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/lit/ - Literature

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13578182 No.13578182 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do when a book that you desire is not available in proper format? Yesterday I wanted to purchase a certain book that was only being sold as paperback; since I am not a peasant I bought a book of second-choice that was in presentable form. There must be better workarounds. I could enclose a poor man softcover in a custom hardcover, but that feels like deceptive forgery. Second hand books are sometimes an option, but it takes luck to find a an attractive copy worthy of your library. Besides these options and not buying at all, what are my alternatives?

>> No.13578536

Nobody ever visits your house anyway, why do you care about how your library looks?

>> No.13578706

First of all, unlike you, I tend to have visitors in my abode so now and then. Secondly, just me looking at my books is strong reason for possessing book collection with aesthetics. Thirdly, I do not live in a pig sty.

>> No.13578724

>First of all, unlike you, I tend to have visitors in my abode so now and then.
I don't believe you.
You're just as much a worthless loser as I am.

>Secondly, just me looking at my books is strong reason for possessing book collection with aesthetics
Do you even read them?

>Thirdly, I do not live in a pig sty
Nor do I.
Libgen and the Kobo app on my phone help a lot with that (as well as several other aspects of my life).

>> No.13578798

>I don't believe you.
>You're just as much a worthless loser as I am.
Interesting, what makes you think that?
>Do you even read them?
Yes, I read all my books. It helps to not order more than your reading can keep up with.
>Nor do I.
Outstanding. You may not be such a "worthless loser" as you yourself asserted above. You could be posting on /b/ right now or reading one of the porn sections of 4chan; think about it, anon, you have more in life than you think.

>> No.13578828

>Interesting, what makes you think that?
Look where we are.

>Yes, I read all my books. It helps to not order more than your reading can keep up with.
So reading them is just an afterthought, and you just get them because they look cool. Interesting.
>Outstanding. You may not be such a "worthless loser" as you yourself asserted above. You could be posting on /b/ right now or reading one of the porn sections of 4chan; think about it, anon, you have more in life than you think.
Nah, that's just my mother's merit.
Without her cleaning the house and taking care of my bodily functions I'd be straight up dead of starvation and weird infections all over my body.
I mean, I thought that went without saying.

>> No.13578858

>Look where we are.
>So reading them is just an afterthought
I never said that nor anything resembling that.
>and you just get them because they look cool.
Among other reasons, yes.
>Nah, that's just my mother's merit.
Ok, I concede on this point: you are a worthless loser.

>> No.13578878

>you are a worthless loser.
My job here is done.
Enjoy this last bump while I disappear in my cloud of BO and sadness.
Godspeed my good-looking-library-owning friend.

>> No.13579072

Root around. If you’re willing to spend it’ll be online, on eBay or Etsy if not amazon (or other rare booksellers). I’m quite lucky, my town has 7 locally-owned booksellers, some who can do special orders. 5 are used, 3 carry rarer books. I love my city.

Also, custom binding isn’t false, it’s awesome and displays your investment in what you love. It creates a unique artifact.

>> No.13579164

Last year I had a cool workshop at uni on how to make books, it was really interesting and actually not that hard, maybe you could look into that, anon.

>> No.13579232

You could get the eBook version and get it printed the way you like, or bind it yourself like >>13579164 said.
This way it would be even more special.

>> No.13579388

You talk like a fag and your shit is fucked.

>> No.13579446

Oh boy another one of these threads, don’t forget to sage

>> No.13579889
File: 472 KB, 976x1200, TEAMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, since I have eclectic tastes, there are often books I want that are simply not available in hard cover at all (or the cost of the hardcover is outrageous). So I can lose the benefit and pleasure of reading them out of snobbish prejudice, or buy the book as available and read the damn thing. I usually do the latter.