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/lit/ - Literature

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13580819 No.13580819 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the most important book of all time a boring pile of crap?

>> No.13580853

Because there is a cultural barrier to understanding and appreciating ancient texts. You're used to texts built out of modern tropes and literary devices. The Bible lacks a lot of these and it also contains ancient tropes and literary devices that aren't used much any more so you may not recognize them or connect with them. Not to mention how much wordplay gets lost in translation.

>> No.13580860

Isaiah is pretty cool. And Job stands by itself as one of the greatest texts ever.

>> No.13580865

The Bible is a lot of things, but surely not boring.

>> No.13580868

idk bro the old testament really drags on

>> No.13580891

Because of politics. Checkmate secularists.

>> No.13581166
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>Implying the Gospels and Paul's epistles aren't quotable as fuck

>> No.13581196

>a boring pile of crap
Because sacred books aren't made for redditors' entertainment. It's not another Marvel movie.

>> No.13581220


It is objectively fucking boring, at least the first part.

I've actually tried, twice in my life. Most recent time was a few years ago. I got up around Genesis 30 (just as when I was a small child) and stopped, again. God damn, Genesis is so boring. At least on the last go-around I learned Abram -> Abraham and the historical orgin story for male genital mutilation (there is no such thing as circumcision; that word is a euphemism which gives undeserved legitimacy to a depraved practice which does not deserve to be able to socially reproduce itself).

>> No.13581223

>The Greatest Story Ever Told
>is in fact quite dull and a real chore, not a thriller at all

>> No.13581241


>> No.13581247

You're an idiot.

>> No.13581256
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you should try this one

>> No.13581513
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>lists of silly jewish names, censuses, written-out floor plans and the same 12 parables cycled over and over isn't boring.

>> No.13581519

Why? Dawkins is a shitty rhetorician. Its hard to believe a PHD could be that intellectually dishonest and immature.

>> No.13581689

Read Wisdom of Solomon

>> No.13581702
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>> No.13581727

Also the fact that it's a Jewish origin story packed with tons of political allegory, like how in Genesis one of Noah's sons was supposed to be subservient to his older brother until the end of time. Why is this political allegory? Well, the son who fucked up was named after a Jewish settlement far away from their main land so that was essentially a way for the authors of this ancient text to fabricate a claim on that colony.

>> No.13581791

>Its hard to believe a PHD could be that intellectually dishonest
Why? PHDs are nothing special anymore, maybe they meant something back in the '40s when only a handful of people could afford higher education in the first place but now that everyone can pay for their education with a bucket full of borrowed money, it doesn't really mean anything to be a PHD. Assuming you're at least average, it's just a matter of time before you become one.

>> No.13582031


>> No.13582780

Why do people want this maniac to exist?