to not know. we good

>> No.13581629
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America is in later stage capitalism and a lot more decadent as well

>> No.13581632

>Diversity could be a strength
Explain in what sense. Diversity is a strength in....your firearm collection if you are trying to hold off a swat team. But please explain to me how this works in a society, esp a "free" society. You can have it in saudi arabia where all the fillipinos are maids and all the simalis are janitors. but it the US where they allow them to vote, you end up with that Omar woman, and it's hard to have the government kill her. So this women born in Somalia is out there bitching to someone like me whose family handed here in 1605. And I'm expected to take kindly to that? explain...

>> No.13581633

Maybe not moral for you. But Christiandom existed within its own system of morality, its own system of "right and wrong", "good and evil". Don't act like you don't know what I am talking about just to score off the zealots. That's just bloody juvenile man.

>> No.13581636

Was he a Christian?
Didn’t think so

>> No.13581640


Not sure it's exactly just that. I mean, there's probably some of that, but it doesn't translate purely. For example, Canada is not really less "late-stage" capitalism, apart perhaps for higher unionization levels and the healthcare we get.

>> No.13581641

What difference does it make where your grandpappy was born? Why should I give a fuck about him?

>> No.13581643

Not to know what? That the history of the world turns on the head of a few mischevious kikes? I'm not that fucking gullible. Anyone who looks seriously at history sees that there are more bloody players on the board than the white nationalist bogeyman, the Jew of Hitler's nightmare. The powerful Jews that Hitler cried so much about, who when he took power, he feared so much that he simply ransomed off the Leipzig branch of the Rothschild family. If international jewry were really that powerful and you were preparing gas chambers for all manner of social "undesirables etc" why the fuck would you let a Rothschild go? Ah but "they were so powerful they were even able to corrupt the noble Fuhrer himself" and on the conspiratorial wank flows...

>> No.13581645

It's a result of the pathology that is the American mindset. America worships power and fame to a far greater extent than other countries. Only in America the quest for fame and mindless exercise of power is so dominant that a person can consider the act of gunning down nobodies an achievement worth attaining.

>> No.13581646


Hum, how about no? If you are the kind of retard to go on a rant over Omar for no fucking reason, no, you are way too far past the brain worm infestation stage for me to do anything about it.

>> No.13581649

The Secret Agent

>> No.13581650

lmao stop playin' fool

>> No.13581655

>Omar woman
Some of what she promotes is in America's interests though. You know, such as ceasing to suck Israel's dick. Granted, it's not good to trust any politician, including that orange buffoon who puts Israel and Saudi Arabia before American interests.

>> No.13581656

>no limits on gun laws, and a fucked up racist culture,
Wid guess-- Not only have you never lived in Russia, not unly do you not speak russian, but you've never even taken a uni course on russian, correct?
Here's a question for you to ponder-- in a lot of places in Bosnia, the Christian and muslims go to school basically together, with just a tarp separating them. Why arent they killing each other? Well, you kill my brother, I kill you. your..cousin kills me, my uncl kills your cousion. and on and on it goes. You don't have it that way in america due to the cucked version of insane christianity praxticed here. If nigger knew each time her raped or shot someone white, his family would be executed that night, he'd probably think twice.
As much as I hate "Vice" now, watch the tape on how the mormons dealt with the Cartels. "For every one of us you kill 10 of yours. We're going to set up roadblocks and sniper nests alll around our settlement."
and just like that, it stopped. Clearly identifiable groups, "for every one of ours, 10 of yours." Imagine that pretty girl in Utah who turned out to be a coal burner-- imagine if the nigger knew that for raping and killling her, every single member of his family would be dead within days.Sma ewith Germany and Sweden. Would they keep doing it if they knew that 0 memebers of their family's heads would be thrown into their cell within 24 hours? How did Vlad The Impaler stop the Ottomans on their way into Transylvania-- he made his own little forest of imapled turks. And even the blows from the truncheons, even threats of death could make them keep marching.
Think he's have still done it? That's essentially the way the chechens keep peace, and it seems to work. Well, that and brides.

>> No.13581659
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>exactly just that
of course not. complex issues are never 'just that'
Leafland also has no real cultural identity or history worth fighting for anyhow
We also lag the US in decadence by roughly a decade
t. fellow leafcuck

>> No.13581666

Mass shooters don't care about that shit. Lots of them kill their own family first

>> No.13581667


Ok, but you are a fucking dumb celebrity if you think the US have a culture worth fighting over...

>> No.13581670


Dumb celebrity? Fucking autocorrect...

>> No.13581674
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>Lots of them kill their own family first
for being cucks

muh patriotism is shilled hard there, no?

>> No.13581686

Population Density and Social Pathology.
We are in a behavioral sink. Everyone in the world is a member of a new rat utopia, the internet. All of us suffer hyperexposure to social stimuli which is leading to complete social breakdown. And eventually, extinction.

>> No.13581688

>What difference does it make where your grandpappy was born?
Are you a fucking insane person? In any normal nation, that's how bloodline and citizenship works. If your grandfather left you...a nice bachouse he spent his life building up, well, "what do I care that he left it to you? He's dead now, it's just as much mine as your own." That's what your saying. It's in the fucking founding documents: "FOR OURSELVES AND OUR POSTERITY." NOT FOR...AFRIA'S POSTERITY, NOT FOR SPICS OR COOLIES OR ANYTHING THING...READ THAT AGAIN: "FOR OURSELVES AND OUR POSTERITY."
And who is citizenship limited to in 1791, it's write there inw wiritig; "Free White men of good moral character." the Jews can tist (and have twisted) that all they want, but the intention swere very clear. We're in the mess we are, with alienated young men shooting up random places, because they did not listen.
Oh, and for a group of vermin who like to shreik "cultural apppropriation" at eveerything," hoe aout the group of niggers in "Hamilton," that terrible musical. Niggers have no history of their own, so they just fucking STEAL IT! Just right out, in front of everyone. Think I'm lying, look at how many times "vacation to wakanda" has been searched on the net."
The US sis headed for civil war sooner or later. If it comes sooner, there' a chance it can be short, sharp, and relatively painless. If it drags in and turns into a war of starvation and atrcition, you fuckers in the lib cities are going to have your pet niggers to feed, so we'll see how keen the EU is to feed your niggers and provide them with everything else for free for years as the war drags on....
Like in every civil war since vietnam, the only "corrency" will be food, gasoline, liquor, and women. It's going to get very interesting, starving out the cities and watching you literaly types==OHHH, esp the Portland vermin, like that fat WHITE GUY (!!!) who bangs on cars and screams at oter drivers for being white. I've alreay spent 9 month s n rykers island after running into someone like that, and nowhere near as flagrant. I'd have just aimed by car for that fucker and hit GAS."
Dont believe thebullshit horror storie about jails, es p in the northeast. Yeah, if you get a adastic guard they'll put you on a transport to nowhere and you might end up pissing yourself....but as long as you get someonewhere decent as far as weather like upstate by, and so long as you area weightlifter and can fight semi-decently jail isn't that bad.

>> No.13581691


Is this autism?

>> No.13581695

Anything starting with the phrase "You know" in an ironic/smug manner are not worth anyone's time.

>> No.13581696

>Mass shooters don't care about that shit
You still don't see it. THEN why was it not happening in,,,,,the 50s, the 40s, the 30s, when access to more powerful guns was so much easier? and I know, people point to one psychopath somewhere in the midwest wh o blew up a schoolhouse. not talking about that.
This isn't happening once every decade. It's every week. WHY exactly is there scha feeling of alienation that thee people are willing to kill their entire school class? What has changed since the 50s? The most obvious, the racial makeup of the lass, which causes what? ALIENATION.

>> No.13581700

Seriously. The “leftist” one gets me. The shithead was another scared white boy.

The uniqueness has to be a blend of gun culture, ingrained racism and the bourgeois millennial gitters over various things they get from the internet, like their minority status by 2050, to the slipping American exceptionalism to China

>> No.13581703

>muh patriotism is shilled hard there, no?

Where? Canada, or the US? Canada doesn't shill 0.01% as hard as the States. No one will break their neck trying to fix a unhook flag up here. The Federal gov still pushes for some Nation building, but it's on the most part so fucking transparent...

The States are legit more fanatical about their fucking Manifest Destiny than any theocracy. They are fucking rabid for that shit.

>> No.13581705

when did this board become a dumping ground for someone's 80 iq uncle's facebook posts?

>> No.13581706

You try to sound "smart" with cute, snarky little comments, but not sure you know where you are-- thereis no "upboat and downboat" here, fucko. If you have an explanation, give it. People here,-- while you've been circlekering with the other NPVs to ge tthe best rated comment-- hav actually been studing the literature, and it all points to the same thing-- ALINENARION. And what causes that? No common roots, common community, and yes, common race.
Great eample of this is "born on the 4th of the July" and the parade before and after he comes back from vietnam. And that doesn't even involve race. NOW, you add race into it, you add in a WHOLE new degee of alienation. You're too fucking dumb or too afraid to see it. The country is fucking self-destructing...
No one ca n stop you pretending it isn't there, but one day, it WILL bite you in the ass....

>> No.13581717

>80 iq
My LSAT score was 168. Translate that, it becomes a 137 IQ. the LSAT is the only intelligence exam accepted by MENSA. I'll post my score right here with my name blocked out, on the condition you give me your name and agree to NEVER come to this board again, and it you do come back, I have your permission to doxx you. deal. Lol, I'm in the top 1-10 in 1,000 of people in intelligence you'll ever meet, and YOU, Paco, are accusing me of an 87 IQ...rich...

>> No.13581721
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i love this guy
also why /pol/ is better than /lit/

>> No.13581723

>>>13581688 (You)
> when did this board become a dumping ground for someone's 8
what was your LSAT? Other exams don't matter, MENSA won't take them...your LSAT...

>> No.13581731
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>> No.13581733

>mass shooter is one of theirs
>/pol/ in full damage control mode

Fuck off my board!

>> No.13581735


I will never ever be able to take you seriously. Probably no one else either.

>> No.13581736

You just described slave morality

>> No.13581737

Other countries have plenty of alinenarion without having these mass shootings

>> No.13581740


I dont know what that is, but I want it. It sounds fucking cute.

>> No.13581744
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have sex

>> No.13581747

I don't care about your snark, wherever i go on here--no matter which board-- i'm told I don't belong there. People, for all their claims "I took an IQ test on x site and it told me I have a 190 IQ :) :) :) "
When an actual, truly high-IQ person wanders in, they have---most of you-- never met one before, so they have no idea how to react. I'd also argue, you really cannot separate .lit. from politics. And Oh I tried, buy did I try, with threads focused JUST on critical reads of..."The Wasteland," "Lepanto," "various W Yeats Poems, Various Dylan Thomas Poems, john Donne, Canterbury Tales, etc..
Within 4 posts, people were bringing politics into them. So, make of that what you will...

>> No.13581751
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>> No.13581754


You have a doo doo mind, filled with doo doo thoughts.

>> No.13581756

>I will never ever be able to take you seriously. Probably no one else either.
Yeah, well, welcoe to growing up on the Lower East Side and making your way on the bus each day to Xavier as a scholarship kid-- before the area was "gentrified" and when heroin was sold openly on the bus. If you can't real with reality, up your ass and stand still for it too...

>> No.13581757
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>I don't care about your snark
but I wasn't being snarky
you clearly have a passion and a drive
an ubermensch, if you will

>> No.13581760

>Other countries have plenty of alinenarion without having these mass shootings
>Anonymous 08/04/19(Sun)02:48:50 No.13581740

>> No.13581761

>you really cannot separate .lit. from politics
Yes, you can. The best literature can be analyzed apart from politics. If you cannot analyze the literature apart from politics, then either your mind is trash or the piece you're focusing on is crap. The inner dimension of wise men is not dictated by politics. Now fuck off.

>> No.13581762

>If you can't real with reality, up your ass and stand still

Is this a bit?

>> No.13581768

>doo doo mind
Uualy, I find that the type of person who refuse to even type out the word SHIT are the ones most likely to have a hardrive somewhere undrer a mattress filled with scat porn. Am I correct in your ase? Am willing to make a bet I am. Is it homosexual scat porn? willing to bet I'm right on that too...

>> No.13581769


You are barely coherent. That is what we are making fun of.

>> No.13581775

AH, another spelling mistake...REAL rather than DEAL.....this is it, fellow hebrews, call chairman emeritus Abe Foxman for advice here, we have this filthy goy on the run...

>> No.13581779
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>> No.13581784


Dude I wish, I'm the most boring cis-gendered mayo dude with an short asian women fetish ever... although scat wouldn't be my first choice of alternate hardcore fetish...

>> No.13581787

>You are barely coherent. That is what we are making fun of.
Who exactly is we, other than you? "Barely coherent..." That's rich, esp. on this board. I don't exaggerate when I say I'm among 2-3 people here who ever have original thoughts and who genuinely have a command of all the English (and a fair deal of of the Russian) literature of the past 1,000 years--- from Sir Gaiman and The Green Knight to Canterbury Tales-- and YOU are "making fun" of my incoherence. That's... interesting.

>> No.13581797




>> No.13581804

>Yes, you can. The best literature can be analyzed apart from politics.
Jesus Christ, not even sure how to answer that... so... "War an Peace" can be analyzed apart from the politics, for example? Even "The Divine Comedy" where Dante places the poitical figures he hates in various lower circles of hell has strong political overtones....and you are going to sit there, with a straight face, and tell me the two can be separated?
I'd say this is only the case is certain girl's books, but then you'd expect that since girls don't really need to take politics seriously since it won't ever be their asses gang-pressed into the navy and find themselves puking in a storm off Australia o4r perhaps facing down Napoleon's army..
There is NO great work of real literature that can be disembodied from the politics of the time...

>> No.13581806
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>> No.13581808

can we get more cunts posting BIFO up in here rather than racist and retarded /pol/ brain conspiracy theories that cannot connect psychology, migration, and mass murderers without invoking a White Victimhood narrative. that's also btw the saddest thing about /pol/, you're just inverted SJWs lol

>> No.13581810

There were two points in that post. One making fun of your typo, the other pointing out that many countries have similar issues of alienation to America without the mass shootings.
It's arguable that America, with its muh flag muh eagle has far more social glue than eg Germany, yet Germany does not have mass shootings

>> No.13581815

there's been another shooting in ohio just now apparently

>> No.13581825

Anything can be "analysed" apart from x,y,z if you understand what a fucking analytic is - it's taking something into parts and looking at each part. Etymologise it.The question you are stumbling over is should we strive for more than an analysis, like an understanding of the whole? and yeah, maybe that is something we should strive for if we want in turn to understand the place of each part better. On that score - you are right. Literature, taken apart, is deprived of its fullest and most complete understanding imo. And that obviously has to hold truer for literature than many other things, because literature, most literature, is not concerned with itself, but with the world.

>> No.13581829 [DELETED] 
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The shooter's manifesto

>> No.13581833


>> No.13581834
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I sometimes think America should just fall apart. It's basically modern Babylon and no great empires ever stays on the top forever, why not just now.

>> No.13581836

Friend, you are an anymous retard on a Taiwanese Knitting Forum who rpbably failed out of community college...I've had people GENUINELY challege my idea-- as when, for example, I was defending my thesis and I had to truly think on my feet. I can promise you that YOU are not in any way making me do that. You may like to fantasize that you are, but you aren't.
I can also almost certainly say without hesitation that i was born poorer than anyone on the board right now, gre up with food stamps on meals on wheel (that was my White privlege, of course, i got more food stamps than the niggers in the same building) and did my homework while trying to keep my grandparents from stabbing one another with butcher knives or throwing boiling water at each other.
Worked my way into Harvard, my Cambridge fellowship, and law school with zero help from anyone. Why? Beause I was smarter than just about everyone and those who were smarter than I, or whom I suspected were, I simply worked into the fucking ground.
I won't tell you the various movies I've done and awards I have, but I can prmise you that I know more about writing that anyone here-- unless there is someone else here with an Oscar award for wiritng a screeplay (one from before 2014, from before they added the ton of now black members, when it was still about merit).
I know, "you don't believe me." Which is good, plausible deniability. But to have fuckers like YOu criticize me on matters related to writing, that's fucking hot shit, as eve famous directors and producers don't do that. Granted, I'm typing this with one hand while watching "My brilliant Friend" on HBO, but still, wow does it take fucking balls on some of your part...

>> No.13581837
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“In the wake of the Neoliberal proclamation of the end of class struggle, the only social categories remaining are winner and loser. No more capitalists and workers; no more exploiters and exploited. Either you are strong and smart, or you deserve your misery. The establishment of capitalist absolutism is based on the mass adhesion...to the philosophy of natural selection. The mass murderer is someone who believes in the right of the fittest and the strongest to win in the social game, but he also knows or senses that he is not the fittest or the strongest. So he opts for the only possible act of retaliation and self assertion: to kill and be killed.”

>> No.13581842


Dont expect him to respond to any criticism of America in another way than screeching about Ilhan Omar or the immigration issues.

Anyway, fairly sure he's simply a 19 year old discovering the evils of drinking rum alone on amsaturday night.

>> No.13581845

My life is not defined by your politics. Slit your fucking throat and go to hell. Shut the fuck up and die.

>> No.13581846

The easy answer: A book blaming access to guns.

The more difficult answer: A book discussing how America as a whole has failed its children.

>> No.13581850

Anons are being programmed by posts on chans..id say sad but lmao

>> No.13581852

Lurk moar before trying to use greentext

>> No.13581860


Well, yeah, obviously, it should fall apart.

>> No.13581864
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“Just a few days after the Aurora mass murder I read some comments on the blog Half Sigma:
There are a ton of people like Holmes. When I was in college I played WoW [World of Warcraft], and I knew a lot of people in my guilds real life story. Many of them were like Holmes, and used WoW as an escape.
There are a ton of Holmes out there but most just become herbivores. They get some shitty job, live in a shitty apartment, eat shitty “food. But with an internet connection, the world is theirs. Medicate on videogames, porn, and cheap carbs. No status in real life? Get some in game status. Joke in real life? Become a guild leader and boss people around. There was a show called ‘The Guild’ which went through what these people’s lives are like, and is probably way to sympathetic because its meant for entertainment.
As perverse as it sounds, Holmes’ decision to take action (misguided, pointless, tragic) at “least took more balls then most of the herbs I knew just waiting to die in WoW.”

>> No.13581865


T. 75 IQ poster from a mental institution.

>> No.13581867

don't come back

>> No.13581882

What a sad declaration of a life of utter despair.

>> No.13581886
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“Mass murder is nothing new, but the particular brand of mass murder that simultaneously involves a spectacular acting out and a suicidal intention seems to me peculiar to the present transition towards nothingness. In fact this kind of action, comprising spectacular performance, mass murder and suicidal intention (although not always fulfilled, as in the case of James Holmes), has become more frequent during the last fifteen years or so. “It is possible to detect in the actions of many contemporary mass murderers a spectacular intention that has something to do with Warhol’s promise: ‘in the future, everyone will be world-famous for fifteen minutes.’ That is, it has to do with the need to be televised as the only proof of one’s existence.
Some suicidal mass murderers demonstrate, more than others, a particular consciousness of the spectacular and communicative aspect of its enactment. Such is the case of Pekka-Erik Auvinen.

“On 7 November 2007, eighteen-year-old Pekka-Erik Auvinen killed nine students at Jokela School in the Finnish city of Tuusula, sixty kilometres north of Helsinki.
The shooting came just a few hours after a video announcing the massacre had been posted on the YouTube channel of the user ‘Sturmgeist89’. [...]

“What is particularly striking in Pekka-Erik Auvinen’s case is the precise and public explanation of the philosophy behind his murderous action. ‘I am a cynical existentialist, antihuman Humanist, antisocial social Darwinist, realistic idealist and god “like atheist,’ writes Auvinen on his website, just before performing his crime. He also left behind a ‘Natural Selector’s Manifesto’, which has been widely shared on the internet.”

>> No.13581894

>Anything can be "analysed" apart from x,y,z if you understand what a fucking analytic is - it's taking something into parts and looking at each part. Etymologise it.The question you are stumbling over is should we strive for more than an analysis, like an understanding of the whole? and yeah, maybe that is something we should strive for if we want in turn to understand the place of each part better. On that score - you are right. Literature, taken apart, is deprived of its fullest and most complete understanding imo. And that obviously has to hold truer for literature than many other things, because literature, most literature, is not concerned with itself, but with the world.
This is complete nonsense-- like the type of shit I'd get written on a paper graded by a grad student who realized he was way over his head, and tried various and vague "appeals to authority" in the form of half-arsed principles that really don't mean anything, wrap it all up i wrapping-paper of post-modern, meaningless, bulllshit, put a bow on it, and give it back and then pretend they're given a profound answer when nothing could be further from the truth.
I'll use this again, although no one will believe it, which I'll reiterate is also good since it gives me plausible deniability-- I won an Oscar for my writing in a year where the category was absolutely stuffed with people, many of whom where probably better writer than I am overall.
AND this was before the Oscars were ruined and you could have some piece of trash of "Blacklansman win." For the record, it's not a 'racial," thing, as I personally thing "Last King of Scotland" was the best movie of the past 20 years, although the fashionable answer to give now is I'enfant."
So, whatever you think of me-- and you can make fun of my spelling and anything else you want as I go back and forth between :Big Little Lies" and "My Brilliant Friend" and how Italians are portrayed in that series, with a father throwing his 7 tear old daughter out a window. I had family in Naples growing up, in the poorest parts and that is fucking insane. No Italian good have written that. So, look into it, AND sure enoughm the book was wiritten by an Israeli Jewess. Wonder if I wrote a "holocaist book and gave myself a fake jewish name how it would appear. Wish. Well, so be it. No one seriously writes films anymore trying to get as oscar, as quality is now measured via BAFTA and to a lesser extent Emmys... (SURE THERE ARE A MILLION MISTAKES IN THIS OF ALL SORT AND VARIATION...MAYBE EVEN LINES FROM "MY BRILLIANT FRIEND" ACCIDENTALLY STUCK IN...SO FEEL FREE TO FIND THEM, POINT THEM OUT AND USE AS EVIDENCE TO PROVE...WHATEVER YOU WANT TO PROVE...

>> No.13581902

>My life is not defined by your politics. Slit your fucking throat and go to hell. Shut the fuck up and die.
Gee, looks like something there hit a nerve, didn't dickhead! where the hell did I ever say that the politics of a BOOK should define who you are? In any event, you aren't interesting enough that anyone would want to "control" you, trust me on this...

>> No.13581907


Holy fuck, either drop the bottle or log off, dont do both at the same time.

> he's Italian

Fucking figure. Unironically you are the worst possible shites in existence.

>> No.13581911

Too simple of an explanation but humans like simple stories that explain what they don’t know so the response to your post is positive.

>> No.13581912

Please don't massacre random people.

>> No.13581917
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“Contrary to what is generally believed, Nazism is not the preferred ideology of this kind of mass murderer. Some aspects of Nazism are clearly evident in their declarations: violence, de-humanization “of the victim, racism. But Auvinen identified Nazism as one of the authoritarian forms of de-individualization. His only credo is the cult of the strong individual, the lonely winner: the financial agent and the gunman.

“Then, at the end of the text Auvinen declares his readiness to die:
I am ready to die for a cause I know is right, just and true…even if I would lose or the battle would be only remembered as evil…I will rather fight and die than live a long and unhappy life.
This is my war: one man war against humanity, governments and weak-minded masses of the world! No mercy for the scum of the earth! HUMANITY IS OVERRATED! It’s time to put NATURAL SELECTION & SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST back on tracks!
Pekka-Erik Auvinen’s manifesto can be considered a sort of rhetorical declaration of the philosophy of mass murder – murder as a metaphorical message of pure social Darwinism.”

>> No.13581918
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Read this shit.

>> No.13581926

this is what mental illness looks like guys

>> No.13581934 [DELETED] 

Fuck off. Not every "great" goddamn piece of literature is defined by politics. The greatest ones have powerful interpretations that transcend the politics of their time and deal with the inner dimension of man...
You are an oversocialized piece of shit. I would gouge out your goddamn eyes, crush your skull, and make the wolves eat your fucking brains. You and your obsession with politics. I will show you worlds of pain you can never imagine. I will drink your teas and disembowel you.
Do not fuck with me. I WILL NOT LET POLITICS FORM A BARRIER ON HOW I PERCEIVE LIFE. I will rip you apart before that happens. I will fuck you up so much that it would go beyond Lovecraftian dimensions. I want you to feel the hatred in my words. I salivate at the thought of just wanting to kill you.

>> No.13581936

8 chan may well be the most dangerous website on the Internet in terms of US citizens being killed in the United States.

Certainly has been far more effective at murdering Americans than ISIS ever has been.

>> No.13581940
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“Pekka-Erik Auvinen’s motto ‘Humanity is overrated’ is a mere rewording (a paraphrase) of the Neoliberal affirmation of the superior efficiency of the invisible hand that regulates the economic sphere. The natural law of the survival of the fittest is seen as the invisible hand that guides the economy, and the economy is the most crucial and decisive sphere of human action and culture. Economic rationality tramples any other form of human rationality, and through its enforcement the emotionless law of Nature celebrates its triumph. Humans must bend to its will.

>> No.13581942

All the analysis in this thread are worthless without backing from statistical analysis.

>> No.13581944

>. 75 IQ
you keep fixiating around that number, 75IQ...almost as if a psychologist gave it to you or your parents growing ip as the measure of your intellgence that was global, stabe, and internal (that's how we, as psychologists, definite IQ). And you seem greatly fixated on it and angry about it. Would you like to explore why? Why first pit the number on you and why???
I was quite happy with the number I got, which was exrapolated from mt LSAT 137.5. Sure it wasn't the 140 I had hope ("gifted") but it was still decent and meant that a lot of doors were opened t me. But why are YOU so very angry and fixated on that number? Evert thought about seeking professional help?
Also, you seem to keep projecting a "stay in a psych ward" onto others, which tells me-- did you stay in a psych ward? For how long? was the stay unpleasant, and what was your diagnosis/

>> No.13581948


>> No.13581961

ISIS was never a threat to America in any palpable way. They killed a few journos who happened to be in their locale, but at no point were they a credible danger to the average Joe in Des Moines.
Made a good news story though, 'USA threatened by Muslim Death Cult'

>> No.13581964
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“The Columbine High School massacre marked a turning point in the eyes of many, in that it implied the conscious creation of a mise-en-scène, given the meticulous preparation and the elaboration of intellectual motivations in the diaries written before by the two boys before the massacre. It also had an enormous impact on the American imagination, inspiring two film directors to produce movies depicting the events at Columbine.
Just two years after the massacre, Michael Moore released his Bowling for Columbine, which was intended to describe the social background, if not the causes, of the criminal act. The film focused on the systematic use of violence by the American foreign strategists and military, “the easy accessibility of weapons in the open market and on the internet, the obsession of American society with fear and military aggressiveness, and the violence which has generally pervaded North American daily life.
Although Moore’s account was persuasive, it showed only a part of the story. While it focused on the social context, it lacked any insight into the subjectivity of the perpetrators – the psychopathology of human beings exposed to electronic hyper-stimulation during their formative years, the special fragility of the first generation to grow up in the virtual age.
The following year, in 2003, Gus Van Sant released his film Elephant. Here, the director chose to delve deep into the psychological, to deal with the substance of the deranged subjectivities at work, and to try to grasp the intimate suffering of the two young men who conceived and performed the crime. Van Sant describe not only their aggressiveness and their violence, but also their confused search for tenderness, their frustration and loneliness, as it played out until their final act of self. ... “In his journal, Eric Harris wrote of his admiration for natural selection, and of his wish to place everyone in a version of the computer game Doom so that he could see to it that the weak die and only the strong would live.”

>> No.13581972
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>> No.13581973

>8 chan may well be the most dangerous website on the Internet in terms of US citizens being killed in the United States.
Where the hell did this come from? See, how I'm convinced AI s being used in here. NO UD CITIZEN was ever killed bc of 8 can. ever. That was not even being discussed. I'm not SURE they are testing AI bot.
Which, to be perfectly frank, Frump deserves and deserves to lose sice he was done JACK SHIT to protect the sites where his (former) suporters operated, back before everyone with any common sense realize they we never intended to keep a single promise. I'd like to see him, epsiten, and cliton in jail.
Does trump REALLY think that getting the negro rapper-- who btw, has not even thanked him-- is going to win him a bunch of negro votes? he's fuckin delusional...

>> No.13581974


But mass-shootings from lone gunman doesn't function as a strategy of social darwinism. You'd have a point with an organized effort, but it's not.

I guess you shouldn't expect coherence from these fucks.

>> No.13581978
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“Not surprisingly, the addiction of both young men to video games attracted the attention of journalists, critics and psychologists. It is widely assumed that protracted exposure to highly violent video games may produce an effect of desensitization in the minds of young people like Eric and Dylan, but this superficial observation, in focusing on the content of video games, fails to take into account the cognitive and psychological mutation produced by prolonged immersion in a digital environment. It is not the content of the game, but the stimulation itself, that produces the effect of desensitization to the bodily experience of suffering and of pleasure.
Clearly, not everybody becomes a mass murderer merely because they play video games or engage in digital stimulation. “But the mass murderer is only an exceptional manifestation of a general trend in this general mutation of the human mind.”

>> No.13581983

You do realize that several recent mass shootings, including the one in the OP, were posted on 8 chan immediately before the poster killed many people right?

The NZ shooter even posted their livestream there and people were posting about it as they were watching it live and cheering him on.

>> No.13581991
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>when Emma Thompson gets drunk and starts posting on /lit/

>> No.13581996
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“On the day of the massacre, Eric Harris wore a white T-shirt on which the words ‘Natural selection’ were printed in black. References to natural selection also occur in Harris’s diaries, as they will do, years later, in the writing of Pekka-Erik Auvinen.
Like the large majority of the generation that has grown up in the Neoliberal decades, the young Eric Harris is totally persuaded that the strong have the right to win and to predate. It is the natural philosophy that he has absorbed in the social environment in which he was educated, and it is also the underlying rationale of the video games that he loved to play. But the young man knew very well that he was not going to be a winner in the social game. Instead, he decides that he will be a winner for a moment: I’ll kill and I’ll win; then I’ll die. The murderous action is conceived as revenge for the humiliation that he has suffered in the daily game of competition. The bullying that he endured at school is described in painful detail in his journal:”

“Everyone is always making fun of me because of how I look, and how fucking weak I am and shit. Well, I will get you all back: ultimate fucking revenge here. You people could have shown more respect, treated me better, asked for my knowledge or guidance more, treated me more like a senior, and maybe I wouldn’t have been as ready to tear your fucking heads off…That’s where a lot of my hate grows from. The fact that I have practically no self-esteem. Especially concerning girls and looks and such. Therefore people make fun of me… constantly… therefore I get no respect and therefore I get fucking PISSED.
and ‘Whatever I do people make fun of me, and sometimes directly to my face. I’ll get revenge soon enough. Fuckers shouldn’t have ripped on me so much, huh! HA!”

>> No.13581999


That is bullshit though. Virtual simulations have been used in the last years to help people dealing with trauma and certain sensory conditions specifically because it has the propensity to associate the virtual sensation with a real one.

>> No.13582001

Hurt people hurt people.

>> No.13582017
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“In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders the syndrome of ‘running amok’ is described as a form of sociopathic behaviour consisting in uncontrollable rage and related states of deep depression.
‘Running amok’ is an expression that comes from the Malay language. In the original Malaysian context, a man who has previously shown no signs of violent anger acquires a weapon and, in a sudden frenzy, kills or injures anyone in the vicinity. Running amok is a way of re-establishing one’s reputation as a man to be feared and respected, but is also a way of escaping the world when life has become intolerable, and generally culminates in suicide. ... manifestations are shaped by the cultural context and expectations.
We may describe this syndrome as a form of disconnection between the rational elaboration and the act. The person suffering from depression feels guilty because s/he is unable to compete and to win, in an environment saturated with incitements to act, to mobilize energies. A violent break from the thread of depressive paralysis can sometimes seem to be the only way out – an action separated from reflection, an action that does not imply any future, a visible sign of existence, of mobilization, of energy. A violent acting out, as disconnected from a conscious elaboration: just do it. Nike’s motto is a good introduction to the cycle of depression, catatonia and psychotic acting out that can culminate into spectacular murderous suicide.
Just do it: violence, explosion, suicide. Killing and being killed are linked in this kind of acting out, although the murderer may, exceptionally, survive.”

“In Freud’s time the environment was essentially repressive, and acting out took the form of repetitive and compulsory acts. The compulsory act was part of a neurotic framework of denial and repression. Today, the psychotic framework of hyper-stimulation and constant mobilization of nervous energy is pushing people, especially suggestible young people, socially marginalized and precarious, to a different kind of acting out: an explosive demonstration of energy, a violent mobilization of the body, which culminates in the aggressive, murderous explosion of the self.”

>> No.13582034
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“The police officers who reviewed the video, pictures and manifesto concluded that the contents of the media package had marginal value in helping them to learn and understand why Cho committed the killings. Dr Michael Welner, who also reviewed the materials, stated that ‘these videos do not help us understand Cho. They distort him. He was meek. He was quiet. This is a PR tape of him trying to turn himself into a Quentin Tarantino character.’
These appraisals by the police and Dr Welner miss the point that the ‘Quentin Tarantino character’ and the quiet, meek, depressed apathetic Cho were, in fact, two sides of the same coin.
Cho’s words sound melodramatic, but there is also something authentic in them. Clearly, this is not a justification for his crime, but it is an explanation of frustrations that are not infrequently felt. Indeed, the president of NBC News might have decided to censor Cho’s messages because they sounded too much like a frightening manifesto for the frail people of the precarious generation, a call to explosive suicide launched to all the lonely young nerds of the world. How many of them are there? Roaming in the blogosphere I read texts “of young students who declare to be admirers of Cho because they feel the same hatred for the bullying that they have endured for years. Cho’s madness speaks volumes about the psychopathology of the precarious generation. ”

>> No.13582037

White people killing people en masse is neither new nor interesting

Australia, New Zealand, USA and Canada were born in blood. It's in your history and DNA

>> No.13582040

Which book?

>> No.13582045

“Cho is an alien, a monster, a totally incomprehensible being, and a disturbing enigma for his colleagues, for that bunch of podgy smiling young men and women wearing the same Nike shoes and the same horrible sweatshirts taking Prozac and Ritalin and Xanax in order to hide their inner conformist hell.
Cho is alone.
Who would want to talk with such an Un-American guy? Americans are happy people, they are not so bleak, so unwelcoming, so depressing. And Cho is not friendly at all. He does not want to talk to anybody. Only, sometimes he leaves strange notes with uncanny words: ‘Cho’s senior year roommate explained to the panel that he tried speaking to Cho at the beginning of the semester, but Cho barely responded. “I hardly knew the guy; we just slept in the same room.””

>> No.13582052


>> No.13582061
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“In The Purge, a 2013 science fiction thriller written and directed by James DeMonaco, crime is shown as a way to overcome crises, and to establish a new order, at once criminal and normal. The film is set in the year 2022, and presents the United States as a nation reborn. The Founding Fathers have returned, and have established a new rule to save the country from unemployment, recession and widespread restlessness. Following their suggestion, the government has instituted a yearly period of twelve hours called ‘the purge’, during which all criminal actions are allowed: murder, rape, mass violence, robbery. Thanks to this cathartic night, thanks to this annual discharge of compressed energy, the country has entered a new era of prosperity. Unemployment rates are hitting an all-time low, the economy is flourishing, “and people are peaceful and caring all year long. The crisis of a society based on exploitation and violence can be eased and resolved by the institutionalization of crime. In DeMonaco’s movie, the morbidity of capitalist normalcy is exposed and presented as criminal normalcy. Only apparently marginal, violence is in fact the utmost law, dictating the daily exchange between work and salary, time and money. Crime is normal, for those who draw their power and their affluence from it.”

>> No.13582074

False flags. The spooks are angry and the élites want You paesants to remember what's your rightful place.

>> No.13582084

America has easy access to guns and the media loves broadcasting a mass shooting. No one is going to care if someone shoots up a school in Cambodia or Uruguay, but do it in America and you're famous for a week.

>> No.13582090

Guns are a coward's weapon, an obedience to industrialization. These acts are of those who are extremely institutionalized. Not free thinkers but memetic thralls of this fucking asleep at the wheel society. Memes are genuinely a cancer, anti intellectualism that allow for radicalization on a very primitive level. They aren't even funny anymore - it used to be they were just a weird spontaneous burst of common humor on the internet. Now they are a platform for the most weakminded to propagate their useless, self and world hating ideas.

>> No.13582099
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“After trying to make a career selling phone call packages and other similar attempts at business, at the age of twenty-six Breivik decided to retire. He left his apartment and returned to live with his mother. For some years he engaged in the virtual world, becoming entirely absorbed by World of Warcraft, a role-playing game.
World of Warcraft is largely about constructing an avatar. Breivik’s avatars were called Andersnordic, Conservatism and Conservative. Andersnordic belonged to the mage class, was male by gender and human by race, one of fifty-two possible types of avatar combination, while Conservative and Conservatism “were female avatars he developed later. Conservative was a beautiful, blonde mage. In the compendium Anders was working on in parallel with his gaming, he mentioned that attractive women could help to increase the impact of messages.12
In subscribing to the belief that the image of an attractive blonde woman could help in the battleground of ideological propaganda, Breivik shared a modus operandi with advertising men the world over, yet more important to appreciate is the dynamic of role-playing game itself. Such games are not a mere pastime to fill the hours of leisure: the dynamic of the game forces the players to spend enormous amounts of time in front of their screen. If they do not play for long enough, players become a burden for the guild they belong to, risking expulsion from the guild by the leader for being a weak link in the chain.
According to Borchgrevink “Anders went on playing World of Warcraft after his most intense period in 2006 and 2007, when he would play for up to sixteen hours a day. At the same time, he was active on a number of other websites and blogs…According to the police he operated around twenty different e-mail addresses and thirty different nicknames on around forty favourite websites and discussion forums, from the website of the tabloid newspaper VG to the neo-Nazi websites such as Stormfront and Nordisk.no.”

>> No.13582101

You'd be famous in Cambodia or Uruguay surely? They have media in those countries too

>> No.13582103

Don't listen to those mutts. They're mostly trying to cope with their shit reality

>> No.13582132
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“Suicide is clearly not a new phenomenon, but in the first two decades of the twenty-first century it has taken an exceptionally significant space in contemporary social behaviour. Somehow, suicide has come to be perceived increasingly as the only effective action of the oppressed, the only action which can actually dispel anxiety, depression and impotence.
Contemporary suicide has little to do with the phenomenon studied by Emile Durkheim on the eve of the twentieth century, “and very little to do with romantic suicide in the nineteenth.
Durkheim spoke of anomic suicide, referring to the moral confusion caused by the perception of being unable to fit in within the social frame. In the contemporary precarious society, anomie is a totally normalized condition. In the age of globalization, suicide has acquired a new mass dimension, especially among young people: according to the World Health Organization, suicide is today the second cause of death among young people, after car accidents, which is often a disguised form of suicide. Furthermore, suicide has acquired an aggressive meaning, often linked with terrorist actions.
The twenty-first century was inaugurated by a monumental act of suicide. The mass murder committed by nineteen young Arab men on the morning of 11 September 2001 was obviously a terrorist act, but also, and perhaps firstly, an act of self-annihilation. No matter how much they were indoctrinated and disciplined, during the night that preceded the most incredible “terrorist act of all time, those nineteen young men had been thinking about their own life and death, not only about their glorious mission.
Commenting on the action, in Le Monde, Baudrillard wrote:
Moral condemnation and the sacred union against terrorism are equal to the prodigious jubilation engendered by witnessing this global superpower being destroyed; better, by seeing it more or less self-destroying, even suiciding spectacularly. Though it is [this superpower] that has, through its unbearable power, engendered all that violence brewing around the world, and therefore this terrorist imagination which – unknowingly – inhabits us all”

>> No.13582154
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“Japan 1977

Nineteen seventy-seven is the year of mass youth suicide in Japan: the official figure is 784 young people.
At the end of the summer holidays of that year, thirteen primary school children killed themselves in quick succession. The gratuitousness and the incomprehensibility of the gesture was particularly disconcerting and caused a general outcry in the country: in all these cases, there was no apparent motiva“tion or reason for the act. There was a striking lack of words, an inability on the part of the adults that care for the children to predict, understand or explain what had just happened.
In 1983, a group of high school students murdered several homeless old people in a park in Yokohama. When interrogated, the children offered no explanation other than that the homeless people they killed were obutsu, dirty and impure things. As in manga comics, which achieved mass readership precisely in the second half of the seventies, the enemy is not evil, it is dirty. Cleanliness, ridding the world of ‘waste products’, of what is indefinite, confused, hairy and dusty, prepares the way for the perfectly smooth, digital surfaces. Erotic seduction is progressively disconnected from sexual contact until it becomes sheer aesthetic stimulation. It is in Japan that the first symptoms of this trend can be spotted. The year is 1977.”

>> No.13582174
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“Since the early 2000s, a variant of suicide – although less dramatic and final – has begun to spread throughout Japan. According to figures released by the Japanese government, as of 2010, 700,000 individuals, with an average age of thirty-one, have made the decision to sever all relations with the outside world, in order to live their lives from behind the locked door of their own room. These people are officially defined as hikikomori “According to the estimates of the Ministry of Health of Japan, an additional 1.55 million people are on the verge of becoming hikikomori.
Some psychiatrists have attempted to explain the phenomenon in terms of autism or Asperger disorders. However, such a purely psychiatric definition may be little more than an elusive way to avoid the social problem that is implied in the behaviour of so many of Japan’s “youth. If one reflects on the incredible levels of stress that social life implies, particularly in Japan, the spreading of this phenomenon is not particularly surprising. On the contrary, hikikomori behaviour might appear to many young people as an effective way to avoid the effects of suffering, compulsion, self-violence and humiliation that competition brings about.
According to Michael Zielenziger’s book, Shutting Out the Sun: How Japan Created Its Own Lost Generation, most of the hikikomori persons he interviewed demonstrate independent thinking and a sense of self that the current Japanese environment could not accommodate. Meeting hikikomori persons during my own journeys in Japan, I found that they are acutely conscious that only by extricating themselves from the routine of daily life could their personal autonomy be preserved. It is a belief that is often shared by those who see suicide as the ultimate solution to life’s problems.”

>> No.13582180

There was another one since the thread started. At least 9 dead in Dayton
What the FUCK is going on?

>> No.13582193
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>> No.13582207


Jesus fucking christ. I guess it's mask off time for the death worshipping fascists.

>> No.13582258


>> No.13582267

you are legit retarded if you think these people are fascists

>> No.13582268

Unironically every should read the Constitution. Even if you're not a Clapistani it's a pretty important document.

>> No.13582293


>> No.13582320

This is the most atomized, consumptive, bourgeois take I've ever read. Philosophy alone has enough material on this situation to keep you reading non-stop for the rest of your life. Let alone history, psychology, sociology.

Return to your trough of reddit and wallow in VICE, you swine.

>> No.13582326

El Paso looked like a straight up half-caste spic from Houston. You'll see that as the country browns; a color segregation with a bunch of squat underclass and some almost-white ruling elite. You'll see Castizo futurism and so forth.

>> No.13582341
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>> No.13582342

yeah but this guy's formative intellectual experience was reading a blog about nofap

>> No.13582344

No, SIEGE has been out a long time and just recently blew up with zoomers, mostly out of irony. You could say it's a collateral damage out of doubling down on policies that create existential crises for disenfranchised segments of society. If the nigs can do it, so can whites.

>> No.13582355
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Silence sheep.

>> No.13582356

What the fuck is 'SIEGE'?

>> No.13582361

If so, why was he drawn to "nofap"? Why did the movement come about, and in response to what? Why did he find life not worth living, and why did he feel aggrieved by his neighbors to such a degree as to kill himself in vengeance? These and many more are all questions asked and answered. in one text or another.

>> No.13582367

I was talking about the take, not the shooter.

>> No.13582369

It's the first book conservatives found that told them it's ok to kill your enemies in war, but it did so in this really edgy pop way that only Americans would find cool. So, they all glommed onto it after their libertarian phase.

>> No.13582373

All good. Equally applicable.

>> No.13582379

Is it like an actual book or some online manifesto tier rant circulated through imageboards and blogs?

>> No.13582382

I seriously doubt that any of these mass shooters were born with a gun in their hand and with hatred in their hearts.

>> No.13582388

>common race
Yeah bro as a Brit I would feel so much more at home around a bunch of Romanians than I would around black brits. What are you talking about nigger? If anyone should be doing mass shootings in America it's the blacks given how they've been treated all these years.

In Australia they have better race relations and higher percentage white yet that fucker still went on a shooting spree. Stop trying to project your ideology onto everything.

Access to guns + bullying + knowing that shooting up something will garner you fame + mental illness + toxic masculinity + economic austerity + americas violent culture = mass shootings

>> No.13582404
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>> No.13582414

You left them with no choice, and now you have the gall to bitch and whine after you forced their hand? Fuck off.

>> No.13582415

It's a collection of writings by James Mason. Some parts are kind of weird (Commander Manson) but there's this cultural neuroses where the only way to make palatable something to Americans and other plastic society-type people is to offer something equally derivative and inauthentic.

The political discourse of the 20's and 30's is still there to be read and studied. It never went away but that's how you get in a dark age; you don't realize you're in one. You lose the ability to reapply the still-present ideas and technologies of the past and find them completely unpalatable, violently resisting them. I'm not a doctrinaire national socialist or fascist, but simply pointing out that the right wing is on a kind of political Tree of Life in which only few enlightened sages ever ascend beyond Tiphareth

>> No.13582419

>El Paso looked like a straight up half-caste spic from Houston.
Have you seen photos from /pol/ meet up?

>> No.13582433

Damn that's fucked up. Best of luck Anon.

>> No.13582435
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>> No.13582442

My point exactly. You'll see literal white supremacy, not just wanting a German Germany, Swedish Sweden, etc., after you make the country resemble a Latino society. You'll have squatamalans, pol meet-up attendees and no in-between. "Castizo futurism" was the nice term for this.

>> No.13582443


I don't know what that second paragraph is about and then you shifted quickly to talking about Tiphareth and enlightened sages like a schizophrenic homeless guy who just got given too much attention.

>> No.13582445

I see him posted more and more every day. Good stuff.

>> No.13582451

Most latinos are white. 63%. That's nearly as white as America

>> No.13582453


>> No.13582459

Dumb stormnigger and a worthless post to boot

>> No.13582465

Siege is gay. Read Mein Kampf, God and The State, Rules For Radicals and The Russian revolution. Conservatism is a controlled opposition and in America even the transition from conservatism to supposedly those ideas outside the purview of the System are fraught with grifters and gate-keepers.

>> No.13582470

The Castizos and un-mixed Spaniards are not the people emigrating en masse to the US. As for "most latinos are white", wogs begin at Calais.

>> No.13582479

Playboy of the Western World

>> No.13582481


>Its wrong because its simple
>Complexity is inherently more correct
>Ideas which contradict expectations and desires are inherently more correct
>Provide no argument to justify this logic.


>> No.13582505

Idk I haven't read any statistics on that I know that the people who do emigrate commit less crimes than the natives so it wouldn't surprise me if they were mostly white

>> No.13582514

They're not. The only "white Latinos" you'll ever see are female students from rich central and South American families, usually clustered around upper-middle class shopping centers.

>> No.13582523

female students from rich central and South American families, usually clustered around upper-middle class shopping centers are not 63% of the South American population

>> No.13582565
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The collected works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
>b-but neoliberal capitalism is not a mental illness inducing dystopia if only whites do it

>> No.13582571
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>capitalism has been around for centuries
>only now are the mass shootings happening

>> No.13582575

Can't mass shoot shit with muskets
Anyway our current hellscape began with daddy Reagan, not Adam Smith

>> No.13582589


>> No.13582594

>current means it was good before

>> No.13582595

Capitalism is dead.

>> No.13582609

It's certainly a bizzare phenomenon. Perhaps in the future it will be looked at as some hysterical crowd psychology thing, like tulip fever or ladies fainting

>> No.13582611

Capitalism was a lot worse before you mongoloid. Union protesters in America were literally massacred by oil company militants (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludlow_Massacre)) and workers rights were nonexistent. If capitalism is the problem there should have been way more mass shootings in the past.

>> No.13582624

I agree capitalism was worse before in terms of working conditions and general rights, however I do think that today it's at its worse in terms of causing mental illness. It's hard to gauge.

>> No.13582639

How can diversity possibly be a strength?

>> No.13582648
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>Capitalism is dead.

Pffff keep telling yourself that kid

>> No.13582671

It's a basic tenet of good corporate governance and is why NEDs are a thing

>> No.13582672
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>> No.13582688

That doesnt explain why cultural or ethnic diversity is good, just why corporations fetishize it.

>> No.13582689

this is a good post

>> No.13582700

It does explain it, but I'll break it down further for you. Diversity of opinions and perspectives leads to better decision making and fewer mistakes.
Why do you think NEDs exist? They have no role in the day to day running of a company, but sit on the board and help make decisions anyway. Why do you think they are there?

>> No.13582704

ethnic diversity -> discord and loosening of values within a society, interbreeding -> society of atomized individuals instead of strong, unified families and groups -> atomized individuals seek fulfillment through capitalism in the void where virtue, strength, family, and healthy heterosexual relationships solely between men and women used to be -> profit.


>> No.13582714

See Bifo in Heroes on how capitalism (or what he calls semiocapitalism) contributes to our present malaise. It's not a marxist diatribe. He just shows the connection between the shooters, their ideologies, our economic system, and its ideology. That's not even the most interesting part though. The most interesting part is the section on Breivik's WOW addiction.

>> No.13582717

>Diversity of opinions and perspectives leads to better decision making and fewer mistakes.
Except that's not what 'diversity' in this case means or leads to. In fact many people who jack off over diversity will say that 'diversity of opinions' is a dog-whistle for far-right opinions..
And you dont need ethnic diversity for a diversity of opinions anyway. In fact, this kind of diversity threatens to drown out actually valuable input because it supposes that all opinions are equally useful or valid, which isnt the case.

There is far more evidence that ethnic diversity creates fifth columns and violent ethnic strife than this shitty 'diversity' of opinions which is barely useful anyway.

>> No.13582718

shut the fuck up you ugly dyke

>> No.13582733

Ethnic diversity informs better decisions = standpoint epistemology which is reductionist and illogical.

Ethnic diversity as in stakeholder democracy = basically modern political clientelism where we look after all the different tribes so business runs smoothly and the narcissism of small differences doesn't overwhelm society with petty bloodfeuds or civil war.

>> No.13582734
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>MFW I remember I did an 11th grade research paper on the disproportionate amount of black crime relative to population. MFW I wrote a whole 8 page /pol/tard research paper on how reverse racism wasn't a thing.

Good thing I grew out of that.

>> No.13582738

Yeah but that can only function when you're trying to sell a product to people. It doesnt apply when you're trying to force people to live together, which has historically always been disastrous as the ethnic groups look after their own interest first.

>> No.13582742

america keeps creating mentally unstable people in an absolutely monstruous rate, there you go

>> No.13582748

Historically always been disastrous? History affords plenty examples of multi-ethnic Empires. In fact the multi-ethnic Empire is pretty much the rule in history. Sure, some of them collapsed after a thousand or so years. But the reasons for their collapse are not NIGGER OVERLOADS but, as we all know, various things that have been studied and turned over by historians for centuries. Read a book lol.

>> No.13582751
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Wake the fuck up faggot. The fault lies firmly at the feet of the Psychiatric community, everyone knows it's due to the over prescribing of anti-psychotics.

>> No.13582761

Ethnic groups are not even always self-conscious as ethnic groups throughout history. Plenty of ethnic groups in history identified first with a religion or multi-ethnic culture. Look at magna graeca - basically a cultural and religious system that encompassed various Mediterranean ethnic groups and tribes.

>> No.13582764

>nb: i'm a half-spic who looks white. raised by a hispanic migrant worker mom, speak spanish, raised around 95% people who actually are hispanic and look mexican. growing up i was extremely frustrated with the way i was treated by others for not looking like one of them, when in fact i was.

this is why we say miscegnation, migration etc. are not so good, not that they're intrinsically morally wrong, but that they create cases like yours, but no one listens.

>> No.13582773

China had a few mass stabbings. If you banned guns in the US we'd just shift over to that in all likelihood.

>> No.13582778

>History affords plenty examples of multi-ethnic Empires. In fact the multi-ethnic Empire is pretty much the rule in history.
Empires tend to fall once they become multi-ethnic. Rome fell once it encompassed too many ethnicities and fell to barbarians, same with the Ottoman Empire, and the caliphate exploded into the world and then immediately fractured (as did the Mongols), China was practically mono-ethnic, the British empire tolerated foreign rulers under its jurisdiction but wanted none of them on their own territories. There is no single stable diverse empire.

Meanwhile, there are plenty of examples where diversity led to strife or bloodshed. Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Ottoman Armenia, Yemen, Pre-Columbus North America, Hellenic era city states, Roman Britain, all the countries that ever targeted Jews, etc.

>> No.13582788

That isn't capitalism.

>> No.13582794

Lmao no it isn't. When's the last time you heard a far righter say "race mixing is bad because people will be racist"

>> No.13582801

what he's saying is, the /pol/ meetups are all Mexicans. Whites join the DSA.

>> No.13582802

Well, for starters they sell guns at Walmart... and possibly at McDonald's, too. Americans, mate.

>> No.13582807

>are in bed with the government
I like that phrase

>> No.13582821

not sure where your mum's from, but there are fair-skinned and even white mexicans and they aren't treated like you were treated.

>> No.13582828

>Rome fell once it encompassed too many ethnicities and fell to barbarians
Astonishing dumbness here. The roman empire from day 1 included Egypt, North Africa, Asia Minor, the Middle East, as well as the balkans, France, Spain etc. When do you think it became ethnically diverse?

>> No.13582837

Fluoridated water, corn syrup, digital television broadcasting, chemtrails are just a few.

>> No.13582842

This is a pretty nonsense interpretation of the collapse of the Roman Empire, which most of us will have some passing familiarity with if we have some sort of classical education. It's also a very dishonest argument: every political system in history has basically collapsed or reappeared from collapse in a form significant enough that we say it has 'collapsed' (this itself is contentious for anyone familiarity with historiographical disputes). Despite all that, the multi-ethnic empires historically not only outlive, but are more sophisticated than pretty much everything else.

China mono-ethnic?

There is no single stable anything in the history of political systems on this planet. Lol.

There are plenty of examples where religion and ideology has led to bloodshed too. Or just simply the desire for conquest.

Your self-serving racist historiography is bloody bonkers.

>> No.13582853

Those territories werent annexxed until just before the end of the Republic and the start of the Caesarist era, which was already a hallmark of decline. Rome was at its apex during the Punic wars.

>reddit spacing
as predicted, a redditor. Go back there and stay there, subhuman.

>> No.13582865

Do you have anything more to say than to talk about paragraph spacing and speculate about what other websites I visit? Lol. What a fucking troll. Of course you are an ardent diehard believer in half baked racist historiography. You're a racist idiot.

>> No.13582868
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>Rome was at its apex during the Punic wars.
So the subsequent conquest of most of the known world, turning the med into a roman lake, that was all decline? The peak was a few provinces in Italy in 200BC?

>> No.13582870
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>dude why don't we give gun access to the entirety of the population even though the whole good guy with a gun thing is a myth with only a 3% success rate? what's more, let's make it a fucking constitutional right for every retard to own a gun, what can go wrong?

>> No.13582872

>Despite all that, the multi-ethnic empires historically not only outlive, but are more sophisticated than pretty much everything else.
No they dont. They may last long but once they become multi-ethnic, they are usually on the decline. China is in a much stronger position than the US, because they have one ethnicity and no bullshit that comes with juggling all kinds of different ethnicities.
And if we take a few steps back, you've only made excuses for why multi-ethnic empires are sort of not that bad, but you havent given any evidence for why it's supposedly an inherently good thing.

>> No.13582874

What kind of crank neo-Catonian theory of decline is this? Decline begins with the Caesars? LOL

>> No.13582880
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>Someone is racist on 4chan

>> No.13582881

>China has one ethnicity

>> No.13582883
File: 57 KB, 645x729, Brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>geographical expansion equals strength
>also it's a pure coincidence that massive geographical expansion usually precedes total collapse

>> No.13582888

It's 99% Han and theyre cleaning up the remaining 1% like the Uyghurs. And why shouldnt they? Why should they tolerate a hostile minority that can only weaken Chinese unity?

>> No.13582889

Because I'm not arguing for the inherent goodness of multi-ethnic empires? Lol. You're basically saying "Why aren't you arguing for this position that I think you are arguing for, because I always set myself up against an imaginary nigger lover?" What a racist moron.

>> No.13582890

>the collapse happens several centuries after the expansion
>it wuz the expansion wot did it

>> No.13582898

Actually mad because someone called a racist a racist. Lol. Sorry I forgot that racists are actually victims and a protected minority group on 4chan.

>> No.13582904

Racism might help you sleep at night, but it's fucking intellectual cancer. Look at what it leads to: crank racist historiography about how Rome was destroyed by flotillas of sub-Saharans. "The decline of Rome was Caesarism". Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.13582905

This. I was definitely outcasted by this. I don't understand why adults feel an obligation to outcast a child for not being within a specific skin color range, despite having the same ethnicity. White people definitely cared less about this and I only ever got naive questions asking me if I'm an illegal, despite being US born. I never thought of harming anybody over this but it did give me a disgust of minorities. I believe their is a correlation with intelligence and racial hivemind.

>> No.13582906

>Surrealism took υρ some similar themes, in part, when it refused to adapt life to the "derisory conditions of all existence down here." Sometimes the path was in fact followed to the νery end, as with the suicide of surrealists like Vache, Creνel, and Rigault; the latter reproached the others for being able to do nothing but literature and poetry. Indeed, when the young Andre Breton declared that the simplest surrealist act would be to go out into the street and shoot passersby he was anticipating what happened more than once after World War II, when some οf the younger generation passed from theory to practice. By absurd and destructive actions, they sought to attain the only possible meaning οf existence, after rejecting suicide as the radical solution for the metaphysically abandoned individual.

From Evola

>> No.13582907

>Mongol collapse
>Umayyad collapse
I'd even say that the Romans were already fracturing by the time Caesar came around, showing strongly emergent factionalism.

>> No.13582913

Posting a basedjack=/=mad
So what sub you're from? /r/badphilosophy?

>> No.13582917

I also said the same thing about Nikolas Cruz in Fort Lauderdale. He was definitely outcasted by minorities and he probably felt insecure being around white people.

>> No.13582922

>Look at what it leads to: crank racist historiography about how Rome was destroyed by flotillas of sub-Saharans.
The guy was talking about German tribes like the Goths and Vandals, of course. Your mind is so small (and ironically, racist) that you automatically identify 'barbarians' as 'nigger'.

>> No.13582926

Don't even know what that is. And don't even know what that meme is. Literally only come on /lit/ once a year or so. First found the chans in like 2014.

>> No.13582932

You're not fooling anyone, redditor.

>> No.13582933

>It is just his fantastic dreams, his vulgar folly that he will desire to retain, simply in order to prove to himself--as though that were so necessary--that men still are men and not the keys of a piano, which the laws of nature threaten to control so completely that soon one will be able to desire nothing but by the calendar. And that is not all: even if man really were nothing but a piano-key, even if this were proved to him by natural science and mathematics, even then he would not become reasonable, but would purposely do something perverse out of simple ingratitude, simply to gain his point. And if he does not find means he will contrive destruction and chaos, will contrive sufferings of all sorts, only to gain his point! He will launch a curse upon the world, and as only man can curse (it is his privilege, the primary distinction between him and other animals), may be by his curse alone he will attain his object--that is, convince himself that he is a man and not a piano-key!
(Dostoyevsky, Notes from the Underground)

Two quotes explaining why shootings happen - you're welcome!

>> No.13582947

Oh my mind is small? And I am racist too? Good heavens. No I was just bloody putting a mirror up to how the racist historiographer wishes he could simply analogise antiquity to modern migration problems. And that's exactly what is going on. It's so fucking laughably transparent. This shit has been going on with antiquity since forever. Every modern generation tries to interpret the whole thing based on itself.

He didn't specify the German tribes. He didn't say shit. And the oldest decadence theory with an ethnic note is that Greek learning turned the frogs gay in Rome. The closest resemblance to an actual scholarly theory here is that the Roman ruling class destroyed the source of their own power in the landed peasant-citizen soldier through the use of mercenary armies and the economic burdens placed on the peasantry in the late Empire.

>> No.13582960

It was basically this undermining of legionary power that sets the scene for all the barbarian invasions - the collapse of the imperium itself, which was based on the legionary power to defeat foreign enemies and extract slaves and revenue from them, or take them into the imperium and take tributes for protection and governance. This was a political, legal economic process internal to Roman rule. You could even put it on the decadence of Greek philosophy and the luxuria of the elites more than barbarians and foreign ethnicities.

>> No.13582970

>Oh my mind is small? And I am racist too? Good heavens. No I was just bloody putting a mirror up to how the racist historiographer wishes he could simply analogise antiquity to modern migration problems. And that's exactly what is going on. It's so fucking laughably transparent. This shit has been going on with antiquity since forever. Every modern generation tries to interpret the whole thing based on itself.

There's no way this sentence wasnt typed by a redditor. It's so obvious that someone exposed your own racism and the redditor, like a wounded animal, now responds by projecting.
Btw, i dont really care that im racist. This isnt reddit, the term cant be used to shut things down here.
>He didn't specify the German tribes.
No, but everyone knows that Germanic tribes helped the downfall of Rome, in particular the infamous sackings of Rome in the 5th century. Only a very racist mind could interpret 'barbarians' as automatically meaning 'nigger', which is, ironically, what you are. Poor redditor! His racism exposed for everyone to see! But that's alright, you're free to be a racist here.

>> No.13582972

>The guy was talking about German tribes like the Goths and Vandals, of course
His argument is Rome started declining after the Punic Wars, more than 500 years before the Goths and Vandals showed up

>> No.13582984

This is the same as determining what kills an AIDS-ridden faggot. While AIDS sabotages the immune system, it's ultimately the opportunistic infections that cause him to die. Likewise, while the decline of the imperial forces causes opportunistic hostile invasions, it doesnt necessarily kill a country itself.
Still, the presence of other ethnicities is by no means a good thing.

>> No.13583009

Why don’t shooters ever pick a good target? Shoot up the cnn headquarters, a national bank, netflix, a redlight district, a black neighborhood. Schools are okay too I guess.

>> No.13583011

The hegemonic superpower for the last hundred years has been the racially diverse USA, before that it was the racially diverse British Empire, before that maybe the Ottomans. Mono ethnic states will never have the manpower to project power

>> No.13583021

This. What is killing a bunch of walmart mutts supposed to accomplish?

>> No.13583022

The US was openly white nationalist until immigration reform in 1968, and even then it was 90% white. Coincidentally, it's eclipse on the global theater also correlates with the decline of this majority.

>> No.13583030

>the racially diverse British Empire
Of white people lol, and it beat out the more swarthy empires

Very reactionary argument by the way

>> No.13583037

You did, though. The deadliest school mass murder was in the early 20th Century. The guy used dynamite.
I’m sympathetic with the claim that leftists have unmoored society, but this has been going on since before the cultural revolutions of the 60’s.

>> No.13583064


>> No.13583069


Yeah, cool. But your historiography is still based on racist mythologies of ethnic homogeneity being innately superior which is the a priori assumption of racist thought. Any a priori like that in the context of historical arguments is fucking retarded. I'm not even arguing the contrary, I'm just arguing that that a priori is retarded. I don't care about using racial slurs. I'm not interested in political correctness. I'm just interested in actual arguments, not racist conspiracy theories. So yeah, your racism has shut this argument itself down, because it's retarded a priori ideological bullshit doesn't actually allow for rational debate.

Still 'white' encompasses, especially in the period prior to the 60s, a shit load of different European ethnic groups that were not that long ago cutting each other's throats. Your definition of multi-ethnic has shifted from multi-ethnic to 'equality between whites and niggers'. Super dishonest

>> No.13583076

The Caliphate too was multi-ethnic.

>> No.13583082

>I'm just arguing that that a priori is retarded
great argument

>> No.13583088

White nationalism was, in the colonial period, actually a multi-ethnic ideology for unifying warring white / Euro cultures and ethnicities. Blow that up your 21st century anachronistic pipe and smoke it

>> No.13583094

So basically, racism was actually a tolerance and melting pot gambit by pan-European ideologists for blending Germans and Frenchmen and Englishmen into a skin pigment based supra-ethnic category. And it worked brilliantly, because everyone hated niggers.

>> No.13583095

either industrial society and it's future or any book covering the utopia experiment

>> No.13583105

So basically racism was the original anti-racism, by finding an even more outlier ethnic category to despise. Unfortunately the effects of this ideology have been the further retardation of the European mind under the spell of trying to make all history, all human thought fall in line with simplistic racist hermeneutics which obviously are pure bullshit that only an idiot would believe if self-interest were not in play.

>> No.13583107

I hear this plenty, especially when talking about people like elliot rodger.

>> No.13583109

Meant mouse utopia experiments

>> No.13583114

>what is imminence/inevitability
Keep chasing those windmills, bb

>> No.13583117

Why do most of these shootings happen in gun free zones? Could it be that guns are some kind of deterrent as well as a weapon?

>> No.13583135
File: 851 KB, 2638x4671, f27Ii3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol people hate jews and niggers bcz they're losers
great argument there, practically equal to that fedora-tipping atheist argument.

>> No.13583137


or it could be lax gun control. idk, i've never heard about a no-gun shoot up a place.

>> No.13583145

Why do progs never honestly engage with opposition?

>> No.13583159
File: 55 KB, 456x720, George_Washington_quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will need hydrogen bombs to take guns away off the people, trust me.

>> No.13583160
File: 84 KB, 800x787, The_British_Army_in_Italy_1945_NA22006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Of white people
No, racially diverse. Britain alone didn't have the manpower to run an empire

>> No.13583170

>Very reactionary argument by the way
Who cares? I'm not the retard arguing diversity = inevitable race war and collapse

>> No.13583178

Did you discover that all the data you researched was false?

>> No.13583181

The better question to ask is why does it keep happening in America.
People who blame the left can't explain why countries that are far more liberal don't have this problem to the INSANE level of America.

>> No.13583185

>Who was Anders Breivek?

>> No.13583190

Blacks do commit 50% of crime though.

>> No.13583191

Have you ever met an american?

>> No.13583201

You have to understand that some people see the ability to freely own weapons to be a moral good in of itself. This is why their knee jerk reaction is not to just ban them.

>> No.13583217

What countries would these supposedly be that are melting pots to a greater degree than 56%istan?

>> No.13583230

NOT my diary desu, CIA

>> No.13583247

No it isn't

>> No.13583251

He suggested that the presence of my precious browns might not be 100% good, omg 0/10

>> No.13583261

Why are mass shootings flaring up just lately? Did americans just get guns?

>> No.13583267

Interesting all the non-political explanation posts itt have been ignored.

>> No.13583275

The glow in the dark faggots need another crisis to erode freedoms.

>> No.13583278

Slow news cycle

>> No.13583329
File: 114 KB, 600x338, boring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YAWN. Mass shootings are so passé and last season. Every shooting is so unmemorable. Pick a unique gimmick or try something else faggots.

>> No.13583341 [SPOILER] 
File: 15 KB, 644x800, 1564928170481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13583342

Elections coming up

>> No.13583402

They dream of a race war and were hoping Trump would bring it. Now they’re more frustrated than ever

>> No.13583471

>me no read good
no I fucking know- I'm saying that th formayion of political parties is an inevitability baked in the cake, not the evil source of the gun "problem"

>> No.13583489

it's just the most recent phase in anti-social criminalism; the people finding a novel way to lsh out at their despised gov
like all major shifts in warfare domestic and foreign, the powers that be will attai some new tech development and we'll all eventually fondly remember the days when we had mass shootings instead of the ever-present standing army of cybernetic drones

>> No.13583544

Dude, 135 IQ is like average for lawyers and people you're supposedly far smarter than
90iq larp confirmed

>> No.13583555

>average IQ of 135

>> No.13583632

Correct. Lots of suicide going on, quiet or dramatic. We hear about the exciting ones.