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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 39 KB, 350x300, amazon_crave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1357630 No.1357630 [Reply] [Original]

Hello again, /lit/. Just got another $20 Amazon gift card from work, looking to spend it gifting to my fellow nerds. I looked through a few pages and I don't think there's an active wish list thread, so post your Amazon wish lists here. Lists with cheap books preferred.

And, as always, if anyone wants to return the favor: http://amzn.com/w/1PW6VVESSYQID

>> No.1357641
File: 464 KB, 480x359, gnar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hip hop hooray

>> No.1357642

Franny and Zooey for 3.45

>> No.1357648 [DELETED] 


>> No.1357660


>> No.1357661



>> No.1357674


>> No.1357675

Where do you work that gives those? If you don't mean you bought it, that is.


It's a Canadian one, so shipping costs will be high, so I don't really expect much, but Enemy of the People, The Stranger, The Great Gatsby, or Great Expectations would be nice.

>> No.1357681

Bellingham, Washington? You don't know a Matthew Blair do you?

>> No.1357685


Yaaay! I love wishlist threads!

>> No.1357689
File: 213 KB, 475x358, oh i see Trixie sees what u did thar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love these things.

>> No.1357690


>> No.1357694
File: 63 KB, 992x184, gift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't really planning on gifting (since I can't seem to gift used anymore), but it was cheap and it's a good book! Hope you enjoy :D

>> No.1357697

Enjoy Less Than Zero.

I work for a search company (can't say anymore than that without breaking NDA) and every week the top 10% in certain performance metrics get a gift card. I'm usually in that top 10%. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I can apply the gift card balance to a Canadian order, so I can't get you anything. =(

Still about $10 on balance, though, so everyone else keep posting.

>> No.1357699

Oh, and that was aimed at OP.

>> No.1357703 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 300x300, stoptheworld_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1357708


OP is p. cool.

>> No.1357710

Ohh, Cyrano de Bergerac is one of my favorite plays, and it's cheap, so you'll be getting it soon.

Indeed I do.

>> No.1357716

You are my new favorite person.

>> No.1357717

Hah, so are you actually him or do you both just happen to know each other and gift?

>> No.1357720

> I have my books and my poetry to protect me
For that quote, enjoy Perdido Street Station.

Ooh, looks like someone else beat me to it! Well, your lucky day.

Here's my list, in case someone's so inclined.

>> No.1357724


Oh, and the gift card balance is gone, so no more gifting from me 'til next week probably. Keep posting lists and giving to each other, though.

>> No.1357727

Why is /lit/ more generous than any other board?

>> No.1357734


We're roommates.

>> No.1357738
File: 56 KB, 188x317, fuck you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, you are a straight up bro. list bookmarked for future reference

pic related, it's yfw

>> No.1357739
File: 242 KB, 474x358, Cute or creepy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, but everyone here is so damn awesome.

>> No.1357744

Cat's Cradle. Hope you like it as much as I do...it meant a lot to me in my younger years.

Tell Matthew hi for me, from "Grendel & Canterbury Tales".

>> No.1357746

You are a fucking bro.

I love you man.

>> No.1357757
File: 5 KB, 299x276, giga pudding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your list is fucken weird. But that Wild Nights thing by JCO looks interesting, so it's on its way.

You're welcome, and I love you too.

>> No.1357759

I had wanted to gift this week, but I spent all my paycheck on groceries/supplies to make cookies.

But definitely after Christmas I'll do it again!

>> No.1357772
File: 7 KB, 192x213, 1259108144194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw when both vikings and The Magus are on your list
Couldn't help myself, you get both. Merry Xmas.

I'm done for tonight, all. It's been fun.

>> No.1357782

I love reading of the love being spread in these threads. You're all scholars and gents!

Alas I dont live in the US and I get paid in cash, so I can't really join in, bawwwww

>> No.1357799

Wahhh, thank you so much sir! :D I will definitely enjoy them.

>> No.1357809

holy shit thank you. I'm weird so that would explain it. I'm going to the hospital next week and needed something to read, thank you thank you thank you.

>> No.1357814
File: 133 KB, 550x413, what_the_fuck_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I'm really glad I bought you a book about people dying then.

Hope your hospital-thing goes well!

>> No.1357822

>I'm weird so that would explain it

>> No.1357826

Ohh it's not life threatening, it's more of a tune up, but thank you, I'll take all the good vibes I can get.

>> No.1357846 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 342x359, 1290982151292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably too late, but it's worth a shot!

>> No.1357847

I could very much do with something, anything, off this list. Currently doing an MA in English Lit and stressed as fuck. Most of the drama books are for my course, others are much needed sanity restorers. I am perfectly happy to get them second hand (its how I get most of my books).

I don't know why I'm more worthy than anyone else to receive a gift from a stranger. I'm not, I suppose. But I'm currently circling the drain financially and mentally and this... this would help a whole lot.

>> No.1357849

D'ARGHH. I forgot the link.


I suck.

>> No.1357851

> tl;dr, need stuff from list
> doesn't post list

>> No.1357852


Oh, missed this looking through the thread earlier. Thanks very much!

>> No.1357869


>> No.1357877

Heh, you're welcome!

>> No.1357881
File: 75 KB, 640x480, sam-crenshaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<--- Boobies for books?


>> No.1357884


>> No.1357885
File: 3 KB, 422x319, 1290686837106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1357907

Sad story is sad. Enjoy Marlowe, Jonson, Webster, and Ford, and may your English degree not ruin your life.

>> No.1357910

No boobies please, I'm a feminazi, but I ordered Speaker for the Dead cause I read this series when I was a kid, I never finished it because I didn't know he was still writing books for it, blahblahblah, I always remembered it even when I forgot the name of the books, some scenes haunted me and I think gave me nightmares. Blahblahblah, anyway, enjoy. :3

>> No.1357917

Are you... are you serious? Is that like... is that enjoy them like I'm getting them? or did I just read a whole shit too much into that?

Because if so that's... genuinely one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me. And I don't mean that in a 'Hurr my life has sucked' way I mean, you probably don't know just how much that would mean to me. So, so much.

And if I did read you wrong then... my bad, but thanks for the good wishes.

>> No.1357922
File: 80 KB, 640x359, scout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why thank you! That was actually one of those books I had at the bottom of the list in my head, as in "I really want to read that but I also wanna get through these other ones first..." so now I'll get the chance to do so.

That deserves a *special* finger reaction image. Happy holidays :)

>> No.1357923


I'm looking to buy something for three other people as part of Christmas so post your lists and cross your fingers.

>> No.1357924

You're getting them--should be 2-4 days, supposedly. You're welcome!

>> No.1357928
File: 18 KB, 300x307, 1286083133814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not other guy but kudos to the generous anon

>> No.1357931

btw, for Amerifags who don't buy for Brits because of the shipping: you can sign into amazon.co.uk with your US login, and pay only the domestic shipping. Same goes for Amazon.ca.

>> No.1357941

is that by spending with a card only? cuz I use gift cards to gift/buy, not sure if that makes a difference...

>> No.1357944


I deleted my link earlier cause the list was all messy with random things not lit.

>> No.1357945
File: 91 KB, 480x640, 1283700232196-1283707016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally cannot thank you enough. My god. I did not expect that. I'm saving your list on my laptop so that when I'm back on feet moneywise, you sir are getting some motherfucking books.

I couldn't even find an image to convey how I feel. This is the closest. You did a very, very good thing today for me and I won't ever forget it. Thank you.

>> No.1357954
File: 8 KB, 493x402, 1287423772976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I couldn't even find an image to convey how I feel. This is the closest.
>look at image
>literally mfw

>> No.1357956

I don't know about gift cards, sorry. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to try though...it'll just reject it if the card can't be used on other amazon sites.

Your ponopls are thanks enough, my friend.

>> No.1357963


OP here. I tried gifting to a Canadian with my gift card balance, and it didn't give me an option to use that balance. It did have a space to enter gift cards, but I couldn't use the balance I'd already applied to my account.

>> No.1357969

God I love cats. Kitty pictures never get old.

>> No.1357970

Damn. I get it directly put in my account with no middleman.

Ah well, I've finally got a job lined up so after Christmas perhaps I'll get to gift to some non-Americans. I'm sure they get gypped sometimes.

>> No.1357981

Enjoy The Wanting Seed and merry Christmas

Books for 2 more lucky bros

>> No.1357987

i think there are a few who posted who haven't gotten anything yet.

>> No.1358018

Thank you!!! I don't have any great clever or cute pictures to share, I'm new to 4chan and /lit/, but I'm very very grateful.

>> No.1358024

Clear your schedule broski, I hope you're not doing anything for the next four years because that is how long it will probably take you finish Remembrance of Things Past

Enjoy that Freud fellow broviet. I read Civilization And Its Discontents and enjoyed it quite a bit.

Reposting my list in case anyone wants to get me something

>> No.1358039

These are the people that have not, by my count, been gifted yet. (Not saying if you're gonna gift, gift to them, because I tend to gift books that I already know/like to others, etc. Just saying, if you're one of those looking for someone who hasn't gotten gifted yet, here ya go)


>> No.1358050

I gotcha, broheim. I heard you like tomes, so I put a, um, tome in...shit. I bought you Les Miserables.

>> No.1358067

Thanks. There are three huge books that I told myself I was going to read in my lifetime no matter what: Moby Dick, Les Miserables, and War & Peace. Just finished Moby Dick last month and was hoping to move into Les Miserables over winter break.

>> No.1358076

I found The Count of Monte Cristo to be really worthwhile, too. The most readable 1,000 pages I've ever come across.

Coincidentally, it was gifted to me on /lit/.

>> No.1358077
File: 20 KB, 189x269, Lolla-Angelucci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to dedicate this finger to !IsAMEmE6C2, who gifted four times and said s/he was done, and then gifted five more times after that.

>> No.1358080


>> No.1358084


Yeah, he seems to be a pretty cool guy.

>> No.1358091

I'll consider it. I've been on classics kick as of late. I guess the further I go into my literature education the more I can look at the kind of stuff I scoffed at years ago and see something in it that I couldn't see before. Moby Dick was exhausting but phenomenal.

>> No.1358128


Never participated in one of these threads, but since it's the holidays I figure I'll be able to give back soon enough. More than half the books on here are /lit/ recs that I'd actually like to own, but haz no moniez to :(

Many thanks, even if I get nothing. I've always really liked how /lit/ does shit like this.

>> No.1358156

That's not your wishlist link. Click on "Share with Friends", and it'll give you a URL to copy/paste.

>> No.1358157

Your link sends me to my own wishlist.

I just got all excited because I was all COOL SOMEONE WITH MY NAME, but then it was just my own list.

Go to "Share With Friends" at the top of your wishlist, and post that link.

>> No.1358176
File: 8 KB, 197x210, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't think I could feel like more of a newfag if I tried. Thank you.


>> No.1358178

Can anyone tell me how to gift used books?

>> No.1358180

These threads make me happy. I've never participated - and I won't, until I have money to spend on you guys - but it's probably one of the nicest things I've seen on 4chan.

You all rock.
I'll be back, you can count on it.

>> No.1358183

Not posting my wishlist because I already know I'm getting like, 15 things from it for Christmas.

Just wanna say: Awesome thread. It's great to see people doing nice things for each other.

>> No.1358214

Oh no, it fell to the second page!

>> No.1358225

Oh man, thank you!! I've been really eager to get started on Proust, this is damn exciting. :D Thank you so much!

>> No.1358241
File: 16 KB, 77x163, dan-tsai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. In the person's wishlist, look at the bottom of the book link, it says "New&Used". Click on that, choose an option (Good, Very Good, etc.) and add it to your cart. In your cart, underneath the title, there should be an option that "This is for so-and-so's wishlist" or something like that.

>> No.1358448

helpful bump

>> No.1358470


>> No.1358480

'cause other people have money too, yo

>> No.1358482


>> No.1358532


I'm here, I'm just out of money on my gift card balance for the moment. If I get high enough (and I'm in the process) I might not care about my own money enough to give another book or two.

>> No.1358546
File: 61 KB, 539x669, fantastic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



: )

>> No.1358548




>> No.1358552

buy me it

>> No.1358571

whoever bought that you are a fucking champion I hope your christmas is as good as mine is going to be

>> No.1358589


>> No.1358603

I'm new to Amazon wishlists, how do I tell if a books been sent?

>> No.1358627 [DELETED] 

Here's mine if anyone generous is still around

>> No.1358633

From the UK, so not eligible. I think this a really cool thing for you to do though.

>> No.1358636



>> No.1358670

Seconding this. Nice one, OP. Just a shame I'm not eligible.

This is my first time on /lit/ so maybe it's better than I expected.

>> No.1358678

I bought someone The Qur'an in one of these threads before. If I see any good books on your lists I'll buy them for a few of you.

Here's my list, books start after the first five items or so:


>> No.1358680

I know I'm late but I thought I'd try. It's Christmas season after all.
Anything would be appreciated.

>> No.1358681

Hey, the person I bought The Qur'an for lived in the UK and I'm here in America. I'm pretty damn sure it works in the UK.

>> No.1359268

May the Fnords be with you. Enjoy your book.

>> No.1359272

Whoah, back from the dead.

>> No.1359281

Thanks for the offer, but my amazon wish list is under my real name, so better not. Thanks though & keep doing what you're doing!

>> No.1359295

I don't see a ship to address.

>> No.1359300
File: 45 KB, 550x826, 1288137735601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like used books.


>> No.1359371

Mine has a shipping address, and I like used books.


>> No.1359743

Should we let it gracefully die?

Bump to test waters

>> No.1359758
File: 39 KB, 451x640, julianassange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying im not boycotting Amazon

>> No.1359919

Why would you be boycotting Amazon?

>> No.1359923

>picture of assange

>> No.1359934
File: 93 KB, 900x1200, 2285291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Will my giant muscles work?

>> No.1359938

to help support local businesses maybe? i dunno. internet businesses don't have the overhead that brick and motar businesses do. and they don't hire as many people. i'm just guessing here.

>> No.1359943


>> No.1359944

I still don't know what wikileaks has to do with Amazon, but I'm not researching a shitty joke on 4chan for more than 3 minutes, sorry

>> No.1359952
File: 48 KB, 298x296, fatcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a side of /lit/'s personality i'm proud of.

>> No.1359958


I don't give a shit about local business: the economy evolves, get over it.

I'm boycotting Amazon as they have compromised net neutrality and freedom of speech by kicking wikileaks off their domain hosting servers without hesitation the minute some politicians told them to do so.

>> No.1359973

Tried to find cheap books, also one's I haven't read that I've heard lots about, like Catcher in the Rye.


>> No.1359985

All I want for Christmas is a nice book~


>> No.1360044

I've never read a book by a Vonnegut or HG Wells, and got other stuff on there like the Qu'ran and some horror. I'd be happy with anything though


You still wanting stuff on the older wishlist too?

>> No.1360094
File: 23 KB, 260x310, karipapsigek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will not spend money today I will not spend money today I will not spent money today
>"I've never read anything by HG Wells"
> ........
>I will not gift any more today I will not gift any more today I will not gift any more today

Enjoy! I read The Time Machine when I was a kid & absolutely loved it. Had a different perspective as an adult, but hey you gotta at least try it sometime right? :p

>> No.1360101
File: 29 KB, 368x386, princess5exyface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just to clarify, this was to

>> No.1360108

hey. are you making use look at the hand you finger yourself with every time you do dis?

if so that's kind of rude, & not very thoughtful...

>> No.1360114

OK, I rarely spend much time /lit/ but I have seen a few of these "wishlist" threads. can someone explain the concept to me? Am I to understand a generous OP on 4chan of all places actually buys random people books or something? I find that hard to believe.

>> No.1360121
File: 20 KB, 139x310, Juliana-Coutinho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought of this :o but no, I'm not clever enough & too lazy to make my own so I just steal the work other people upload


>> No.1360124
File: 49 KB, 470x511, begthread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's kind-of how it plays out but more like pic related, amirite guys?


>> No.1360129

nah its not just one person, it's a bunch of ppl. although one guy or chick has gifted something like 50 times at least by my count.

not sure how it ended up that there could be generosity on 4chan of all places, lol, but it's pretty nice. i used to think "uh no way would i give, ill just post my list" lol but it really gets addicting. i've gifted eight or nine times in my time here.

>> No.1360140

Most people just post their Wishlist and don't even read the thread.

Some people like to also spread the love and buy a used/cheap book here or there for other people, especially if they've had something bought for them.

I like to look through wishlists until I find a book that I really enjoyed or meant something to me, and buy that for someone. It makes me feel better than most of the gifts I give in person.

>> No.1360142

really, wow! I cannot believe that, considering 99.99% of posts are just calling people fags etc (not necessarily lit, but most boards). I am jelly, I would like to ask for books but I really doubt I'd ever really be able to return the favour to any extent, I'm not exactly swimming in cash.

>> No.1360148

My first time. :)

>> No.1360159
File: 23 KB, 181x428, img_3658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like to look through wishlists until I find a book that I really enjoyed or meant something to me, and buy that for someone. It makes me feel better than most of the gifts I give in person.
This is usually how I end up deciding too. Probably a lot of people do I'd imagine, makes a sort of "connection"....sure it feels nice to send someone a free book, but it feels even nicer to send someone a free book that you love to death.

plus it's fun searching through lists to see if anything sounds interesting, especially when they've got several books you already like/want to read.
>The Menstruating Mall
>Ten ridiculously stereotypical consumer victims find themselves unable to leave the mall one day. There is nothing stopping them. The doors are unlocked. Other shoppers are able to come and go as they please. But for some inexplicable reason, these ten people cannot pry themselves away from their shopping miasma. The mall closes, and they won't leave. Days pass, and they're still there, eating meals in the food court and sleeping in department store bedroom displays. Then they begin to die off, one by one, murdered by a mysterious killer, and they still won't allow themselves to escape.

Well now I HAVE to read it, just to see what it's about!

>> No.1360165

You're all a bunch of leeching niggers. Fuck your friendly vibes and smileys, I know you're the ones shitting up threads on this board and obsessing over tripfags. Either that or you only post on here for the wishlist threads. Eat a nigger's dick, bigtime cunts.

>> No.1360172
File: 24 KB, 398x569, 1288714329433 - Copy (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1360177


>> No.1360179

do one for me now

>> No.1360188
File: 1.05 MB, 2448x3264, scott-nose1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about one I've never got the chance to post but can't bring myself to delete?

>> No.1360196


so horrific.

>> No.1360211
File: 8 KB, 251x282, waaaaat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, THIS is horrific (and possibly against the sfw rule :x )

>> No.1360226

Is tiiu a popular name in finland?

>> No.1360245

Not really. I think it is more of an Estonian name. Tiia is much more common though.

>> No.1360274

It's because there's a song by some finnish people called clouds featuring a girl called tiiu called under the dancing feet and i really like that song so i bought you the emerald planet. Bare in mind though that because you're from finland, most people will have to pay quite a bit for Postage and Packing so you might not be gifted unless there are more finnish on here.

>> No.1360302

Thank you thank you thank you! Now I have to look up that song! :)
Didn't consider the shipping costs :S makes me appreciate this even more. Thank you. I'll take this as a wonderful Christmas gift \o/

>> No.1360306

Yes, disregard the one titled "New Wish List"

>> No.1360330


Taking a chance

>> No.1360372
File: 562 KB, 668x431, 1284673884094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haven't seen one of these in ages, thanks /lit/! You're too good to me.

>> No.1360378

I was talking about the one called "New Wish List" because I saw that those actually had the older date. So did you get those, like the Joe Lansdale one?

You should just delete what you're not wanting anymore

>> No.1360398
File: 331 KB, 1335x1500, mook love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kind anons are kind.

>> No.1360438


I would like to know this too. I'm not from a country that Marketplace works with, but if I'm buying for someone else it should be fine, right? But if I go to the item page from someone's Wishlist and add a used book to my basket, it doesn't display as an Wishlist item and if I go to checkout, it only displays my address. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.1360450


>> No.1360459

>141 posts

>> No.1360504

I don't have a lot of money. So I would appreciate any book that you give me.
As a thanks you to whoever, here's Moby Dick.

>> No.1360772


>> No.1360801


>> No.1360822

Yes, I've already bought those in stores and from Amazon. I' will delete that list now.

>> No.1361243

Is it too late for the free books?

>> No.1361250


Maybe, maybe not. Depends on if generous people are around. I'm OP and I might be generous, if you have books I like on your wish list.

>> No.1361445

OP is a homogaf.


I'm typing this while I poop and I know where you reside motherfucker. Hide yo wife, hide yo kids cuz imma be rapin everyone up there.

>> No.1361446

>op is a homo(gaf?)

No shit.

>> No.1361454


protip: look at the second root backwards to solve the riddle!

>> No.1361457


Clever. Yes, yes he is.

>> No.1361503

Just posting my link again now that I've updated my address. Must have missed it. Sorry.