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13576552 No.13576552 [Reply] [Original]

why would anyone listen to an incel philosopher?
his entire worldview on women is directly shaped by his bitterness and frustration of not getting sex, while claiming that caring about sex or the pursuit of women is inferior, because it supposedly distracts you from higher endeavours
matter of fact is, the only men who can think straight are the ones who get guaranteed sex often.
schopenhauer argued to not care about sex, ironically his lack of sex made him obsessed about women and sex. just in the form of hating them.
why would you listen to a philosopher who was that unself-aware and a complete slave to his insecurities?

>> No.13576567

>He had an on and off relationship with a young dancer Caroline Richter (she also used surname Medon after one of her ex-lovers).[125] They met when he was 33 and she was 19 and working at the Berlin Opera. She had already had numerous lovers and a son out-of-wedlock, and later gave birth to another son, this time to an unnamed foreign diplomat.

He was fucking a roastie thot.

>> No.13576572

So he isn't just a hypocrite but he was also desperate enough to fuck the easiest demographic to pull. Teen girls.

>> No.13576576

>his entire worldview on women is directly shaped by his bitterness and frustration of not getting sex

He had plenty of sex. His problem was that his oneitis would not love him.

>> No.13576580

>the only men who can think straight are the ones who get guaranteed sex often.
You're a certified retard if you believe this.

>> No.13576582

No really. He would fuck any type of woman, including servants, and begat a few bastards.

His personal issue wasn't a lack of sex but love.

>> No.13576642

what fucking place do you live in that teen girls are easy to pull? as a 16-19 year old teen i was tryharding my nuts off to get a gf to get laid by a teen girl and lose my virginity to a nice young grill since id want to lose my virginity with an inexperienced or at least barely experienced girl because that would be cute and wholesome and romantic and yet im still a virgin in my starting twenties

>> No.13576659

Didn’t lose my virginity til I was 20, with a 22 year old. Meanwhile I’ve never met a guy who has taken only one virginity.

>> No.13576683

It's not about "where". Teen girls are easily attracted to older guys. That's why saying you had a hard time getting laid as a 16-19 y/o is dumb, because it doesn't matter. I'm 23 and 18 year old guys look very inexperienced and clueless to me, so yeah no wonder 18 year old girls are more attracted to an older dude. If you recently got into your twenties maybe you will experience it too. I literally had 2 teen girls hitting on me at a train station this year and those aren't all of my examples. I'm not into girls that young anymore but it has been eye opening.

>> No.13576684

>push her down some stairs
My sides have transcended space-time

>> No.13576728

Look at his entire website (if not the entire internet) then prove OP wrong.

>> No.13576735

That feel when you have no idea what you are doing, have taken zero vrginities and you are 28

>> No.13577227

I think where is the right question. In a middle class or wealthy place where everything is well ordered, where are teens going to even do it? In low class areas where the girls are from dysfunctional and unsupervised situations, they often will offer it before you even talk about much else.

>> No.13577448

Actually, lots of middle class girls are also major sluts, and so it depends on whether they live in apartments or single family houses, whether their parents travel a lot, and whether they're willing to have sex in bathroom stalls, because I know some middle class girls who genuinely see nothing wrong with it after having 2-3 drinks and becoming horny

>> No.13577478

his misogyny was because of his poor relationship with his mother

>> No.13577518

i guess pimps and sex traffickers have nothing but love for women ROFL

>> No.13577730

schopenhauer more like shopenJUSTuer!

>> No.13578841

Lol, you are a naïve idiot, not even kidding. Socio economic status will not influence whatsoever if teen girls might end up having sex with an older guy, fuck you are a sheltered sperg.

>> No.13578854
File: 542 KB, 960x720, 1564858057573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every. Single. Poster. In. This. Thread. Is. An. Incel.

>> No.13578887

What's wrong with fucking in a bathroom? Sometimes you want to fuck without leaving the club and coming back

>> No.13578946

Anyone got more pics like in the op?

>> No.13578948


Premarital sex should be punishable by death

>> No.13579350

have sex incel

>> No.13579371

OP btfo, eat shit forever dingdong

>> No.13579384

Can I just ask: what the FUCK is the obsession with someone getting laid and having opinions.

Someone who has no time had sex can have the same opinion as someone who has. The act of getting laid is meaningless.

A real emotional (romantic) relationship is significant because it means something more than casual sex :3

>> No.13579407
File: 68 KB, 668x874, 425CCA9B-B9E1-4FFB-8397-17308BA824D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say misanthropy
And hypocrisy

This attitude should be punishable

>> No.13579411

Here comes the worlds most deluded person ever. Increasingly it has become apparent, that indeed.. no one respects you simply because you are a woman. It has been that way since you started posting

>> No.13579467


>> No.13579494

You need the dissenting voice.
You are deluded

>> No.13579498

>Early 20s
>Can't even pull hormonal 18 year old
Yikes, you must have the trifecta of being both fat, deformed and autistic.

>> No.13579536
File: 148 KB, 880x602, 136-1367104_post-apu-happy-4chan-clipart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you do an AMA? I like your comments